Genius Lance
Voltron: Genius Lance
This story was inspired by @BluePlanetTrash 'Not Just a Pretty Face (Genius Lance)'
Lance had never known what it was like to go about his day with a full stomach. There had never been enough food even if it was only him, his father, and his brother that was hardly even there. It didn't matter because they lived in poverty, as did so many other cuban citizens. He tried to remain positive even as he lay huddled next to his father, his anomaly skinny fram shaking with hunger, and a threadbare blanket lay over the two, the only thing, other than each other, keeping them warm throughout the night. He tried to stay positive as the amount of furniture and appliances in there small apartment subtly decreased, having been sold for extra cash, leaving them to huddle on the cold hard floor and using paper plates and plastic utensils they had smuggled from various birthday parties. He tried to stay positive as the amount of showers he could take was reduced to 5 minutes once a week, and were taken with his father, who was often sweaty and worn out from long hours at work, and brother, if he was there and not out most likely doing and selling drugs, as the not even warm but instead teeth rattling cold water cascaded down there bodies. He tried to stay positive through all these things because he knew that moping about his situation would never get him anywhere, but even knowing this he still couldn't help but cry and this made him mad. It made him mad because he knew he shouldn't be sad, there were plenty of people who lived like this and some were worse off then they were. It made him mad because he knew that his mother, his mother who wasn't content with a little life in Cuba, and other siblings, Veronica, Rachel, and Louis. His mother had grown up in a big family and had fully intended on keeping her family a small one, not wanting her kids to live as she had, begging for attention and more food, but obviously that hadn't happened. Instead of having one, maybe two kids she had five. She had tried to deal with them all, but in the end it just wasn't possible, not in Cuba anyway. So she started saving so she and her family could move to America, but as time went by she grew more and more impatient and decided she didn't need all her kids. She packed her things, grabbed Veronica, Rachel, and Louis and booked it for America leaving her husband and her two other kids with no savings and a $2,000 wedding ring. She had left Lance and Marcos to settle for cold canned food and go to bed cold and hungry, while Veronica, Rachel, and Louis never knew what it was like to go to sleep hungry and cold every night. It made him mad because he knew his siblings, siblings that were not severely underweight, didn't know the feeling of a constant ache of a hungry stomach, the constant ache he felt everyday of his miserable life. It made him mad to think of all the things he could have had if his mother had just chosen him... but he knew that if his mother had chosen him another one of his siblings would be lying where he lied, wishing the same thing he did, that there mother had just chosen them instead. That was what was important. He had saved one of his siblings from the never-ending pain he felt everyday of his life. He would gladly live with this pain if that meant someone else didn't have to, if it meant someone could sleep with zero pain and know the love of a mother. He was not over these feelings of hatred but he was above them, he had learned what was important. He knew what was important and when what was important became blurry his father was there to remind him. For now he was okay.
While Lance still cried, the darkness of the night to appealing of a time not to cry, he had learned to cherish the good things in life, the things he was blessed with like the pleasure of learning. It was never uncommon to see Lance's head buried in any book he could get his hands on, if anything it was strange to see Lance without a book. Books had become sort of a comfort to Lance over the years, they never disappointed him by being late or forgetting a birthday they were always there when he needed them. Books in the McClain household though were something you often didn't see, that luxury not something they could afford, but Lance's love of books, a love that was hardly seen in kids his age (this went for all ages, his love of books only growing as he got older) was one of the first things his teachers noticed, along with the bright smile and caring mind that he harbored, and so they often went out of there way to give him any old books they had, mainly out of pity for the poor boys living situation but also because of his thirst for them. These books varied from those of poor quality and high, from fantasy, horror, romance, and sci-fi, none of these books were the same except for the love Lance felt for everyone of them. Each book, no matter the condition or what it was about, was deeply cherished by Lance, and was read a minimum of 3 times, the spines of the books cracked and well loved -meaning bent to the point it never resisted to staying open-. Lance lived off the books his teachers donated, donated because that's the only thing you could call it, to him and when a local library opened up when he was in 8th grade he basically lived there. He would grab himself a book, usually about space science, a subject he loved deeply, and huddle into some corner, this corner would come to be known as 'Lance's Corner', where he would read, non-stop, for hours at a time, often not returning home until night had fallen. People soon began to recognize which corner was 'Lance's Corner' and more times than not they would leave little gifts, old stuffies or something as simple as a flower, for him to find. Because of Lance's extended reading he was far beyond that of his peers but he never acted that way, and he never showed signs of that social isolation many genius kids experience. Instead of sitting off by himself Lance was the center of attention and was looked up to by all the other kids, becoming there 'leader' in no time.His father never understood where Lance's thirst for knowledge had come from, he had certainly never had such an attraction when he was younger, or older for that matter, and he would probably never understand.
When Lance was not in school or huddled in the library he was out and about completing various tasks for a little extra money, money many assumed was for some kind of toy when in reality it was for his father, they could never have too much cash. Lance did simple things that many other kids did, like mowing the laws, walking pets, looking about kids and pets, but he also did other things like helping at a car shop, painting the cars, working with the engines etc.. He also tried his best to find time to work at soup kitchens and do other volunteer work, though this was one of those things that just depended on how the wind blew, a not sure thing. As he did these things the people that interacted with him couldn't help but become touched with the effort and kindness he excertied as he completed his task. They had all learned that Lance was someone who would do anything he was asked of with a smile on his face just for a little extra cash. Suddenly people were making up new tasks everyday just so they could see the wide smile that spread across the boy's face as money, even that of dimes and quarters, was dropped into his hands. All the money in the world was worth seeing that little boy smile. When Lance wasn't stealing the hearts of the people of Cuba he was mixing and matching spare parts, he usually got them from the car shop, and brainstorming of new things he could try and make, he usually did this sitting at the beach scribbling into one of his various notebooks. But he didn't spend all his time working and doing things that called for lots of brain power, such as reading and tinkering. He often spent time with his father, though this time was usually scarce seeing as his father was usually at work, and just sitting at the beach enjoying the smells and beautiful sights, something he had read once in a book was that taking time each day just to sit and enjoy what was around you, never thinking of anything specific, was something of a good mental health practice. Lance was never not busy, but that's just the way he liked it. Being busy helped him from feeling sorry for himself.
When Lance was barely 7 he had heard about a space program called the Galaxy Garrison, a military organization with the purpose of training young adults to be axtorexploroes located in northeastern nebraska. He had immediately become obsessed with the program and had dreamed of training there. He would go on rants to anyone who would listen about the school and what would be taught there, as he got older the longer and more complicated, complicated in a way of uncommon words, the rants became, sometimes stretching to periods of 30 minutes. Lance had, once he got old enough to decipher the large words and tell there meanings, grabbed every book about space off their shelves and read them greedlily, madly taking notes to go over once he got home -though the note taking wasn't really necessary due to his amazing memory-. Lance knew that he would never get into the school, it wasn't because he didn't believe himself smart enough, he was plenty smart enough, but because he knew he could never afford it, the trip to America. Even knowing this hadn't stopped Lance from perfecting his English along with learning the basics of various other languages he may encounter in America, a place he knew he could probably never see. It made Lance sad to think about how he may never see the amazing school he had read all about, but he tried not to think about it, it was just another far away fantasy that he didn't need to feed into anymore. But little did Lance know how not so far away his fantasy actually was. Lance's father had been putting aside money since Lance was 8 years old, old enough his father had thought to know what he wanted to do with his life,and had set up, when he was 14, a donation box with the purpose of getting Lance to America and into his dream school. Within, not even a year, they had earned enough money to get Lance to America along with other expenses, such as housing and food, being fully paid for. All of this money had come from previous teachers, emolyers, neighbors, and everyone who had felt the kindness of Lance's soul, people who knew there money would not go to waste and would fulfill the dreams of a 7 year old boy. On Lance's 15 birthday all these people gathered and created the biggest surprise party Lance had ever seen, even the ones in the movies couldn't compare. Together they gifted Lance with the money they had raised for him. Tears were shed that night and when Lance left the home, with a new set of clothes and freshly washed hair, he had known all his life.
Lance's time in America, before the Garrison was open for new cadets, was spent becoming familiar with the customs and adjusting to life without his father whom he had lived with and relied on, well relied on as much as he could, for all his life. It was strange how many things he had never been able to have at home but could have here. He could shower more than once a week for more than 5 minutes, by himself, and with the water as hot as he wanted, though he preferred it cold -he supposed the after affects of taking cold showers all his life-, and he no longer lived his days with an aching stomach and was instead fulfilling his days with a very content stomach, sometime a to content stomach. He had found himself a job at a coffee shop that paid more than any one job he had at home and had taken up jogging each morning, it was supposedly meant to help with one's mental state. He was very happy with all of these things but it didn't stop him from missing his home, his father, his friends, the beautiful beaches, the friendly community, and so much more. Not only was he homesick but that rage he had felt at his living situation back home and mother who had left him with next to nothing had come back. It was hard to push the rage behind him with all these new things he got, if he could get these things so easily here why couldn't he have them back home, with his family. He knew that these feelings were natural, he had read a psychological book that had touched the subject,but he still couldn't help but feel like he was being ungrateful and bratty -feeling that he should be happy that he had these things now even if he didn't have them before-, even though that was far from the truth. Back home he had accepted these feelings, having his father and community to combat the negative effects, but they were stronger now and he didn't think he could do the same thing now, he needed a better method. Pushing the feelings down seemed to work, for the most part anyway, at night he still couldn't help but let them resurface. Lance still read feverishly and often spent countless hours of time meant to be sleeping reading -trying to escape the lonely bed-. He had taken all his notebooks with him when he left and he often added onto already written notes, or added new notes. He did all these things that he did at home but the only difference was they weren't done with the same enthusiasm as they had been done back then. This was not to say they weren't done enthusiastically, no, they were, they just weren't done as excitedly as they could have been done -this affected his ideas, they were slowly becoming less and less brilliant and more and more mediocre-. This wasn't something that bothered Lance but the longer we went about these tasks the more his enthusiasm dwindled and by the time it had reached the point where it should bother him Lance no longer cared.
By the time it was time for the early lessons of the Garrison, these lessons cost money and where not mandatory lessons, all of the eagerness Lance one possesed had been drained from him. Lance droned about his classes, aware that he should be much more excited about them than he actually was, in a mechanical like fashion, robotically coping notes -notes he had probably already taken in his private studies-. Despite Lance's lack of passion his brilliance still shone through everything he did, though it was dimmed and not as bright as it once was. This brilliance caught the eye of his professors and forced them to notice that Lance was not performing to his full capacity. They had seen this before in many cadets before him, being away from home for so long often did this to them, and so a plan was quickly set into motion to get Lance feeling like himself once more. Meetings were scheduled for Lacne to talk with the Garrison's counselor, a pleasure that cost not a single pennie out of Lance's pocket. After multiple sessions Lance had prompted suggesting signs of Depression and mild Anxiety, both disorders usually coming hand in hand. Lance was swiftly transferred to a psychiatrist where, after a couple of sessions, was prescribed with medication meant to help with Depression and Anxiety. He continued to consult the Garrison counselor a couple times a week and visited the psychiatrist once and a while to make sure the medication was working properly, as sometimes it did not. All these meetings cost a good bit of money, money Lance would not have been able to provide, but luckily the Garrison paid for all expenses. After a couple weeks on medication and constant counseling, Lance's performance went from good to spectacular, his eagerness of the subject returning in all its former glory, but with this sudden change in his performance came new expectations. Suddenly Lance's professors were testing him on things that were not part of the Garrison's early lessons and they had also started giving him private lessons, many of these lessons involving necessary coding for the Kerberos mission, a mission Lance would become very familiar with at his time in the Garrion. When Lance wasn't working he was chatting it up with the staff, spreading is joyus attitude and learning everything he could about them all, storing it in his high functioning brain. As the early lessons came to an end Lance was asked to stay for an extended period of time at the Garrison to continue his lessons, of coure Lance agreed, if he hadn't the Garrison might have started offering to pay him -the work he was doing for the Kerberos mission to vital to lose-. Lance continued his lessons, trying his best to live up to the insanely high expectations that were set for him -they wanted him to Kerberos to Pluto!-, and by the time it was ready for the actual lessons Lance had started on things far beyond the other cadets because of this, and the fact the Garrison didn't want others to know about the genius that was Lance, Lance was offered the chance to choose any course he wanted where he would be able to basically laze around and do the bare minimum. Lance chose piloting, something he had not been trained in all of his extended stay at the Garrison.
Lance honestly wasn't a bad pilot, well not as bad as he portrayed, but he just didn't see this class as something he needed to put his full efforts in to, afterall it wasn't his main focus, but he did try to perform just as well as his partners so he wasn't bringing them down. While Lance exerted the minimum amount of effort it took to pilot spacecraft he proceeded in giving his all to his other studies, also trying his best to keep these additional lessons from his bunk buddie, Hunk. It wasn't that he thought himself better than Hunk, it was just that he was tired of being treated like a genius by everyone, specifically he was trying to get away from the high expectations that came along with the treatment. Lance, though high in brains, was still just a normal teenager and wanted to enjoy teenager things and not spend all his time doing quantum physics and what not. But when he was in his piloting classes he wasn't considered a genius, his professors didn't know him as a genius, not having been teaching early lessons, and so they did not give him insanely high standards to meet, and neither did his peers though Lance had never really experinced high expectations from peers to good at acting normal -by normal I mean dumb-. Soon Lance was not the genius boy but he was a goofball who was always second to Keith. While Lance had become the laughing stock of the Garrison and all the ways to describe him had turned negative, he had also received a lot of snide remarks, he was able to push it all aside and just be happy to know that to some people he was just a regular, below average, teenager. Well that was until he was shot into space where he became a Paladin of Voltron, defender of the universe where the whole universe saw him as some sort of savior that would save them from the inevitable doom. With this title came the terribly high expectations, but Lance was not willing to go back to the way things used to be, he wanted to stay the carefree goofball, so that's exactly what he did. He would joke and flirt around as he always did, but he would also, when no one was paying him any mind, perfect all the things that were talked about in there meetings and if there had been a meeting, a sudden attack, Lance would slyly implant ideas into the mind of Voltron. While he got what he wanted, to stay the goofball, his carefree attitude also realised a lot of the stress from the other Paladins, his carefree attitude relaxing them. After a while Lance decided that this would be his permanent role, the carefree goofball, since it seemed to help the other Paladins relax and perform better, it all seemed like a good idea until the Paladins started to become annoyed with Lance's constant cheerfulness, and had started to become even more stressed than before -they were all scared Lance would mess up and ruin all there chances-. By then though Lance had been in his role far too long to completely change it, but it would turn out he didn't have to change anything because the Paladins had already found a new way to release stress, yelling at him. At first Lance was okay with this, he had seen many people back home releasing stress this way so he thought it was okay -little did Lance know most of these relationships didn't last very long-, but after a while he began to feel the toll of all the putting down the paladins did. But Lance did nothing to stop the other Paladins from there increasing negative comments, comments they probably thought rolled off Lance's back, because he knew that he had brought this on himself, in his head he had been practically asking to be treated this way. He had portrayed himself as someone who could take a beating so naturally they would want to take advantage of that by beating him down -this makes no actual sense to anyone but Lance-.
Lance just allowed himself to be pushed down, still believing he had brought this upon himself, soon they started to insult his intelligence, the one thing no one had ever referred to as less than extraordinary. These insults meant nothing to Lance, he himself had thought his intellect was nothing great, but soon they found something that did anger Lance a great deal and -even though they only used it insultingly once- it was what made Lance crack wide open. It had been a relatively normal day until an emergency meeting, a meeting Lance had been 'late' for -Hunk had actually walked in after him- was called in the middle of the day, or what they thought was the middle of the day -there really was no sure way to tell in space-. This meeting was held with the Blade of Marmora present, through a screen that is, other than Krolia who had stayed behind to spend time with Keith-they didn't want to risk the trip to the castle-. Kolivan explained how one of there members had overheard talk of a weapon the Galra was working on, a weapon that was supposed to be stronger than anything else they had ever made before, and how if they could get there hands on any information regarding the weapon that they may be able to keep the weapon from causing thousands of devastating deaths. Maps of the base were forward to all of the Paladins screens where they immediately started to go over all the information, make notes, and start forming there own infiltration plans. Ideas were shot around the room where they were either immediately shot down or where they were added onto before being shot down later, none of the Paladins ideas seemed to last very long. As all this chaos ensued Lance, blocking out all the noise -something he had become a master at over the years-, quietly marked out his own plan and found flaws in the other Paladins plans, his plan was highlighted in blue while the mistakes the other Paladins made were in purple. He knew it would be useless to try and voice his opinion because of the way the Paladins thought of him so he would just tweak the plan either during the mission or he may implant his idea, very sneakily, into the head of another Paladin, whichever one came the easiest. This is what Lance noramly did but today something out of the ordinary was happening. Krolia was walking around and gazing over the shoulders of the Paladins and checking there plans, trying to find one that would work the most effectively. Lance had failed to notice this change and carried on as he usually did and soon Krolia found her way to Lance where she watched as he steadily noted flaws in the others' plans and found a much better way to do it. Krolia was much impressed by the little she had seen Lance do and without warning she enlarged Lance's screen to where everyone could see the blue and purple dots litterd over the Galra base map. Lance stared wide eyed at his enlarged screen and felt anxiety clawing at his stomach. The others had gone silent as they glanced at Lance's blue and purple dotted map without looking/comprehending what the dots meant, which they could have figured out if they had looked at it long enough to see the notes scribbled around the map. The others began to glare at Lance, thinking he had been doodling while he was supposed to formulate a plan like the rest of them had been doing.
"So... Is this what you've been doing this whole time? While we've been working hard to find a way to get into the Galra system undetected you've been doodling?!" Allura asked, arms crossed over her chest and a glare on her face, a glare Lance had begun to become very familiar with.
The other Paladins all gave Lance some version of a disapproving look while shaking there head. Krolia looked bewildered at the Princess and the Paladins, her son, for there immediate conclusion that what was on Lance's map was just doodles, they had barely looked at it for 10 seconds! Krolia watched as Lance quickly brought his screen back to normal size and away from the eyes of the Paladins, his head hung in shame as if he had actually been doing something worth scolding -which he had most certainly not-. Krolia watched as her son scoffed and rolled his eyes at Lance before speaking in an annoyed tone of voice,
"You know just because you can't understand half of what we do doesn't mean you should just slack off."
Krolia looked at her son in dismay, she'd never thought he could be so blind like the other Paladins seemed to be. Why would he be so mean to the blue Paladin, the Paladin -in history- famous for there level headedness and sympathetic nature, the Paladin the most unlikely to goof off when it was time to be serious, especially with Allura present -this cause was close to her heart meaning it was close to Lance's too, part of his sympathetic nature-.
"You know, sometimes I wonder if you actually understand how serious this war is, what's at stake. Or maybe you do know but you just refuse to believe it in favor of being a coward who won't fight to save his family, his planet!" Pidge shouted angrily, obviously thinking of there own family.
Everyone felt great sympathy towards Pidge, they could feel the emotion in their voice, and this only made them angrier at Lance. Meanwhile Lance had stopped breathing, the sick feeling in his stomach dispersed, his tightly clenched hands went slack, it was as if his brain had momentarily turned off. Everything had started to go in slow motion to Lance. He saw Hunk slowly stand up, though it had happened a lot quicker than Lance thought, to comfort Pidege while Keith shot up in slow motion, an unflattering angry look on his face. Lance saw Keith's mouth move but he heard no words except for what Pidge had said, '-a coward who won't fight to save his family-', he had lost the rest of what they had said when his brain had momentarily powered down. He was okay with the Paladins yelling at him for things he didn't do, and for insulting his above average intelligence but what he wouldn't stand for was shit about him not caring enough to fight for his family, something that was most certainly not true. Everyone had known that Lance was extremely homesick but they had never bothered to talk to him about it, if they had they would have found just how much his family meant to him, and they most certainly weren't thinking about it now. Lance felt himself stand up feverishly, as if his chair had caught fire, he felt the rising anger in his stomach, he could feel it encasing his brain. He felt his teeth clench and his hands ball into fist, his toes even curled, his whole body was boiling with anger, and before he could think about what he was doing boiling water erupted from his mouth.
Everyone was surprised by Lance's 'sudden' outburst but that anger was quickly covered by there ever growing resentment towards the male, misdirected anger I must add. Shiro opened his mouth to scold Lance for his uncalled for outburst and yelling at his teammate, the same thing Pidge had done, but before he could get a noise Lance started back up again, pulling his map back up again,
"Those dots aren't doodles and if you cared enough to have looked you would have noticed that!! The purple dots are things YOU all overlooked!!"
Lance suddenly zoomed in on one of the dots whilst pulling up Pidges map that held her idea.
"This system is completely different from the ones you've been working with and the code you were going to use would have shut down the entire thing! Putting the mission and our LIVES on the line!!"
Lance pulled up a note and sent it to Pidges screen. Pidge looked at it in all its magnificent glory. They had known immediately that this could, no, would work and that they had made a mistake that would have sabotaged the whole mission but they just couldn't believe that Lance was the one to correct them on it. Lance moved on to another dot and grabbed Keith's screen before Pidge could make any comment.
"You suggested that we go in through this opening, an opening we have used before in many other ships, but what you failed to realize is that this isn't like the other ships. This spot is heavily guarded as are the other spots they know we've used before so to go in that way would have been a suicied mission."
Lance had begun to calm down. His voice was level and the world had returned to normal speed, but his brain was back when he had been known for his intellect, all the reasons he had kept this from the Paladins left his brain. While he had become much calmer there was a dangerous look in his eyes, an angry look, a look the Paladins had never seen on Lance before, a look they didn't think Lance was capable of making, but recently they had begun to realise that Lance could do a lot of things that thought he was incapable of doing.
"This spot here isn't reinforced like the rest of the ship so we should be able to cut into the ship and into a low surveillance hallway, though, yes, it is a bit more out of the way, it's much safer than the other way, and safer is better than faster."
Lance one again pulled up a note and sent it to Keith, who quickly examined it, trying to find any significant flaws, but couldn't, and even if he had he wouldn't have been able to say anything because he had moved on to the next unfortunate victim of his astonishing observations.
"Allura, the first thing you thought of when you heard of this secret weapon was to break into the base and get the info. from there, but what you failed to consider was the chance that we could do it from here. I would send out a sonic blast far away enough that I won't be detected and while there systems are down we could sneak in a drone, through the quickest route, and download the information that way, not risking any lives. You were too eager to fight to notice that there are less risky ways to go about this mission"
Allura started down in shame as Lance's words sunk in. She knew he was telling the truth, she knew she was often rash, that was one of the reasons she thought she would suit the red Paladin so well. She knew she wanted to get back the universe as forcefully as possible so she could get back, in more ways than one, the way the Galra empire had forcefully taken her from her home, away from her family. It was then that she realised that she had done the same things to the Paladins that the Galra had done to her, but on a much smaller scale. She had taken the Paladins away from there home and family, though for Pidge she supposed she had brought them closer to their family, without giving them a choice. She felt disgusted with herself. She knew that what she had done was right but what made it so disgusting was that she hadn't even bothered to counsel the Paladins as they had counseled her.
"I know I've never portrayed myself as the smartest person but never have I indicated that I was not willing to fight for my family, matter of fact, I have never shown any signs of hesitation to help anyone who had asked for it and I know you all know this. I know you all just have anger inside you that you need to get out so you choose me to let it out on, the one who seemed the most likely to take it without a word, and that was okay. But know you have insulted me to the point that I won't take it without a word. I did not get into the Garrison as a charity case. I got into the Garrison because I showed amazing abilities in the field of science, so great even that I was tasked with helping send the Kerberos spacecraft into space. I'm not saying this brag, I'm saying this to make a point. I am not dumb and I never have been, and you would have known this if you had bothered to get to know me past the smiles and joking..."
Lance's throat felt dry, even though he hadn't been talking for long at all, and his brain was exhausted but was still going a mile a minute. He imagined it had something to do with the sudden rushes of emotion he had been feeling, that was something he was not used to. He thought it best to hurry with what he wanted to say so he could lay down to rest and think a good deal.
"I know part of the problem was me, for not saying something sooner and allowing you to believe that what you were doing was okay, I have accepted this fact and I hope you will come to terms, as I have, with what you've done and that you plan to fix it, as I plan to do. Now I think I'm going to get some rest."
The team just sat there in silence as they tried to collect there thoughts that had been scrambled all around as Lance had given his well versed and calm speech. It was so strange to see Lance like that and to think that he had sent Shiro to space, along with Pidge's brother, was almost unfathomable. The silence was only broken when Kolivan spoke,
"You know I wouldn't mind him joining the Blade of Marmora."
6226 words not including these
OML, this took me forever!!! Im not even sure it's captured what I wanted it to but like I can't just not put it in here I mean look at all those words!! I love how it starts but that ending wasn't as satisfying as it should be... Anywho! I hope you have wonderful day, afternoon, or night and until next time you beautiful beans!!
Written: Nov. 11, 2021
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