Chapter 2: Coming Home:
Here's chapter 2, I have the story a mature rating mainly because I don't know what'll get taken down on here. It's gonna be a bit of a mess, but hopefully I'll be able to pull it together.
BF was walking GF home after their experience at the club.
To most people BF would be Beep-Bopping incomprehensible nonsense, but his Girlfriend understood him just fine.
"Yeah, that transformation was really cool." She replied with a chuckle.
"Beep Bap Skeebop." Boyfriend beeped again.
"I know right?" Girlfriend said chuckling. "Usually transforming means a rap battle for our lives, but I'm glad he stayed friendly.
It was true, for a second BF thought this would be another life or death situation, it was nice it wasn't for a change.
In fact, (Y/N) did him favor, that show they put on would indeed help his rap career.
He was kinda strange though. Girlfriend stated.
"Bap Boo Bo?" Boyfriend asked tilting his head.
"Oh, he just gave off a weird energy." She replied with a shrug.
Boyfriend just looked more confused.
"It was like there was a soul inside him." She cleared up. "He gave off life energy, something not even a sentient robot should do."
BF shrugged and beeped.
"Yeah, we've been through a lot weirder haven't we?" GF smiled.
She received a nod in agreement.
"Brap Babbity Bo." BG stated and GF smiled feeling touched by his "words."
"You'll be there for me no matter what we go through?" She asked, his sincerity making her blush a bit. "Thanks babe."
He blushed in return and rubbed the back of his head.
The two's tender moment unfortunately had to come to an end as they came up on Girlfriend's mansion and waiting for them at the gate was her parents, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest.
Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest:
GF sighed knowing she'd have to say goodbye, she wished he could stay over, but her parents never really approved of BF so it was best to not let them stay too long in each other's presence.
"I guess this is goodbye for now." GF said sounding a little sad.
"BeepBob Boo." BF said reassuringly.
"Yeah, guess I'll see you tomorrow." She replied before giving him a quick kiss which made Boyfriend's whole face go red.
You'd think he'd be used to getting kissed by her by now, but her kisses still made his heart flutter as if it were the first time.
Once the kiss was over, he had a lovestruck look and you could even see hearts floating around him.
"Okay, that's enough boy, get lost!" DD Said annoyed with his arms folded.
GF groaned and gave BF a last hug and he proceeded to stumble home in a lovestruck daze.
GF sighed in disappointment and walked over to her parents.
"Honestly, I still don't know what you see in a boy that can't even speak proper sentences." MM sighed with a shake of her head.
"Hey, it's not his fault." GF defended. "He was just born that way."
"Whatever, did you find out anything about that DJ?" DD asked making his daughter sigh.
Her parents were quite territorial over their fame, going as far to eliminate anyone they saw as a threat to that.
She only went with BF because she knew how much battling (Y/N) meant to him but her parents saw it as an opportunity to gain information on their competition.
"He got a new form and looks a lot more Human now. Aside from that, not a lot." GF explained.
"A new form?" DD asked.
"He looks more Human?" MM added.
"He's already pretty popular, but this'll make his popularity skyrocket." Their daughter continued.
"This could be a problem." DD stated scratching his chin.
"He may not be a singer, but his musical talents could still let him surpass us." MM sighed thinking as well.
"Mom, Dad, can't you just leave someone alone for once?" GF asked with a huff. "He's a really nice guy."
"My dear, our status has to be maintained remember?" Her Mother asked placing a hand on her head.
"Does it?" She asked looking up at her mother with a bit of anger. Do we need to ruin people's lives just to stay on top?"
"Honey, this is to help you remember?" DD said with a sigh."So when you become a popstar as our daughter you'll gain popularity much faster without any competition."
"But..." GF tried to say but MM interrupted her.
"We'll talk later sweetie, right now Daddy and me have to figure out a way to deal with this little problem."
GF huffed in annoyance, knowing that once her parents have made up their mind about getting at someone it was hard to stop them.
All she could do was hope that (Y/N) wouldn't end up like so many before him.
Senpai, Whitty, Tabi and others, she felt immense regret over what happened to those individuals and the hand she played in some of their downfalls.
The moment GF was out of earshot, MM and DD turned to each other.
"So what should we do about this DJ?" MM asked as DD chuckled.
"Well a robot is hard to get rid of, I think Ruria should eliminate him." Was his reply.
"Going right to assassination huh?" MM asked with a raised brow raised.
"And even if he somehow manages to beat her...I have a back-up plan." He continued with a sinister smile.
Your POV:
You kicked down the door of you and your mom's shared home and let out a loud whoop which caused the other occupant to let out a loud yelp.
The front door lead to the living room and unsurprisingly the person who you owe your current life to was busy watching anime and jolted as you burst in.
This was Undyne, a fish woman scientist.
This is Undyne:
"MOM, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN ME TONIGHT!" You yelled happily jumping onto her and unintentionally giving her bone-crushing hug.
"ACK!" She gasped as her whole face turned red due to lack of air as you squeezed unaware of your intense strength asphyxiating her.
"It was amazing, the crowd cheering, me and BF spitting bars at each other, I've never been happier!" You shouted ecstatically picking her up from the couch and spinning her around.
"(Y-Y/N)..." Undyne tried to wheez out.
"Thanks so much for my new body!" You yelled in appreciation and all Undyne could do was struggle more.
You finally let her go and she dropped to the floor and got in large breaths to regain the oxygen she had lost as you bounced around the room.
At one point you activated your rocket boosters and began blasting around the room.
"(Y/N) NO!" Undyne yelled after she got her breath back. "NOT AGAIN!"
Your flaming propulsion unintentionally set fire to the couch making Undyne panic even more.
She immediately ran to a wall which held a case reading
"In case of happy robot, break glass."
A blue energy spear materialized in her hand and she did as the instructions said and broke the glass.
Inside was fire extinguisher which she grabbed and began spraying the couch with extinguishing the flames before turning it on you knocking you out of the sky and onto the floor.
You landed with a loud clang, but Undyne kept spraying you until you were completely covered in foam.
She let out a sigh of relief but immediately went stiff when she realized what she did.
You poked your head out from the foam pile and stared at the fish Girl making her flinch.
"I-I-I'm sorry..." She stuttered out dropping the red object while sweating profusely. "I-I p-panicked...and... the last time...y-you..."
You cut her off with a hearty laugh as you pushed your way out of the foam and gave her another hug.
"NO!" She yelled getting swept up in another hug this time an audible crack was heard.
"MY SPINE!" She managed to screech out.
Fortunately the hug this time was much shorter and you let her drop before you did any permanent damage.
"I'm sorry, I just can't help myself after that performance!" You laughed helping her back up.
"Oh...I went well h-huh?" Undyne asked with a shy smile.
"Better than well!" You cheered with a fist pump. "The crowd loved us both and my new body is better than I ever imagined!"
"'s good." She said soundung a bit relieved. "I was really worried that your new look wouldn't go over well."
"Well, you don't need to anymore, now that I look more Human I know I'm gonna get booked way more and go even further, thanks so much for this Mom!" You said giving her much more gentle hug this time.
Undyne blushed in response and cleared her throat before saying.
"P-please...stop calling me...that."
"Why? You are basically my mom aren't ya?" You argued backing up to look at her.
"Y-your tech-technically...a lot...older than me y'know?" She responded looking down.
"You take care of me, you support me and your the reason my career is even happening right now...sounds like your a mom to me." You retaliated with a playful smirk making her blush even worse.
"S-still..." she argued looking down making you chuckle.
"Anyway, I'm feeling good after that and wanna unwind by watching anime before I head off to my pod."
Your a Ghost in robotic shell, so you don't sleep like a normal person, nor do you really need to sleep.
While in that pod you mentioned, it performs light maintenance on your body, any scratches or minor inconveniences you've sustained will be checked out and purged.
While you may not need any sleep, it felt nice to just rest and stay put after a long day or night to just collect your thoughts on occasion.
"You burnt our couch." Undyne pointed out referring to the now burnt and foam-covered couch behind the both of you.
"Oh, right..." You said with a sweatdrop. "Sorry."
"It's fine, I'll replace it Like the last one." She stated with a small smile and giving you a pat on the head. "I won't punish you for it since both our hard work payed off, but please stop lighting things on fire."
"Oh c'mon mom...we both know I can't promise that." You chuckled making her roll her eyes.
"Let's just sit on the floor and watch." Undyne sighed as you nodded and eagerly sat on the carpeted floor to enjoy whatever Anime she recorded for now.
She joined you and you both watched anime for the rest of the night before retiring to your respective sleeping quarters.
And there's Chapter 2, I hope it came through coherently and at least some people liked it.
I'll update as soon as I can to those whom it may concern.
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