26 - The Fates
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Chiron's pov
It took a minute for Annabeth's words to sink in. "The Fates are coming to Camp?"
"Yes, and we need to have an emergency meeting with The Counselors about why. I have a feeling it's about Percy."
Annabeth's pov
"Ok, Thalia tell me everything," I say.
"Ok, well I was sitting by the lake with Luke and Zoë when a note fell into my lap," she says pulling the note out of her pocket to read. "We are coming to visit your camp. We will arrive at the campfire tonight. Be ready. The Fates. Then I called you. I have no idea what it's about but, I think it might have to do with Percy."
I nod to show that I agreed that it has something to do with Percy.
"He's dead and his bad luck is still affecting us. Stupid Prissy," Clarisse says. We all laugh at that because at this point it might be the truth.
We decide that there's not much we can do. We just have to wait until the campfire. We have to tell the other campers so, they know what's coming. Chiron will tell everyone at dinner.
Half way through dinner Chiron stands up. Everyone turns to look at him. "You're not going to like what I have to say. Earlier today we were informed that The Fates are going to be visiting us. They will be here at The Campfire. So, please be on your best behavior."
After Chiron's announcement everyone was talking trying to figure out why The Fates are coming. It takes a minute for everyone to calm down and finish eating. Then we head to The Campfire. I'm doing one final count to make sure all my siblings are sitting and ready when Luke, Zoë, and Thalia come up to me.
"Can we talk?" Luke asks.
Thalia's pov
Luke and Zoë came up to me and asked if we could talk. It didn't seem like a good time to talk but, I don't have any Campers I have to watch and I have nothing better to do. So, I said yes.
Then we go find Annabeth. She is doing a doing a final count of her Campers.
"Can we talk?" Luke asks her.
Her back is turned but I know she just rolled her eyes at him. "About what?" She asks.
"It's important," he assures her.
"Is this really an appropriate time?" She asks.
"Fine." She leaves Malcom in charge of The Campers and follows as Luke leads us away from the fire.
"Ok, this better be very important because if it's not I will be very mad," Annabeth says.
"Well, I'm just going to say it," Luke says. The he pauses for a dramatic effect of something I guess. It didn't work though. If anything it just made Annabeth more annoyed. "Me and Zoë are together now."
Annabeth is the first to speak up. "Zoë and I," is all she says.
"What?" Luke asks sounding completely lost.
"She's correcting your grammar," I tell him because of course that would be the first thing Annabeth would do when she doesn't know what to say. "Now, when did this happen?"
"Well, we decided to become an official couple yesterday but, we have liked each other for awhile," Luke says.
"Yeah, when Luke first got to The Underworld he helped me a lot. He taught me the new English language and that helped me understand the Dam joke. He was also so, nice to me and everyone else. We started talking and got to know each other. Then we kind of just started liking each other," Zoë says.
I laugh remembering the Dam joke. It feels like that was hundreds of years ago but, it actually was not that long ago.
"Do you know why that's funny?" Luke asks Annabeth. "Because she brought curse words and dams up a while ago and I still don't know what it means! She won't tell me and it's starting to drive me crazy
"Trust me if I knew I would tell you. Percy, Grover, and Thalia have been laughing about to for years and they won't tell me what it means! Now, back to what's important. Does Artemis know about this?"
Zoë nods. "I called her early yesterday morning. She said that although she's not thrilled with my decision to leave The Hunters in order to be with a boy she will still support me. She also said that if Luke hurts me she send him back to her Uncle Hades the hard way."
Before any of us can say anything else Leo comes running over. "I don't know what's going on here and I don't want to know but, Chiron is looking for you four. So, we should, you know, head back to The Campfire."
We all go back to our seats and sit down. Just in time too, right after I sit down there is a bright light and The Fates appear. Everyone is quick to bow so, they don't kill any of us.
"Stand my children," One of The Fates says. "We are only here to explain a few things and give you a gift."
"First, we know you are wondering how your friends are back from the dead," Another says. There are some nods. "Well, we brought them back to help you in The War."
There are gasps of shock around The Campfire.
"Yes!" The Third Fate cried out happily. "There's going to be a third war! But, it wouldn't be here! Oh, no! You have to go back to Hogwarts for that! Not all of you just some. Go and fight! Go to Hogwarts and fight because Voldemort is coming!"
No one says anything. We are all in shock. We have to fight in a third war!
"Now, for your gift!" The Second One says after a minute. All three of them wave their hands and a shroud appears. I look at it closer and realize it's Luke's. Well, it was his from the first war. The ones The Fates took.
"How is this going to help us?" I can't help but, ask.
"Hey! We said we had a gift for you! We never said it would be helpful! Just keep it! " The Third Fate yells and with that they are.gone in another bright light. Leaving us with more questions then when they first arrived.
A/N Hi! How is everyone? I hope you liked this chapter. I had fun writing it. Now you know why I wanted to know if Thalia should leave The Hunters. I wanted to know if Luke and Thalia should get together or Luke and Zoë but, I wanted to ask if I'm a way that didn't give away the surprise. Don't worry about Thalia though I might have an idea for her. So, maybe look out for a poll about Thalia later. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do with her but, I have some ideas. Thanks again for reading! Stay happy and stay safe!
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