steampunk voltron au continued
Steampunk voltron/klance au part 2!! Enjoy!
Lance slipped his scuffed brown hide cap on his head, staring up at the dark castle overhead.
"Everyone ready?" Pidge whispered. The small group stood at the edge of the forest, where Lance had lead the escapees only a week prior. He shivered.
"I've been ready." Keith said, his goggles on his head. He cracked his gloved knuckles. Lance blushed.
It was midnight, the perfect time to sneak in. The group had spent the day planning last minute decisions and getting ready.
"Let's go then." Shiro said. They all turned to Lance, who gulped and nodded. He slowly crept towards the back of the castle.
Guards were posted outside the exterior of the castle, the security had increased since Lance's last visit. Luckily, he had planned for that.
"Come on." Lance said, before creeping behind the tall hedges of the expanded castle garden. Bright flowers brushed against Lance's skin as he snuck by patrolling guards.
The twinkling stars high in the sky watched the group sneak slowly and methodically through the maze of botanicals.
They finally reached the stables, and Lance hadn't realized he had been holding his breathe. He silently lead his new friends through the hay and dung infested areas.
Keith tried to stay quiet as Lance lead them into what seemed to be a kitchen of some sort. He crept through the dark like a cat, nimble and agile. Quick on the balls of his feet.
Keith admired his skill, and the determination in his bright blue eyes made Keith's heart skip a beat.
"Shhh." Lance said as he lead them down a darkened corridor. They stayed on the velvet carpet, their leather soled boots padding quietly.
The corridor was bordered by stone walls, cold and dull gray. Majestic tapestries, with frayed gold linings, of the family bloodline stretched far, the ugly Galrans glaring at Keith. He glared back.
The ceiling was so vaulted and high, Keith couldn't imagine how loud the echo would be. Definitely a give away.
Lance led them through twisting corridors, stopping now and then in marble floored storage rooms, or weapon rooms, to hide from sluggish soldiers making their midnight rounds.
Lance finally came to a halt at a large, heavy looking iron door. The door to the prisoner's chambers.
"Oh shoot," Lance said. " I'm sorry guys, I forgot. This door needs a key... " Defeat drowned the gleam in his eyes.
"Way ahead of you, paper boy." Pidge smirked. She pulled a glinting metal clip from her hair, thin and wired, before stepping up to the door.
Lance grinned as she peered into the keyhole and began digging away at the lock. It wasn't long before the heavy door creaked and groaned open.
They snuck in, quietly heading down the twisting stone staircase into the chilled dungeon.
"This is it." Lance said, already feeling the ice cold memories.
" Thanks Lance. We'll take it from here. " Pidge said, giving him a warm smile.
"Thanks man." Hunk said, gripping Lance's shoulder. Him and Pidge started creeping farther into the chamber.
" Stay safe out there you two, " Shiro said, giving both boys a reassuring grin. "Good luck." He nodded.
"You too." The boys said in unison, before watching Shiro leave too.
"Lance, you okay?" Keith asked. He had noticed Lance's depressed look when they first entered the chamber.
Lance smiled nervously. "Uh- yeah, I'm fine. Just, cold." He lied through his teeth, glancing at Keith.
Keith stepped closer to him. "It's okay, this time you are safe and so is your family." Keith said, knowing Lance was having fearful memories of his capture with his family.
Lance looked at his feet. "How do you know?"
Keith smiled at Lance's vulnerability. "I won't let anything hurt you, okay?"
Lance looked at him. "...okay."
" Come on. " Keith said, holding out a hand.
Lance smiled and took it, before letting Keith lead him back upstairs.
The travel to Zarkon's West Wing was long, and the boys spent it well.
Lance led Keith tediously through back ways and hidden passages, talking to him about everything and nothing. His fears and insecurities, how he didn't feel like he could protect his family, or provide for them.
Keith didn't know how to cheer Lance up.
He had never known how to comfort someone.
He decided letting Lance in on his own feelings might help though.
"There's something about you Lance," Keith said. " I don't know how to explain it. Just makes me feel so... happy? And warm. Like summer. "
Lance raised an eyebrow as Keith continued. "I'm not sure how to help you with your family, though I want to. But, I think you're great... and I'm sure they agree. In my eyes, I dunno. I haven't known you long but..."
" I think you're perfect. "
Lance stopped walking. He turned to Keith. The guy was joking right?
Keith's cheeks were pink. "Sorry. I didn't m-mean to say that." He blurted out, eyes wide. " I mean, you're really cool. And you impress me. Time and time again. I don't know if that makes you feel better. Your family is probably proud of you-"
Keith's words stopped abruptly as Lance's lips covered his. They were warm and soft, pressed hard against Keith's chapped ones. Pressured bliss caused Keith's eyebrows to rise every so slightly as he smiled into the kiss.
Lance pulled away to see Keith's surprised expression. "Oh, I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize." Keith laughed. " I liked it. "
Lance grinned. "Oh cool." He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "So did I."
" We have a shitty way of communicating. " Keith said, smirking.
Lance laughed. "Yeah, for sure." He stepped closer. "But I'm not complaining." He let his hand rest on Keith's hip, leaning in ever so slightly.
Keith blushed. "Neither am I..."
"Halt!" A broad, hoarse voice called out. The boys flew apart to look and see four soldiers pointing at them.
" Ah, fuck. " Keith said, before Lance grabbed his hand and started running. The boys dashed up a nearby staircase, hearing the pounding footsteps of the men behind them, armor clanging and bustling.
Lance ran down another corridor, slipping on the long royal carpet as he turned down another flight of stone steps. Keith wasn't far behind.
They leaped the last few steps and flew down an unfamiliar hallway, before hiding in a deserted laundry room, musty rugs and rags hanging on a clothesline that ran out the open window. Lance watched Keith's hair blow in the cool night air as the flushed boys bounded into a hiding spot, close together. They hid under the washing table, holding each other close, their warm breathe on each other's faces.
They waited in silence, letting their hearts slow down and listening for the soldiers.
Keith counted the minutes. One...two....
He glanced at Lance. "I think we're good."
Lance nodded. Keith started to move out from under the table, but Lance grabbed him back.
"Wait, can we just...slow down?"
Keith raised an eyebrow, but sat back down next to Lance.
"What do you mean?"
" I don't know. Just... a lot happened? You're right, our communication skills are terrible. "
"Oh, heh yeah."
" What did you mean back there? "
Keith blushed and shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. This night has got my nerves so...ruined. I wanted to comfort you Lance, you're so worried about pleasing your family... So.. I guess in some way I thought letting you know you make me so happy would help? I don't know..."
" Thanks. That's nice of you. "
"Yeah." Keith turned to Lance. " But I'm serious. You're a wonderful person. Your family loves you no matter what I'm sure. "
Lance smiled at him. "Thank you Keith. I like you too."
Keith laughed. "So that's what you got from my speech..."
" Yepp. I'm perfect remember? " Lance teased.
Keith groaned. "We've only known each other a week."
" They were your words, not mine. "
"Yeah, yeah shush. I'm not trying to get caught again." Keith said, finally pulling himself out of the tight hiding spot. " Know where we are? "
He looked outside the open window to gaze at the expansive courtyard, with Roman inspired architecture appearing in the grand water fountain, and elegant little bird baths. It all looked serene, even at night when it was deserted and silent.
"Mmm," Lance said, cracking his back as he unfolded his lanky limbs from under the table. " Courtyard...extra laundry room... " he seemed to rack his brain for a moment.
"We're close. Come on." He turned on his heel, pulling his cap closer to his head. Keith smirked and followed.
They continued to sneak up two more staircases, creeping down a few more freezing cold corridors.
"Why is it so cold in here?" Lance whispered as they continued, hugging himself. " Its mid july... "
"I don't know." Keith shrugged. " Rumors that Zarkon is so cold blooded, so is his castle. " he said nonchalantly.
Lance chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised."
Then he turned to Keith. "So. What made you fancy me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
Keith blushed, laughing and shaking his head. "Don't do that."
" Awww, whyyy? " He whined.
"Cause. I don't know. Makes me feel weird."
Lance frowned. "Bad kind of weird?" He stepped closer, smirking. " Or good kind of weird? "
"God you're annoying."
" Answer then. "
"Good kind." Keith said quickly.
" Ahah, knew it! "
"Yeah, yeah."
" What about my other question? "
Keith sighed. You're killing me Lance.
"Your eyes. Your hair. Your agility and speed, that determined look in your eyes. Your love for your family... Your smile, and I don't know... You're a good kisser too." Keith was beet red now.
" Happy now? "
Lance was beaming. "Extremley."
Keith laughed, shaking his head.
Lance led them down once again, another corridor. Keith began to think they'd never reach Zarkon.
"And for your information, I really like you're hair too, and your goggles. I like your fingerless gloves, and how cool you look when you work. You're a great kisser, and I've kissed a lot of people. Plus, I like how good you look in your outfit." Lance said confidently.
Keith chuckled. "Hm. Good to know."
The moment was cut short though, because just then, another group of soldiers came bounding down the corridor, straight for the boys.
"Ahhh, crap. Not again." Lance said. The group was larger, about five men, all with red faces. From exhaustion or irritation, the boys couldn't tell.
Another group showed up behind the boys, blocking their only escape.
Keith and Lance stood back to back now, the corridor seeming to grow tighter as every second passed by.
"Who are you? How have you gained entry into the castle?" One soldier barked.
" Uhhh-" Lance started.
"Who cares?" Keith asked, spitting at the man. And before anyone could say a word, Keith had entered the group, slipping his twin knives from his weapon case and slashing.
The soldiers jumped back in alarm before all hell broke loose. Swords were drawn, Keith was a blur of red and black, slashing at any vulnerable flesh he could find, fiercely trying to get them out of this situation. Lance couldn't stand by and watch, and quickly pulled out his pistol.
He liked to consider himself a sharpshooter, and quickly shot a good amount of limbs.
These must be the only soldiers on duty left after the distraction in the chambers... Lance thought hopefully.
Him and Keith were doing well, having already injured five soldiers with knife wounds and bullets in the legs and arms.
Keith had been slashed against his right cheek though, and Lance had been rammed against the head with a sword hilt. Keith's blood dripped onto his already red vest, while Lance's eye began to turn purple.
They continued fighting though, and when Lance ran out of bullets, he used his legs. He had a lot of power behind his kicks.
The fight ended with more cuts and bruises, but the boys in turn won. The soldiers limping and trying to collect their bearings, while wondering who these attackers were.
Lance and Keith continued up the final staircase.
"This is it." Lance said as they climbed the steps. "I swear. After this, he should be at the end of the hall."
" Are you sure? " Keith asked, wiping blood from his bruised nose. "How did you ever make it up here?"
" I didn't. I've gotten far enough to hear though. I know this is it. Trust me. "
Keith smiled at him. "I do."
The boys finally crept down the final corridor, one with no tapestries or paintings. Not even a single vase on a dresser, or carpet. Nothing. Just an empty dark, stone cold hall.
A Galran guard stood at the end of the hall, outside a heavy looking door with a golden doorknob.
He stared at Keith and Lance before frowning and starting towards them. He was huge, at least 6'5, and probably around 300 pounds. Lance gulped.
"I'll hold him off." Lance said quickly. " Go get Zarkon. Hurry. "
"What??" Keith sputtered. " He's huge Lance, you can't -"
Lance stared at him, that distant determination slowly fading. "You said you trusted me." His voice was sad.
Keith's voice faltered. "I-i."
" Go Keith. Now! "
Keith didn't know what caused his feet to move, but he was running. Past the guard, who started moving after him, feet pounding into the stone. Keith burst into Zarkon's room, hearing a distant muffle as Lance attacked the guard. The door closed slowly.
Keith looked around, his heart beat insanely fast. He gripped his knives as he took in the plain room. A single vacant bed, bare stone floor, and a crystal iced chandelier. The room was gigantic though, for its lack of decoration.
It was freezing too. Keith felt his teeth chatter as he searched for his target.
"Looking for me?"
The voice was dull and dripping with malice, coming from the tiny desk in the opposite corner of the room. Keith felt the fire erupt in his eyes at the familiar voice.
"Yes. I am." He stalked towards his prey.
"Who are you? A young man I see... What is your motive?"
"You killed my parents. My innocent parents."
Zarkon laughed as he stood to his full height. He was big, twice Keith's size, with seemingly yellow eyes. Everything about him was evil. His nails grew like claws, and his teeth were jaws. He was a monster.
"Ah, yes. See the problem is I don't remember. I've taken a ton of useless lives."
Keith felt rage seeping from his broken heart. "They weren't useless!"
" Heh, if they weren't wouldn't they be here? " Zarkon stepped closer. "Or are they gone because of you?"
" What-"
"You couldn't save them Keith."
Keith's anger seethed. "I-"
"It's fine, there's many children who deserve it. Useless ones like you."
Keith felt himself retreat into his dark memories. His terrible childhood.
As his eyes saddened, he couldn't see Zarkon pull out the sword.
Ten year old Keith walking in on his parents murdered bodies. Uncovering the King's seal, branded on his father's forehead. The years of suffering and tears he had endured, trying to get over their deaths.
Maybe, he did deserve it.
Maybe it was his fault.
Maybe Zarkon was right about that.
But he was wrong about everything else. Keith gripped his weapons as Zarkon swung his.
Keith's parents weren't useless.
And neither was he.
He ducked under Zarkon's sword, sliding on his knees before quickly turning and slicing Zarkon's leg. The King cried out in pain, anger splashing his cold eyes.
"I've waited so long for this moment." Keith said. " I've trained for years. To kill you. "
"Do you really believe you can kill me??" Zarkon spat. " Your great king! The greatest ever! "
"I've gotten this far haven't I?" Keith slashed again, this time at Zarkon's chest, gashing his silk pajamas. "And you aren't my king."
" Oh yes I am. " Zarkon said, swinging his sword. The tip grazed Keith's left shoulder, causing him to cry out as the blade slipped through his leather armor, reaching skin.
"No, you're not." He said through gritted teeth.
"You're useless, just like them."
" I'm not useless. " Keith said, glaring. "And neither were my parents."
Zarkon laughed. "You annoy me. I'll end this now." And with that, he swung for Keith's head, quick and hard. Keith wasn't ready.
He barely ducked it, using his momentum and speed to roll forward, leaning into it. He stood up, using all of his strength to dig his knives into Zarkon's stomach.
The King cried out, as Keith dug his knives deeper into his flesh.
"You aren't my king." Stab.
"My parents aren't useless." Stab.
" I'm not useless. " Stab.
"And I'll end this." Stab.
Zarkon was bleeding fast, cold black liquid seeping onto Keith's knives as he snatched them back. He stood to his feet, watching the man wince and bleed beneath him.
Suddenly, the door burst open, and Keith turned to see Lance walk in. He was limping, and Keith spotted a large gash across the upper part of Lance's thigh, blood drenching his pants.
Keith quickly helped Lance to Zarkon's bed, seeing up close that the leg had been cut through to the bone.
"What the hell happened??" Keith demanded, panicking as blood poured.
" I- I didn't know he had a sword... " Lance said quietly as his eyes began to roll back into his head.
"You're losing too much blood, your leg is gonna need to be amputated...." Keith panicked. He was on his own.
He could see the guard outside, unconscious and limp on the cold ground. He glanced over to see the King gasp his final breaths.
"What am I gonna do..." Keith wondered. He would have to carry Lance all the way back to the shop on his own.
He could do it.
"I'm not useless." He said to himself, as he lifted Lance off the bed bridal style.
" I'm not useless. " he repeated, slowly going down staircase after staircase, corridor after corridor.
"I'm not useless." He found his way back to the laundry room, and the courtyard.
" I'm not useless. " He navigated his way outside, to the garden, and back out to the forest, exhausted.
"And neither are you." He said, kissing Lance on his forehead, before passing out on the grass.
Keith woke up to the refraction of Pidge's glasses hovering over his face. He slowly opened his eyes.
"He's awake!!" Pidge screeched. Then Hunk and Shiro came into Keith's view.
" Aw, man I was so worried. " Hunk said, grinning and squeezing Keith tightly.
"How are you feeling??" Shiro questioned, clearly concerned.
"I'm...sore." He said truthfully.
"Yeah, well. I had to stitch your arm up and your gash on your stomach. Your other bruises and cuts will heal soon with the ointment I put on them. You'll be fine, much better off than Lance I'd say." Pidge said.
" Lance! " Keith exclaimed, sitting up quickly. His stomach immediately erupted in pain. He yelped.
"Woah, slow it down." Shiro said. " She just stitched you up remember? "
Keith groaned. "Oh, right.." He looked around. He was in the basement of the shop, and there was a bed next to him. He couldn't see much of it, with everyone crowding around.
"How did you get beds...?" He asked quietly.
" Lance's family. " Hunk said. "They're really sweet."
" Is Lance ok?? " Keith asked. "His leg-"
"Yeah, he'll be fine. You passed out from exhaustion I suspect, but he passed out from blood loss. I had to amputate his leg and Shiro is working on a prosthetic. Your lucky we are so ahead of our time, " Pidge said. "Or he wouldn't have turned out so good."
They finally moved, and Keith could finally see Lance. He was asleep, with his now stub of a leg wrapped in bandaids.
"I had to stitch him up in a few places too, but he'll be fine once he gets the hang of the new leg. " Pidge said.
Keith smiled. "Thanks guys. Really, you're all incredible."
Pidge smiled at him. "You're welcome."
"We're incredible? You defeated Zarkon!!" Hunk exclaimed. " I think the glory goes to you. " he grinned.
"I couldn't have done it without you guys and Lance." Keith said modestly. " Speaking of which, how did you guys even distract everyone? "
"They've been imprisoning more innocents since you left." Shiro said. " We may or may not have, well, fed them all. "
Hunk grinned. "Nothing better than a rescue feast!!"
" Hunk's insane in the kitchen. " Pidge laughed. "And we got everyone well fed before the guards appeared, then we all fled. That's when we found you and Lance passed out on the ground. "
"Yeah..." Keith said, smiling at their idea of a distraction. " How long have we been out? "
"Three days." Shiro said. "Lance's family came by the day after we all got back, with the news."
" News? "
Hunk nodded. "The city has gone insane. Now that Zarkon is gone, the entire Galran rule has been under civilian attack. Riots and protests on our freedom and rights. It's incredible."
" All thanks to you. " Pidge said.
"To you guys too." Keith smiled at them.
Another day passed, and Keith woke up the next morning to see Lance awake. He looked exhausted, but sat with Hunk, who was talking to him, probably explaining everything. Keith assumed Pidge and Shiro were upstairs.
Lance and Hunk turned to Keith, and Hunk smiled at the two of them before taking his leave. Keith sat next to Lance.
" Hi. " Lance said, glancing up at him.
"How do you feel?"
" ...numb. "
"Yeah. Me too."
Mentally and physically, they both thought.
"So," Lance grinned. " You killed him. "
"Yep." Keith smiled. " He talked a lot of crap about my parents before I did though. "
Lance frowned and reached for Keith's hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry."
Keith shrugged. "It's fine, the entire conversation gave me some weird form of closure? I don't know, I'm good though. "
Lance smiled. "That's good."
" What about you? Feeling better about your family? "
Lance nodded happily. "Yeah, I think me leading the attack on Zarkon, and taking out his soldiers and guard successfully kinda overrides my insecurities." He chuckled.
"I told you, you were great." Keith smiled. " By the way, how did you defeat Zarkon's guard? "
Lance sighed. "I don't know. Something in me told me I couldn't lose. I had to..."
" I had to get back to you. "
Lance squeezed Keith's hand. "I wasn't going to let anything stop me."
Keith smiled. "Hm, you got your leg cut off for me."
" Yes I did. " Lance said, kissing Keith's hand.
Keith blushed and leaned into Lance's chest. "I don't wanna lose you."
" I'm not going anywhere. "
so that's the end!!
this was my first time writing steampunk so I hope you enjoyed! It was pulled out of my ass like always :) but it was cute haha
Love you allllllll
Pls request!!
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