I got a little lazy writing this chapter. I basically just skipped a lot of scenes of the past of Honerva, Zarkon and Lotor. And I skipped a few fighting scenes.
"Great job making quick work of the satellites, Paladins" Shiro says "We've successfully gained control of the base"
The Paladins and pilots of the Atlas landed on the planet and helped the hurt, as well as gave them some food.
Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, Allura and Hunk walk in the ship that attacked them and go to the bridge.
"This one says he is the leader" Griffin informs them, with Kinkade on his side.
Hunk begin to laugh and walk up to the Galra "Whoa! Oh! Holy Kaltenecker! What are you doing here?" he stops in front of Griffin, Kinkade and the Galra "It's me, Hunk. Remember? Paladin of the yellow lion?" they stay silent. "We worked together" he says in a more less exited voice.
"I remember!"
The other Paladins walk up to them as well.
"Wait, you know this guy?" Keith asks
"Yeah, from the Omega Shield" he explains "Oh right, you were on a space road trip with your mom. Keith this is our friend Lieutenant Lahn" he adds and points at the Lieutenant
"It's Warlord Lahn now, and you and I are not friends"
"Oh" Hunk says, little disappointed now "Okay, uh I just thought we bonded by working together as a team to fix the Omega Shield and save your planet, you know? A Garla-occupied planet, no less. We saved it. It's cool. No big deal"
"Sendak only attacked the Omega Shield after we pledged loyalty to Voltron. The you disappeared and left us vulnerable to more attacks" Lahn furrows his eyebrows "I vowed to never let that happen again"
"It was not our intention to be gone for so long. But we're here now" Allura speaks
Lahn looks away "To claim victory over us?"
"We didn't come here to argue" Shiro cuts their conversation "Warlord Lahn, we're askingyou to join the Voltron Coalition to help to provide stability to the universe"
"What's the alternative?" Lahn asks
"If you want peace, if you want to end this war" Shiro begins "There can be no alternative"
"You've attained victory, and I accept defeat"
"It doesn't have to be victor or death" Keith says "I know the Galra way, but-"
Lahn cuts Keith off "And what do you know of the Galra?"
"My mother is Galra. She's a member of the Blade of Marmora. So am I" he explains
"The mutinous Blades have all but perished: And they are so diminished in numbers that they're forced to enlist half-breed and his mommy?"
Keith glares at Lahn.
"Guys, incoming communication" Pidge cuts their 'glare war'
"Patch it through" Shiro says
"Yordam bering exus. Yordam bering exus. Yordam bering exus" a distorted male voice speaks
"It's an emergency protocol built into the sentries when they're under distress" Lahn says while looking at the monitor "Has your Voltron Coalition attacked them as well?"
"No, we didn't" Keith answers
"Pidge, see if you can reopen the hailing frequency" Shiro says
"I'm trying, but no response" she tells him "I'm locating the transmission's origin, but the EMPs we set off have done a number on the communications systems"
The monitor gives beeping noises and she looks up "Huh? We got comm signature" she looks back "Do you recognize this ship?"
"Yes, it's Klytax V-Three. It's one of the 15 ships I sent on an assignment six phoebs ago. They all disappeared. We assumed them dead" Lahn answers
"It looks like they're not dead after all" Keith says "We need to get out there. Shiro, how long before the Atlas is ready to launch again?"
Shiro answers "Hours. We still need to process all the Galra and prepare the planet to continue operating on its own. This is our mission. We need to see this through"
"Then Voltron will go" Keith says
"Voltron is going to save the Galra? My fleet would never believe Voltron was there to help. They'd fight you until their last breath" Lahn states
"That's why you're coming with us"
The Paladins went into their lions and formed Voltron, then flew off with Warlord Lahn.
Lahn went in the black lion with Keith. He sits straight up on the site, afraid that Kosmo might do something to him. In fact, everyone would be scared if a big space dog growled at the.
"What was the fleet's mission when they left?" Keith asks
"They were out gathering munitions" Lahn answers, still with his eyes on Kosmo
"Weapons?" Allura speaks through the mic "Were you buying or stealing them?"
"The Galra Empire is at war with itself. We have to do what we can to survive. But if you must know, they were salvaging weapons from an abandoned Galra base"
"I have visual" Pidge cuts in
Voltron stops in front of a big space ship, what for your information was all torn up
"Everyone, stay alert" the mullet warns
"What happened here?" Lance asks
"Uh, Warlord Lahn, didn't you say there were 15 cruisers? Where are the rest of them?" Hunk wonders
"I'm not detecting any signs of life or biorhythms on the closest two ships, but there are some signals coming from the ship at the end" Pidge explains
"That's Klytax V-Three, where the call came from" Lahn states again
"Hailing Galra Cruiser Klytax V-Three. This is Keith, Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron. Do you copy?" Keith speaks through the mic, trying to contact someone.
Everything stays silent
"This is Warlord Lahn, your commander. Do you copy?"
"Yordam bering exus. Yordam bering exus" the same male voice says again like before
"Whoever is in there" Keith begins "We need to find them and get them out"
Don't trust me, I can't keep promises
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