17 - Off to Greenland
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.
Annabeth's pov
"Greenland? Percy, what are you talking about?" I asks.
"Tim and Liam have them in Greenland and I swear I would save Her."
"Are you ok?" Hazel asks at the same time that I ask. "Her? Who? Peruse Jackson answer me right now! "
Percy's pov
"...Answer me right now!" Annabeth demands.
I want to tell her, I really do. If I tell her she will want to come with me. If she comes with me she might get hurt. If I don't tell her she will be hurt because I didn't tell her. No matter what I do she will get hurt. I hate seeing her hurt.
"I can't tell you," I say sadly.
Annabeth's pov
"I can't tell you," Percy says, but he sounds sad, like he wants to tell me but really can't. I would be mad, but I have a different idea.
"Fine, don't tell me," I say. I turn to look at Hermione. "Does Hogwarts have a boat? We can take it?"
"I-I don't know," She says.
"That's ok," I say. "Percy's dad should be able to get us one, or maybe Leo can. He did build The..."
"Annabeth! " He shouts to get my attention. "There is no 'we' you're not coming it's too dangerous. I have to do this on my own." His voice drops to a whisper. "I love you too much. I can't stand to see you get hurt. I have to do this on my own."
"When have I ever not done something because it was 'dangerous'? When have I ever let you go on a quest without me? Never! So, don't think I'm going to start now! I'm coming with you if it's the last thing I do!"
"If you come with me it might be the last thing you do! You know I never stop you from doing something, because when you want to do something you do it, but Annabeth I don't think I'm going to come back from this one alive. The last three lines were
'An oath to keep with a final breath,
Falling from ice the son of Neptune shall drown.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone.'
I swore I would save her and the others! They're is Greenland! There's ice in Greenland! I'm going to die! I don't want you to be there when that happens! So, please just let me go alone!" By the end he was practically begging me to let him go alone but I can't let him do this alone.
"You promised we would never be separated again! Don't break your promise to me because of some promise you made to some other girl!" I yell before I turn and run up to the common room.
Thalia's pov
I look at the others in shook. Percy and Annabeth almost never fight, and if they do it's over something stupid like weather or not it's healthy for Percy to eat blue pizza for breakfast for the third time that week.
I look at Hazel and Luna they follow me up to the common room.
Frank's pov
The girls leave.
"Percy?" I ask.
He looks up at me. "I get that you think you're going to die, but remember last time you were told the same thing? You're still here right?"
"No, you don't understand! The whole prophecy says I'm going to die! I can't let Annabeth be there when that happens!"
"Percy? You either let her come, or you go on your own, and she follows you," Will says.
"What?" Percy asks.
"If you don't let her come she will just sneak out to find you," Will says simple.
"He's right," I say.
Percy sighs. "You're right. She will follow me. Well, a quest needs three people. Nico, you better start packing."
"Me?!" Nico says at the same time that Will says, "Nico?!"
"The prophecy says 'You shall sail on the iron ship with warriors of bone' so, I'm guessing it's talking about Nico. Also, I know I will need him for something. Now I have to go get Annabeth."
"What is a quest?" Someone asks after Percy leaves. We all turn to where the voice come from. Hermione, Ron and Harry where standing there the whole time. We had forgotten about them. They had heard everything. Chiron is not going to be happy...
Hazel's pov
"Come on! We all know that Percy is going to be up here in like two minutes to say sorry and beg you to forgive him," Thalia tells Annabeth.
As though he heard her say that we hear Percy yelling from downstairs. "Annabeth! Please come down! I'm sorry! I was being dumb!" Thalia looks at me.
I stand up from my spot on the bed and go downstairs. "She's really mad at you," I say.
"I know she is! I'm guessing Thalia is not to happy with me either."
"She's not. Look, she doesn't want to talk to you."
"Please! I need to talk to her!"
I sigh, "I'll see if I can get her to come down." I turn around to go back upstairs, but as I do Annabeth comes down. "I'll leave you two alone." I go back upstairs to Thalia.
Annabeth's pov
"The first time you want missing you lost your memories, I didn't. I remembered everything. Do you know how scared I was? I looked for you for months! I never gave up on you! After 4 months of looking the others said it was over! They said you weren't going to come home! Then Leo, Jason, and Piper showed up! I was so scared! If you don't let me come then I won't know what is happening and I'll be scared again!" I yell at him.
"Do you know what one the scariest thing that ever happened to me was?" He asks. "It was those few seconds when you started to be pulled in to Tartarus, when I thought I wasn't going to get to you in time! I didn't want you to come with me on this quest because I can't stand to see you get hurt. Because, I love you! I was going to leave without you. Then the boys told me that you would just sneak out and follow me. So, Annabeth would you please come on this quest with me? "
"Of course I will."
The other three girls came down and we all went back to meet with the others.
"We have a promble," Is the first thing Nico says.
"What did you boys do?" I ask .
"Hey! You're a part of this too!" Frank says.
"Ok, what is the problem?"
Will points behind the group. "They heard everything, and now they want answers."
"I'll call Chiron," Percy says walking away.
Percy's pov
"So, do you want Thalia and Hazel to use the mist and erase their memories? " I ask after explaining what happened.
"No, make them swear that they won't tell anyone then go ahead and tell them," He says.
"Not on the Styx though, ok? " I say.
"Why no?" Chiron asks.
"Because of the prophecy, I don't want one of them to get hurt, "
"Alright, now go,"
I end the IM. I got lucky that it work this time. I go back to the others. "He wants us to tell them," I say.
TIME SKIP TO AFTER THEY TELL THE GOLDEN TRIO EVERYTHING! (Because I'm lazy and don't want to write it all.)
Harry's pov
We were just told the 'Gods' are real. "You really expected us to believe that?" I ask.
"Um, yes?" Percy says.
"You don't have to believe us. You just have to promise you won't tell anyone," Annabeth says.
"We won't," Hermione assures her.
"Great! Now Nico, call up some of your friends and Hazel can you get some metal?" Percy asks.
"Sure," Hazel says.
"Fine," Nico says.
"Both of you be careful!" Will says.
Percy's pov
Annabeth, Nico, and I finish packing. We all say our last goodbyes before we climb onto the ship. I make the water in the lake push us out to a river and out to the sea.
A/N I know this a day early, but I'm not going to be home until late tomorrow night.
I would also like to add that early this morning Kobe Bryant (age 41), his daughter Gianna (age 13) and seven others were killed in a helicopter crash. So, please keep them and their families in your thought and prayers. Thank you.
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