I don't really know how time works in Voltron (what year was what) so just ignore it. 'm sure you'll understand when I mention the years.
"Lance can you take this box?" Hunk asks, Lance nods and takes the box.
The Paladins, well somewhat ex-Paladins, are bringing inside boxes for Hunk's new restaurant. Since the war ended, Hunk has only been thinking about three things. His family. His friends. and his dream, having his own restaurant. No wonder, he is a great cook, and it's his hobby.
Lance walks inside and puts the box in a room in the back. He sighs and stretches, this box was heavy. He opens the box and nods, sarcastically. It was filled with lots of plates.
Soon Pidge also walks inside with a box, only smaller, and probably lighter.
"I haven't seen Hunk this happy in a long time, let's not forget that he is always happy" she says
"Yeah" Lance leans on one of the tables "Do you think this will take long?"
Pidge also leans on one of the tables "Why? Already miss doing nothing? getting weak?" she smirks
"Oh shut up. I just wanna see how this place will look in the future. I'm sure the whole neighborhood will come" he smiles at himself
"And don't forget Shay. Hunk will be red when he sees her walk in here"
The exchange looks and then laugh.
"How's Adam?" Pidge asks once they calmed down
"How do you know about him?"
Pidge raises a brow "Do you really wanna know"
He thinks for a second and then shakes his head "Nope. I forgot you're 'Pidge' for a second"
"Good choice. So how is he?"
"Alright, I guess. Keith dragged me out of the house, as soon as Shiro came back, so I don't really know what happened after" he shrugs
"Oh, so you were alone with him?" she smirks
"Yeah, so what. We've known each other for a long time"
"You oblivious fuck" she face palms herself "I mean, was there a spark?"
He laughs, somewhat awkwardly "Ha ha, you are a funny one"
She rolls her eyes "I'm serious"
Lance has spend a lot of time with Keith, and he really likes his company, he won't deny that. He also would lie, if he said that he didn't look forward to hanging out with him. He liked Keith's company a lot.
Lance has been a dick to Keith for a long period of time in space, so maybe this is something like a chance to get them n good terms. They may are good friends already, but he wants to make sure that they are on serious really good friendship terms. Something like that.
"We are friends, Pidge. And I don't think- You know what. How is this one robot of you and Matt going?"
Pidge sighs and shakes her head "Alright. Matt almost wanted to cut of his hair. I almost killed him, because of that. That idiot" she giggles "Also he flirts with a lot of alien girls. He practically slowly becomes you" she glances at him
"Well, he can have that role, cause I want to concentrate on my feelings. I don't want to get rejected by every person I flirt with"
"Understandable" she nods.
Hunk comes in with another box and puts it down next to other, many, boxes.
"What are you doing here guys? I still need help" he says
"Sorry, buddy. We talked for a little" Pidge answers
"Are you keeping secrets from me?" he says dramatically, and sarcastically if you couldn't tell
"Just about Lance's feelings, and Matt's hair"
Hunk sits down on a chair "Lance's feelings, is there a special someone?"
Lance cuts Pidge off "No, maybe, I need time to think, am confused"
Hunk smiles understandably "If you say so, take all the time you need, no one tries to take over the world"
"Wow okay, we don't need these Zarkon/Sendak jokes here" Pidge says
"She's right Hunk, how dare you?"Lance gasps and places his hand where his heart lies
They all laugh together for a minute until they calm down.
"Okay guys, I called Matt, Romelle, Allura, Coran, and Keith, they will come by" Hunk explains
"What about Shiro?" Lance asks
"He needs to look after Adam, I heard. If Shiro would come by now with Adam, Adam would just sit around with not really somebody to talk, so I told him to come around seven, I'll make dinner fir everyone" he smiles "But now I want to get all boxes inside and clean this place" he claps his hands and stands up, walking back outside
Pidge glances at Lance "Your lover will come later"
"I'll kill you little gremlin child"
Pidge stands up and runs outside, Lance right behind her, chasing.
For the next couple of hours, after Romelle, Allura, Matt, Keith, and Coran also came, they all got the boxes with more plates, kitchen utensils, decoration, and the like, inside. They cleaned the main room, cleaned the floors, cleaned the windows, took everything that was broken, or no use outside.
Matt almost dropped a box with glass in it. The reason was Pidge's and Romelle's small prank by scaring him.
Lance showed Allura and Keith some decent music. Allura was completely surprised, she didn't "experienced" music. Keith was just annoyed, especially by the comment "You're so emo, sometimes I think, you live in the 70's punk or emo generation".
In the end, when they fished everything they planned, they just danced along with the music. Matt joined Pidge and Romelle to fool around. All in all, they had a really fun time.
Speaking of fun times. they hadn't one of these in a long time. After they got back to their normal life, they spend mostly time with the family. Of course they also hung out altogether, but not with that level of fun.
In the meantime, Hunk was making dinner, so it would be ready when Shiro and Adam came. But as the time came, Shiro and Adam also arrived.
Hunk told everyone to sit down. And then he served the food.
There were round tables. Hunk was sitting next to Pidge. Pidge next to Matt. On Matt's right was Romelle and beside her was Allura. Next to Allura's was Coran. Coran was sitting next to Shiro, and the next was Adam, of course. Keith sat next to Adam and Lance. Lance next to Keith and Hunk on his left.
Everyone was complementing Hunk's cooking (I'm sure Gordon Ramsay would be jealous). This made Hunk very happy. He was looking forward for his restaurant to open. He wants to see people enjoy his food.
"So how are you Adam?" Lance asks
Adam looks up from his food "Alright. Shiro has been helping me with my leg. I don't know how he does that with his arm" he looks at Shiro's arm "But all in all, I'm okay"
"As if" Shiro started jokingly "You haven't heard him cuss. He had so much trouble with his leg at the beginning. He said, and I quote 'I will boil your teeth, if you don't want it my way'" everyone laughs "And let me remind you, he yelled that at a prosthetic leg"
Adam laughs along "Stop exposing me, Shiro"
"Well glad you have a good time" Matt says "Pidge almost killed when I told her that was thinking to cut my hair" he touches his hair
"I would also kill you. Your hair is beautiful, and it doesn't deserve the treatment you give it" Lance says
"Oh so you admire Matt's long hair, and hate on mine?" Keith smiles and crosses his arms
"There is a difference" he says "His hair is long. You have a mullet" he explains
Keith sits up and turns to Lance "It isn't even a mullet anymore. Just long hair"
He shakes his head "Nah man, you will always be my mullet man"
Pidge smiles and leans over the table "/Your/ mullet man?"
Lance's cheeks flush red "You know what I mean you small devil child"
Pidge sits back down "Don't worry, Keith is just as red as you"
Lance looks over at Keith. Keith hides his face in his hand, he could still see a hint of pink on his face.
"Mhm reminds me of someone" Matt says and glances over at Shiro and Adam
"You better keep your mouth shut Matthew" Shiro says
"We all know Matt is short for Mathematics, Shiro. And besides, what will I get if I keep my mouth shut?"
"Nothing" Romelle cuts them off "Now I want to know" she says a bit over exited
"Matt we made the pinky-promise" he points at him
"Sorry Romi" Matt shrugs after some thinking "The pinky-promise is the most powerful promise in the galaxy".
They all kept talking, laughing, and eating until late in the evening. Some of them went home after. And some helped Hunk with the dishes. Then after that, they also went home.
Just a good time with close friends, that's what they all needed. In general, that' what everyone needs once in a while.
This chapter is a little shorter I guess. I have a lot of work to do, and didn't really have time, so yeah, sorry.
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