• Keith X Lance •
For NonBinaryBaguette ٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶~♡
Hope it's okaaaay
5 - Keith X Lance - A Hint Of Jealousy.
"I have called you all today for a very important issue which needs to be addressed. " Pidge whispered as she sat at the head of the table, making her look like a Mafia boss. She had a grave expression on her face.
There was silence. Until Hunk looked around confused.
"Uh Pidge, we're not all here?"
"Exactly!" The green paladin burst out. "Very good hunk." She pushed her glasses up her nose. They glinted in the dim lighting.
"I have a....proposition of sorts." She started and leaned in close.
"Pidge is this really necess-" Allura cut in, wondering what was so important.
"HUSSSSSSHHHHHH Allura!" Pidge whispered, placing her hand over Allura's mouth.
"The reason we are all here is because of...SHEITH!" She shrieked, her glasses almost falling off her face.
There was a loud gasp from Coran in the corner, and a dramatic fall from Hunk as he pretended to faint.
"I'm sorry I don't actually know what that is." Hunk pointed out, getting up and sitting back down.
"Sheith is the exact reason why Shiro and Keith are not here for this secret meeting we are in right. This. Second. Tell me Lance, have you noticed them 'hanging out' a bit more recently?" The girl pressed, turning to Lance.
Everyone else also turned to him who, surprisingly had been quiet the whole time.
"Ugh I dunno. Probably." He shrugged, not really seeming interested in all this.
"Now that you mention it, Pidge," Allura started as everyone- excluding Lance- turned to her now.
"It has been more noticeable lately. We all know Keith has always been close to him, even before you all became paladins- but now more then ever, they do seem to be...closer. You don't think they-"
"No way." Lance then butted in, cutting Allura off. He for some reason sounded desperate. Lances sudden enthusiasm in the conversation struck Pidge as 'suspicious'.
"I-I mean...mullet with Shiro?! Pftt. No way." He laughed out, but it was obviously forced.
After that, Pidge closed the meeting and everyone went back to their rooms.
It had been two days since Pidge had called the meeting, and to be honest- everyone was getting worried and tension between the paladins was rising.
Just this morning Keith had an argument with Lance. It wasn't one of the petty ones either. It was intense- Hunk had to break it up by literally pulling them apart from each other.
No one really knew what it was about either, the paladins, aside from red and blue, were just walking into the ships control room when they found the two boys lashing it out at each other.
It all ended with Keith walking away, the biggest scowl on his face- and Lance rolling his eyes as he too walked away.
But that was then. Now it was night. (Well probably. I mean, they're in space sooo)
The faint blue glow from the lights barely lit the ships dark hallways.
"Lance, why are you up?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Fair play. I need to stay up so I'm just taking a quick walk around- can't fall asleep with my project half done." Pidge yawned sleepily as she leaned against the wall.
"What about you."
She turned to Lance who was staring at the ground, debating whether to tell the green paladin.
"This whole thing. About Keith and Shiro...don't you think it's kind of...ugh I don't know Pidge." The blue eyed paladin sighed.
"Creating unnecessary tension- yes. Breaking our team bond- hmmm. Depends." She shrugged, stuffing her hands into her pockets. Lance raised his eyebrows and and quickly placed his hands over the girls mouth.
"Pidge...you hear that?" He whispered softly to her.
She took his hand off her mouth and leaned forward a bit, trying to hear what Lance had. She listened for a bit, but couldn't hear anything.
"Nope. Hey, maybe your just-"
A sudden, and loud, shout erupted through the hallways. Whoever it was, sounded in pain.
Both Paladins turned to each other and with wide eyes shouted, "SHIRO!"
"His room isn't too far from here, come on." Pidge hurried as they both ran to where his room was.
They were outside the room and just as Lance was about to bust in- Pidge stopped him.
"Lance wait... I think someone's already in there with him."
Lance didn't need to be told- he already knew.
With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he growled in a low voice. "Keith."
From inside the room, low 'shushes' were audible.
"Hey, it's okay. Just a nightmare. I get them too...it's fine."
Keith's voice sounded calm and soothing. Not like it usually did.
"How did he get there so fast- we were literally around the corner, and Keith's room is further away then that??!" Pidge exclaimed with her hand to her chin, trying to figure it out.
"Oh so that's how it is." Lance spat. "Pidge. This requires no logic at all. I know it, you know it and so does the rest of the team. Shiro's been fucking mullet. Of course. Yep. Well. Lets leave them to it." Lance, now fuming, grabbed Pidge. "HOPE YOU HAVE FUN IN THERE." He shouted while banging his fists against the door.
Tears were streaming down the Cuban boys face as he ran. Rationality wasn't even a part of it as Lance grabbed his space suit and went out into space onto the top of the ship.
If Allura or anyone had been there, they would've told him it was extremely dangerous to do such a thing, but in the spur of the moment he didn't care.
He looked up into the darkness of space. Unlike earth, the atmosphere was completely black. No stars or the comforting light from the moon. Just darkness.
He was up there for what felt like vargas watching space.
"So. You gonna explain what that was back there or what?"
Lance frowned and sat up at the sound of someone's annoyed voice.
"Oh I'm sorry. I don't have a clue what you're talking about." The blue paladin spoke sarcastically and rolled his eyes as he turned away.
"Look Keith. Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend or something."
"Uhm, WHAT?!" The dark haired boy laughed out as he stood in front of a pouting Lance.
"Shiro? Are you serious?!"
Lances confusion was growing by the tick. He placed his hands onto his hips and looked Keith right in the eyes.
"Yes, Keith. I'm extremely serious right now. Me and everyone else know what's been going on between you and Shiro, so you don't need to hide it anymore."
"Lance- that- no no no. That's not...oh my god." The shorter boy sighed and placed his head into his hands. "Me and Shiro- what you heard just now. Lance, ever since he's returned he's been getting horrible nightmares. He's- He's scared Lance. When he closes his eyes, he says he's back in that galran arena. He's the champion again. I was just there to tell him that he's just Shiro. A paladin of Voltron just like the rest of us."
For a moment, everything was as silent as space itself.
"Lance...I would never with Shiro." Keith's voice lowered. "There would always be something stopping me after all."
Lance, was still staring into Keith's eyes when through his space helmet- he noticed the bright blush suddenly creep onto his face.
"Something that I've never felt for anyone before...Lance I..... think I really really," He nervously laughed out. "Like you."
Lance finally understood. He felt so stupid for actually thinking something would be going on. Jealousy took a hold of him- and he just lashed out. Shiro was such a great guy, and deep down Lance knew he would never do something like that without telling the team.
"And everyone else better back the quiznak off now, or they'll have Lance to deal with." The Cuban boy whispered as he pulled Keith in for a hug.
"Of course."
"Sooooo have you guys quiznaked yeeet?" Pidge pushed with a grin on her face as she winked at red and blue.
"LITTLE GREMLIN I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." Lance shouted, flustered at the girls words. Meanwhile, Allura stood behind Pidge, her hands folded. A disappointed mom look on her face.
"Ahh y'know. Have you or haven't you made purple yet? WHEN DOES THE BEEFY KEEF WITH EXTRA SPICY LATINO SAUCE COME ON SAALLEEE." She screamed as Allura dragged her away, disappointed.
Ahahaha this was fun to right. Sorry if it's tooo long ლಠ益ಠ)ლ
- If there are any mistakes just let me knoowwww
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