Missing (Adashi)
(Writing Prompt: "Character" feels foolish, and deep guilt. Hopes to never feel this again. Character- Adam Wright)
"Is that more important than me??"
I gritted my teeth, tears rolling down my cheeks as I remembered what I had said. In the heat of the moment, the peak of my anger, it had seemed right, and I had yelled at Takashi.
Now he was gone, off on that idiotic space mission and I was here all alone, left to do the worrying and feel the pain.
What was I supposed to do?
He'd left last night after our fight and I hadn't sleep a wink. I left messages and called over and over again to be answered with nothing. I didn't know what I expected, much less what I would say if he answered.
I ended up watching The Fresh-Prince reruns in Takashi's favorite sweater. My glasses are dirty now, caked with crusted over tears to the point where I couldn't even see the t.v screen. Takashi would be so upset if he knew, he was always the one who cleaned my glasses, not because I was lazy, but more because I didn't care.
But he couldn't stand not being able to see my eyes.
I smiled at that, and it brought me back to reality. Anything could happen to my fiancée on that mission, and he might not come back.
And my fit of anger..
That'd been my good-bye?
Sure, I had every reason to be upset- time and time again he'd left me high and dry for those garrison projects, and it always pissed me off.
But still...
I knew it was his dream to become one of the best, a legendary leader of some insane missionary crew up there. Ever since we were kids, his only notion was to go to space, see the stars up close and brush the moon with his fingertips. And I wanted him to reach it, to see him dance among those stars.
But I wanna go too.
And not even for the same reason, no. I just wanna be with him, hold him, kiss him, talk to him. I wanted to be there, be near him, all day every day, forever. That was my dream. I thought he felt the same way..that's why he agreed to marry me wasn't it?
I rubbed my tired eyes, all I could do was wait for him to call back, or not.
Wait for the mission to go wrong, or for him to return.
I fidgeted, Takashi was the patient one. Whenever I was anxious he'd hold me close and-
Why couldn't be here when I needed him the most?
Look at me, playing the blame game when it had always been my fault the whole time. I didn't know why I was just sitting here, I should be looking for Takashi, I needed a proper good-bye. I needed to hold his hand and look into those piercing coal eyes before...
My head snapped up as the door opened. A Garrison Lieutenant stood at the door, eyes down.
"Sir?" He mumbled.
"I-uh..I have some bad news on the Kerberos mission.."
Before this.
Hey guys sorry for the absence, I was on a trip and offline. But I'm back!! Hope you enjoyed this^^ I did promise some adashi, tho this was kinda sad sorry guys :(
If you did enjoy it and want a continuation by all means lemme know and of course please I need more requests!!!
Another adashi next, and a short Klance chapter that I'll hopefully get out tonight before I go update my fanfic.
Thanks guys!!
SNS out <3
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