I know I haven't updated in 10 years, I had exams.
This is fanfiction so of course actions are not like they are actually should/could be in real life. I know that. Please don't say something like "It should be like that and that". If you don't like it don't read it.
Someone knocks on the door and Shiro stands up from the couch and opens the door. Two people in an Garrison uniform stand there.
"Can I help you?" he asks
On of the two, he has dark brown hair and was almost as good build as Shiro, steps forward "Are you Takashi Shirogane?"
"Yes, please call me Shiro"
"Sure. We went through the system and found that you were the only person close to him. We had an error in the system so we couldn't find someone who was close to him, but he is in a good state-"
Shiro raises his hand, wants the guy to top talking "I'm sorry to cut you off, but who are you talking about?"
The two people in the uniform look at each other and then at Shiro "We are talking about Adam W." they all stay silent.
Shiro's eyes widen a little. He didn't hear that name for a while, no, for so long now. It almost seems unnatural hearing it.
"He had an accident during Sendak's occupation of earth. His plane crashed during the attack. He was found almost dead, but our doctors could safe him. He will have some difficulties in the future, but all in all, he will recover full in a couple of weeks" Shiro still stays silent "Like I said, the system was broken for a while and we couldn't find any information on his family, past, eh, life. We only could see that information a while ago. Adam will need someone close to him and someone who will look after him, for at least a while. We are sorry that we could only reach out to you so late"
Shiro finally was able to form some words "Where is he now?"
"At the Garrison. He doesn't have the need to stay at the hospital anymore, but someone who will look after him, and we can't keep him for too long there. We still have a lot of people who need special treatment and a place to stay. So we try and reach out to as many families and close people, from the patients who don't need a special treatment, so we have more free place, for people in need"
Shiro tries his best now not to break out in tears
"So, could Adam stay at your place. You are the closest person to Adam"
Shiro nods
The guys smiles "Good, I need you to sign this papers" the other guy behind him hands him a folder with papers and then he holds it, and a pen, out for Shiro. Shiro takes the pen and signs them.
"Thank you" he gives the papers back to the guy behind him "A nurse and Adam will probably be here tomorrow. The nurse will tell you everything you need to know so that Adam won't get worse and will fully recover" the guy smiles the last time at Shiro "Thank you Shiro" and goes away with his buddy.
Shiro closes the door and sits, more like falls down, on the floor. Tears are falling down and he doesn't stop them.
He thought that he won't see Adam again. After their fight, Shiro could remember the words like Adam said them yesterday, he lost all hope to see him again. "Don't expect me to be here when you get back" this words hurt him so much.
Now Adam is back. he can't expect things to be like they were, right? Adam didn't want to see him, if he got back from the mission. did he still not want to see him. He only will come there because it's his only possibility.
Shiro need to talk to someone.
He stand up and walks over to his phone. After two rings he picks up.
"Hey Shiro, everything okay?"
"Hey, not really. Can you come over, Keith?"
"Yeah sure. Are you at home?"
"Be there in ten"
Keith hangs up and rushes over to Shiro's.
Shiro sits on his couch and looks up at the ceiling. Just when life was going good, something had to take a turn. Not that Adam was bad news, it's just something, he can't even describe it.
After about ten minutes Keith arrives and knocks on Shiro's door. Shiro doesn't move.
"Come one Shiro, open the damn door" (it's much better to face these kind of things with a sense- okay stop)
Shiro sighs
"If you don't open up, I won't hesitate to kick to door in"
Shiro sighs again, but louder. He stands up, walks over to the door and opens it, only to see Keith already taking out his knife.
"Where you actually about to break my door?" he raises a brow
"Yes" Keith walks in and sits down on the couch, where Shiro has been "So, what is going on?"
Shiro walks over and sits down beside Keith "Adam is back"
Keith's eyes widen "Adam as in your boyfriend?"
Shiro chuckles, in the sad kind of way "I don't know if I can call him my boyfriend anymore. More like ex" he looks down
"And what is happening? I mean with Adam and you?" Keith puts his hand on Shiro's shoulder
"Adam was in an accident while Sendak's occupation of earth, and well the doctors did what they could. Now he is recovering, but he needs someone to stay with, since the Garrison and Hospital need space, so he is staying with me and I need to look after him" he still looks down
"And when will he be here?"
"They said tomorrow. I don't know how to feel Keith" he buries his head in his hands "I thought I'd never see him again, and I#m pretty sure he hates me"
"Wow wow wow, calm down" Keith brings Shiro up again, so he sits up straight and so they look at each other "Why would he hate you?"
"Because I left him, Keith. I chose the mission before him. He thought I didn't care about him"
Keith was sad. He never saw Shiro like this. He knew Adam was his everything back in the day. Then he had the news that he'll be going on a new mission, but he never forgot about Adam, and always cared for him. Before the even left for the mission, Shiro had spend a lot of time with Keith, telling him how much he cared for Adam, how much he is going to miss him. And Keith tried everything to cheer him up. But in the end Shiro just put on a fake smile and went heartbroken on the mission.
"Don't think that"
"Well, it's obviously true"
"It's not, and you know it. Adam was just scared he will lose you. You broke all the records there and he didn't want you to risk your life. Even Iverson said you shouldn't go. He just was scared he will lose you while you are gone"
"Then all the crap with the Galra happened and he was right in the end" a tear rolls down his face, then another, and another.
Keith hugs him, and Shiro returns the hug. He cries on Keith's shoulder
"I'm sure he hates me, Keith"
"He doesn't. Think about it. Would he really agree on staying with you, if he hated you so much?"
"What if that was the only possibility he had?"
"If he really hated you that much, Shiro, he would ask if he could stay with some random people who would be ready to take him in. He didn't want you to go, because he loved you, he was scared you wouldn't come back"
"You think so?"
"I'm pretty sure about that"
The two hugged for a while and after some time Shiro fell asleep. Keith lied him down n the couch, put a blanked over him and stayed there, reading a book, searching for food in the fridge. Staying there, so that Shiro won't feel alone.
When the evening arrived Shiro woke up and saw Keith sitting on the other side of the couch with his phone in the hands.
"You've been here the whole time?"
Keith nods
"Thank you"
"No problem. Do you think you will be fine on your own for the night. I still need to get back to Kosmo. If you need something you can call me, you know that, right?"
Shiro nods and sits up "Yeah I know. Thank you again"
Keith smiles and stands up and then walks over to the door. Before leaving he stops and turns around again "Oh and please talk things out with Adam. I don't want you to be awkward around each other" Shiro nods "Okay, take care, and good night"
"Night, Keith"
Keith leaves, knowing Shiro will get better. And Shiro? He want to his bedroom and went to sleep again, he didn't want to overthink, that will only cost him energy and anxiety.
At least he will see the love of his life again. Truth is, he never stopped loving Adam. How could he? He spend a lot of time with him, told hi all his secrets. Adam knows everything about Shiro, well now except the things that happened in space.
He truly was happy with him. Of course they had fights like every other couple, but they forgave each other every time. Shiro couldn't give up his love for Adam, he loved that idiot too much.
Shiro really thought he did the wrong thing, leaving for the mission. But if he didn't, he wouldn't get kidnapped by the Galra, and they probably would never find out about all the shit that was happening in space.
He just really hopes, things will be okay again between the two of the, At least that they will be friends again. He doesn't want a person who plays a big role in his life.
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