Chapter 1: The Ghost
Here's Chapter 2 guys, now I have no idea how to write a completely empty character so bare with me.
However, if the Knight were truly devoid of Will he wouldn't be able to draw a map, he wouldn't be able to fight, Hell he wouldn't even be able to move.
So, the term "empty" I don't think really applies here.
It was a peaceful morning as the sun rose over Waddle Dee Town.
Waddle Dee Town:
Within a dome-shaped home there was a figure laying in a bed.
The figure was a female with pink hair and bright blue eyes.
This was Kirby, the hero of both Dreamland and the Forgotten Land.
Recently she had set up a home away from home in this Forgotten Land after saving it from an ancient deity hellbent on destroying everything.
Y'know the usual for her and not only was she quite comfortable here, so were the Waddle Dee tribe, King Dedede and the now reformed Beast Pack.
After all that she welcomed a good rest and yes, she slept in her normal clothes.
The pink Star girl had a content smile on her face as she slept peacefully.
Unfortunately that peace would soon be interrupted by a light blue blur bursting into her room.
The sudden loud sound of the door slamming open made Kirby jolt awake, which resulted in her hitting the celling as she jumped out of bed.
"Ouch." Kirby muttered as she hit the ground in a sitting position.
When her head finally stopped hurting she looked around to see who had given her such a rude awakening.
Much to her surprise when she looked up, she saw it was her newest friend.
"Elfilin?" Kirby asked curiously. "Why?"
"Kirby, come look, there's someone new in Waddle Dee Town."
That caught Kirby's attention.
"Oh, a new friend!" Kirby said getting up and removing her moon-shaped night cap.
"Um Kirby, I don't think..." Elfilin tried to say but the Pink Star Warrior, excited by the prospect of making a new friend headed out of her home and into Waddle Dee Town leaving the floating mouse creature to sigh and simply follow.
Outside, Kirby took in the fresh morning air and let out a content sigh.
However, when she looked around she saw that a crowd had formed near the little lake beside her house, more specifically around the little bench near the lake.
The crowd consisted of Waddle Dees and Beast Pack members.
Also among them were the Beast Pack leaders.
Aside from them Kirby could also make out 3 very familiar faces.
Bandana Dee:
Meta Knight:
King Dedede:
Considering basically everyone was there, Kirby assumed that's where her newest buddy would be.
"Hey everyone!" She greeted getting everyone's attention.
"Kirby, you're up." Bandana Dee stated running over to her friend.
(A/N: I'll be making Bandana Dee a female for this story)
"Hey Bandana Dee, how are ya?" Kirby greeted with a friendly.
"Fine, but I assume Elfilin told you about a new arrival in our little town?" Bandana Dee asked and Kirby nodded.
"I'm so excited to have a new friend around." She cheered.
Honestly it surprised Bandana Dee how upbeat and trusting Kirby could be sometimes despite all they've been through.
She's faced horrendous eldritch horrors, got betrayed twice by people she thought were friends, not to mention their last adventure.
Yet, she faced all of that with a smile, determination and pulled through in the end.
"Kirby..." Came a voice with a Spanish accent.
Meta Knight approached them his cape wrapped around him.
"I am not so sure about that." He stated confusing the pink girl.
"What do you mean?" She asked confused.
"Kirby, something feels off about this guy." Elfilin stated sitting on the girl's head.
"Off?" She asked again.
"Yes, his is unsettling..." Meta Knight explained walking towards the crowd. "Come see."
All of them followed the lone Swordsman into the murmuring crowd.
At the front were the Beast Pack Leaders and King Dedede who appeared to be discussing something.
"What is he?" Gorimondo asked.
"You sure he ain't one of yours?" Dedede asked crossing his arms.
"We already told you, he isn't." Clawroline stated. "I'm sure we would remember someone like this."
"Indeed, he doesn't even resemble any animal I've seen." Leon added.
"Do you think he likes to dance?" Sillydillo asked excitedly hoping to get a new dance partner to practice with.
"Calm down Silly, he might not even be friendly." Leon cautioned.
"He sure has been out for a long time." Dedede said impressed at how much of a heavy sleeper this little guy was.
Suddenly a familiar voice rang out getting their attention.
Knowing exactly who that voice belonged to everyone saw the heroine of the stars and her friends approaching.
"Good, you're up Kirby." Dedede sighed. "Come check this out."
They all made way for her to see what the fuss was about.
Kirby gained an extremely curious look upon seeing who everyone was fussing over.
Play this theme:
Kirby stared at the sleeping figure for a good while.
In this moment, Kirby now knew what Meta Knight meant about his unusual aura.
However, what Kirby felt wasn't unease, it was curiosity, along with something else.
She slowly approached him to get a closer look at his face.
"Kirby, be careful, we don't know anything about this guy." Elfilin urged.
Kirby did not hear her friend's warnings as she placed a hand on the stranger's cheek and gently lifted his head.
The moment she did, the stranger opened his eyes.
You opened your eyes and came face to face with a girl with pink hair and big blue eyes.
Both you and Kirby blinked, just staring at one another.
Kirby's cheeks turned even more pink as she stared into your pure black eyes.
Most would have been terrified due to them looking just like eyeless sockets, Kirby however, found herself unable to look away.
In her opinion, those black eyes of yours were beautiful, she could stare into them forever.
"KIRBY!" Bandana Dee yelled snapping her friend out of her trance.
"Huh?" Kirby asked her blush increasing as she jolted up.
Stop Music:
"Kirby, you okay?" Dedede asked a bit worried.
"Um...yeah...I'm fine." She stated clutching her chest as you got up from your bench.
Meta Knight as cautious as ever gripped his sword Galaxia's hilt as you just stood there.
You stared at Kirby who immediately stuttered out a shy:
You stared on with no reply before turning to Meta Knight.
The Lone Swordsman tensed up upon meeting your gaze.
However, you turned and gazed around at the crowd you had gathered.
Everyone either reacted fearfully or cautiously.
"You, state your business here." Leon demanded walking up to you.
Once again, all you did was stare up at the Lion, seemingly refusing to answer.
This made things awkward.
"Um...what is your name?" Leon asked again.
He got the same results, a stare and silence.
Leon sweatdropped.
"Sir, I don't think he can speak." Clawroline said walking up to you.
"Can you speak?" She asked you, and unlike with Leon, she did get different results.
You simply stepped around her and began walking off to...somewhere.
"I'll take that as a no." She sighed as you began making your way through the crowd.
"Hey, wait!" Kirby yelled running after you.
She did not have to run fast as before you exited the crowd, Meta Knight blocked your path.
You stared up at the Knight who glared down at you.
"You may not be able to speak, but that does not excuse you." He stated. "Is there some other way you can communicate?"
You just stared once more and attempted to walk around the Knight, but in response he flared his bat-like wings out stopping you in your tracks.
"Can you not hear either?" Meta Knight asked.
Suddenly, Kirby popped up between you both.
"Okay, everyone calm down, this is no way to welcome a new friend." She said attempting to diffuse the situation.
"Kirby, I don't know, this guy's...kinda sketchy." Dedede said walking up to you and examining you.
"Well sir, to be fair he hasn't hurt anyone, he's just been sleeping." Bandana Dee stated. "Also, I remember you used to take everyone's food back in Dreamland for yourself so I don't think you have the right to judge anyone's morality."
Dedede immediately clamped a hand over Bandana Dee's mouth silencing her.
"Shh, we don't talk about that anymore." Dedede growled as the Bandana wearing Warrior gave him an annoyed glare.
"Yeah, plus you started a war cause you thought everyone was being too lazy." Kirby reminded the Knight who sighed and converted his wings back into a cape.
"Kirby, can you please tell me a few stories of your time in Dreamland later please?"Elfilin asked surprised by all this info.
"Sure." She agreed before turning to face you. "Anyway..."
Kirby saw you were no longer where you once stood.
"Huh?" She asked looking around only to see you had made your way out of the crowd and was walking away.
"Hey, come back!" She yelled out running after you again. "At least tell me your name!"
Kirby stopped in her tracks upon realizing what she just said.
"Oh yeah, you can't talk..." She muttered before continuing her pursuit. "BUT DON'T LEAVE YET!"
Meta Knight stared on and shook his head.
He was hoping that your arrival wasn't like some calm before the storm.
He was hoping that this wouldn't spiral out of control into another adventure.
Tough luck Meta...
There we go, the first real chapter of Voidheart.
I hope you enjoyed and I wanna sleep now.
Also, here are the characters I'm gonna pair up in the story.
(Y/N) x Kirby
Hornet x Meta Knight
Quirrel x Bandana Dee
Tell me what you think of these pairings and if you've got any Hollow Knight x Kirby pairings of your own you'd like to see, I'd be happy to hear em.
Anyway, see ya.
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