Altean Prince! x Galran Guard! (Klance au)
Request [Altean Prince Lance x Galran Guard Keith]
"You must understand why we are doing this." Alfor spoke to his oldest son. " The kingdom is under lockdown, you and Allura's safety is my top priority and your guards will keep you safe until I see fit. "
Lance frowned, ruining his perfect and angelic face. "But Father what about my studies, I'm so close to figuring out the cure-"
"I am your father and the King of this kingdom. My word is law." Alfor turned away. " I'm sorry Lance you know I love you. And that's why I must do this. "
He turned to the guards. "Take him to his room and lock him away until I call off the lockdown."
The tall Galran guards grabbed his arms and pulled him away. He kicked and flailed and tried to reach the study but they were too strong.
They placed him in his room and locked the door. Lance's personal guard waited for him. The room was big, with a vaulted ceiling and a blue canopied bed, stars and constellations painted in realistic details around the room. Gold lace hung from the ceiling, and the carpet was a soft pink plush. It was Lance's favorite place in the world, but at the moment the last place he wanted to be.
Lance's guard stood with his arms folded neatly, standing beside the door. He stared straight ahead after bowing to Lance.
"Your highness," his voice was smooth and low. He wore the uniform purple Galra suit that all the guards wore. His purple skin and yellow eyes added to the effect. But his shoulder length choppy black hair was unusual to Lance.
Lance dismissed him with a flick of his wrist and groaned over to his bed. He kicked off his baby blue flats and threw himself into the thick white comforter. He immediately began to sink it in. But he wasn't comforted.
He wanted to tear his outfit. The beautiful sky blue silk and gold trimmings. He wanted to throw his crown at the wall, with every jewel in it scattered. He wanted to tossle his hair, brown and smooth. He wanted to destroy any significance to the palace that he had.
His stupid father, and the stupid lockdown. The stupid rules and the stupid palace, and stupid guards.
Lance had been so close. So so close.
He had been harvesting juniberries. They were the cure, he was sure of it. The nectar could cure her..
Allura was his older sister. The direct heir to the throne. Or she had been. Before the accident.
They'd always been so close, Allura and Lance. She was five years older than him but you'd never know. They were best friends. They needed each other. Allura needed Lance's childishness, and Lance needed Allura's intelligence.
Then there was the first attack, and the poisoning. Haggar, the witch that was now dead, had slipped through the ranks. She found Allura's sleeping body and-
A tear slipped from Lance's eye and ruined his composure. He crumpled in the bed and sobbed. His heart had ached for so long, all he wanted was to see Allura's smile. To feel her arms around him. To be with her again.
He was so close. Sam Holt, the lead philosopher in the kingdom, has been helping him through the process. They were on the last stage of evaluating the nectar's genes into the syrum. Lance had been on his way to the laboratory when Alfor stopped him.
Lance had expected his father of all people to understand. He missed Allura every day too. Lance could see it in his eyes.
So why wouldn't he let Lance go?
Lance sniffled and sat up in bed. He caught the eye of his silent guard. He felt a sudden rage at the guard, calm and collected. He probably didn't care that Lance's whole world was falling apart.
"What's your name?" Lance asked, gripping the sheets and gritting his teeth. He wanted to escape.
" Keith Kogane, your highness. "
"How come you've never talked to me before?"
" Never asked me to, your highness. "
"Okay, okay. Stop calling me that. The names Lance." Lance sat at the edge of the bed. Maybe if he was nice enough, the guard would let him go. Or escort him to the laboratory.
" I know, your high-" Keith stopped. "Lance."
Lance huffed. "Okay, listen Keith." He started for the door. " I've got somewhere to be like now. I need you to let me go. "
Keith stood in front of the door. He was taller than the Prince, and stronger. Lance couldn't force him.
"Can't let you do that. Kings orders."
Lance felt his heart crack. "No, it's more important than his stupid orders." The tears were coming again. " Keith, please. "
Keith finally looked the Prince in the eye, which was forbidden. He couldn't help it. The Prince was beautiful. A star on earth, as his mother would say. His blue eyes were glittering on their own accord, and his slim figure was pure and delicate. His smooth coffee colored skin and pink lips gave him all the more elegance. Keith gulped.
"I understand. But the King can't lose you too Lance. You have to know that." Keith said softly.
Lance's eyes darkened, and the tears were flowing. He shoved against Keith. "I don't care if he can't lose me. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for her- she deserves better. She deserves a second chance. She deserves someone to try!" He fell against Keith, sobbing. "Let me try. " he mumbled sniffling.
As he continued to cry, Keith sighed and decided to break another rule. He picked up the Prince bridal style and brought him over to the bed, where he placed him gently on the gold rimmed pillows. The Prince immediately curled himself up against Keith's warm body, and shook as he cried. Keith didn't know what to do.
Comfort wasn't a Galran's way.
"Her life was snatched from her Keith-" Lance sniffled. "She is so beautiful, so strong..and she can't move now! She's paralyzed Keith, she was my everything. I looked up to her. She was my best friend! And this stupid kingdom just ignores her pain, her suffering. I feel like I'm the only one that cares!"
Keith once again searched Lance's eyes. He wish he knew how to comfort the Altean. He settled for placing a hand on Lance's back.
"The attack will end and you will be able to go see Allura and help her. It won't be more than a day or two, hopefully. Our army is strong and the King is more than capable-"
"No!" Lance screamed. He pushed away from Keith. " You're just like them! Why can't you get it through your head?? The kingdom deserted their princess! Her life was snuffed Keith. Snuffed like a flame. She was brilliant, and vibrant. She's my sister. And she's practically gone. And everyone wants to forget her and move on. It hurts Keith. It hurts! But you wouldn't know. Galran's are cold blooded. Just like the rest of this kingdom. " Lance spat. He then crumpled to the floor and sobbed again, shaking.
Keith watched dumbfounded. He thought he had done well. But Lance was right. Galrans were cold blooded, and he was better off doing what he was supposed to.
Staying silent.
It wasn't long before Lance apologized though. Hours passed, and the sun surely set outside. No word from the outside.
"I'm sorry Keith. I shouldn't have called you cold blooded." Lance muttered suddenly. Keith stood at his post at the door and stared straight ahead.
" Apology accepted, your highness. " Keith replied automatically. Robotically. Emotionless. Like the cold blooded animal he was.
Lance frowned before crossing the room. He placed his hands on Keith's chest. "You're not cold blooded Keith. You're not like the others, I can tell. I could tell when you carried me to bed. No normal guard would do that. I know you're different."
Keith didn't speak.
"Thank you. Thank you for trying to comfort me."
Keith nodded. "Are...Are you okay then?"
Lance's face darkened. "No. I'm not. But I thought about what you said. And I guess I understand where my father is coming from even if its.." He scowled at the ground and clenched his fists. " Despicable. "
Keith looked at Lance. "You're going to be fine. I promise."
Lance looked up at him. "How can you promise that?"
Keith shrugged. "I'll make sure you are."
" How? All you can do is make sure I don't escape. "
Keith stepped away from the door. "I won't let you leave, your right. But you said I was different. And. Well. I've never felt right with the others. Maybe your right."
" What are you saying? "
"I want to help you. But not by escaping. I want to help you get through this. I do understand it's hard for you. Because I'm not cold blooded."
Lance smiled. "That's right."
And for the first time, Keith cracked a smile. Lance's smile was infectious, and the sunny Prince made Keith happy.
"You could start by giving me a hug." Lance said.
" Hug? " Keith asked.
Lance's jaw dropped. "You don't know what a hug is.."
He smiled softly. " Well, this is gonna be a long wait. "
The hours passed as the Keith comfort Lance mission turned more into a Lance teaches Keith physical comfort. Keith was obedient though, and a good hugger. Lance was slowly letting his heart soften.
The two sat side by side in the huge bed, knees and shoulders touching. Lance turned to see Keith staring at him.
"You're very beautiful your highness." Keith said softly.
Lance sucked in a breath. Keith's eyes were so captivating and he couldn't look away, even as his face turned pink.
"T-thank you."
Keith nodded. And then, without Lance's assistance, he lifted his hand to Lance's cheek. It was warm and soft. And the Prince's face lifted as he smiled.
"Not only are you not cold blooded Keith, your heart is warmer than most of the people I know."
Keith smiled. "You are slowly bringing out a new side of me."
Lance couldn't help it. He melted into Keith's hand. He was slowly growing romantically attracted to his guard. But he didn't care.
"Have you had a kiss before?" He asked Keith. The guard shook his head quizzically.
Lance smirked. "Then just stay still." And Keith did as he was told. Lance kissed him again and again, first on his cheeks, and then his nose and forehead, and finally his mouth.
Keith hummed at that, and closed his eyes. Lance could feel his smile. When Lance pulled away Keith frowned.
"Do it again."
And so, the Prince and his guard kissed until the sun rose the next morning. Sloppy and rushed, but sweet. Like their mysterious relationship that was growing.
They laid side by side when Lance woke up the next morning. He assumed they had just fallen asleep while they were making out.
Making out.
Lance, the Prince, had made out with his guard.
His Galran guard.
For some reason, it made his heart flutter more than skip a beat. He looked down to see Keith sleeping peacefully.
A knock on the door woke Keith, and broke Lance from his dream like state. They exchanged quick glances before Keith went to get the door.
It was Alfor, and his personal guard, Hunk.
"Lance, you're alright." Alfor sighed in relief as his son met him at the door. Alfor kissed the Prince's forehead before pulling him in.
" What happened? Is the castle secure? " Lance asked.
Alfor nodded. "It is, my son. The attackers are gone, the kingdom is safe oncemore. And I'm so so proud of your patience. I know how hard this ordeal has been on you, and I'm glad you've found a way to persevere. You always have." Lance smiled at the King.
" I have Father. " And then he turned to Keith, with a small smile. "And for once, I know I'm going to be fine. "
Then he grabbed Keith's hand, and they rushed to the laboratory.
Solo_Player4359 hope u enjoyed the chapter! I tried to keep it short and sweet, I really really hope it fulfilled you're expectations! Thanks sm for the request, much love!!!
Hope everyone else who read it enjoyed too I love you guys!!
Any continuations or requests, lemme know!!
SNS out
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