Lethologica pt. 2
(n.) the inability to remember a particular word or name.
When the team goes to their respective rooms Hunk goes straight for his bathroom. He takes a nice warm shower before snuggling up into his bed. He may not remember the mission but his body sure does. He's out within a few dobashes.
Hunks alarm goes off the next morning. He begrudgingly makes his way out of the comfort of his blankets. He stretches out once he's finally out of bed. He begins to do various stretches to wake his body up before lowering himself to the floor. He sits there for a while, not really thinking, just relaxing and getting himself ready for the day. His moms had taught him to do this when they noticed how anxious he was throughout that day. This was his way of relaxing his mind so that he wasn't as wound up throughout the day. Most days it worked. After a few dobashes he let out a long sigh and began to start to get ready for the day.
When he was ready he made his way to the kitchen, already thinking about what he was going to make. Over a quiet breakfast they began to make plans for the day, discussing the best way to go about this Hagraid situation. Hunk shuddered at the name. He hadn't really met the witch but the stories were enough for anyone.
"I can start looking through the library for any information about spells that could cause forgetfulness." Allura said. Shiro nodded.
"Do you think you could get footage from the mission, Pidge?" Pidge shrugs, not looking up from their plate.
"Maybe, I'll play around with it. I'll probably need some help from Hunk." Hunk nods at Pidge, glad to be of help.
"Okay, I think I'm going to start focusing on our next moves against the galra. We don't want to be too distracted with this supposed plan of Hagrids." They all nod before each going off to do their own thing.
Hunk is still there after everyone leaves. He starts to wash the dishes in the sink, it's his turn, before making his way to the bride where he thinks Pidge is. He spends the rest of the day trying to find a way into the galra ships system but it's proving to be very difficult. There really wasn't much for him to do once they got past finding the right system, it was all pretty much up to Pidge to break into it. To pass the time Hunk began working on a project he had going on. He's trying to add a new identification and storing system into the helmets. His hope is that the helmets will be able to take in visual and audio input and be able to identify it with an information system
The vision was that their helmets would be able to give them information on what they were seeing and hearing so they wouldn't have to rely on Corans and Alluras knowledge or just being completely in the dark. This could also help them communicate with different planets as they could finally understand the language they were hearing or the customs they were seeing or which customs to expect/adhere to. He had started this project after they had accidentally offended a whole group of aliens by not properly greeting their leader. They had almost lost that alliance, only able to keep the alliance because of Alluras diplomatic skills. But, if they had this system they would have gotten a scan of the aliens and would have been notified of prominent customs of the planet and would have greeted the leader properly. Theoretically it would be awesome but it was proving increasingly difficult to execute.
For one the information system that was needed would have to be extensive and he has absolutely no idea of any alien customs. So, he has gone to Coran for help. It turned out that the Alteans already had a pretty decent database of different alien customs. They made a few tweaks to the system and had been slowly adding things that they found to the system. The actual technology was also proving to be difficult. The technology that was needed to recognize visual and auditory input was very complex. He had figured out that by adding cues it made it easier for the computer to recognize, such as specific physical features or phrases that are common for a certain group. After he added some cues it was able to recognize Coran as Altean from his facial markings and was able to provide Hunk with information on some Altrean customs.
He had taken his project to Pidge after a little while to turn his prototype information system into a full fledged one. It worked even better after Pidge worked on it (they're a literal genius). After that Hunk had begun designing a way to put it into the helmets. He got some old helmets from Coran and had started to tweak them in different ways, trying to find the way that worked the best. He had made a few prototypes and was now making a prototype that combined a bunch of the best elements of each idea. It was actually going really well.
He was proud at how well his project was turning out and turned to talk about it with Pidge but they only shushed him saying that they needed to focus. Hunk nodded in understanding, knowing how difficult it would be to focus with a bunch of noise. After a while of more silence Hunk grabbed his helmet and left the room. Most of the time he's okay with silence but today he was just too happy with himself to be content sitting in silence. He wanted to show off his project to someone. He roamed the halls for a little, trying to find...
Hunk stopped, face knotted in confusion. Who was he trying to find? He knew that he wanted to show off his project. To rant about it someone he knew would be equally enthusiastic about it. Who would exclaim how awesome it was and how they couldn't wait to see the finished thing. This person would fill him with warmth and pride. But, who was it? Hunk was startled by a voice behind him.
"Number 2?" Corans' voice sounded behind him. Hunk turned to face the man.
"Coran! I was just looking for you." Hunk had decided that that was probably was looking for, even though that still felt wrong to him.
"Yeah! I wanted to show you the progress I made on that identification and storing system for the helmets!" They talked for a little bit in the hallway but Hunk was feeling a little out of it. Even though he had claimed that he had been looking for Coran it still didn't feel right. He didn't think this was the person he wanted to show his project to. Even though Coran was excellent company and said a number of flattering things it still wasn't what Hunk had been seeking.
When he and Coran finally parted Hunk was feeling a little down. He was a little disappointed with the conversation but he wasn't sure why. He wasn't sure what he had wanted to get from that conversation but whatever it was he hadn't gotten it from Coran. He dropped his prototype off at his room and headed to the common area, hoping to find whatever kind of conversation he wanted there.
He talked some with Shiro and Keith who were both on the couch going through some strategies for Voltron. It was nice to sit there and chat with them but he still wasn't getting what he wanted. The conversation was a little too formal, he felt. He wanted the more exciting conversation of two friends who were both feeding on each other's crazed energy making the conversation ridiculous and fun. The kind of conversation that two best friends would have. He was friends with both Shiro and Keith but that wasn't something that he was able to have with the two. Maybe if all of the paladins were together then they would be able to create that atmosphere, maybe, but definitely not now.
At dinner he tried his best to hold a conversation with everyone at the table, searching for that buzz of energy, but it wasn't there. Hunk left the table that night disappointed. He did some more stretches and meditation before laying down in bed. For a while he tried to figure out who he had been seeking out but after a while gave up and just tried to think about nothing. He didn't sleep well that night.
The next morning Hunk had completely forgotten about his dilemma from the night before and was very chipper. He'd decided that he was going to make a treat for the whole team. At breakfast he started to think of some possible recipes that he could make when Shiro started to speak of their plans for that day.
"Training will start in a varga" Shiron and Keith leave the room and Hunk listens as Pidge groans.
"Let me guess, you pulled an all-nighter?" Hunk watches as Pidge bangs their head on the table, resting it there. He chuckles at them.
"It's been a while since you last did this to yourself." he notes, "I'm a little surprised." Pidge glowers, lifting their head up off the table to glare at him.
"Well usually L-" Pidge stops, face screwing up in confusion. Hunk raises an eyebrow.
"Usually what?"
Pide shakes her head, eyebrows low in confusion and eyes far away in thought.
"I- I'm not sure."
"That must have been some all-nighter" Hunk chuckles before making his way to the kitchen with the dirty dishes, "Maybe you should try and get a quick nap before training," He calls over his shoulder. Hunk thinks about how strange that was and why for a second he had thought he knew what Pidge was going to say but he wasn't sure anymore. He thinks for a tick before shrugging it off and getting to work.
Training doesn't last too long and after a nice shower Hunk spends the rest of his morning playing around with some recipes while humming some Earth pop songs. He likes to try and make his own recipes with the knowledge he has from other alien recipes. Sometimes it works other times... not so much. He can still remember Pidges face from those brownies that had smelled so good but had tasted so bad. Hunk chuckled at the memory as he put the cookies in the oven. All that was left to do was wait.
When they were done they smelled amazing. Hunk was tempted to try them himself but he knew that L- Hunk froze. He remembered thinking that someone would be mad if they weren't the first to try his new creation but couldn't remember whom it was that would be mad. He stood there for a few ticks before shaking himself out of it. He'd just go ask the others if they wanted to be the first to try his cookies. With that decided he made his way to the common area where at least one person was bound to be.
Hunk entered the common room and saw Pidge and Shiro on separate ends of the couch with Allura in the middle. Hunk smiled at the three and flourished his tray.
"Anyone willing to try some new space cookies I made?" Shiro and Allura shared a look while Pidge stared blankly at Hunk.
"Uh, yeah, I think I'll pass." Hunk started to pout at Pidge, hoping to convince her to try one with his puppy dog eyes. They seemed to have an effect on them as they rolled their eyes at Hunk.
"Only one person would be crazy enough to try that after last time." Pidge said, going back to their work. Hunk froze, remembering his train of thought from earlier. Maybe Pidge could help him remember who he was thinking of.
Pidge stopped typing. They scrunched their eyebrows no doubt thinking of what they had been talking about. Hunk noted that this was the same look from this morning and decided that Pidge was just sleep deprived and hadn't actually meant anything by what they had said.
"I think you need a nap." Pidge scowles at Hunk and hunches further into the couch where they started to work again.
"I'll try one Hunk"
Hunk smiles at Shiro before extending the tray to him. Shiro picks one up and takes a tiny bite of it.
"Oh my god Hunk. This is amazing!"
Shiro quickly ate the rest of the cookie before grading another one. Hunk beams at Shiro. Allura, upon hearing that the cookies are actually edible, moved to grab one too. Hunk watched fondly as the two gushed over the cookies but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was missing. The same someone that he had been wanting to talk with the day before. Hunk forces himself to stop thinking about it. He moves the tray out of Allura and Shiros reach.
"Hey, we've got to save some for everyone else"
Allura and Shiro pout a little but nod their heads. Hunk turns to Pidge to offer them one but finds that they have left the room. Hunk shrugs and goes to find Keith and Coran. Keith was a little skeptical at first but after telling him that both Shiro and Allura had tried and liked them Keith took one. He took a handful once he finished the first one, complimenting Hunk on his cooking. Hunk blushed before moving to find Coran. Coran said he found them delightful, though not as much as the food goo cookies Coran had made for the paladins a while back.
"Perhaps I'll teach you how to make them one day number 2." Hunk nodded. None of the paladins had actually liked the cookies and he wasn't really interested in learning how to make them but Coran was a fun guy to be around so he would enjoy the time with him either way.
The dinner table that night is filled with chatter and Hunk is comforted by it. When everyones finished they all say good night and head to their room, Keith staying behind to do the dishes. Hunk feels content as he gets ready for bed but as he lays in bed his mind begins to wander. He starts to think about this mysterious person he'd been thinking about all day and the day before. It made him feel sad that he couldn't remember who it was. Maybe it was someone from Earth. But that would mean that he's forgetting things from there. He felt that this person was someone important to him, yet, he couldn't remember them. What if he forgot his Moms next? Hunk felt his eyes burn and his breathing started to come out in shudders. He wouldn't forget them, would he? Tears started to fall down his face. He threw the blankets off of him and made his way into the hallway not sure where he was going just letting his feet lead him.
Eventually he stops in front of a door. His eyes are still wet but his breathing has evened out a little more and he no longer feels on the edge of a panic attack. He's not sure why his body led him here but he decides to open the door since he's here now plus he's not quite ready to try and go back to sleep yet, scared of what he might dream about now that he's unlocked a new fear.
The lights are off in the room but there's a faint yellow glow coming from stars glued onto the walls. Hunk smiles at that before turning the light on. The room has the same layout as his, however, someone taped a bunch of drawings along the walls and had brought in little wooden cubbies. Hunk moved close to the cubbies, noticing the embroidery on each drawer. The embroidery was nothing intricate, just some simple doodles but they made Hunk happy. It was such a small detail that added so much to this person's space. It was hard to add a personal touch to these rooms and this was how they had decided to add that touch to their living space.
Hunk ran his fingers over some of the embroidery. He considered opening one to see what was inside them. He went to a yellow cubby, the color of his lion, and decided to open it. Inside were five crocheted stuffed animals. He picked one up. It wasn't quite finished yet but he knew what it was supposed to be. It was the yellow lion, his lion. He smiled at it. It was funny to see his lion in stuffed animal form but he liked it. He wished it was finished so he could take it and sleep with it. He looked back into the box, now seeing that each plush was a different lion, and grabbed a finished one. He smiled lovingly at the lion before placing the unfinished yellow lion into the box and closed the drawer. He stood, cradling his new stuffed animal, and started on his way back to his room.
Hunk walked to his bed and curled up under the blankets. He was asleep in a matter of dobeshes, the blue lion clutched in his hand and a small smile on his face.
Word count 2922
I'm trying to get these out as fast as possible so that I actually finish them. I know for sure that I want atleast 7 parts. Any more ideas as to what's going on? I think it's a little clearer in this one than the last one. Let me know where you think this heading, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I also think I'm going to put this into it's own story so go check that out for the next part, whenever it comes out.
I hope you have a wonderful morning, afternoon, or night and until next time you beautiful beans!
-Dec. 03, 2023
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