Langst (I guess?) Oneshot (Post s8)
Red was unresponsive. Of all the times to shut down on him, she chose now. Off to the side, Lance could see the Green and Yellow Lions in shambles, most likely due to Zarkon's latest arsenal of weapons. Keith was to his left, him and the Black Lion holding off a fleet of Galra ships. Blue and Allura were to Lance's right, trying their hardest to slow Zarkon's movements with beams of ice.
'C'mon girl, work with me here.' You could practically hear the desperation in his voice. 'I need to help! I can't do anything if we're just sitting here!'
All too suddenly, Zarkon himself was firing off an energy beam from a fighter that seemed like a Galran replica of Voltron. Allura and Blue were right in its path of destruction, and Lance tried flipping every switch and pressing every button on his console. Nothing seemed to work, and he could only watch helplessly as Blue took the hit and spiralled away from him. Lance knew that Allura couldn't have survived that blast, but he ejected himself out of Red and went over to the other Lion anyways. Blue was unresponsive as well, so Lance got in between a gap in Blue's jaws. Arriving in the cockpit, he immediately noticed the absence of the white-haired princess in the seat. 'No no no. This isn't happening. This wasn't supposed to end like this!'
Lance's markings flickered at an alarming pace. Another nightmare. Lance had gotten used to them by now. It didn't make it any less difficult though. Every night, he would see a different way she died. Zarkon, Lotor, Sendak, Honerva, betrayal, his own hands even (he cried for 3 days straight after that one). Every night was the same outcome: Allura still ended up dead, and Lance still cried, even 4 months after she saved the world.
He looked over to the alarm clock beside his bed. 4:37 A.M. 'Might as well get up,' he thought to himself. Throwing on a blue flannel with a white undershirt and jeans, he walked downstairs to the kitchen sluggishly. The house was still quiet, but soon in about 20 minutes the rest of the household would start to get up and go about their day. Looking out the sink window, all Lance could see was the magenta pigment of an entire field of juniberry flowers. They served as a reminder of everything he left behind. He hadn't talked to his friends in months, keeping himself in solitude on his family's farm. Really the only other person, besides his family, that he talked to was Coran.
Everyone was off, finally fulfilling dreams. Yet here Lance was, living a life the opposite of what he had wanted when he was younger. He had wanted bold, daring adventures, not sitting on a farm. He loves his family, but this was never what he wanted to be. He wanted to amount to something more than just 'a former paladin of Voltron'. He wanted to be Lance, known for something he did himself. But whenever he tried, all he could see was Allura's face. That is what has kept him here. He couldn't just leave everything she stood for behind.
"I need to live my own life," Lance mumbled softly. He ended up leaving a note for his family on the table in the kitchen for when they woke up, and took a few essentials that he thought he needed. He didn't know where he was going, or when he would be back. All he knew, was that he needed to find himself again. And nothing should tie him down anymore.
Mi familia,
I love all of you so so much. When I was gone, I could never stop thinking about you and hoping that you were okay and wanting to come home to a peaceful Earth. And once we got that, everything felt real again. The people we lost, the sacrifices we all made.....
I'm leaving. I want to find who I am again. I don't know how long I'll be gone, so I hope you'll take care of everything. I promise that once I come back I'll be me again, but that'll take some time.
I love you all, and I miss you already. But I have some catching up to do with some people. I will try to write to tell you how I'm doing. Take care.
Much love,
Ok, so I finally have gotten inspiration to write again! Let me know in the comments if you have any requests!
Also, I've gotten a bit rusty with writing so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
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