Just so you know I don't own the of image she,Crista kinda looks like the girl in the pic above, I've include the name of the artist so you guys can go look at their art, il remove the pic soon and add my of soon
Crista POV
Once again it was me, pidge, lance and hunk, attempting to pass the simulation again
''Galaxy garrison flight log 5-11-14, begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission''lance, our fighter pilot announced ''Lance can you keep this thing straight?" Hunk groaned." Relax hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick, I mean it's not like I did this! He swerved to the left ''or this!'' He swerved to the right. Which caused hunk to groan more ''okay unless you wanna wipe beef stroganoff out of all the nooks and crannies in this thing you'd better knock it off man!''hunk yelled ''lance stop it now, I really don't want hunk sick''I begged ''anything for you beautiful''he said with a smirk which I frowned at.
''we've picked up a distress beacon''pidge announced''alright,look alive team , pidge track coordinates'' ''copy''
''knock it off lance please!''hunk begged''this ones on you buddy, we've got a hydraulic stabiliser out''hunk stared to check, then gulped when he felt he was going to be sick''oh no'' ''oh no,fix now, puke later''lance argued
''I lost contact, the shaking is interfering with our sensor''Pidge yelled ''come on,hunk!''lance yelled ''it's not responding''hunk groaned getting out of his seat to fix it
'' never mind guys and gal, thar she blows,preparing for approach on visual'' lance announced then Pidge said '' I don't thinks that's a good idea with our current mechanical-'' ''and gastrointestinal issues'' I finished''agreed''hunk said''stop worrying guys, this baby can take it, can't you champ'' he said as the ship started to rumble which didn't sound good at all''-er see ,she was nodding, she was nodding, crista hail down to them and let them know their ride is here''
''on it,'' I said as I got out of my seat to reach the communicator'' attention lunar vessel-AHHH'''I yelled as I fell out of my seat'' what are you doing gorgeous buckle up and hunk sop that shaking'' Lance yelled I grumbled getting up back into my seat while buckling up again ''I'm try--oh no'' he didn't finish and vomited into the gear box ''Attention lunar vessel, this is galaxy garrison rescue craft one victor six three tango, coming in for landing''I announced ''against crew recommendations''pidge said which I snickered at''no time for your mutinous comments now pidge, their going under and we're going in.''
''Look out for that over hang!''pidge yelled pointed towards the obstacle ''no worries , my first year in flight school, know what they calls me 'the tailor' cause of how I thread the needle'' he said with a smirk '' Lance no one has ever called oh that!'' I screamed clenching to my seat
''Come around, come around, come on ,on come'' he kept repeating but instead of getting through without a scratch, we got hit. '' we lost a wing!''hunk yelled ''oh man''Lance groaned. The ship kept on beeping till we crash landed
''simulation failed'' the computer announced. ''Nice work tailor''pidge said sarcastically slouching in her seat, commander inverson opened the door
'' roll out donkeys'' he ordered as the four of us exited ''now lets see if w can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students, can anyone point out the mistakes these four so-called cadets made in the simulator'' which of course nearly everyone answered.
'' correct and worst of all their arguing with eachother, heck , if you're going to be this bad you'd better at least be able to work as a team, galaxy garrison exists to turn young cadets, like you, into the next generation of elite Astro explorers. But these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men on the Kerberos mission!'' Which of course that statement made pidge mad
''That's not true, sir!'' she yelled
''What did you say!?''he yelled back
''Sorry sir!''Lance said covering pidge mouth''I think he may have hit his head when we crashed, but point taken''
''I hope I don't have to remind you, that the only reason you're here, is because the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out. Don't follow in his footsteps,'' iverson said in a stern voice
''and you'' he turned to me'' I expected better from you Rodgers,''I looked down sad and disappointed, I missed having Keith around, he always cheered me up.
''Next!'' He yelled as the next group went in
Lance POV
''Lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now!''iverson yelled walking down to the next hall.
'We shouldn't be doing this'' hunk whispered ''you heard iverson we have to bond as a team, we gonna grab pidge and crista , hit the town, loosen up , I'll try make crista jealous by flirting with some girls''as the lights went out and we went to get pidge and crista from their dorms ''I'm just saying this here, right now , on the record, this is a bad idea'' hunk whispered
You know for someone in a space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure''As crouched past the instructors window ''all your little adventures end up with me in the principlesoffice'' we heard one of the guards coming from around the corner so me and hunk hid in the bins ''L-5 north all clear'' I hopped out but hunk was having trouble
''AHH!!''he yelled as he fell over. then he got back up '' I'm fine'' hunk said as he stood up. Both hide against the wall to see pidge running Down the hall '' where is he going'' I mumbled ''il get crista you follow pidge'' I told hunk which we both nodded and I ran to get Ani
Crista POV
I was busy studying in my room when I heard a knock at my door and to hear Lance whisper'' crista? It's me Lance, open up'' I groaned putting all but one of my books, into my bag, walking over to the door and opened it ''Lance? What are you doin--'hey!' ''no time to explain come on!'' He cut me off and started dragging me to the roof.
Soon we met up with hunk on the roof to see pidge sitting on the roof with a bunch of sweet tech while wearing headphones, Lance though it would be funny to scare him, so he walked up to pidge, lifted her headphones (yes I know in this part know one knows pidge is a girl but considering pidge and crista are best friends, she already knows. Back to the story ) and asked ''you come up here to rock out?''
''AHH!''she screamed ''oh Lance,hunk,crista, no,um,just......looking at the stars''smiling nervously
''Man, where'd you get this stuff , it doesn't look like garrison tech? Lance asked ''I build it'' she smirked confidently ''You build this''hunk asked trying to poke the antenna "Stop it''pidge said smacking his hand away ''with this thing I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system''
''That right?''Lance said curious ''all the way to Kerberos?" Pidge scrunched her shoulders and looked down ''you go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up. What's the deal?''lanced asked ''Second warning hunk!''Pidge warned angry at Hunk which he pouted at.
''Look Pidge, if we're gonna bond as a team we can't have any secrets.'' Lance explained. Pidge then sigh in defeat '' fine, the world as you know is about change, the Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake....STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENt!!'' She yelled at Hunk, he finally gave up, lying on the ground pouting ''so I've been scanning the system, and picking up alien radio chatter'' pidge finished
''Woah....'' I said, completely speechless
''What? Aliens?'' Hunk asked scared
''Okay, so your insane. Got it,'' Lance said which I elbowed him in the side ''ow! Seriously!? Doesn't any of this seem bizarre to you?! '' he exclaimed rubbing his side
''I'm serious, they keep repeating one word, 'voltron'. and tonight, it's going crazier than I've ever heard it''
''What is Voltron? and how crazy?'' I asked till we heard the sound of the schools alarm going off 'Oh this can't be good' I thought
''Attention students! This is not a drill! We are on lock down! Sercurity situation Zulu-niner!repeat:all students are to remain in barracks until further notice!''
''Woah, that's going on'' I asked
''Is that a meteor?!''Hunk asked''a very, very big meteor?''
All of us saw the UFO crashing to earth. I grabbed the binoculars and what I saw shocked me ''it's a ship!'' I exclaimed just then Lance grabbed binoculars which pulled me into his chest causing me to blush''holy crow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours'' he exclaimed
''No it's one of theirs'' Pidge said
''So wait. There are really aliens out there?'' Hunk asked
''Apparently'' I said as we watch the ship crash and multiple gasses on cars drive towards the crash site to investigate.
''We gotta see that ship'' Pidge exclaimed grabbing her bag and running to the crash site
''I'm in''I yelled to her
''Come on, Hunk'',Lance yelled running after us
''Okay, this is the worst team-building exercise ever!'' he yelled to us as we ran to the crash site
we sat at the top of a hill watching as people from the garrison set up some weird lab and were expecting the ship, while Pidge was setting up her gear me and Lance looked through the binoculars
''Woah! What the heck is that thing?'' He said ''and who the heck is she?'' I saw he was looking at some other girl in garrison uniform ''Lance!" I scolded and smacked his forhead "ow!" '' do you think we can sneak through those guards?'' I asked looking through the binoculars
''There's no way, I guess ther's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?'' Hunk said
''No hunk''I said which he pouted ''wait, they set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed. Look!'' She exclaimed as we saw shiro strapped down on a operating table. Which shocked us all
''Hey, what are you doing?'' Shiro asked with panicky ton in his voice ''calm down, shiro,'' the man in the white suit said ''we just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests on you'' ''you have to listen to me! They destroy worlds!'' He tried to explain''aliens are coming!''
''That's shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos mission! That guy's my hero!'' Lance pointed
''What happened to him, he looks different?'' I asked
''Guys quiet!, where's the rest of the crew?'' Pidge asked
''Do you know how long you've been gone?''the guy in white asked
''I don't know? Months? Years? Look, there's no time, aliens are on their way, they'll destroy us, we need to find voltron'' he said
''Voltron'' Pidge and I exclaimed
''Sir, take a look at this,'' one of the men in white said'' it appears that his arm has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic''.
''Put him under until we know that thing can do''the man I'm guessing was iverson said''no! Don't put me under!there's no time!'' He yelled but couldn't resist
''They didn't even bother asking about the rest of the crew''I said slightly angry
''What are they doing, the guys a legend and their not even gonna listen to him?''Lance asked
We have to get him out'' Pidge said in which I nodded
''Okay I hate to be the voice of reason here, always , but weren't we just watching on to because there was no way to get past the guards?'' Hunk pointed out for us
''That was before we were properly motivated, we just gotta think, could we tunnel in?"Lance asked looking through the binoculars at the site
''Maybe we could get some hazard suits and sneak in like med-techs,'pidge said
''Or we dress like cooks, headback to the dorms, sneak into the commissary-- for a little late night snack,'' which we all frowned at.
''No, what we need is a distraction'' Lance said
Suddenly explosions went off scaring all four of us, hunk clinging to me, which also cause the guards to drive over to see what's going on
''Is that the aliens? Is that the aliens? Are they here? They got here so quick!'' Hunk panicked hugging me to death
'' well there's your distraction Lance'' I croaked getting out of hunks grasp
''Yeah but for him, the garrisons heading towards the explosion, and he's sneaking from the other side,'' pidge explained as Lance got the binoculars to see who it is and he knew exactly who it was
'' no way!'' Lance yelled ''oh he is not beating us in there, that guy is always trying to one up me! He yelled running towards the lab
''Who is it'' hunk asked
''Is it Keith?'' I asked "yes!" He yelled ''Who?'' Pidge wondered ''Are you sure?''Hunk asked running after him
''Oh, I'd recognise that mullet anywhere''Lance exclaimed
''Who's Keith'' pidge asked me as we ran towards the lab, I whispered to her ''Don't you remember the guy I told you about? I asked her ''What that's him? The guy you have a crush on?''she whispered with a smirk ''He's my friend! '' I corrected while blushing like a maniac in which she giggled
As we reached inside we saw three guys in hazard suits lying unconscious on the floor, and saw Keith holding an unconscious shiro by the arm ''Nope, no , you-- no,no,no,no, no you don't I'm saving shiro'' Lance said, pushing the stretcher aside and supporting shiros other arm
''Who are you'' Keith asked
''Who am I,er the names Lance''he answered trying to jog Keith's memory but he still didn't remember ''We were in the same class at the garrison''Lance explained
''Really? are you and engineer'' Keith asked
''No,I'm a pilot ,we were, like rivals, you know, Lance and keith, neck-and-neck, we both also argued over crista?'' The last part made me blush really mad and hunk and pidge just snickered
''Oh wait I remember you, your a cargo pilot'' he finally remember
''Well not anymore I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out'' he said
''Well congratulations '' Keith finally saw me'' hey crista '' he said with a smile ''H-hi'' I stuttered which I mentally scolded masked for doing'' and keep your eyes of my girl got it''he said which we both groaned at, and left the room.
''Oh man their coming back and they do not look happy''hunk said running to catch up with us''hey do you mind if we catch a ride with you?''everyone started getting on but as hunk got on the bike it shifted and became heave
''Is this thing gonna be big enough for all of us? Pidge asked
''No''Keith answered annoyed
''Come on Crista--hey Keith!'' Lance said in an angry voice as Keith grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him, caging me in between his arms while my head rested against his chest, which of course had to make me blush
As the people from the garrison got closer Keith started his bike and drove off as they began to chase us.
''Why am I holding this guy?'' Pidge said holding shiro steady
''Hey, we did all fit,''hunk said
''Can this thing go any faster''Lance asked as he turned to see the vehicles gaining on us
''We could toss out some non-essential weight,''keith answered sarcastically
''Oh right''Lance said not hearing the sarcasm the first time''Okay, so that was an insult I get it''he said which I just rolled my eyes at
''Big man , lean right'' he yelled at hunk which he did
Then the bike turned left, really quickly which made me grab ahold off Keith's waist which he flinched at'' s-sorry'' I said ''it's fine '' he replied and one of the cars behind crash
''Aw man! Mr.harris just wiped out professor Montgomery! No,no he's fine,'' hunk said
''Big man lean right!''keith yelled to hunk again. The bike shifted from the cliff we were on to the other and the two cars that were still following but one of them crashed.
''Guy, I-I-is that a cliff up ahead?''hunk stuttered nervous I looked up ahead and noticed the massive cliff ''Oh no,no ,no''Lance started panicking along with the others
''Keith don't tell me your--'' '' yup'' he said interrupting me while speeding up towards the cliff, jumping off it causing every one but me to scream, I just buried my face in Keith's chest
''What are you doing your gonna kill us all!?'' Lance yelled
''Shut up and trust me!'' Keith yelled back as we were about to hit the ground, Keith pulled up and steadied the bike and drove off, I looked up and noticed he was smirking at me " don't. Ever. Do. That. Again!" I growled narrowing my eyes at him " well I missed you to crista " he still smirked
Time skip
Everyone was exhausted, so we sat inside Keith's old shed while he went to go talk to shiro outside
''Man, we are in so much trouble when iverson finds out we were the ones that to shiro''hunk pointed out
''Oh hunk, please don't jinx it'' I said I didn't know how my parents would react and that what had me worried
''Relax guys it's gonna be fine'' Lance said putting an arm around me, I shoved him off
'' first we just disobeyed an order from iverson, second we just broke shiro out of quarantine with a higher percent chance of getting expelled , how are we gonna be fine?!'' Pidge asked angry Just as Lance was about to answer Keith and shiro came back in, and Keith pulled some sheet of a billboard with facts and information about ......something I don't know
''What have you been working on''shiro asked
''I can't really explain it really, after booted from the garrison, I was kinda lost and found myself drawn out to this place. It's like something..some energy was telling me to search.''
''For what'' I asked
''Well, I didn't really know at the time, until I stumbled across this area,'' Keith said pointing to an area on the map that was circled labelled energy source'' it's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves, covered in these ancient markings. Each telling a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading up to some event, some arrival, happening last night, then you should up'' he said to shiro as he turned to us
''I should thank you all for getting me out, Lance right? Shiro asked as he stuck out his metal arm to shake lances hand
Lance hesitated for a moment before smiling and shaking shiros and then turned to me
''Hey shiro '' I said shaking his had which he seemed shocked when he saw me close up but then smiled
''its good to see you again crista '' he said with a smile then turned to shake Pidge and hunks hands, Hunk was nervous about shaking shiros robotic hand so Pidge introduce hunk to him instead ''The nervous guys hunk, I'm Pidge''she said shaking his hand ''so did anyone else from your crew make it out?''
''I'm not sure,'' he said '' I remember the mission and being captured, after that, it's just bits and pieces''.
''Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens, where are they now? Are hey coming? Are they coming for all of us? Like, where are they at this very moment?'' Hunk said panicking
''I can't really put it together . I remember the word Voltron, it's some kind of weapon their looking for, but I don't know why, what ever it is, I think we need to find it before they do,'' shiro explained
''Well, last night I was rummaging through Pidge's stuff, and I found this picture, look it's his girlfriend, and crista too''he teased pidge not knowing that's really me, her and Matt her brother
''Hey, give me that! What were you doing in my stuff?'' Pidge said angry
''I was looking for a candy bar, but then I started reading his diary'' pulling it out from his pocket ''WHAT!?''she freaked out grabbing it
''I noticed that the repeating series of numbers the aliens are searching for looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line''hunk explained ''Frown--who?'' Keith asked confused
''It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element, only it doesn't exist on earth'' I clearified which everyone but shiro and pudge look at me in shock they knew how smart I was '' what? like Lance said, I maybe a pretty face but I am a smart one '' I stated with a smirk
''Err I didn't say your weren't smart crista , that's actual right, caught me by surprise '' hunk responded in which I giggled quietly '' anyway I think it might be this 'voltron' and I think I can build a machine to look for it, kinda like a Voltron Geiger counter,''
''Wow crista brains as well as beauty, and hunk you big gassy genius'' lance exclaimed wrapping an arm around his buddy
''It's pretty fascinating really,the wavelength looks like this'' he said pulling out a piece of paper with dots connected by a line, I looked at it before looking at the board then back at the paper in his hand
''Hunk, can I see that?"
''Sure'' he said handing it to me, I looked at it before comparing it with the picture of mountains, and I notice the wavelength and the mountains looked the same, so I held it up for the others to see ''They match'' pidge exclaimed fixing her glasses
''Woah good eye crista'' shiro praised ''Thanks" I smiled, then turned to Keith " Keith do you know were these mounts are''I asked ''er...Yeah, their not far'' he answered ''Well what are we waiting for?'' I smiled proudly at them
Time ski
No ones pov
Few minutes later the group were all standing in the crayon which was the so called location was on the photo, following pidge and hunk using the device hunk made to find the so called energy source ''Okay , I'admit it. This is super freaky,''Lance said as we looked at the rocks
''I'm getting a reading,'' hunk said while the noises his tech made got louder and louder the closer we got to a cave
As we got in we noticed lots of ancient carving
''What are these?'' Shiro asked
''These are the lion carvings I was telling you about, they're everywhere around here'' Keith answered
Lance walked up to the wall and started touching the carving, suddenly the carvings started to glow a bright blue
''They've never done that before'' Keith stated.
But suddenly the ground below started to crumble and everyone all fell through the hole sliding down the water, screaming, After we got to the bottom of the waterfall we fell into a giant puddle, but sadly Crista fell onto shiro and blush which sheI hope he didn't notice
''Um, hehe, s-sorry '' Crista quickly got off him and helped him up
''It's fine'' he smiled '' your not hurt are you?'' He asked
''No I'm good'' She said
''They are every everywhere'' They both heard Lance whisper and turned to see giant , robotic , blue lion in a forcefield 'Oh my god' crista thought ''Is this it? Pidge asked '' is this the Voltron?''
''It must be'' shiro answered
''This is what's been causing all of this crazy energy out here, it looks like there's a force field around it'' Keith said as he ran toward it to get a closer look, the others walking behind him, lance kept moving side to side while staring up at the giant lion
''Does anyone else feel like this is staring at them?''he asked ''No''shiro bluntly answered him ''Yeah, the eyes are totally following me'' Lance added ''I wonder how we get through this'' Keith muttered touching the forcefield ''Maybe you just have to knock''Lance said which he actually did and worked
The lions eyes glowed yellow and the force field disappeared, the ground below the blue lion glowed the same bright blue as the carvings, then a vision of six lions just like the blue lion flew upwards into the sky and formed a giant, awesome robot, humanoid robot with a giant sword
''Woah'' we all said in unison
''Uh, did everyone just see that?'' Lance asked
''Err, I think that would be a yes from everyone'' I said
''Voltron is a robot! Voltron is a huge, huge awesome robot!'' Hunk exclaimed
''And this thing is only one part of it! I wonder where the rest of them are.'' Pidge added
''This is what they're looking for,'' shiro stated
''Incredible'' Keith also added
''Mind blown, just mind, completely blown'' I said
Just then the blue lion started getting up, then it lowered its head towards us and opened its mouth that lead up into its body, Lance then smirk and ran in
'The moron!' I thorght as the rest of us ran after him, when we were all inside we saw Lance sitting in a seat infront of some futuristic control panel.
"Alright! very nice!" He exclaimed as the screen infront showed the waterfall we fell from
''Okay guys I feel the need to point out, just so we're all, you know aware we're in some futuristic alien cat head right now'' hunk pointed out
''Hunk, I think we're aware of that'' I responded
''Whoa! Did you guys here that?'' Lance asked.
''Hear what''Keith asked
''I think it's talking to me'' Lance said as he started examining the control panel, then press a bunch of random buttons which made the lion stood up on all fours and roar.
''Okay. Got it now, let's try this!''Lance said grabbing the handles and pushing them forward causing the lion to fly up and burst through the cave walls souring in the air, but the problem was there was only one seat and everyone was clutching on to eachother, I leaned against Keith for support as I held on to Lance seat for dear life while everyone was screaming ''You are the worst pilot ever!'' Keith yelled at Lance ''Isn't this awesome!?'' Lance asked us excited "what do you thing?!?" Crista screamed ''Make it stop! Make it stop!'' Hunk started begging, terrified
''I'm not doing any thing! it's like it's on auto pilot!'' Lance yelled, Crista rubbed hunks back for support as the lion flew up into the air
''Where are you going!?''keith yelled at Lance
''I just said it's on auto pilot!'' He yelled ''It says an alien ship is approaching earth! I think we need to stop it''
''What did it say exactly?'' Pidge asked
''Well, it's not like it's saying words, it's more like feeding ideas to my brain,kind of''he explained ' if you had a brain' Crista thought with a deadpanned expression ''If this thing is the weapon they're looking for, why don't we just,I don't know give it to them? Maybe they'll leave us alone'' hunk suggested '' so lion nothing personal''
''You don't under stand, these monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path, there is no bargaining with them, they won't stop until everything is dead'' Shiro said which everyone glared at hunk ''Oh, never mind, then''
Suddenly a giant alien ship appeared infront of us '' uh, holy crow! Is that really an alien ship? Hunk asked " they found me..."We flew the blue lion around the alien ship to get a better look, but then started to shoot at us ''We be got to get out of here!'' Crista yelled
''Hang on!'' Lance yelled as he started maneuvering and dodging the ships lasers
''Alright, okay, I think I know what to do'' Lance yelled '' be careful man! This isn't a simulator!''Pidge yelled ''That's true!'' Crista also yelled
''Well, that's good, I always wreck the simulator'' he joked
" that's not reassuring lance!" The blonde screamed, Lance flew the lion towards the ship, then the blue lion shot a bright blue lasor , cutting a line across it and exploding
''Let's try this,'' Lance said pushing more controls on the panel, causing the lion to claw into the ship.
''Nice job, Lance!" crista praised which he blushed
''O-okay, I think it's time to get these guys away from our planet,''lance said as he flew the blue lion away from earth, that's when the ship began to chase them.
''Oh no!'' Hunk yelled
''They're gaining on us!'' Pidge also yelled
''It's weird, they're not trying to shoot us, they're just chasing us'' Lance said
''Okay, seriously, now we think having aliens follow us is good? I am not on board with this new direction, guys'' hunk says ''Where are we''Keith asked
''Edge of the solar system, look there's Kerberos,'' Shiro said pointing it out towards the planet
''It takes months for our ships to get out this far!''pidge exclaimed astonished
''But we got out here in a matter of seconds!'' Crista adds ''What is that?'' hunk asked as a purple/blue/blank portal appeared in front ''This may seem crazy, but I think the lion wants us to go through there'' Lance exclaimed ''Where does it go?'' Pidge asked
''I don't know, Shiro you the senior officer here, what should we do?'' Lance asked
Everyone looked at Shiro ''Whatever happens, the lion knows more than we de, I say we trust it,but we're a team now, we should decide together'' he answered Everyone looked at eachother to see who agreed and disagreed ''Alright, I guess we're all ditching class tomorrow,''Lance said
Lance flew the lion through the portal and it closed just before the ship could follow ''Woah , that was...''Lance got interrupted by hunks vomiting
''Sorry'' he said weakly before puking again and crista rubbing his back ''I'm just surprised it took his long''Pidge said readjusting her glasses
''I don't recognise any of these constellations, we must be a long way from earth'' Shiro stated ''The lion seems to want to go to this planet, I think.... I think it's going home,'' Lance said as the lion flew towards the planet Because of the pressure, everyone cringed to lances chair
''Guys, a little personal stance, except for you crista'' he smirked which I glared at '' hunk your breath is killing me'' ''Um, is it just me, or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion, anyway?'' Hunk asked
''It got us away from that alien warship, didn't it?'' Lance said to hunk ''I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship,'' Keith pointed out
''Oh, are you scared?'' Lance teased
''With you at the helm? Terrified,'' Keith answered
''Guys, enough already! no ones happy to be here, but we are!'' Crista scolded them "She's right, and if we want to get through it we've got to do it together'' Shiro finished ''So, what should we do?'' Pidge asked ''First we find out where we're headed, Lance?''shiro asked everyone turned to the cuban boy ''I don't know, I'm sorry, the lion isn't talking to me anymore, wait! Wait, wait! Shh! Listen....I hear something''he said, everyone else started to hear
''...I hear it too,'' Keith said
''It's un--it's kinda of a-a high- pitch squeal?'' Hunk question
Till everyone realised by the smell after
''Ewww!''Crista yelled covering her noice
''Come on, Lance!'' The others said covering their noses
''But seriously, there's a castle up ahead,'' Lance said as everyone looked to se he was right, up ahead was a giant beautiful castle ''Wow''everyone stared in awe
As the lion landed, parts of the castle started glowing blue, then the blue lion landed infront of what looked like the entrance.
''Keep you guard up'' Shiro said
''Something wrong?'' Crista asked
''My crew were captured by aliens once, I'm not letting it happen again'' he said ' he's so concerned for our safety' crista blushed at her thought as everyone exited the lion
As soon as we were out, the lion closed its mouth and lifted its head which freaked all of us and, but also causing Keith to stood infront of crist, protecting her to her surprise
''No! I knew it was gonna eat us! No!'' Hunk yelled as the blue lion roared which caused the castle doors to open
''Oh, the door is open, guess I was wrong about you,'' hunk said to the lion
Everyone walked into the castle but got surprised when hunk yelled, startling the others ''Hello?'' His voice echoed ''From the size of the lion, I expected these steps to be bigger'' Pidge said looking at the stairs
''Hold for Identity scan'' the computers voice said as it began to scan us
''What''Pidge muttered
''Why are we here? What do you want from us?'' Shiro asked as the torches on the wall lit up in a direction
''I guess we're going that way,'' Pidge said as we followed the lighting up torches down the hall
''Hello?'' Hunk yelled again
" hunk! Please stop!l crista begged
Then the group made their way into a room with a bunch of circles, in a circle formation on the floor of the room
''Where are we?'' Lance asked
''It's some kind of control room,' Pidge answered as she touched the stand and the strange symbol appearing on it
Suddenly two pods arouse from the circles on the ground and it looked like there were people inside
''Are these guys dead?''hunk asked
As one of the pods opened to reveal a beautiful tan-skinned alien girl with white hair, pointy ears and a blue and white dress ''Father!'' She yelled before falling out of the pod an Lance catching her Her eyes were light blue with purple circles in her pupils, she looked up Lance in confusion which he just blushed at which turned into his flirting smirk ''Hello~''he flirted ''Who are you? Where am I?'' She question looking around ''I'm Lance, and your right her in my arms'' he flirted which I face palmed
''Your ears...?'' She questioned looking at them
''Yeah?'' He asked confused
''They're hideous,'' she stated and Lance growled at ''what's wrong with them''crista giggles ''Nothing's wrong with them, they heard exactly what you said about them!'' He exclaimed before she grabbed him by the ear twisted him, arm behind his back, and forced his knee to the floor
''Who are you? where is king Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?!''she questioned us ''A giant blue lion brought us here that's all we know,'' Lance answered in pain
''How do you have the blue lion? What happened to its paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless....how long has it been?'' She questioned letting go of Lance ''We don't know what your talking about, why don't you tells us who you are? Maybe we can help'' Shiro told her
''I am princess allure of planet Altea, I've got to find out how long we've been asleep'' she said walking over to the stand, putting her hands on to reveal a blue screen ''Okay that's how that works','pidge said
Suddenly the second pod opened to reveal a middle-aged man with orange hair and mustache
''Enemy combatants!'' He yelled before launching himself at Lance who just moved to the side , before falling he used the pods to balance
''Quiznak! Your lucky I have a case of the old sleep chamber knees, otherwise , I'd grab your head like this,'' he started doing hand motions
''Wrap you up like so--one two three! Sleepy time!'' He said
''Well, before you did that I'd--'' he started doing the pretend fighting-thing
''Oh really? How could do that when I've already come at you with this?'' Both kept on pretend fight.
''Man, these guys are good,'' hunk said
''It can't be,'' allure said looking at the computer shocked
''What is is?'' The mustache guy asked
''We've been asleep for 10,00 years'' the man looked shocked''planet altea and all of the planets in our solar system have been destroyed, coran, father is gone..our entire civilisation...Zarkon'' she said angry, which shocked shiro ''Zarkon?....'' he questioned ''He was the king of the gala, a vile creature and enemy to all free people'' allura explained''I remember now...I was his prisoner'' Shiro said
''He's alive? Impossible!'' Allura said angry
''I can't really explain it, but it's true, he's searching for a weapon called 'voltron' ''shiro explained
''He's searching for it because he know it's the only thing that can defeat him, and that's exactly why we must find it before he does'' announced
few minutes later
''Princess, you must eat, it's been 10,000 years,'' coran said ''I'm not hungry'' she answered ''Man, 10,000 years? That's like 1,000 plus ten,'' Lance said ''That's times ten,''Keith corrected
''Whatever drop out'' Lance shot out
''I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving,'' hunk said
''I'm surprised '' Crista said ''Yeah, you've thrown up like five times'' Pidge reminded
''Hmm, good point'' hunk said as he ate some of the goo, then cringed at the taste ''I can't believe your civilisation created such advanced technology 10,000 years ago, it must have been a incredible place'' Shiro stated
''Yes, it was, but now it is gone, and we re the last alteans alive,'' coran said as he went to hug a crying allura, Crista heard squeaking coming from allura's pod and to find 4 cute little alien mice
''Looks like your not the only ones after all'' She said as allura walked over two mice jumped on her hands as the other two jumped on crista's sholders hugging her face making her giggle
''Aww, you guys are so adorable'' suddenly the alarm went off
Keith's POV
I saw two of the mice jump up on crista hugging her face which she giggled at, which I found cute ''Aww, you guys are so adorable'' she said while giggling, I just smiled ' why can't I tell her how I feel?' I thought, suddenly the alarm went off, The screen on the stand turned red and showed a picture of the ship we ran away from
''A galra battleship has set trackers to us!'' coran announced
''How did they find us?!'' Allura asked
''I'm not sure, but I bet it's Keith's fault'' Lance accused me
''Say whatever you've got to say to make yourself feel better, after getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole'' I yelled
''I'll stick you in a wormhole!'' He yelled back
''That's it! Lance on my right, Keith on my left I'm splitting you guys apart!'' Crista scolded pushing Lance and me apart
''How long before they arrive?''Shiro asked
''Oh,well, carry the two..I'd say probably a couple of days'' coran said, counting with his fingers ''Good, let them come, by the time they get here, you six will have reformed Voltron, and together we will destroy zarkons empire'' the princess said, Hunk then burps ''Sorry. Food goo'' he said which I heard Crista giggle
''Princess, there are six of these lions. How are we going to find the rest?''shiro asked'' King Alfor connected the lions to Allura's life force. She alone is the key to the lions' whereabouts.''coran said as allura stood on a pedestal in the room
The room then turned dark and little dots that looked like locations appeared "Whoa!" We all exclaimed '' These are coordinates. The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion.'' Pidge examined, looking at the two images on the same planet '' Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage.'' Coran said leaning on the side
''Very observant. That's because the Black Lion is in the castle.'' Allura explained
''To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkon's hands, King Alfor locked it in the castle. It can only be freed if the other four lions are present.'' Coran also explained
"' As you have found, the lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain. The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation. That is why, Shiro, you will pilot the Black Lion.'' Allura said, then moved in to the green lion
''The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion. ''
''The Blue Lion -''
''Hold up, let me guess. Takes the most handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?'' Lance interrupted with a smirk
Crista whispered to Pidge and hunk
''More like the most reckless and arrogant'' She whispered which they snickered
''Hey! I heard that!'' Lance yelled pointing at her, shiro and I chuckled the princess continued ignoring lances statement
''..The Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together.'' Allura said hunk pointing at himself nervously
''The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone. Keith, you will fly the Red Lion.'' I smirked
'' What? This guy?'' Lance asks which I growled at
'' Unfortunately, I cannot locate the Red Lion's coordinates yet. There must be something wrong with the castle. After 10,000 years, it might need some work.'' Allura said
''Don't worry, we'll find it soon. They don't call me "The Coranic" for nothing. It's because it sounds like "mechanic." So... Coranic, mechanic. It's not - It doesn't sound... exactly like it. It's similar.''
''And finally the purple lion, its pilot must be loving and courageous, his or her bond with others makes the team stronger, as the heart of Voltron, crista, you will pilot the purple lion''
" alright!" She whispered fiving hunk Then all the lion holograms ran upwards then formed a giant robot that I saw in the vision
'' Once all the lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the Defender of the Universe.''
" Awesome!" Both crista and hunk said in unison
'' Oh...'' I heard pidge
''Wait. Okay, we're going to be in there and flying lions. Got that part. How do lions turn into legs? Also, is this going to be a long trip? Because I have to pee. Do you people pee?'' Hunk asked
'' We don't have much time. Pidge and I will go after the Green Lion. Lance, you take Hunk and get the yellow one. Keith, you and crista get the purple , If you locate that Red Lion, go get it.'' Shiro said
'' In the meantime, I'll get this castle's defenses ready. They'll be sorely needed.'' Allura said
''I'll ready a pod and load in the coordinates so that you can reach the Green Lion.'' Coran said
Over comsCoran: We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two of your Earth hours, so you'll have to be quick about your work. The good news is that according to my readings, both planets are relatively peaceful. So, if you do get stuck, they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives. Well, enjoy the trip!''
'' Wait! What? No!'' Lance yelled
''I did not receive the memo on this.'' Hunk yelled
''Are you kidding me!'' I yelled
Crista POV
The pod flew to wards the planet called nebula
When we landed it looked similar to the rainforest back on earth except for the plants and creatures.
''So, where to?'' Keith asked
''I dont know, allura said I should feel it's presence'' suddenly I saw a flash of the purple lion
''Woah, its near by, come on!''
''Crista wait!'' He yelled''
As We came to the edge of a waterfall, the lion felt closer but also something else, suddenly something jumped infront of me causeing me to scream and fall back, I saw a small half cat, half squirrel type creature, either way it was so cute!
''Crista!''keith yelled running to me helping me up, he looked like he was going to attack it but I stopped him
''No Keith, it's okay, look'' I said
''Awww! Hello, you're so cute!'' I said pulling my hand out, she sniffed it before licking it
''Careful crista'' Keith whispered
''It's fine come here'' I said picking up the creature''You just have to be gental'' I explained holding her in my arms
''You sure it won't bite my hand off'' he asked wary in which I giggled'' yes, just come here'' I saidHe pulled his hand out and the creature sniffed it before letting him pet her ''See, she likes you'' I state
''Yeah'' he laughed nervously
Suddenly I could feel the purple lion
''The lions close''I said
''Where?'' Keith asked
''Hmmmmm, behind the waterfall'' I put the creature down and started climbing down " bye!" I waved at the tiny creature as it scurried away We started making our way behind the waterfall into a cave full of different coloured crystals, and saw the markings we saw on earth all over the cave walls, this time they glowed a bright purple, then we saw the lion in the forcefield
''Woah'' we both said but I stopped in my tracks
''Crista? What's wrong?'' Keith questioned
''Sorry, it's just, what if I'm not worthy of piloting the lion, what if it doesn't except me'' I asked looking at one of the crystals, I then felt him puts a hand on my shoulder
''Crista, you are more than worthy, you are a amazing person, thats why lots of people love being around you, if anyone's worthy of piloting this lion, it's you'' he said making me smile with a small blush
''Thanks, alright I can do this'' I said walking towards the forcefield, putting my hand on it making it disappear, Then we made our way inside, I sat infront nervously while keith held onto the chair behind, suddenly the room glowed a darkish pink light surprising both of us " wow..." We both said in unison '' alright, let's do this'' I said, the lion burst through the waterfall and blimey! It was fast
''Okay, let's get back before the worm hole closes'' Keith suggested
''Sure, hang on'' I smirked as I flew the lion through the worm hole, When we got back, we saw Pidge ,shiro , coran and allura, but no lance or hunk 'hmm guess their not back yet' thought as allura turned to us
''Welcome back, I can see you bonded with you lion Crista '' she smiled
''How was the trip?'' Coran asked ''Yeah, it was great, the creatures there were awesome"I said excited ''Speaking of creatures, what's that on your shoulder?''shiro asked I turned to see the creature me and keith petted ''Awww! Hello you little stowaway'' I said picking it up and nuzzling her nose, allura gasped ''It can't be, that creatures surposed to be extinct,'' she exclaimed
''What is it?'' Pidge asked walking over staring the creature curiously ''It's a chimaera cat, I thought the were all gone, guess this is the last one'' Coran said walking over, patting its head "Wow, can she stay?'' I asked ''Of course, but what are you gonna call her?'' Allura asked
''Hmmmm, I think il call you.....scruff,'' she licked my nose, which made me giggled '' I guess You like that huh?'' ''Aww! She's cute, but why scruff?'' Pidge asked nailing an eyebrow ''Cause, she's so scruffy'' I answered and started hugging her, she then wiggles out of my arms and jumped from shiros shoulder to his head, then started playing with the white strand of hair causing us all including shiro to laugh
''Princess, times running out'' coran then spoke up
''Right, I will alert Lance and hunk to return'' she said walking to the platform
Soon they came walking in looking completely exhausted ''You made it.'' Allura smiled
'' Yeah, just barely. That was a nightmare. I almost puked out there. I felt like Hunk!'' Lance groaned
''Think how I felt. I am Hunk!'' Hunk yelled at Lance, then noticing scruff on shiros head and gasping ''Awww, who's this?'' He asked walking over petting her head ''I named her scruff, little one snuck in on the way back'' Crista explained Lance even stroked her " she's so cute!" ''Yeah. We had a tough time, too.'' Pidge said with a grin on her face to shiro
'' Did we find the Red Lion yet?'' He asked
'' Allura just located it. There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is, the Red Lion's nearby. The bad news is, it's on board that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait, good news again. We're Arus!'' Coran said which shocked everyone
''They're here already?'' Shiro asked shocked
'' Yes. Guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting is - it's more of an art than a science. Hmm?'' Coran answered which i face palmed then the screen appeared showing an purple, furry alien
Sendak ''Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy your planet.'' He said before the screen shut down
'' All right, let's not panic.'' Shiro said
''Not panic? Th-The scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship toward us. We only have five lions.'' Hunk panicked
'' Technically, only four working lions.'' Pidge corrected
'' That's right. Thank you, Pidge. Four working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old.'' Hunk said
''Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather -'' coran tried to explain
''Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!'' Hunk interrupted still panicking
''Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we can activate.'' Allura remembered
''Girl, you've already activated my par-'' Lance started flirting
'' Lance!'' Shiro and I cut him off, scolding him ''The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last.'' Coran explained ''Panic now?'' Hunk asked
'' No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly.'' Shiro said ''So what do we do?" I asked ''I say we pop through a wormhole and live to fight another day.'' Lance answered
'' I second that. Yes. I mean, we tried to find all the lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have three. We can't form Voltron. I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm! To go through that hole, Lance, that you were talking about.'' Hunk sided with lance
'' Then, it's settled. Allura, you ride with me. One of you take the old guy.'' Lance said which coran glared daggers at him '' We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them.'' Pidge said
'' Okay. If we run, then maybe Sendak will follow us and leave this planet alone, like when we left Earth. We form the snake-worm thingamajig and we (hisses) out of here.'' Hunk suggested
''Sendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway. Staying is our only option.'' Keith stated
'' Here's an option: shut your quiznak.'' Lance said shocking Coran and allura
'' I don't think you're using that word correctly.'' Keith said
'' What do you know, Mullet?'' Lance asked
"We're staying.'' Keith argued
''Leaving!'' Lance argued back
''Staying!'' Pidge yelled
'' Snake!'' Hunk yelled
''Guys! stop it!" i yelled, The Group crossed their arms turning away from each other " Princess Allura, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us. What do you think is the best course of action?'' Shiro asked
''I... I don't know.'' She said
''Perhaps your father can help.'' Coran spoke
''My father?'' She questioned
When she came back she wore a battle suit and had her hair in a bun
''You six paladins were brought here for a reason. The Voltron Lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope.''
''We're with you, Princess.'' Shiro said
No ones PoV
She led the group out of the control room and into a room with six different coloured suits to match the colours of the lions
''Your suits of armor'' she announces, everyone walking towards their different coloured suit
Shiro: Outstanding.''
Keith: Nice.''
Crista: awesome''
Pidge: Oh, neat!''
Hunk: Hmm... Mmm... hmm''. Hunk looked at his suit and measured it and himself
''Princess, are you sure about this? They aren't exactly the best and brightest the universe has to offer.'' Coran asked while looking towards the group questioned while fiddling with his mustache
'' No, but they're all we've got.'' She answered
'' Boys,it's time to suit up!- '' Shiro announcement was cut off by a certain blond cough " sorry, boys and girl" he smiled sheepishly
Everyone started putting on their suits, Crista then walked over to allura and whispered " is there a way to re-adjust the chest plate princess?" She asked " is it too lose?" Allura asked " the opposite" the guys heard this and slightly blushed " let's worry about it later" both girls nodded in agreement, allura then walked over to a table which held five bayards
''The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron. It takes a distinct shape for each paladin.'' Allura's Explained as they floated towards their paladin
Hunks floated to him and turned into a machine gun, the weight was heavy causing it to fall down, but he managed to pick it up and grinned
Keith's turned into a sword and a
Lance turned into a shotgun''Whoo!'' He pointed it in a different direction
Pidges turned into a little arrow thing I don't know what it is
'' Aw, you got a cute little bayard'' Lance teased so she zapped him
''Yeah, it is pretty cute.'' She smirked, crista giggled
hers flouted towards her, and turned into two blade like discs
( just so you know, there like the ones in the picture dromarch has that nia uses in xeno blade chronicles 2, if you don't know what that it you should check it out its pretty cool anyway back to the story)
''Woah...'' Crista stared in awe
''Cool...''Pidge said, both girls high fived '' Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its paladin.'' Allura Explained
''I guess I'll just have to make do.'' He said, he then notices the concern look crista gave " don't worry il be fine" he reassured which she nodded
In the control room
The group stood with allura and coran in the control room going over the plan to retrieve the red lion from the ship''You'll need to retrieve the Red Lion from Sendak's ship.''allura explained
'' That's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna know where the Red Lion is?'' Keith asked
''Well it's not a matter of "we." It's a matter of you." Pidges said
'' Pidge is right. Once we get you in, you'll be able to feel its presence and like track it down.'' Hunk joined in
'' Yeah. You know how you felt that crazy energy while we were in the desert?'' Lance asked
''Yeah. You made fun of me for that.'' Keith said
''And I'm proud of that, but turns out it's exactly like that mumbo-jumbo.'' Lance said
''Keith, remember, the Red Lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn its respect.'' Allura said
''Don't worry you got this'' Crista said, patting his shoulder ''All right. Here's our plan of attack.'' Shiro announced his plan
'' The Galra Empire knows about the Blue and Yellow Lion, but they don't know we have the Green And purple lions too. Hunk, Lance, you'll act as a decoy by pretending to give yourselves up.'' He said
The plan was put into action
''Attention, Galra ship. Do not fire. We're surrendering our lions. Hope this works.'' Lance said
''While Sendak is distracted, Keith, Pidge, Ani and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green Lion. Keith and I will find the Red Lion while Pidge and crista guard our exit. Hunk, Lance, find some way to take down that ion cannon.''
'' Pidge, what's your ETA?''
'': We're in.'' She said
While sneaking in the hall shiro held his head in pain relieving flashed from his past time on the ship
''Shiro are you okay'' Crista asked worried, kneeling down to help him, he groaned as she helped him up ''yeah, I've been here before. After I was taken by the Galra cruiser off Kerberos, they brought us here." He said, which shocked pidge ''So, that means your other crewmembers, they might be held captive here. We... We've got to rescue them!.'' Pidge exclaimed
'' Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get the Red Lion and get back to Arus.'' Shiro said
''But we can't just leave prisoners here!'' She argued at him
" Look, no one understands that more than me, but, in war, we have to make hard choices. Now, let's get moving." The three began walking
" No! " she yelled causing the group to stop" Commander Holt is my father. He and my brother were the ones on the Kerberos Mission with you." She explained ''Commander Holt is your father?'' Shiro asked shocked
''Yes. I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother. And I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close. I won't!'' Pidge answered
''I'm coming with you.'' He said
'' What?'' Both Keith and Crista questioned ''I remember where the prisoners are held, crista go with Keith and find the Red Lion.'' Shiro ordered '' By ourselves?'' Keith asked
Shiro: ''Minor change of plans. You'll be fine. Just remember, patience yields focus!" Just then the doors opened revealing robot sentries, they noticed the four and immediate started shooting " So - Run!'' Both shiro and pidge ran in the opposite direction, Keith grabbed crista's hand and started running,then ended up being a fork in the road
" Great. Now, which way?" Keith groaned, Both heard footsteps and started running again but came back to the same hall way with the same symbol on the wall '' You've got to be kidding me!'' Keith yelled frustrated ''Come on Keith, you can do this'' crista put a hand on his shoulder ''Okay, Patience yields focus. Gotcha.'' He said before grabbing crista's hand again and dragging us to a hanger which was where the red lions was in a forcefield
''Bingo. Let's get out of here. Open up. It's me. Keith. Your buddy. It's me! Keith, your - I am your paladin!'' He said, trying to get the lion to open the force field, just then guards ran in and started shooting at us ''Keith, keep trying, il cover you, remember you said I had what it takes to fly the purple lion, it's time you start following your own advice '' Crista yelled, summoning her bayard, ran at the guard sentries
''I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected!"he yelled at the lion, then grunted as a shot nearly hit him "You're not getting this lion! '' he yelled a sentrie then shot Crista in the shoulder
''Ahhhh!'' Crista yelled in pain
''crista!'' Keith yell, running out and slashing a few sentries with his sword, helping Crista back to cover''You okay!?'' he asked in worry
''Yea, never better...'' she grunted, clenching her shoulder ''Put your helmet on, I've got an idea'' he said which Crista nodded putting it on then all of a sudden he wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed some button which opened the hatch into space, Keith held onto the panel but some piece of metal knocked his hand off and sent both flying into space causing crisis to loose her grip on Keith
''Crista! Hang on!'' He yelled, she kept screaming, spinning out of control till She felt Keith's grip on her, causing her to sigh in relief ''Thanks''
''No problem, but now what?''
''Keith look!'' Crista pointed towards the ship as the red lion flew towards the two, scooping them up and landing both in control bay, but was really awkward, due to the fact that Crista fell on Keith's lap, both of them blushing ''Err....il get off'' She stuttered quickly standing up and grabbing Keith's seat from behind ''Good kitty. Let's roll.'' He smirked as he piloted the lion to the castle
Crista PoV
''Oh, quiznak!'' I heard Coran scream ''Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere. We need Voltron now!'' Allura shouted through the coms ''Man, those Galra guys repair things fast.'' Hunk said
" The barrier gets weaker with every blast. Once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless." Coran explained " I can give you cover with the castle defenses for a while, but you have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!" Allura added
'' Jeez, no pressure.'' Hunk Said "Listen up, Team Voltron! The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me? Shiro asked" everyone nodded in their lions I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked " Yes." Lance, Keith pudge and me answered annoyed ''Let's do this!'' Shiro shouted the lions flew out of the hanger and immidialty were blasted at, the group dodging the small fighter ships attacks
''Uh, how?'' Lance asked
''Good question. Does anyone have any ideas of how to form Voltron?'' Shiro asked
''I don't see a "combine into giant robot button anywhere on my dashboard.'' Hunk said looking around
'' This is insane! Can't they just cease fire for one minute so we can figure this out? Is that too much to ask?'' She yelled irritated, I saw her lion caught a ship in its mouth then threw it at another "'We've got to do something.'' Keith said ''Combine!'' Hunk yelled before ramming the his lion into the red lion knocking it into me
''Hey!'' Keith yelled as his and my lion got up
''Hunk!'' I yelled
''Okay, that didn't work.'' He said as his lions head lowed its head then took off running
" Maybe if we fly in formation, we'll just combine." Shiro suggested " Take off on my cue. One, two, three, Voltron!" All the lions flew upwards at each there's side " Here we go!" Keith yelled "Come on, come on!" Lance begged " Nothing's happening." Shiro grunted at the pressure " Hey, wait, wait, wait! I feel something!'' Lance said I began to feel something happening to my lion I do, too. I feel it. It's like we're all being pulled in the same direction!" Hunk add I then looked up and relised " Uh, guys, I think I know why. Look up." I sai
"What the cheese?!" Lance exclaimed " Sendak's ship is sucking us in like a black hole!" Piddle yelled, I looked back at the castle and saw the particle barrier had gone " Oh, no!'' Shiro yelled
'' I-I don't care what you say, Shiro. I'm panicking now!'' hunk screamed ''It can't end here!'' Pidges yelled''This is it!'' Lance yelled '' It's been an honor flying with you guys''. Keith said ''Oh, no!'' Hunk yelled, I didn't want things to end like this, no way! Not ever!
'' No! We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves. We can't give up. We are the universe's only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! We won't fail! " I yelled, which I think inspired the others
"She's right! If we work together, we'll win together!'' Shiro yelled
''Yeah!'' The others yelled, Just then something started to happen, the lions roared at the ship and took off somehow out of the beam, landing on the ground a dust cloud formed, when the dust cleared, I saw that we had done it, we had formed voltron!
Keith: I can't believe it!
Pidge: We formed Voltron!
Hunk: I'm a leg!
" this is incredible!" I exclaimed
Lance: How are we doing this?"
Shiro: I don't know, but let's get that cannon!"
In the end We destroyed the ship and disband Voltron, we landed our lions and I saw allura's and coran running towards us
''Good work, Paladins!'' She congratulated
''Thanks, pretty lady.'' Lance flirted
''We did it.'' I said
''Heck yeah, we did.'' Keith said wrapping an arm round my shoulder '' How did we do it?'' Shiros asked '' I don't know, but it was awesome'' I cheered '' I was just, like, screaming the whole time. Maybe that did it.'' Hunk said we laughed, the I noticed pidge was sad about not finding her brother and dad on the ship, shiro put his hand on her shoulder
'' We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father. Wherever they are, I know they'd be proud of you.'' He said making her smile ''We won the battle, but the war has only just begun. I'm afraid Zarkon will not stop until he gets these lions'' allura said
''Good thing you paladins know what you're doing, because you're going to have to form Voltron again and again.'' Coran added ''Totally. Wait, what?'' Hunk said Realising what coran said ''We barely survived forming Voltron this one time.'' Lance stated
'' And you only had to fight one ship. Wait until you have to fight a whole fleet of them! It's not going to be easy being the Defenders of the Universe.'' Coran said, everyone stood there, not knowing what else to say, still shiro broke the silence
''Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it.'' he said, everyone looking at the lions smiling
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