9 1/2 - Percy Watching (Like People Watching, but it's just Percy!)
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Hermione's pov
Over the next few weeks I watched Percy a little closer to see if something happened. Nothing did. He did the same thing everyday. He wakes up before me. Sits in the common room, eats breakfast. After he eats he talks to Draco and Luna. Then he goes to class. Eats lunch, talks to Draco and Luna. Goes to class, Eats dinner, talks to Draco and Luna. Comes to the common room does his homework and goes to bed. On the weekends he is with Draco and Luna.
I ask Ron and Harry if he does anything weird in the boy's room. They said that he doesn't.
Then today Ron came up to me.
"You know how you were asking if Percy does anything weird? We found something. It's not exactly weird, but it's different."
"He writes in a notebook thing every night. Harry tried to see it, but it was in a different language. I can bring it to you if you want. He has a bunch of old ones too."
I think about it for a minute. "Ok," I finally say. "There is spell we can use to read it."
He goes back up stairs and comes down a minute later with an arm full of notebooks. He is with Harry.
"Let's go to an empty classroom, so nobody sees us." I say.
We sit down at a table in an empty classroom. Ron gives me the books that looks the oldest. I do the spell and then it's in English.
"Today I got to this camp for kids like me. I meet a girl named Annabeth. My best friend Grover is here too. My mom said that I have to come here because of who my dad is. I don't even know the guy and he is make me go to some camp. My mom was kidnapped. I want to go get her back." I read. "I can't leave. I just want to get my mom back. I don't love it here, but it's away from Smelly Gabe, so I guess it's ok.
It's been a few days. I'm going to find my mom. Grover and Annabeth are coming with. We have this riddle thing. It has a different name but I don't remember what it is so riddle thing it is.
You shall go west, and face the _____ who has turned,
You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,
You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,
And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.
Annabeth says that you shouldn't write them down, so I left out one word. That way it's not the same thing.
I got my mom back. It was hard. It was a little scary too. Don't tell Annabeth I said that because she will make fun of me. I have a new school to go to in the fall. Hooray! (Not) "
We read though all of them. They are all like that. He writes about going to camp. The next thing is about a riddle. Then the next thing is after the riddle. A few of them talk about friends dieing.
By the time we are done reading them it is close to lights out. Harry and Ron bring them back upstairs and put them away.
A/N Hi, I know this was short, but I wrote it on a snow day and just thought I'd publish it. Don't worry I will still put out a real chapter on Monday.
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