Adam X Shiro-- the cure.
Request made by ellegray08
Thank you!!!
[Adam has autism. Shiro helps him through it]
I'll try my best!!
Shiro P.O.V
((diary entry: day 501 ))
Adam has been doing better than usual, but then again I never really know. When I met him he was at his worst. We were 25 and he was being tutored at the Garrison.
Despite his off hand flinches and motions he made, I could tell he was different. And when I found out he was autistic, I still knew he was different. But not in that way.
Even now, I can't ever forget how Adam saved my life.
-- Shiro had a lot on his mind. It was spring and time for the Garrison to start prepping cadets for training in the summer. Shiro had finally been promoted to main communicator during the prep. He needed to go and find Iverson, and Lieutenant Hawk, but his mental checklist was starting to fall apart.
He was rushing into the main control room to speak with Iverson when the alarms went off.
Being an instructor himself, Shiro knew the protocol like the back of his hand. He headed for the backdoor control system and shut down the area he had command over. The cadets obeyed their own orders of heading into the underground bunker with the other cadets and instructors. Shiro was sliding down the thick metal doors for the airplane and spacecraft hangers when he heard a noise. The door had finally hit the concrete ground when the figure appeared.
One of the attackers. Shiro squinted at the figure- a Garrison outfit..
Could it really be..? A cadet? Instructor? Even a commander or lieutenant? Shiro sucked in his breath as he hurried down the steps, shutting down the control room, no activity until further notice from a commander, then he started across the hanger.
The protocol of course never ever stated anything on confrontation with the enemy. But Shiro knew otherwise. When he pledged to serve as an instructor at the Garrison he pledged to keep the cadets safe...He didn't feel like he was fulfilling that if he saved his own ass and let the attacker go.
"Freeze." Shiro had snuck up behind the attacker. Slowly. He had the guy in a tight chokehold. His muscles rippled as the guy squirmed. He was small- much shorter than Shiro and thinner. But Shiro could tell he was quick on his feet, the small pointed toes ready to dash.
"You don't know what you're doing. We are here to help." The guy spat, his voice rough and deep.
" I doubt that. Someone trying to help would have access. Wouldn't they? " Shiro twisted the guys head this way and that, to tighten his hold. "Stay still. Who do you answer to?"
" Like I'd tell you. Old man. "
Shiro chuckled. "Fine. Don't." He was ready to make the guy struggle when he saw him. Adam.
The man was standing behind the boxes next to the control room. He was shaking. Shiro blinked at him.
What was he doing here...?
His grasp slipped. "Shit-" the attacker was fast. Much faster than Shiro. And in half a second, he had pierced Shiro's thigh open with a sharp object.
The blade stuck in Shiro's leg, blood spurting at odd angles. "Ah-" Shiro groaned in pain. Too much was going on.
Adam was shaking harder, eyes twitching. Shiro still hadn't talked to him. How could he calm him down?
The attacker had yanked the knife out. Shiro's vision blurred with the pain as he tried to stand.
The alarms blared again. More attackers were entering the hanger. How had they slipped the gate?
The attacker chuckled as he held the knife above Shiro's head. "Too bad we do have access.." He grinned. Where was Adam now?
Then just as the blade neared Shiro's eyes a force knocked the attacker out of the way. He went flying into a nearby concrete wall, where a crack resonated from his head. It had been Adam.
He blinked, twitching again. He gulped and was breathing hard, and sweating. Shiro had made it to his knee. "God-" he groaned as more blood soaked his pants. He could barely stand on his own, and his vision was hazy.
" I-I don't like t-touch." Adam sputtered, staring at everything but Shiro.
"Thanks anyways. for taking him out. Sorry you had to touch him." Shiro groaned, pulling himself up before tottering. The attackers blood stained the wall. He was gone.
Adam twitched and Shiro tried for a smile. "You hit him pretty hard." Adam nodded before finally looking at Shiro.
Adam's eyes were hazel and the green flakes twinkled with the shiny and new tears that were appearing to gloss over Adam's eyes. He reached out a hand, shaking.
"Oh it's okay. I'll be fine." Shiro smiled. " I know you dont-"
"Take it." Adam insisted, looking away again. He fidgeted. Shiro hesitated before allowing himself to put his weight on Adam. The guy was strong. Shiro's leg didn't feel as pressured.
"Thanks. For everything." Shiro said turning to Adam.
The man finally stopped shaking. He paused and then...then he smiled. Shiro couldn't help but smile back. It was contagious.
"I will take you to the bunker." Adam said shakily again before heading for the steps.
" What about the other attackers? "
"Your safety is my first priority." Adam shut up after that.
Shiro wouldn't know what Adam meant by that line for another 6 years, in a fogged up car, in the freezing winter of Wisconsin. Where the only company to the two men was the heat from the air vents.
That was the night Adam confessed. Confessed how it felt. In the only way he could. Confessed how it felt to not be able to express his emotions. How it felt to be misunderstood. How it felt to be touched.
How it felt to be in love.
Shiro was unprepared in one way. He wasn't ready for commitment. He wasn't ready to explore his mysterious relationship with Adam. The guy who had saved his life and then disappeared for years. The guy who was autistic. The guy with the green flakes in his eyes. The guy who was different in the best possible way.
But at the same time, he was prepared, and always had been. He found himself falling for Adam's underlying charm, that only showed after he had gone through a day without undergoing any encounters with people who didn't accept him for him. Shiro found himself falling in love with Adam's eyes, that seemed to glow in the dark with warmth.
He fell in love with the fact that Adam hated touch, but couldn't stop touching Shiro. The light touches, the pokes and pats. He fell in love with the side glances. The blushes.
"Would you wanna. Would you wanna try to work with me?" Adam asked. The heat in the car wasn't the reason Adam's face was red. He was scared, utterly terrified.
But not scared of confessing his love for Shiro. He had prepared himself for years. Since he first spotted the boy on the train with the coal eyes and that adorable smile.
He was scared of touch. And scared of the fact that all he wanted to do in that moment was kiss Shiro.
Adam also had never kissed anyone before so yeah, that too.
Shiro smiled. "I want to try."
They didn't kiss.
Not for two more years. Two more years of terrible terrible days. Days filled with Adam dismissing Shiro's affection and bad flirting. Days filled with Adam's breakdowns and Shiro's confused reactions. Days filled over time with practice and understanding.
The good times overrode the bad times. The times where Adam wouldn't speak or look at Shiro. The times where Shiro couldn't sleep because he was deprived. Deprived of love.
He wondered why he stayed.
The good times were few, the time Adam went for two hours in Shiro's arms. The day Adam teased Shiro by pretending to propose. The day Shiro took Adam to meet his family. He'd never seen his father smile so wide. The day Adam screamed at the top of the Garrison that he was utterly, terribly in love with the only person in the world who accepted him for him, unconditionally. (Shiro struggled to get Adam down after that.)
The good times were the reason Shiro stayed. He knew there would be more.
And then Adam kissed him, when Shiro was sure he never would. They were at the Garrison, and Shiro was in a meeting with the board. A meeting on new security protocols. There had been two more incidents after the attack that Adam saved Shiro from, and though none were as terrifying as the first, the board agreed there needed to be a change.
Shiro was bored. He was staring at Iverson's presentation on dynamics and visuals of the hangers security codes when the door burst open. Adam was standing there with his hair spiked. Shiro sighed. Adam had had another meltdown, he could tell.
Shiro stood, apologizing to the board for the interruption as they began to mutter.He was at Adam's side now, eyes wide.
"What are you doin-"
Adam kissed him. Hard and soft at the same time. The only thing on Shiro's mind was how.
How could this man who hated touch, who had never been in a relationship, who had never experienced any romantic interaction...How could he kiss like this?
Shiro wanted more. He breathed in Adam, pressing his hands against the man's shoulders. The rest of the room, and the board melted away and Adam's lips were the only thing that held him to reality.
Then they were gone.
Shiro had never felt so sad before. But the man was gone. And the board was staring.
Iverson cleared his throat. Shiro's face was as hot as the sun.
"I-uh..sorry." He sat down and started at his hands.
After that, Adam hadn't kissed him again. It was beyond difficult for Shiro. It was torture. And when he asked Adam why, he always answered with "I can't."
Shiro loved Adam, and would never force answers, but he needed them. Adam never even answered the most important question on Shiro's mind.
"What made him save Shiro in the first place?"
(end of flashback)
[meant for listening to while finishing diary entry]
I sighed. All those years ago, the abrupt, out of pocket action that had saved my life, couldn't even be explained. I loved Adam, and the feeling in my heart couldn't be explained in words. But the ache, the pull, I knew it was more than the green flakes in his eyes.
He was doing well today. These were the days where I wouldn't be surprised if he told me he was cured.
Adam used to joke on days like these that I was his cure. And that I had saved him.
But there is no cure. I just try to help his suffering.
Adam plopped on the bed next to me. The sun was shining through our half cracked blinds again, and the bed was softer than usual. White comforters fluffed up between our warm bodies. I decided to try again.
I try every day. I ask the same thing.
He looked at me, pushing his glasses up on his nose. I smiled. Cute.
" What made you do it? "
"Do what?"
Same questions, same answers, every time.
"What made you save me from the attacker all those years ago?"
Adam's face twitched. I feared he would revert to his fidgety self and leave me alone.
But it passed. His hand found mine. He intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled at him as he cupped my face with his other hand.
Then he was close. Much closer than he'd been since...
I was hit with the stark memory of our first kiss in the board meeting. My hand slipped on the soft comforter as his lips met mine. He pressed into me with such force that I fell back. He was atop me, and I could feel the smile on his lips. The warmth. His breath. I wanted to bottle this moment up. Keep it forever.
We kissed for a whole minute. But it felt like eternity. A whole nother world where it was only Adam, me and this comforter. Adam was air. My only connection to life. And I was his. We needed each other.
He broke the kiss and I couldn't help but pout. He smiled.
"To answer your question...I've said it before and I'll say it again Takashi "
Green flakes.
Foggy windows.
White sheets.
"You are my cure."
And I knew he was right, because he was mine.
ellegray08 hope you enjoyed it!! Ok at first I was like shit autism- very very very hard to write. I have never done it before. And it took some long nights of me thinking, lots of music choice haha, and some fan fiction but it's done! I'm pleased with the outcome and I really really really hope you loved it!!! Thanks so much for the request ilysm!!
Everyone else thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it also! I love you all!
As always, requests or continuations you want? Let me know! I'll have it out as soon as possible!
-SNS out
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