Thinking of Adding Minus and Soft Versions to This Story.
I'm considering putting Minus and Soft Versions of you and characters either in spin-off chapters and stories or as part of the main story in some way.
Here are your Minus Versions:
Minus (Y/N):
Extremely aggressive and somewhat homicidal Minus (Y/N) finds it hard to enjoy anything due to the constant abuse he suffered under his Undyne and Nikusa. His love for music is still there and basically it's the only thing keeping him sane, he secretly wishes things were better with his family and lover
Minus Undyne:
The very definition of a Mad Scientist. She unlike her main counterpart is a violent sociopath who loves sharp objects such as knives. She is a Sadomasochist as she both enjoys giving pain and receiving it emotional or physical. She is a heavy alcoholic and addicted to drugs due to a past traumatic event that she refuses to explain and now she's devolved into this.
Minus Nikusa:
This version of Nikusa is far more cruel than her main counterpart and very abusive to your own Minus version. She keeps you/him on a collar and chain leash and takes out her frustration on you/him. This behavior is a result of abuse she herself had suffered at the hands of her own parents before running away. It's how she in a way expresses her own form of love, she really does love you/him but is mentally incapable of understanding that the way she's doing it is causing you/him pain. However deep down she does feel a small tinge of guilt of sadness when she hears you/him occasionally cry yourself/himself to sleep from your/his room. That gooey substance she's made of can turn acidic.
Your Soft Versions:
Soft (Y/N):
A shy boy, cries a lot, apologizes for things that aren't your/his fault. Trying your/his best, you/he are/is trying to get out there and fulfill his/your dream of being a DJ but despite the New Robot body unlike your/his main counterpart never gained a confidence boost and prefers not to go outside. You/He can manipulate his tears, for example that hat is made out of your/his tears.
Soft Undyne:
Not much has changed with this Undyne from her main counterpart, except she's more of your traditional Otaku. She hates the sunlight makes more anime references than any healthy person would. The reason she lost her eye was an incident when your Soft version's body was in development and ever since that day you/he has never forgiven yourself/himself. She understands, stating it wasn't your/his fault but you/he still can't get over it. She's anti-social, but more in a "STOP BOTHERING ME!" kind of way.
Soft Nikusa:
Her beauty is only matched by her kindness, Soft Nikusa is the confident girlfriend your Soft counterpart needed. She does her best to support you/him and get over your/his shyness. Many people believe she's your/his mother instead of girlfriend much to your/his embarrassment. She loves you/him with all her heart and wants what's best for you. She likes it when you/he plays with her hair, that's why it's so well-kept, she knows how much you/he likes to play with it.
These are my interpretations of your Minus and Soft Versions, it may just be me, but I don't really think there was a difference between Minus and Normal characters in FNF besides aesthetics.
So I decided to make Minus versions darker or more evil versions of their regular selves.
And as for your relationships with Nikusa and her other versions the 3 will be portrayed as followed.
A relationship with ups and downs, one where the both of you go through many trials and learn what it's like to really be a couple.
A very unhealthy relationship with a clear power dynamic that's actually hurting the both of you.
A very good and healthy relationship. You both love each other dearly and support one another. The relationship you and your Minus Versions wish you all had.
If it's cool, I'll write about these guys as stars of their own spin-off chapters or stories and maybe have them meet each other along with other characters maybe.
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