Filler chapter (Klance, Adashi, Hunay, Romellura, Veracxa, Pidge and Matt -sibling bonding-)
"Oh also, I would like to finish what almost started earlier in the living room" Lance says
They let go of the hug, but still stay close to each other. "Mhm what do you mean?" Keith smiles "We just were staring at each other, I can't recall anything almost happening" he says sarcastically
"Don't tell me you forgot our bonding moment?"
"Naha, you're not allowed to talk about bonding moments you traitor" Keith chuckles "Maybe, if I can't remember, you just show me?" he says teasingly
Lance comes closer to his face "Do you want me to show you?"
Keith looks down at his lips and then again up to his eyes "Yeah" he says, almost whispers, while nodding
Lance comes closer until his lips meet the others. Neither of them really thought that it would come to this point. It just seems like the day they were stuck in an elevator was yesterday, and now they stand in Lance's room and are kissing.
Crazy how time passes. It seems like it is going really fast, but at the same time not? It's confusing, but maybe understandable.
After some time they both pull slowly away, and open their eyes seconds after.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this" Keith says while smiling. Keith throws his arms over Lance's neck and kisses him again, this time more confident. It took Lance by surprise, but he kissed back.
Now that they know that they feel the same way about each other, they can't wait to see how the future will look for them.
"Where did Keith go?" Adam asks
Shiro walks back and sits down next to Adam on the couch "To Lance's. He invited him to dinner" Shiro smiles
"Oh is there something going on between them?"
"I hope it will. Keith has been making eyes at Lance for an eternity now. It was getting annoying" Shiro rolls his eyes and Adam chuckles "You can be happy that you weren't there in space"
Adam's miles drops a little "Maybe, but I missed you, and I hope you won't pull such an act again" he furrows his eyebrows "I was worried as hell, seriously"
"I know, we have talked about this already, and I am really sorry. My decision kind of fucked up our relationship" Shiro was really sorry, he couldn't put it in words together. But for now, he is happy that Adam is back -also that all his friends re happy and safe, plus that this whole war is over-.
"I know, dumbass. But on the other hand, if it didn't happen we'd be dead, you know"
Shiro sighs "Still-"
Adam sits up "Still this and that- Takashi, I'm just happy to be here again. We can fix this awkward whatever relationship this is, don#t worry about that. Just be happy that we are all okay" he smiles at the other "You don't need to worry anymore, you deserve a break" Adam takes Shiro's hands in his
Shiro smiles back at him "Thank you"
They sit there for a while just smiling at each other until Adam breaks the silence "But I'm still salty that this broke off our engagement" he says blankly
"Sorry, sorry" he laughs "You know that I want to be with you, right?" he looks Shiro in the eyes "I know I was an ass when I said I won't be here when you're back, and this broke off our engagement. But I thought I would never see you again. This all doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you"
Shiro smiles "Me too"
"Hunk, this restaurant is amazing" Shay cheered while walking around the, still closed, restaurant
Hunk smiles. He wanted to show Shay his restaurant, his dream. It was something important for him. Over the past months, he and Shay got closer, and maybe there is something going on.
"Thank you. We worked hard, and it took some time, but it's finally done" he walks up to her "Even the menus and I also have found people who will work with me. So all I need is the opening and closing hours, then I can finally open it" he looks around
"This is amazing. I'm so proud of you" she hugs him
After the hug, Hunk takes both Shay's hands in his and looks nervously at her "But before it's officially open, I prepared something for us" her eyes widen a bit, like her smile "here sit down" she sits down and Hunk walks off, only to come back with two meals one for Shay and one for him. Then he walks off again and comes back with some drinks for them.
"You made this for me?"
Hunk also sits down "Yeah. I really like you, and I wanted to do something special for you. I hope you like it?" he chuckles and looks at her
"I like it a lot" If she could hug him she would, but they are sitting right now "A-and I like you too, so I'm really, really happy"
"Really? Huch that's good"
They both talked a lot this evening. They both enjoyed it a lot too, and agreed on a second date.
"Did you get a day off?" Romelle asks
"It's not like it's really my job, I do it voluntary, and there isn't much to do, almost nothing, also I decided to stay in. Coran also said I should give myself a break" they both walk around the mall
"Well, Coran is right. I couldn't spend as much time with you as I wanted. Bless Coran" Romelle says dramatically
Allura laughs at her comment "Am I really spending this much time at the Garrison?" Romelle nods "Sorry, I probably annoy you with it"
"No, no, well maybe a little, but it's what you like doing, right? I heard Nadia say 'Do what you love, and love what you do' and I guess that is what you're doing?" she says a little confused
Allura smiles at her "Yeah. But I also like spending time with you, and I haven't been doing that" she frowns
"But we are here together now" Romelle smiles at her
They both are really happy to spend time with each other right now. Allura has really been spending time working. She is used to it, so it was only natural for her. But she finally came out of her shell and isn't avoiding, well she is trying to, her feelings for Romelle.
"Want to get something to eat?" he blonde asks
The princess nods "Yes, I'm starving. You have something in mind?"
"There should be a nice cafe I heard about" Romelle takes Allura's hand and drags her with her
Just about two minutes later they arrived, thanks to Romelles fast walking.
"I heard it's really good, and the food should also be tasty!" they both sit down, order some food and something to drink, and talk. then around evening they went back.
"I had fun today, thank you"
"No need to thank me, Llura" they smile at each other "You know I wanted to spend a day with you alone for some time now. The other times other people were with us and I guess I wanted some alone time with you"
"How come?"
"I like spending time with you?"
"You don't sound too sure, but thank you" Allura chuckles and they continue to walk in silence.
At some point Allura tries to take Romelle's hand. She was looking down at their hands and slwoly moved hers to Romelle's. And with success, Romelle "accepted" it and also takes Allura's hand.
Acxa just finished her training and sat down to rest a bit. Veronica walks up to her and sits down .
"How is training going?"
That's good. Why are you still training? I mean, you already are in good shape and yeah" she scratches her neck
"Thank you. But to stay in good shape, i need to continue with the training" she says with a serious tone
Veronica nods "True, but you need to loosen up a bit" she smiles at Acxa
"What do you mean?"
Veronica's smile turns into a smirk "Wanna come over to dinner today?"The McClain's and their dinner dates, it probably runs in the blood
Acxa raises a brow "And your family won't have anything against it?"
She shakes her head "Lance always brings over the mullet head"
"Mullet head as in Keith?" Veronica nods "Okay I guess. I mean I'd love to"
"Great. I'll pick you up around six then?"
Acxa smiles "Six is fine"
"See you the, beautiful" Veronica winks and walks off
Acxa just sits there with red, purple?, checks. she is for sure happy to get to know Veronica better.
"Katie, I think we finished" Matt shouts
They both stepped back from their robot and look at it for a couple of seconds "Turn it on idiot"
Matt gasps "Excuse me, I'm older and smarter than you"
"You wish"
Matt laughs and walks to the robot to turn it on. It worked, finally. A new model and a new robot. They love doing this especially together.
"Bae-Bae we did it" Pidge cheered she kneels down and plays with her dog
"What are we gonna call him?" Matt asks, looking at their robot like a proud dad
She shrugs "I don't know. Maybe R2-D2?"
Matt nods "I like it" he kneels on the robot's level and hugs it "Papa loves you"
"Ew, let go of my son you rat"
"He is my son. How dare you Katie"
"I named him"
"I made him"
"I helped"
Colleen walks in "Now he is mine" she smiles and walks up to R2-D2
"Mooom!" they both whine at the same time.
Thank's to everyone who has been reading this story so far and has been commenting and voting.
This is still not the end!
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