A Garrison Crew Halloween Continued
Hunk frowned as Pidge kicked open the door and Lance strolled in. Dust flew up as the door creaked and mice scattered in different directions.
"So whats the plan?" Lance grinned, his front two teeth slowly growing back in.
"We should just check the perimeter." Pidge announced, dutifully gazing around the room. It was super old, the floorboards molded and roof caving in. It smelled awful.
"What does that mean?" Lance cocked his head.
"The area around." Hunk answered. He shivered. "I still don't think this is a good idea..I heard Mr. Iverson switched out the pretzel sticks for gum this year! Can we just-"
"Nope, no. Not gonna happen." Lance waved a finger in Hunk's face. "Sorry, but Iverson sucks."
Pidge nodded. "Agreed. Plus, this is way more exciting. If you're too scared Hunk, we'll walk you home."
Hunk shifted his feet. "Umm, I don't want you guys out here all alone.."
"Great, let's go then." Lance turned on his heel and lifted a hand in his thick astronaut suit. "Onward!"
Pidge grinned and followed him, and Hunk slowly did too.
The first room had two broken staircases leading up to the second floor. There was a good ten feet between the two floors.
Two doors were on each side of the room so Lance chose left, and they entered another room.
It was somewhat worse than the room before. The floor was tiled but cracked, from the door they used all the way to the opening at the opposite side. It most likely used to be a kitchen but now the sink had fallen through the counter and the marble had fallen apart. Dirty spaces where a fridge or stove might've been left burnt residue next to dusty holes.
"What happened here?" Pidge asked. She had brought along a small blue flashlight that fit perfectly in her palm. The dim yellow light hovered over the dripping walls.
"Not sure." Hunk said walking close to her.
"I heard that the owner was an old man that one day went insane." Lance said. He crept up behind Hunk. "One day he was living peacefully with his daughter and the next-"
"BOO!" He jumped at Hunk who squealed and ran to the only stable corner. His costume almost came apart in his quick escape.
"He went crazy and ate her! He destroyed the rest of the house." Lance explained, his face scrunched up in the light.
Pidge patted Hunk's back. "Oh my god, stop teasing him Lance." But she was smiling. "It's fine Hunk, he's lying to you."
"Besides." She shook her head. "What happened to him after that??"
Lance shrugged. "I don't know, just a story." He grinned.
"See Hunk?" Pidge said.
"It's fine man I was just playing around."
Hunk nodded. "Yeah, okay. Don't do it again."
Lance held out his pinky. "Promise." Hunk hooked his finger around and they shook.
"Problem solved. Lets continue." Pidge said. She began carefully making her way across the cracked floor to the dark opening.
More mice scrambled as Pidge's gray figure appeared in the doorway. She shined her light across the room. It seemed to be a living room, with a huge window displayed across the front.
"Looks like a parlor." Pidge said making her way through the rubble. Glass littered the ground and she was careful not to let it peirce her onesie.
"Don't know what that is, but it looks pretty creepy." Lance said. "We should try and actually figure out what really happened here."
Hunk sighed. "Mm...maybe we should..not?"
They ignored him. "Sure. Lets head to this last room. Maybe there are clues." Pidge said.
Lance nodded and Hunk shook his head as they entered the doorway on the right.
It was an office or library, with empty bookshelves lining the molded walls. A broken desk in the corner had a few yellow papers on it.
"This has to be where we find the goodies." Pidge grinned as she crossed the room and began looking at the papers.
"Must've been a lot of books here." Hunk said, cautiously looking up at the bookshelves high above his head.
"Find anything Pidge?" Lance asked the little girl, leaning his elbow against her head. The mouse ear flopped to the side.
"No." She groaned. "Just useless bills. Someone tore this place apart and made sure not to leave anything of value."
Lance groaned too but Hunk perked up. "Great, let's go home then."
He began going through the dirt when Lance grabbed his collar. "Nope, not getting outta this pal." He waved Pidge over. "Now we go upstairs."
"But how?" Pidge asked, crossing her arms. "I mean, I know I'm short, but none of us are tall enough to get up there."
Lance grinned. "And I'm no math whiz, but I'm sure all three of us together can become tall enough."
Hunk frowned. "You mean like on top of each other cause that is the-"
"Best idea ever!" Pidge jumped up in her mouse suit. "You're a genius Lance! Lets go!"
"-Worst idea ever." Hunk finished sadly, as his friends dashed off.
"Okay, Hunk you're most likely the strongest so you'll hold up Lance-"
"Um no." Lance shook his head. "I'm the strongest." He grinned and flexed his weak little arms.
Pidge laughed. "Sureeee."
"I'm serious!" Lance whined, lowering his shoulders in defeat.
"I think you're very strong." Hunk smiled at him. Lance grinned back.
"But Hunk is stronger, so can we go? Don't have all night." Pidge reminded impatiently.
Lance shrugged and Hunk shook his head but helped hoist Lance atop his shoulders. Together, they were about 8 and a half feet and Pidge's three and a half helped her climb atop the grimy landing.
She pulled Lance up, which was a struggle for her but finally they pulled Hunk up after he had to jump at least ten times. Finally, all three of them wheezing they turned around.
"Where's the flashlight Pidge, we can't-"
Suddenly a figure jumped out of the darkness at them.
"AAAH!" They screeched in sync and jumped back, almost falling backwards off the weak ledge.
The figure turned out to be a boy, a little shorter than Lance, with dark hair and a bandaid across his right cheek. He wore a tiny red jacket unzipped over a gray t-shirt and cargo pants. He sneered at them.
"Who are you?" His voice was squeaky and rough, but he wielded a thick metal rod at them.
"See this is exactly what I mean, people in the darkness, and now we are gonna die and I told them and..oh my god-" Hunk started muttering to himself.
"Woah, woah." Lance eyed him. "Put that down!"
The kid didn't waver. "Not until you tell me who you are."
Pidge seemed to be fearless as she stepped around the rod in her face and pointed to herself. "My names Pidge, these are my friends Lance and Hunk." She pointed to them as she spoke. "Who are you? And why are you here, do you know something about this house?"
The boy narrowed his eyes at them but at least he lowered the rod. It was taller than him. Hunk sighed in relief.
"You have no business being here, no one comes here."
"Then why are you here?" Lance didn't like the attitude of this guy.
"Because I like it here." he said, annoyed.
Lance glared at him but the boys scowl was just as fierce.
Pidge cleared her throat. "Do you know what happened to the house? We just wanted to check out the house cause every Halloween is the same boring event every year-"
Hunk shook his head, "I think it's just fine..the candy and the lights of the neighborhood and my moms sweet caramel and remember when Lance's Abuela made that spicy chocolate and-"
Lance and Pidge were shaking their heads at him. He smiled sadly. "Sorry."
"It's alright." They said.
"So, we told you who we are and why we're here. Answer our questions now." Lance spat.
"My names Keith, but it doesn't really matter why I come here okay?" He didn't look at them.
Lance was about to jump back at him but Pidge held up a hand. "Okay Keith. Don't tell us then, but do you know what happened to this house? I'm kind of curious now."
Keith glanced back up at them and frowned, deep in thought. "Uh, I'm not sure. Its always been like this."
"Oh." Pidge and Lance sighed in defeat. Hunk turned on his heel.
"Guess we should head home now."
Lance started to follow him but Pidge stayed behind.
He looked at her. "..yeah?"
"If you ever wanna talk,we all live right up the street. Houses 10, 11, and 12."
Something that could've been a smile appeared on Keith's face. "Ok."
Pidge gave him a thumbs up before grabbing Lances and Hunks hands. "Let's go home now."
Hunk smiled. "Yay!!"
alright, hope you guys enjoy!! Thanks for the request Mari!!
I forgot to say it last update, but if u want a continuation or have a request lemme know!!
<3 bbye
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