• Keith X Lance •
2 - Keith X Lance - Need to move on.
Lance, Pidge and Hunk as well as Allura and Coran watched stunned as Keith left the room, the door closing behind him.
There was an awkward silence where everyone just looked around at each other confused.
"Lance!" Allura sternly said as she turned to the guilty looking blue paladin. "Go apologise to him. You know how he feels about all this."
"What did I do?! Ugh fine." Lance sighed loudly as he got up and went after Keith.
Lance slowly walked down the castles corridors, his hands were stuffed into his pockets as he muttered something about 'mullets'.
"I mean, it's not like its his fault that Shiros gone. And it's not just Keith that misses him. We all do."
He stood outside the red paladins door looking at it tiredly. Sighing, he brought his hand up to the door and knocked once, no reply.
"Keeeith you in there?"
After about a million times of knocking Keith finally opened the door.
From what Lance could see, it was dark inside.
"Woah, is the emo loner Mr emotionless guy showing emotion?" Lance laughed out as he looked at Keith, who had his arm covering his face as he stood in the doorway.
It was obvious he had been crying and didn't want to show it, yet Lance seemed to be oblivious to that.
With a muffled voice, Keith snapped. "Shut up."
"I'm just saying. Anyways, Allura wanted me to come here to apologise."
"And have you?" Keith whispered, his face still buried into the crook of his arm.
"Errrrr, yes?"
To Lance's surprise, the door was suddenly slammed shut in his face. He took a step back and sighed. "Stupid mullet."
It was late. Allura had gone to sleep, Coran was-no one really knew where Coran ever was at night- Pidge was in their room, probably staying up working on some weird math stuff and then there were Lance and Hunk.
"Hunk come on, you wanted a ~late snack~ soo lets gooo." Lance loudly whispered as he dragged a petrified looking Hunk down the Altean ships corridors towards the kitchen.
"La-Lance but what if, when we're in the kitchen making some godly food then suddenly out of nowhere, the Galra attack and Allura is all like 'Paladins, quickly all to your lions'." Hunk shivered as he tried to impersonate Allura, but was shaking so much- it sounded like Coran with a cold.
"Then we get to our lions and BAM! Pretend nothing everr happened." Lance reassured his friend as he pushed him forward.
They were just passing yet another corridor, when Lance stopped in his tracks causing Hunk to freak out.
"Shhhh no Galra. Go on ahead. I just need to see something." Lance exclaimed as he truned on his heels and ran in the direction of Keith's room, leaving a confused Hunk.
As he approached the room, he could see the door was slightly agar, meaning he could sneak in without Keith knowing. Hopefully.
Like that one spy movie, Lance crawled along the floor till he got to the side of Keith's bed.
Being careful not to breathe too loud or move too quick, he slowly moved to a crouching position on the floor so he a view of the bed.
He saw that underneath a blanket was the lump of a body. It was shaking slightly and quiet sniffs were lightly coming from under there.
"Crying?" Lance quietly whispered as he furrowed his brows, unsure why Keith would be crying. He never cried.
Just then, the blanket moved and Keith sat up, rubbing his red eyes. He looked down onto the floor to see Lance sitting there, laughing awkwardly as he placed his hands behind his neck.
"Keeeeith buddy. How's it going?"
All in all, this didn't really phase Keith. He probably thought Lance had just come in here to prank him or try to badly say sorry for what he said that morning- so he simply just glared at him.
"Just leave okay. I won't accept your half-assed apologies so get out!" Keith stood up and walked to the door and opened it, gesturing for Lance to leave.
Only from the light of the corridors, was Lance able to make out the puffy eyes and red nose. Keith had been crying.
Getting up off the floor, Lance moved to sit on the end of Keith's bed.
"Hey man, Seriously. What's up." Lance asked in a quiet voice. To be a hundred percent honest, he had expected Keith to reject him and tell him to leave while saying nothing was the matter. However, it shocked him when Keith sighed loudly closing the door and went to sit next to Lance on the bed.
There was a moments silence where both the paladins stared at the floor, unsure what to say.
"Ever since Shiro disappeared..." Keith began and as soon as he did, Lance knew exactly where it was going. "Nothings been the same. I mean, sure we haven't changed as a team-much- but mentally. For me, its been difficult." The dark haired boy pushed himself up more onto the bed and sat with his knees up to his chest. "Shiro he...ugh...Inspired me so much and kept me going, you know."
"Did you...like Shiro?" Lance questioned.
"What do you mean 'like'? Everyone liked him, no?" Keith raised an eyebrow at Lance.
"Not in a friend kinda way. Like as in-"
"Nonono. I couldn't. Its just-ugh I don't know Lance." The last part of Keith's sentence was muffled as he buried his head into his lap, sighing loudly again.
Meanwhile, Lance was shuffling his feet against the floor, generally focusing for once and wondering what to do next. His next move was important- he knew that.
Slowly Lance moved over to the back of the bed next to Keith and wrapped his arms around the smaller males body, hugging him tightly.
"Shiro's no longer with us, but that doesn't mean we need to stop doing what we're doing already. We're looking for him, you know that. And...if we stop. Then it means they've won and we can't let the bad guys win, right? Keith. You have all of us. We're all sad, but need to look past it all. Shiro wants us to carry on, so please."
With even redder eyes then before, Keith lifted his head and turned his body slightly so that he could hug back. He put his arms around Lance's waist and buried his head into the side of Lance's neck.
"Thank you, Lance."
Thank you for reading ヘ(°◇、°)ノ and again, feel free to leave a request if you want me to write anything.
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