Wow okay I didn't think people would read this
The doorbell rings and Lance's mother opens the door "Come in, come in, my dear. You look handsome"
She steps aside and let's Keith in the house "Doesn't he look handsome, Lance?"
Lance walks down the stairs and over to his mother and Keith "Wow, eh, uh, I mean. Yeah he looks good" he scratches his neck and looks at the mullet boy.
Keith was wearing a red button up shirt with a black suit over it. Also black pants and black shoes. He will never stop being an emo.
"Thank you, Lance" he chuckles "You look nice, too" Lance looks down at his clothes "Well, it's nothing special, but thanks".
"Oh, Keith, this is my mom and pop-pop" he puts his am around her and then shows at everyone else.
"You know Veronica" he points at the girl with short hair. "That's Rachel" now he is pointing at everyone from the right to the left side "My brother Luis, his wife Lisa and their kids. Silvio and Nadia"
Keith says his hello and smiles at them.
He was jealous that Lance has a big family, even a family at all. He didn't really had anyone when he grew up. Sure Shiro did look after him, but after he left for the Kerberos mission and went missing, he was on his own.
But after they -Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and he himself- went into space, he had a new family. It was small and broken, but he still loved them.
They all are sitting in the dining room on the table, except Luis' and Lisa's kids and Rachel, they sat on the 'children table'.
"..Or the time where we were kids and Veronica mixed water with dirt and told Lance it was chocolate milk" Marco tells. Everyone laughs.
"Oh yeah, I still can't believe he fell for it" Veronica says while still laughing.
"What did he do?" Keith asks, while Lance sits beside him with arms crossed.
"He told on me, of course" she answers "Then pop-pop gave him ice cream and I got none"
Marco sighs, smiles and continues to speak "Yeah, Lance was always the baby of the family. It only took you coming to dinner to graduate him to the adult table"
Rachel glares at Lance, from the children table.
"Speaking of dates" Veronica begins "Maybe you can put in a good word for me with that purple girl, hmm?" she smirks.
"What Axca? No, no, do everything on your own" he says, smirking back at her.
"Lance never brings home other people than Pidge and Hunk" his mom says to Keith "You really must mean something to him"
"That's strange" Keith answers her "He rather seems like the popular guy, especially with girls" he raises a brow, but still smiles.
She smiles back "Oh, he gets that from his father. It's all talk. But if you can get past that, you'll find a boy with a big heart"
Keith nods "If you really get to know Lance, you'll see another side of him. He really is someone you don't want to lose".
Veronica clears her throat "So what is the deal with you two?" she changes glances between Lance and Keith "Are you dating?"
Lance throws his hands in front of him "What, no, no, we are rivals since the Garrison"
"You mean the one you made up?" Keith's face seems rather annoyed. But who wouldn't after hearing this made up rival thing over and over again.
Everyone laughs and Lance crosses his arms again.
"Ha-ha very funny Keith" Lance rolls his eyes
"Only saying the truth" Keith shrugs "I actually wanted to be friends with you"
"Wait so you remember me?" his eyes widen and he almost knock his food off of the table
"Of course I do. I only said that so you wouldn't annoy me with your rivalry thing. Seriously Lance, you over did it" everyone laughs again at the two of them.
"And actually I should be the one who is shocked. You don't remember our bonding moment? Seriously? I cradled you in my arms!" he opens his arms and explains what he did.
"Don't talk nonsense, mullet boy. I don't remember it, so it didn't happen!" Lance crosses his arms and turns away.
"Wait, wait, what bonding moment? What happened?" Veronica asks
"Nothing much. Lance just died in space, that's all" Keith closes his eyes and also turns away from Lance.
"YOU DID WHAT?" Lance's mom screams, not too loud, but loud enough from Lance to get concerned about his life.
"Uh, yeah" he scratches his neck "But as you see, I'm alive" he smiles awkwardly.
Veronica stands up and holds up her wineglass "Change of subject" she smiles "A toast to family. Though we may be apart after tomorrow, we'll always remain close at heart. Family is forever"
Everyone holds up their glass, well except the children, and say their toast to family.
Keith frowns a little. Wishing he had his own real family. Not that he has something against the others, but he really wishes his dad would still be with him. But he is happy that he found his mother, or his mother found him, doesn't matter, they are together now and also have Kosmo.
Lance looks over at Keith and also frowns, remembering that he doesn't has a family as big as his. But he will always be by his side.
"I'm glad to see you alright, Luca!" Romelle and Allura walk in the room where the third Altean was. Romelle steps forward and talks to her "We can help. What happened to you? Where is the colony?"
Luca frowns her eyebrows "So you can betray them yet again?"
"What?" she gasps
"You abandoned us, Romelle. And for the Paladins of Voltron, the very one who killed our savior Lotor"
"No, it's not like that!"
"You've sided with the great destroyers! She told us of their lies. She's going to fix it all. She'll reunite us with Lotor, with Altea!" he voice gets louder "You don't stand a chance against Honerva!" Luca gasp and falls back.
Romelle and Allura run up to her. The life-ABI device beeps until it turns in one long beep. Showing that her heart stopped beating.
And it was Honerva's fault.
Lance and Keith walk next to each other in the park towards a big tree until they stop right before it.
"This Place used to be so beautiful" Lance says in a sad voice
"Sorry, Lance"
"What are you sorry for?" he forces a chuckle
"That you cannot see it like it was before?" Keith himself was unsure why he apologized. Maybe because the Garla did this and he is also half Garla, he isn't sure.
"Don't be sorry. Besides if not us, earth would already be gone. So I guess it's good that we all met" Lance smiles at Keith.
Keith returns the smile "I'm sure this place will be beautiful again in the future, then you can show it again to me. I mean if we even come back"
"Of course we will come back, Keith. We all have family waiting for us here. We can't just die in space"
Keith nods "Yeah, but I only have my mother and she is fighting too, so I don't really have a reason to come back" he shrugs.
Lance puts his hands on Keith's shoulders and shakes his head "Don't say that. You are also now a part of my family and believe it or not, they will miss you if you would just die. Besides, I'm sure that you finally want to live in peace. Sleep without worrying that someone will attack us, right?"
Keith nods and hugs Lance, Lance hugs back.
"Thank you Lance"
"It's not a big deal, really. I also would be sad if you would just be- gone"
After a while they step away from the hug and look at each other
"Are you crying, mullet?" Lance smirks
Keith wipes his tears away and looks down "No, no. You are the one who is crying"
Lance throws his arm around him and laughs "Who knew that our Keef could be so emotional?" he said jokingly.
Beezer rolls up to the two and makes, you know, robot noises.
"I think he wants us to smile" Lance said.
Lance turns to the robot, still having his arm around Keith. Keith wipes a couple more tears away and looks over to Lance.
Keith knew that Lance could be a really nice and understanding person, but he didn't expect that he cared so much for him. Sure he knew that he cared, but not that much, and he for sure didn't think that he would meet Lance's family.
He didn't really feel much important, but he for sure does now.
Keith's cheeks flush red and Beezer snaps a photo of the two. He rolls up to them and prints out the photo.
"Look how red I am. Throw it away, Lance" Keith says embarrassed.
"Shut you quiznak, Keith. I like the picture, I'm for sure going to keep it" he says proudly, still admiring the picture.
Samuel and Shiro step forward on the stage and look at the crowd.
"This will be perhaps the most defining moment in our history" Sam begins "The day humankind reaches beyond its home world to help the immense universe in which we inhabit such a small part"
"In the blink of an eye, the world as we knew it became much larger than we'd ever thought possible. And now we rise up to join the fight alongside so many others different from us but of like minds, to stand firm in the face of tyranny" Keith speaks as he looks down at the others.
"For all deserve to decide their own future as we have decided to spend ours ensuring the freedom of the universe" Allura says.
"Each and every one of you has given something to this fight. Many have been lost, but not in vain. Because through their sarcifice, many more will live on. I make a promise now. We will return triumphant" Shiro held the final speech.
Everyone said their final goodbye to their families before they went off into space.
Lance's family also said their goodbyes to Keith. He is now like family to them, maybe not with the same connection normal family members have, but he is now important to them.
After they went on the Atlas and flew off.
Honerva turns her skin purple and puts on the hood. The large computer went on and Commander Mar appears on the screen "Commander Mar, the emperor has been taken" Honerva speaks "Track him down and return him to me"
"Vrepit Sa" he says and the screen turns off.
Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the other one, but the next one will be long again
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