6 - Percy's Gone/Sorting
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Annabeth's pov
(This takes place around the same time that Percy left with the wizards.)
Percy is missing again.
I went to Percy's house after he didn't show up at camp for our date, he wasn't there and his mom couldn't tell me where he was. I'm going to Chiron to tell him that I'm going to see the Gods and if they don't know where Percy is, we will have to send out search parties.
I just got to the Big House. "Chiron!" I call.
"I'm in here." Chiron calls from his office.
I go to his office. "I need to go see the Gods."
"Why do you need to see the Gods?"
"Percy is missing."
"He's on a mission for me."
"A mission? Don't you mean a a quest?"
"It's like a quest but there is no prophecy."
"Where is he and why didn't he tell me?"
"He is somewhere in England and he..."
"England! The last few people that went there didn't come back!"
"I know, but he is not there for the same reason that they were."
"Why didn't you send me with? You never send anyone away from camp alone! Why didn't he tell me that he was leaving?"
"He was sent out very last minute, and didn't have time to call you. He called me from his mom's house around six to let me know that he was leaving."
"Why did Sally not tell me where he is?"
"I told her not to because I wanted to tell you."
That was a few days ago. Today after not seeing Percy for three days he IM me. I was by the lake alone when he called.
"Annabeth!" I turn to see who is calling me. It Percy he is IMing me, but it was cutting out when we tried to talk and the screen was fuzzy.
"Percy! Where are you?"
(The lines are places where a word(s) was cut out. I know that IMs don't cut out like phones do, but for the story line this is how I'm going to do it.)
"I'm a _________. I'm going to a _____________ school. I have another _______ __________! I'm sorry I didn't ________ sooner. I found some old ____________! They _________ you. I..." I didn't get to hear what he said next because the IM stopped working.
I'm going to the Big House to tell Chiron what is happening with the IM. "Yes, I thought this might happen. Where Percy is IM and phones will not work."
"Why not?"
"It's kind of like how we have a boarder to keep monsters out. They have a boarder that makes it so that phones and IM don't work."
"Then how are me and Percy going to talk?"
"You will write letters."
"How is the letter going to get there?"
"What is your mother's animal?"
"An owl." Just as I said that a white owl with black spots flow in. It landed on Chiron's arm.
"This is Helen, she will bring letter to Percy, Percy has his own owl named Jasmine she will also bring letters to and from Percy."
"Ok, so I just write a letter and give it to her and she will know where to take it?"
"Yes, but I would wait to write for a few days, just to get to know Helen and to let Percy get use to where he is staying."
"How long will he be gone?"
"I don't know."
Percy's pov
I have to tell Draco and Luna that their best friends died in the war. I have to tell them about the war, Camp Jupiter, and about the second war. I have to. There is no one here to tell them for me.
I look over at the two of them.
"Perce, are you ok? You look a little pale." Luna says sounding concerned.
"Yeah, I'm great!" I lie. I can't do it not yet. I try to smile, it's a fake smile but it looks real so they all think it's real. I'll tell them later.
Percy's pov
We get to Hogwarts and get off the train. I look around. There are carriages being pulled by horses, but no normal horses. These horses look like Nico just raised them from the Under World. "What's up with the horses?" I ask.
"You can see them?" Harry ask sounding shocked.
"Yeah, why won't I be able to see them?"
"It's just that those are Thestrals, and you can only see them if you have seen death." Hermione told me.
"Who did you see die?" Ron asks. "Ouch!" He yells as Hermione hits him on the back of his head.
"You can't ask people that!"
"I saw my great grandmother on my dad's side die this summer." I say. It's not a lie Gaia is my great grandmother and I did see her die this summer.
"I'm so sorry Percy," Hermione says.
"It's ok, I didn't know her very well." Just then I hear someone yell. "First years, and exchange student over here!"
I turn to see who it is, and it's a giant well he's half giant. "Who is that?" I ask getting ready to get Riptide and fight.
"It's ok Percy, that's just Hagrid. He nice. He's work here for a long time." Luna told me. she knew that I knew that he is half giant.
I go over to him because I'm the exchange student. Dumbledore told me that that is what we are going to tell the other students. Hagrid leads me and all the tiny children to boats. We all get in the boats. I want to use my powers but I promised Chiron I would try my hardest not to reveal that I'm a demigod. We get the castle sorry school. Annabeth would love this. All the architecture. I can hear her telling me all about it. When we go inside we are brought into a little room. We stand and wait. After a while a bunch of ghosts fly in. They tell us all about their house. I know what those are because of my blessing. Then some lady comes in and tells us her name is Professor McGonagall. She brings us to the great hall.
She lets all the little kids in, then she comes over to me and tells me that I will be sorted last, and to wait out here. She will call me when I can come in.
After a long time I hear her call. "Perseus Jackson." I walk in. As I do I hear a bunch of people gasp. I look around and there's a lot of girls looking at me. I walk up to the stool and sit down. A hat is put on my head.
"Hello," I hear someone say, it sounds like they are in my head. "I am in your head." The voice says.
'Who is that?' I wonder.
"I'm the hat. The sorting hat. I look at your memories and tell you what house you should be in. Now let me into your memories."
'You can hear what I'm thinking right now?'
"Yes, but nobody else can. Now take down the border you have around your memories and let me in."
I do what he says. I don't want to because that border helps stop me from having to relive parts of my past every night.
"Oh, you're a demigod. I haven't had one of you in a while. Now let's see... OH MY GODS! YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH! HOW ARE YOU STILL SANE?! YOU HAVE DONE SO MUCH. AND YOU WILL DO MUCH MORE! GRYFFINDOR!" Then he jumps off my head. I stand up and walk over to Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Everyone is looking at me as I sit down.
Harry's pov
Mini V walks in to the Great Hall and sits on the stool. Professor McGonagall puts the hat on his head. He sits there with the hat on his head for a while. It's almost like they're having a conversation. Then the hat starts yelling. "OH MY GODS! YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH! HOW ARE YOU STILL SANE?! YOU HAVE DONE SO MUCH. AND YOU WILL DO MUCH MORE! GRYFFINDOR!" Then he jumps off Mini V's head. Mini V walks over to our table and sits down across from me.
Great now not only do I have to go to the same school as Mimi V and have some of the same classes. I have to share a house and a room with him for the year. There is no way we will win the House Cup. He will just make us lose all of our points. Dumbledore tells everyone to calm down. He starts his usual speech.
"To our new students welcome! And to our old students welcome back! I have a few things to go over before we eat. First, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason. Second, there is a list the of things that aren't allowed here at Hogwarts. This list will be in all Common Rooms. If you are found with an item on the list you will have detention. Third, as you may have noticed we have an exchange student from America this year. This is our first year with an exchange student so I hope you all make him feel welcome so where he goes back to his school he only has nice things to say. Now let's eat!" With that he waves his hand and food appears on all the tables.
Everybody grabs some food and starts eating. I look across the table to where Mini V is sitting. He has a plate full of food just like everyone, but he is not eating. He reached into his pocket and pulls out a jar with something glowing green in it. He puts some of his food in it mutters something under his breath and eats his food.
Percy's pov
Hermione and Ron lead everyone up a bunch of stairs and to a painting of a very far lady.
"Password?" The fat lady says. The fact that she can talk doesn't even surprise me. The other paintings were moving.
"Athena's trident." Hermione tells her. Making me laugh. Hermione looks at me, but I shake my head.
The painting opens and we all climb in.
"Boys on the left, girls on the right." Hermione tells us. "Go to bed we have classes in the morning."
I follow Ron and Harry up to our room. My stuff is sitting at the end of one of the beds. I go through my bags looking for pajamas. I find some and put them on before climbing into bed and going to sleep.
A/N I know this chapter is not that great, I wrote it quick, because my grandpa (Who I have not seen since we moved, three years ago) was here this weekend. I didn't have a ton of time to finish this. Sorry it's not great.
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