31 - War (part 2) and The End
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Percy's pov
Everyone is quite and no one moves for a minute before I hear Mr. D say, "Oh, great Peter Johnson is alive." A few people laugh. I sigh then I look around. Everyone has moved to two sides and I was standing in the middle. I look into Annabeth's gray/grey eyes and smile. She looks very mad at me. Before she could do anything I wave my hand. I use the water molecules in the air to make a bubble around The Wizards, Demigods, and Gods to keep them safe. Then I use the water from the lake to kill The Monsters and push The Wizards into a second bubble so, The Wizard Police can take care of them later.
"Looks like it's just me and you, Grandpa."
He looks around before saying, "yes, it looks like it. Let's get this over with quickly. Come here so, I can kill you."
I don't have my wand so, that means I'm going to have to use Riptide. I take the cap off of her and walk calmly over to My Grandfather. I have to kill him just like I killed my other Grandfather.
He fires a spell at me. It glows bright green. I quickly use Riptide to deflect it. This goes on for a while. As I move closer to him he cast a spell and I deflect it I swing Riptide or the water in the air.
It takes a while but after a while I'm able to close to him. Another spell flies at me almost hitting me in the face. I know the only way to be able to get to him is to get him to look away. So, I do something dumb. I look at Annabeth. We are able to have a very quick conversation with our eyes because she knows what I need. I turn back just in time to block another spell. I put a small hole in the bubble. A spell flies from behind me almost hit Voldemort. He turns as another spells flies towards him. He looks around trying to figure out where the spell came from. That's when I step forward. I take Riptide and stab him in the back. As I pull Riptide out he screams and turns to dust.
I take the bubble away from my friends. Annabeth and all my friends run to me. Annabeth comes right to me while the other stop about four feet away.
"Hi," I say.
She slaps me across the face in response then flips me over her shoulder. Just like last time.
Harry's pov
Annabeth flips Percy over her shoulder. I gasp.
"He'll be fine. This isn't the first time she has done that," Jason says.
"What?" I ask.
"When she found him after he disappeared the first time." Then he left to talk to Annabeth, Percy, and some other kids. I decided to go talk to The Gods.
I walk over to the first God I see. He is holding what looks like a lighting bolt.
"Hey!" I say.
He looks down at me. "Who are you?"
"Harry Potter," I say a little surprised he doesn't know who I am. "Who are you?"
Percy's pov
I look over when I hear Zeus yell at someone. It's Harry.
"I have to save Harry. I'll be right back," I say walking over to Zeus and Harry. "What's going on?"
"I'm just getting ready to blast this child," Zeus informs me.
"Ok, here's a crazy idea," I say and pause for a dramatic effect. "What if you don't kill him."
"Why shouldn't I?"
I pause for a second trying to think of a reason why Harry shouldn't die, "because me and him are friends and if you kill him I'll be sad. If I'm sad Annabeth will be sad. If Annabeth is sad her mother will find out why and It will all trace back to you." I try.
"That's a horrible reason but, it will work for now because I have a better idea."
"I'm going to use The Mist to make The Wizards forget about this war and about all of the other things that happened this year."
"It's dangerous to have them know."
"I'm guessing you aren't going to change your mind so, I'll say yes. You do that I'm going to tell Annabeth and my friends what's going on." I walk back to Annabeth to explain what's going on while Zeus erases The Wizard's memory.
"Ok, well, Hades let The Others out why didn't he let you out?" Annabeth asks.
"I asked him that and he said that The Fates told him that I would get out when the time was right. Or something like that. I don't really remember." I tell her.
She rolls her eyes at me. "We will figure it out later."
Athena and Apollo walk over. "We are taking you home before Zeus uses The Mist," Apollo says. All us Demigods move so we are in a semicircle. Then Apollo and Athena wave their hands and we all close our eyes as a bright light engulfs us. When I open my eyes I'm standing by The Big House with my friends. I smile at Annabeth. All of the sudden I get super dizzy and feel like I'm going to fall over.
Annabeth's pov
Percy smiles at me but, before I can smile back or say anything he falls forward and grabs my arm to stop himself from falling to the ground.
"Percy!" I say surprised.
"I'm fine," he says before passing out. I barely have time to caught him before he hits the ground.
"Will!" I yell.
Will is standing about 15 feet away looking at a cut on a Camper's arm. He looks over and sees me and Percy on the ground. He quickly gives The Camper some Ambrosia and runs over.
"What happened?" He asks.
"He was standing here and then he just passed out," I tell him.
"He was using his powers a lot earlier. He most likely just needs to rest for awhile," Will says.
"It's like I always say," Nico appears out of nowhere. "With great power comes a great need to take a nap."
Will laughs, "Luke, will you take him inside?"
Luke picks Percy up and carries him inside to a bed. Will gives him some Nectar. "You can stay in here with him. Just let him sleep and I'll be back in a little bit to check on him," Will says.
I nod and Will leaves. I sit down in the chair next to Percy's bed.
Will says that Percy is going to be fine. He just needs to spend the night in The Infirmary. I'm going to stay with him. Just because he's been 'dead' for the past few weeks.
In the middle of the night I wake up and see that Percy is awake too.
"What happened?" Percy asks me.
"Will says that you over used your powers. You may be The Most Powerful Demigod but, even you have a limit to how much you can use your powers. Will is having you stay here for the night. You can leave in the morning. Ok?"
"Ok, I'm going back to bed. Goodnight, Annabeth."
"Goodnight, Percy. I love you."
"I love you too."
Percy's pov
I wake up to someone shaking me. Something is not right. I'm not at camp.
"What's going on? Who are you?" I ask sitting up. I reach for Riptide when I realize she's not in my pocket. (Riptide is a girl, right?)
"Percy! Calm down, it's me!" A man says.
A door opens and a woman comes in. "Percy! You're ok! You're home, with me and Paul."
I look at the woman. "Mom?" I ask. She nods. "How am in here? I went to bed in The Infirmary, with Annabeth! After The Fight at Hogwarts! I fought your dad!"
"Percy," My Mom says slowly. "You came home two days ago after the Giant War. You have barely left your room. You definitely haven't left long enough to fight another war."
"But, there where Wizards and your dad! My friends came back from the dead!" I say desperately.
"Percy, I think you were dreaming," My Mom tells me and Paul nods in agreement.
I sit there and let it all sink in. "Can I call Annabeth?" I ask.
"Of course you can," My Mom say.
I stand up and go the the bathroom to IM Annabeth.
"Hey!" She says then she sees the look on my face. "What's wrong?"
"I need you to tell me if something is real because My Mom and Paul think I was dreaming but, if you were there then you can tell me that it was all real."
"Ok, go for it."
Then I tell her everything. She is quite for a minute after before she says, "Percy, that didn't happen. It was a dream."
"Ok," I say sadly. We are both quite before I ask another question, "Do you think it's going to happen? Like a Demigod dream?"
She shakes her head. "I think it was just a dream. I'm guessing it was triggered by The War, all your quest, the fact that you just watched all The Harry Potter movies with Leo, and missing our friends. Your mind created a world were they could come back, The Wizards were just a part of it, and you have had so many prophecies tell you you're going to die you made a world where you did. It was all just a dream."
We talk for a few minutes about all our friends and then Annabeth had to go. She promises to tell Chiron in case something happens. I go to the kitchen for breakfast.
"What did Annabeth say?" My Mom asks.
"It was all a dream."
Then there's a knock at the door. My Mom goes to answer it.
A/N Thank you to everyone who has read this whole book and put up with how bad a lot of it is! I had a lot of fun writing it!
I debated having The Wizards show up at the end, or having it end with a knock at the door, or even just leaving it with Percy telling his mom it was all a dream. I left it was a knock so, you can decide if it's The Wizards or if Sally ordered something from Amazon.
I want to write another story so, if you would be interested in reading another Percy Jackson fanficton (or a different fandom) let me know. I will most likely out some kind of voting thing out in the next few days. My next book (if I write another one) most likely won't come out until July.
Thanks SO much for reading,
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