When the bottle stopped spinning, it was pointing at Ezor. You had a crush on the female hybrid, but you were far too shy to confess your feelings for her. Ezor looked at you with excitement and playfully winked, causing you to blush. Blaytz and Matt said something to you, but you didn't quite hear what they said. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Matt gently nudged your side.
"Come on, Y/n." Ezor spoke in a cheerful tone as she stood up and offered you one of her hands.
"What? O-oh, yeah." You sputtered as you took her hand and let her help you up off of the floor.
"Don't have too much fun in there~." Matt called out teasingly as you and Ezor walked over to the closet.
Your blush darkened after what Matt said, even though he was just playfully teasing you; Matt was one of the few people who knew about your crush on Ezor. You were really looking forward to being alone in a dark closet with your crush, even though it made you nervous as hell. After you and Ezor walked onto the closet and closed the door, Sendak set your timer for seven minutes. Your heart began racing in your chest as soon as you closed the closet door behind you. Ezor, who was standing right in front of you, could smell how excited you were.
"So, whatcha wanna do now that we're alone?" Ezor queried in a fake curious tone; she had a feeling that she knew what you wanted to do, but she wanted you to say it first.
"I want- I mean- U-umm…" You stuttered nervously, unable to form an actual sentence.
"Y/n, is there something that you want to tell me?" Ezor questioned with a calm, concerned voice, wondering if you were alright.
"There is, but I'm afraid that it'll ruin our friendship. Ezor, I- I really like you as more than a friend. I know that you probably don't feel the same way, bu- mmmhpph!" You answered in a quiet voice, speaking quickly until you felt a pair of soft lips suddenly pressed against yours; your eyes fell shut when Ezor kissed you.
As soon as you admitted your feelings for her, Ezor placed her hands on either side of your face, closed her eyes and kissed you mid-sentence. She really liked you, but she wasn't sure if you liked her in the same way or not. You let out a nearly silent moan as you melted into the kiss, your whole body feeling hot and tingly all of a sudden; you placed your hands on her shoulders so that you wouldn't accidentally fall over. Your lips moved with hers as she deepened the kiss, licking your bottom lip before lightly nibbling on it. Kissing you felt really good, but unfortunately you both needed a breather.
"I do feel the same way, Y/n. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but will you be my girlfriend?" Ezor queried in her usually bubbly voice, already knowing the answer.
"Of course I will! I've wanted to tell you how much I like you for so long now." You answered with excitement before shyly admitting how you were too shy to tell her how you felt.
Ezor felt like she was on the top of the world when you said yes; it was like a dream come true. Both of you felt as though you had butterflies fluttering around in your stomachs as she kissed you again. This time, the kiss was more passionate and you let her slip her tongue inside of your mouth. Your heart pounded in your chest as Ezor passionately French kissed you, caressing your tongue with her own. Unfortunately, right as she reached down with her right hand to palm one of your breasts the door flew open, revealing Hepta who was blushing when he saw the position you and Ezor were in.
"Your time is up." Hepta muttered under his breath before turning around and walking back to where everyone else was sitting.
You and Ezor stopped kissing each other, both of you wearing matching blushes on your faces. You held one of your girlfriend's hands with one of yours before the two of you came out of the closet together. As the two of you sat down together on the floor, Ezor leaned down and kissed your forehead. You were smiling like a fool as she lightly kissed your forehead, happy that you finally told her that you liked her. Ezor was just as happy as you were; you were her girlfriend and that was something she had wanted for a long time.
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