Chapter 5: The Entities Part 1:
Sorry this took so long,I wrote this down, wasn't happy with it and rewrote the whole chapter, this was a doozy for me, the previous iteration of this chapter was too long so...yeah.
It's been a few days since your incident in the park.
After you came back from the park on the day of said incident and told Undyne everything she went full on panic mode.
She kept asking you questions like, "how did you get out?" "Who was that drifter?" "Are you okay?"
After you explained everything you could and assured her you were alright she calmed down a little bit.
You both continued with your lives after that though Undyne was worried that girl may try something again.
You assured her you'll be fine and that trick the drifter used wouldn't work on you again.
You even assured her that drifter would never be able to destroy the body she would NEVER let that happen.
Undyne knew she couldn't stop you and let you be.
So yeah, you kept getting gigs and generally kept living your lives.
Whoever sent that poor girl to try and end you, they could come at you for all you cared.
You were not gonna stop going to the top (heh...rhyming).
You were now in a convenience store getting various groceries from the shelves.
Why you may ask?
You were a ghost in a robotic body, you didn't need to eat or drink. could actually eat and drink like a normal person.
You didn't need to eat, but you could, you could create a tongue to taste and had an artificial stomach that burned the food once it reached this stomach.
Why was this included in your design? You simply wanted to feel more Human, simple as that.
The groceries you were grabbing wasn't just for yourself, they were also for Undyne.
She didn't like coming out much so you handled all the shopping.
You came up to the counter and placed the bag upon it.
"How much?" You asked the store clerk.
"Oh wait, you're (Y/N) right?" The store clerk asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah." You replied.
"Oh my God!" He screamed excited making you sweatdrop anime style.
"If I can I go to each of your performances, you're fantastic!"
You smilied at hearing this, knowing someone liked your music this much always filled you with joy.
"Aw thanks man, I really appreciate the support." You smiled.
"No, thank you for giving me brief moments of joy in this HORRENDOUS EMPTY LIFE OF MINE!" The clerk screamed out making a crazy face.
You flinched back a bit and gave a nervous smile.
"Um...yeah, how much?"
"Oh right, just for you it's free." The clerk declared surprising you.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yeah man, MY BOSS CAN SUCK THE MONEY HIS LOSING!" The clerk yelled angrily.
Awkward silence passed and you decided.
"Not gonna pass up free food."
You took the bags and headed out.
But before you could, a voice shouted out to you.
"Hey (Y/N)!"
"Agoti?" You asked turning to see 2 people approaching you.
The 1st you recognized as Agoti, but the 2nd was new to you.
"Sup man!" Agoti greeted raising his hand which you hi-fived.
"Good to see you man." You said happy to see your friend.
"So this is your new look huh?" The second figure asked curiously looking at you.
"Um...Agoti, is this your brother?" You asked.
You and Agoti exchanged phone numbers after making sure your respective parents knew about your fates and would often talk.
He talked about a brother Aldryx, his manager Solazar and a girl named Nikusa.
Since this guy kinda looked like Agoti, you assumed he was Aldryx.
"Yeah actually..." Agoti replied surprised. "Is it that obvious?"
"Kinda, yeah." You chuckled. "You're Venom and this guy's Carnage."
The Screen Demon's eye twitched in response to being called Venom again.
"Oh calm down little bro, it's true and we know it." The Aldryx said patting Agoti on the back.
"I still hate it!" Agoti yelled his tentacle hair flaring upwards." Kids back in first grade...always calling me Venom or Sleep paralysis Demon!"
"Did they really call him that?" You asked feeling a bit bad for Agoti.
I mean Venom you could understand, but Sleep Paralysis Demon was a bit too far.
He didn't look that scary, he looked pretty cool in your opinion.
"Yeah, and now it's an easy way to trigger him." The elder brother replied.
"I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO VENOM WAS WHEN I WAS THAT YOUNG!" Agoti yelled out once again folding his arms and glaring at the floor.
Awkward silence passed after that.
"Anyway...I'm Aldryx." Agoti's brother introduced holding out a hand which you shook.
"Great to meet ya dude." You said with a bright smile.
"Heh, I should be saying that considering you're the guy who saved my little bro from the void." Aldryx chuckled as you both let go of each other's hand.
"Yeah, thanks again for that man, I really owe you one." Agoti said calming down and giving a gentle smile.
"Aw, I mean I was kinda trapped too and I hated that so, y'know..." You replied blushing bright blue.
"Little bro you were right, he can blush!" The older brother replied amazed at a blushing robot.
"Told ya." Agoti smirked smugly.
"Really though, it's nice meeting anyone new, especially if it's someone my buddy knows." You stated as the blush faded. "So why're you guys here by the way?"
"Oh right, ever since Agoti got back from the void he's been wanting to try all his favorite foods and snacks that he couldn't while in there." Aldryx explained before pointing to a shelf with an assortment of Sweets and candy on it.
"Today I'm gonna try Sugar Loops." Agoti stated referring to the bag that held sugar-coated jelly rings of various flavors.
You did wonder how Agoti survived in there without food or water, according to him, he's been in there for a long time.
He said he just never felt hungry or thirsty in there, like his metabolism just stopped.
Weird, but different dimensions could probably effect one's physiology...maybe.
"Well I'm just glad to see you're doing alright." You replied before turning to leave.
"Hang on a sec dude" . Agoti said stopping you.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"I'm actually glad I ran into you here cause Solazar said he finally has enough free time to meet you." He explained making you smile.
Solazar had wanted to meet you sooner, but he was too busy according to Agoti.
"Awesome and you can finally meet my mom too." You said excited.
Agoti looked a bit confused at this.
"Didn't you say she doesn't like meeting new people?" He asked.
"I'll find a way." Was your simple response.
"It's settled then, where should we meet up?" Aldryx asked and you began to think.
Suddenly an idea came to you.
"What about Muffet's?" You suggested and both brothers looked confused.
"Who?" They both asked.
"Muffet's." You clarified putting down your groceries. "She's a spider lady that owns a cafe."
"Never heard of her." Agoti shrugged.
"Ditto." Aldryx added.
"Well then I feel sorry for you, her pastries are so good you'll totally forget about the fact she puts spiders in them." You explained confidently.
Both Aldryx and Agoti gained looks of disgust.
"I'm serious...they're THAT good that I don't care that I'm munching on a spider donut." You stated. "The only problem I have are the prices."
"Uh...yeah...okay." Agoti said rather hesitantly.
"Great, I'll send you the address when I get home and you can send me the time to go." You said enthusiastically.
"Hold on." Aldryx ordered before you could go.
He then pulled out a microphone making you look confused.
"I'd like a rap battle." He declared surprising you.
You were up for a rap battle, but here in the middle of the store.
"Okay, but why though?" You asked.
"Little bro says you're good and I'd like to see just how good." Aldryx explained.
"Dude I'm down believe me, but is it okay to rap here?" You asked.
"YES!" The Store clerk screamed catching all of yours attention.
He gave you 3 a thumbs up and said.
"I'm not missing any opportunity to see you in action (Y/N)! The clerk yelled. "I'll even risk my job!"
After a brief moment you, Aldryx and Agoti shrugged.
"Alright, let's go." You said launching out your microphone from your hand and catching it.
Aldryx smirked and got ready when suddenly.
"Hey guys!" Someone yelled out.
All 3 turned and from behind a shelf emerged GF.
"GF?" You asked confused.
"Do you guys mind if I record your battle?" She asked holding up her phone.
"Not really but what are you doing here?" You asked with a raised brow.
"I was just getting a bag of Bobitos when I heard you were gonna funk it out." She explained. "And when there's a rap battle anywhere near me...I must vibe."
"Okay, but what're you gonna do after you record us?" Aldryx asked
"Post it online maybe, if you guys don't mind." GF replied and the both of you shrugged.
"Yeah sure, we don't mind right?" You asked Aldryx.
"Yeah, it's cool." Aldryx replied getting ready to start.
"YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" The clerk yelled happily jumping up and down from behind his counter.
All 4 of you ignored him and congratulated each other.
"Not bad." Aldryx complimented.
"Same to you, guess good singing runs in the family huh?" You asked.
"I'm not too sure about that considering Agoti over here was born without vocal chords." Aldryx stated.
"He wasn't!? "You asked shocked before staring at Agoti who nodded.
"Yep, couldn't speak til I swallowed a SEGA Genesis one day. "He explained leaning onto the counter
That seemed kinda odd, swallowing a game console gave him vocal chords...but then again you were a ghost possessing a robot.
"That was great guys, this is gonna go viral." GF said about to put away her phone.
"Hold on GF, keep your phone out." You said with a smirk. "I've got time to go one more round."
"Huh?" The 2 Brothers asked before you pointed at Agoti.
"I wanna have a rematch with you Agoti." You said and this made the Screen Demon smirk.
"Alright man, let's go. "He chuckled pulling out a mic of his own.
"Yay, I get to vibe some more!" GF cheered readying her phone once again.
"I've been wanting a rematch for a while now." Agoti said with a smirk.
"Yeah, it'll be fun to rap against you without being trapped in an endless empty vacuum." You replied.
Agoti nodded and both of you got ready.
"YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" The Clerk yelled before ripping his shirt off in a frenzy.
All 4 of you stared at the crazy man with concren.
" did I not notice this guy at any of my gigs?" You asked as all of you backed away slowly and exited the store.
Not before grabbing your grocery bags of course.
"You're still gonna let that guy into the clubs you perform at?" Aldryx asked as the now deranged clerk began destroying the store.
"Yeah, he's not gonna have a job after this, so might as well give the guy some joy with my music." You explained before looking back into the store to see the clerk had somehow managed to start a fire.
"Yeah, he's definitely fired and or going to prison." GF said with a flat look.
"God damnit!" Agoti yelled glaring into the store. "My Sugar Loops!"
You remembered Agoti didn't get his desired snack and began rummaging around in your own.
You pulled out a bag of Sugar Loops you had bought for yourself and handed it to Agoti who looked surprised.
"Take it." You said with a straight face. "You deserve something from being trapped in the void, besides I can buy more..."
The Cash register came crashing though the window barely missing your face.
"At another store."
"Thanks dude!" Agoti said happily taking the bag from you.
He opened it and immediately began scarfing down the bag of treats as if he hadn't eaten in a long time.
"Oh God I missed these!" He exclaimed before eating another handful of loops.
You smiled watching your friend enjoy his snack.
"I guess I'll see you guys later." GF said before walking away, most likely back to her home.
"I should get home too." You said before taking a deep breath. "Getting mom outta the house is gonna take some serious effort."
"Is she that insecure?" Agoti asked biting another loop.
"She once sent me a picture of a trashcan saying it was a selfie." You explained and this confused Agoti.
"She's calling herself trash little bro." Aldryx cleared up.
"That's sad." Agoti said shaking his head.
"Yep, so I should be getting home fast to try and get her to leave." You sighed knowing this was gonna be extremely tough.
Meanwhile Agoti and Aldryx watched you leave, Aldryx had a curious look while Agoti kept munching on the treat you gave him.
"That robot's really upbeat." Aldryx commented and Agoti nodded in response.
"Yeah, but I get why considering he used to be a whimp." The younger brother replied. "He never had confidence and so ever since he got a body he just became eager to make friends."
"A body?" Aldryx asked confused.
"He told me he's a Ghost in that shell." Agoti replied casually. "I was kinda surprised too."
"Huh, that is interesting..." Aldryx said crossing his arms as he watched you walk out of sight.
"By the way, is Nikusa coming to meet him too?" Agoti asked and in response Aldryx shook his head.
"Nah, says she's too busy right now."
"With what?" Asked the younger brother.
"She didn't say." Was Aldryx's reply.
"Damn, I wanted to see the look on his face when he saw her." Agoti grumbled.
"Maybe next time." Aldryx sighed before reaching for the bag of Sugar Loops. "Give me some of that."
"Get your own!" Agoti hissed protectively keeping it away.
Aldryx just stared at him with a blank expression and sighed.
"Little bro, I love you...but I am not above beating you up for food!" He said before cracking his knuckles making Agoti sweat nervously.
Agoti knew Aldryx was physically stronger than him, I mean you just needed to look at them both to see that.
Aldryx clearly had more muscles while Agoti was pretty thin and lanky.
But Agoti wouldn't go down that easy, in desperate situations he had a strategy that almost always garunteed he'd escape unscathed.
This moment was desperate enough for that.
Agoti ran as fast as his skinny legs could carry him away from his older brother who stared shocked and surprised.
Until he finally shook his head and chased after Agoti.
"HOW DO I KEEP FALLING FOR THAT!?" Aldryx thought angry at himself for falling prey to Agoti's "secret technique."
Yeah...this wasn't the first time Agoti pulled this on him.
Again, sorry for the long wait, but as I said the first go at this chapter was way too long so I shortened it.
I really hope I won't make the same mistake with the other stories.
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