5 - Off to Hogwarts
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Ron's pov
When we get home me, Harry, and Hermione go upstairs to Hermione and Ginny's room to talk.
"Ok," Hermione says. "You two weren't wrong when you said that there was something up with Percy, but..."
"So you think that Mini V is a Death Eater too!" Harry says happily.
"I never said that. I said that he is a little weird. He talked to Ollivander in a different language. He doesn't like owls. Owls didn't like him, except for Jasmine, (I only had two people give me names so, I took those two names and asked my family and they chose Jasmine!) the lady at the owl shop knows his name, his dad got a part that was needed for a wand and only he could get it, the way he got into his vault. It's all a little weird."
"What do you think we should do?" I ask.
"I think the only thing we can do is be nice to him, stop calling him 'Mini V', stop accusing him of things that we have no proof that he did."
"But Hermione, he..." Harry started.
"No, you asked me what I thought we should do and that's what I think. Dumbledore trusts him and I think we should too. You can't just assume that he is evil because one person in his family is. If the world worked like that there would be a lot eviler and Sirius would be evil. Now I'm going to bed."
I and Harry went to our room Percy was already in there asleep. We got into our beds and fall asleep.
Mum wakes us up early because we have to get to platform 9 3/4. We all eat and make sure that we have everything at least three times. Before we are finally ready to leave. We got to the station. We walk to the area between platforms 9 and 10. We already told Percy that he had to run through the wall and he looked at us like we were crazy for half a second before saying 'Ok' like that was the most normal thing he had heard in days.
Fred and George run through first and Percy watches them. Harry and I go next. "Let's go find a spot on the train," Harry says.
"You can I have to wait for Hermione, we have to do our perfect duties, but we will meet up with you after that," I tell him.
Hermione, Percy, and Ginny run through. "Harry, Ginny, and Percy you three go find seats, and Ron and I will meet up with you in a bit.
Harry's pov
I watch as Ron and Hermione walk off. I turn to Ginny and Mini V. "Let's go find seats."
"Um, Harry I'm going to sit with my friends so... Yeah." With that, Ginny left me alone with Mini V.
"Let's go!" He says cheerfully. He then walks off to the train. We find seats and sit down. We don't talk. He looks out the window and hums while I look at the floor. A few minutes later Ron and Hermione join us. The three of us talk while Mini V looks out the window. A few minutes after that a blonde girl walks in.
"Hello, Luna!" Hermione says happily.
"Hello Hermione," Luna says.
At the sound of her voice, Mini V looks away from the window. "Skittles?!" He says sounding surprised and shocked.
"Kelphead?!" Luna says sound just as surprised and shocked.
"What are you doing here?" She asks at the same time that he says. "Your alive!"
"I have another evil grandfather so I was brought here." Mini V says.
"I've been here all along. It was only going to be a year, but things changed."
They give each other a hug and sit down with each other.
"You two know each other?" Ron asks.
"Yeah, we go to the same summer camp, but someone left to go to school for a year and never came back!" Mini V says.
"I'm sorry ok! It was only going to be a year!"
"I know, I'm not mad at you, but Annabeth will be! You like a little sister to both of us. And you just disappear 'Poof' no more Luna. She's going to kill you. I thought it was bad where she found me after I was missing for 6 months but you have been gone for 4 years!"
"I know, she's... WAIT YOU WENT MISSING FOR 6 MONTHS!!??"
"Yep, and she has no idea that I'm here." He thought about what he said for a minute. "She has no idea I'm here!! SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME!!!"
"You are such a Kelphead! GO CALL HER!!"
Percy jumped up from his spot and ran down the hall.
"What just happened?" Ron asks.
"Percy didn't tell his girlfriend that he was leaving to go to school!" Luna laughs.
Hermione's pov
He has a girlfriend. I have to say I was hoping he didn't, but he does. He is so cute. I wish he didn't have a girlfriend so we could be together. Just then Percy came back and sat down.
"She said that she is going to kill me where I get back and she already has Nico planning my funeral. Soooo..."
Luna laughs at him. The door opens and we all turn to see who it is.
"Draco go away," Harry says.
Percy's pov
Luna (Daughter of Iris) was laughing at me when I heard Harry tell someone named Draco to go away. Wait Draco! It can't be. I turn around so fast I think I hurt my neck. "DRACO!!" I yell! (Draco is a son of Athena)
He turns and looks at me. "Percy!! What are you doing here??"
"I was going to ask you the same thing."
"You know why I'm here! Now tell me everything! How is everyone? Have you and Annabeth got together yet? How is camp? Are there a lot of new campers? How's Luke? He hasn't IMed me in forever! It's been like four years since we talked. We're best friends yet he hasn't talked to me in four years! Is he mad at me because I left for long then I went to? I can come home and talk to him." He says.
"Yeah, how is camp. Silena hasn't IMed me in a while either."
That's when I remember. They had been gone during the wars. They didn't know about anything that happened. They left after I got back from my first quest, but before Luke tried to kill me. They didn't come back and we thought they were dead. We didn't look in the Under World like we should have. I have to tell them about the wars and I have to tell them that their best friends are dead.
A/N I know I already put out part 4 today, but I was bored and didn't know what to do so I wrote another part!
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