It didn't take long for Keith to get ready. He was really exited actually to go to dinner at Lance's. Because firstly; he likes his mom and her food and secondly; he also likes Lance.
Maybe he didn't fully realize his feelings, but he knows that he likes Lance more than just a normal friend.
Before Keith went to Lance's house, he dropped Kosmo at Shiro's. It's a chance for Adam to meet the best boy in the entire universe, but also someone needs to walk the dog later, and Keith doesn't want to leave early.
Keith knocks on Shiro's door and wait for him to open it.
"Where are you going?" Shiro crosses his arms and smirks
"To Lance's. He invited me over to dinner"
"Like a date?"
Keith's cheeks turn red and he looks down "N-no, just something friendly" he stuttered
Shiro nods "But you want it to be a date?"
The smaller shrugs "I don't know, maybe? I'm kind of nervous, it's just dinner? I already had dinner with his family, so I don't know why I'm so nervous"
Shiro sighs "You know, feelings exist. I thought you had something for him for a very long time now"
"Really, since when?"
Shiro takes a little while to think "Do you remember that time in space where Lance almost died, or let's just say, was in a coma? You also had this argument that went something like 'we had a bonding moment'. You were kind of hung up on that. Maybe it was since then" Shiro leans down to Kosmo and pets him
"Oh. Okay then. Am I oblivious?"
Shiro looks up "When it comes to feelings, probably" he stands up "You know, if you want to talk about it, you can come over tomorrow" Keith nods "And now you need to get going to that dinner"
"Oh right" he smiles "Say hi to Adam from me" Keith waves goodbye and leaves.
There is nothing Keith should be scared of, but he still is, or more specific, he is nervous. He was at the McClain house before, but he wasn't really aware of his feelings back then. Now he knows there is more.
He knew feelings could be scary. For example, when Lance almost died, when he almost sacrificed himself, when he met his mother once again, when he almost lost Shiro. There was a lot. A lot of emotions that were scary. But these kind of feelings, was it love or something less for him, however, this is one is also really, really scary.
Keith knocks on the door and waits for someone to open it, what wasn't really long since there live a lot of people.
Veronica opens the door "Hey Keith, we were waiting for you" she smiles
She nods, somewhat "Yeah kinda. Lance waited nervously, you should have seen him"
Keith's cheeks turn red "Oh?"
"Come on inside" she steps away from the door and let's Keith in "Food will be ready in a bit. Nadia and Silvio are also exited to see you"
They both walk into the living room and directly after Nadia and Silvio run to Keith and hug his legs. Keith kneels down and hugs them back "Hey you two" he smiles "Missed me?"
"Of course!" they say at the same time
"Lance will be down in a minute" someone on the couch says.
Keith turns around and looks at the said someone. Rachel, Lance's twin sister. There is two of them and he doesn't know how the world could handle two Lance's.
"Okay" he also sits down n the couch
"You know Lance hasn't stopped talking about you" she says
"He mostly talks with Vero" Nadia says and makes clear that she wants on his arms
Keith takes her in his arm and looks at Rachel again "Really? What is he talking about?"
She shakes her head and smiles "That is for me to know and for you to find out"
He raises a brow "Isn't it what I'm trying to do right now?"
She sighs "You are exactly how he told me you are"
"And you are the exact same copy of Lance, but like only the female version"
They both stare at each other then start to laugh
"You're a great guy" she says once the calmed down "No wonder the whole family likes you"
Rachel and Keith continued to talk for a while until Lance came down.
"Good morning wonderful people"
"It's evening Lance" Rachel rolls her eyes and wander off into the kitchen to help her mother and Veronica
"I see Nadia really likes you" Lance sits down where Rachel was sitting before
Keith looks down at the girl in his arms who was playing with his jacked -that is not cropped this time- "Yeah. So what was the reason you invited me?"
Lance scratches his neck "There is no reason behind it? Just wanted to see you again"
"We literally see each other almost everyday when we help Hunk with his-"
"Stop crushing all my logic, mullet man"
Keith rolls his eyes "That nickname again"
"You don't like it? I have other ones" Keith raises his brow "Keefers, mullet head, Keef, Keithy boy, Samurai-"
Keith stops him "Okay, okay, I get it" he smiles "you have really nothing better to do than give me new nicknames?"
"Oh you love it"
"Do I?" he says jokingly
"I'm hurt, Keith, so hurt" he says dramatically and falls down on Keith's shoulder
"Please don't die in my arms"
Lance sits up "Yeah we don't want things to repeat" he says nodding lightly "Wait-"
Keith's eyes widen "You DO REMEmber. My whole life is a lie" he leans back
Lance hides his face in his hands "Quiznack"
"Quiznack indeed. Why would you lie? I was making a clown of myself, hell i was the whole circus!"
"In my defense-"
"Yeah I would like to hear that"
Lance makes a short pause "No, I don't now why I did it. It just was like it"
Keith shakes his head "I'm telling Pidge"
"You wouldn't"
Keith turns his head to Lance "Oh but I would" he smirks
Lance comes closer "You wouldn't dare" he whispers, almost
Keith also lean in "Try me"
They look into each others eyes for a long while, not noticing anything that happens around them.
Lance takes a short look at Keith's lips and looks fast back up, once he realizes that he was looking, maybe staring, at the others lips.
Keith noticed and does the same.
They definitely wanted to kiss. It was obvious to the two.
They slowly lean in closer, looking at the others lips and slowly closing their eyes.
At this point it was sure that they both have feelings for each other. If you haven't noticed, then I have no words.
It's always scary to do the first step. Now, some might think it's telling the other how you feel, but it's actually admitting the feeling to yourself. Feelings are a scary thing, no wonder a lot of people are scared of them.
It's been a roller coaster for Lance. First he tried to get the attention of Allura, then he somewhat stared to pay more attention to Keith, and once they came back to earth he once again started to flirt with Allura, and then realized his feelings for Keith and was relived.
Keith was more concentrating on missions and stuff. Once everything calmed down and they went back to their "normal" life, he had more time to think about his feelings. It was more hard for him to admit his feelings than to realize them. But he got there.
Nadia cuts them off "If you two wanted privacy you could have told me" Keith and Lance back away from each other, both completely red "But food is ready so come on, you have enough time after dinner" she smiles and hops off of Keith's lap.
Keith and Lance look around awkwardly "We should probably also go eat" Lance says
They both stand up and walk to the others.
"You look like two tomatoes" Veronica says suspicious
"Yeah Keith and uncle Lance-" Nadia started but Lance cuts her off
"Nadia what did you say about privacy?"
The family, plus Keith, ate dinner, talked, laughed etc. When they were ready, they helped to clean the dishes, talked some more. Veronica teased the two boys. The two boys teased her about Acxa.
All in all the had fun.
After that Lance asked if Keith wanted to come up to his room to talk. So they went.
They both stayed silent until Lance broke the silence
"So" Lance started
"So" Keith was looking around in Lance's room "You wanted to talk?"
"Yeah" he says nervously
"Me actually too"
Keith nods "Yeah. But you can start" he turns around and faces Lance
"Okay" Lance looks around in his room, everything to avoid looking him in the eyes "So this is harder than I thought" he scratches his neck
"Start small, Lance" Keith tries to calm him down "What is it you wanted to talk about?"
"Feelings" Keith hums "You remember when I found you on the black lion and wanted to talk?" Keith nods again "Well, I've been thinking since then, like a lot. About how I feel, what I was feeling, and what I'm feeling right now. Man, I was thinking so much-"
"Lance calm down, it's just me" Keith smiles a little
That's the problem, it's just Keith "Yeah, sorry. So I came to the conclusion that I'm feeling certain feelings to a certain person. And that person is" Lance's heart was racing at this point "You"
"Me?" Keith asks quietly
"I guess it started back when we were still in space. I didn't realize I was feeling that way, but I was constantly worried I would lose you, and I always wanted to be by your side, you helped me a lot also. And maybe I was scared of it and did what I usually do, flirt with others. But Yeah, like I said I've been thinking since we talked, and I also talked with Vero, and yeah"
Lance was surprised he could say everything so calmly. He was freaking out inside, but he managed to calm it down, somehow.
"I know it's stupid" Lance starts again "And you probably think I'm weird for liking you. Maybe you don't want to be friends anymore, but I needed to say it. I understand if you don't want to have to do anything with me-"
Keith cuts him off "No, don't think that. I would never cut off the friendship. And I for sure don't think you're weird. I am kind of relived right now"
Lance looks up for the first time "Relived?"
Keith nods "You see, I also have been thinking, and I like you Lance. Not just as a friend but as more. It took me some time to accept these feelings, cause feelings are really scary, but yeah"
"So, it's mutual?" Lance asks
"Can I hug you?"
Keith rolls his eyes "We have knows each other for years, you don't need to ask me tha-" Lance cuts him off with a hug.
They stand like that for a while, just hugging each other.
It is nice finally having said what was kind of eating you up inside. And they were both relieved that they were feeling the same, once of the best feelings you could ever feel.
"Oh also, I would like to finish what almost started earlier in the living room" Lance says
NOT the end
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