18 - Dave
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Annabeth's pov
"Why did you pick me to come on this quest?" I hear Nico ask Percy.
"Because I know that you are going to want to help me on this quest, " Percy tells him.
"What do you mean?" Nico asks.
"Come with me and I will tell you," Percy says leading Nico down to his room
I can't help but wonder what Percy didn't want to say in front of me. He has been hiding a lot from me lately...
Nico's pov
"...You can't tell Annabeth though ok? I don't want her to get hurt if this doesn't go as planned," Percy finishes.
"I promise I won't tell Annabeth or anyone else," I tell him. I have mixed feels about what he just told me. I'm happy but I'm also scared. I want to tell Annabeth but I know I shouldn't, but if I was Annabeth I would want to know...
"So, Percy tell me about what happened at Hogwarts when you weren't busy being kidnapped and hearing the third Great Prophecy," Annabeth says.
Percy's pov
Annabeth asks me to tell her what I did at Hogwarts. "Well," I start. "Nothing too exciting happened. I spent a lot of time with Luna and Draco. We talked a lot about what was going on at camp. We talk about everything that they've done. Ron and Harry tried to prank me, but little did they know I'm the prank king!"
"How did they get to prank you? " Nico asks.
"Just little things, hide and move my stuff to try and make me think I was going crazy, put water over the door so I would get hit with water, put salt in the sugar and sugar in the salt. Just little things that me, and the Stoll brothers do to new campers."
"What else did you do?" Annabeth asks.
"Well, a lot girls tried to talk to me, but Luna would always tell them to go away. I don't know why though." I say shrugging.
"Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber you prove me wrong!" Nico says.
Annabeth just laughs.
"What do you mean?" I asks.
"My guess is that those girls were trying to flirt with you, " Annabeth tells me.
"Why?" I asks.
"Out of all the people you could have dated why did you pick him?" Nico asks Annabeth.
"Because as stupid as he can be he is still very loyal and I love him."
"Oh, I love you too."
"Alright no more lovey dovey stuff," Nico says.
Annabeth and I just laugh.
I am on the deck just keeping watch not much was happening until something hit the side of the boat. I jump up from where I'm sitting. I run to the other side of the boat. The skeletons, that Nico had called to help build the boat and who were still here, were already there, fighting some sort of sea monster. I grab Riptide out of my pocket, but I don't take the cap off yet. I don't want to draw attention to myself.
It kind of looks like a octopus. Just about ten times bigger, with three more eyes, and ten tentacles and it's an ugly brown/green color. It's using three of its tentacles to fight the skeletons, three are wrapped around the ship keeping it from going anywhere, and one more to block the door making it so Annabeth and Nico can't get out if they tried. It takes one more and grabs me. It brings me up to its month.
So, I do the only thing I knew how to do, I talk to it, "You know, I don't taste very good without taco seasoning, and it doesn't look like you have any, so you should just let me go."
The last thing I expected was for it to respond! "How would you know what you taste like?" It asks.
"Well, I don't, but I've been told that by other monsters. Mostly Cyclops, but whatever." That's when the situation really hit me. " I'm sorry Mister Giant Octopus, but I don't know your name. Wow, that's a sentence I never thought I would say to a giant talking octopus. Wait! I'm talking to a giant octopus! "
"Well, my name is Dave! And, I'm a Decopus, like a octopus, but with ten tentacles. "
"Dave, why are you you here?"
"I don't know. The last thing I remember was talking to two guys.I think their names were Tim and Liam. Then I was here."
"So, could you maybe not hurt the ship, or the skeletons. Or me."
"Yeah, I'll leave you alone!" He put me back down.
As he is swimming away I call out, "Talk to you soon!" Just then Annabeth and Nico burst through the door.
"Percy! Are you ok?" Annabeth asks. "What happened?"
"I'm great! How are you? I was just talking to Dave!"
A/N Hi, so, we are NOT going to talk about how I didn't post last week (Because I was being lazy) or how it's kind of late here and I told myself I would go to bed early tonight, because I got like four hours of sleep last night.
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