All was quiet in the Granger household. I was home alone; Mum and Dad were still out in who-knew-where, their memories modified to where they don't remember ever having two lovely daughters who were wizards.
The house belonged to me and my older sister now. It seemed like she had no desire at all to find our parents. I felt like I was the one who kept bringing them up, reminding her that we still had parents who didn't remember us.
But of course it seemed that trying to find our parents wasn't much of a priority in her eyes. No, trying to find work, and balance work and her relationship was a tad bit more important. I didn't have to deal with either, because I had no job nor did I have a relationship with anybody.
I sat in the living room, curled up on one side of the couch, wrapped in a blanket, a book in my lap, the fire going strong. This was what was natural for me. Back in Hogwarts, it was little reading, more doing work and worrying for my older sister. But those years were in the past, my school years were done and over with. I graduated from school and could use magic without being watched by the Ministry.
I was alone tonight on this chilly November evening. I had taken a peek outside the window earlier, and even now it was snowing lightly. I always liked snow, it was tranquil and lovely. My sister was no doubt out with her boyfriend and his family. It was surprising she finally got someone. With how critical she was about schoolwork—or work in general—I was amazed any guy could tolerate every bit of her. I could only take so much of her because I lived with her every day.
My sister couldn't have found a more perfect match for herself, a total opposite to compliment her. His name: Ron Weasley. A fellow Gryffindor and schoolmate of mine and my sister's. She and he had always gotten into rows when at Hogwarts. As time went on, both realized they were in love with each other. Once the realization struck them both, they had been together ever since.
My sister always got everything: perfect grades, best friends, good work ethic, good job, and now a boyfriend. I was jealous of her, yes, but in some ways. She and I hadn't been in the same Hogwarts House: I had been Sorted into Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor. I was okay with it really, because to be a Ravenclaw you had to have an open mind—which was something my sister failed to have. She was getting better though, about opening up her mind.
I messed with the tip of my long, bushy brown ponytail that rested over my right shoulder. The fire crackled, the heat just barely reaching me. Life was quiet these days whenever Hermione wasn't venting about an issue that absolutely bothered her.
A loud pop made me look up from my book. Someone had Disapparated at the front door. It was probably Hermione back from Ron's. Maybe she had him with her. As much as I approve of him, I'd rather not be a third wheel.
There was a knock at the door. It definitely wasn't Hermione; she never knocked for permission to enter the house.
"It's open," I called, peering over the top of the couch.
The door opened to reveal a snow-covered Harry Potter, one of Hermione's best friends, and one of the most well-known wizards in the Wizarding World. His mussed dark hair was flaked with snow as were his glasses, the glasses that helped those green eyes of his see for so many years. I smiled at him. He and I were friends, yes, but rarely anybody stopped by. The only person who did stop by was Ron.
"What a surprise," I said, closing my book.
"Figured I'd stop by," he said, closing the door behind him. He shook his hair, trying to detach the flakes. "Where's Hermione?"
"You really have to ask?" I laughed. "She's at Ron's, left about a few hours ago."
"Must be boring, being here all by yourself." Harry came to sit on the couch.
"Not really, I've had a lot of times being home alone. You get used to it after a while." I tossed the book onto the coffee table; it landed nicely and didn't slide off. I put my hands in my blanket-wrapped lap. "So, what's new with you? It's been a while since I've heard from you."
"Everything's going fine. Auror training is a bit rough, but I'm getting through it," he reported, hunching, looking into the fire. "Not much new with you?"
"Nope. I wish things were different."
"What do you mean?" Harry leaned against the couch, having his attention on me.
"Remember the night before Bill and Fleur's wedding, when you had to move to the Burrow? Hermione felt that it was best if I tagged along with her. Before she and I left, she wiped our parents' memories."
"She mentioned that once when we were on the run."
"It's been so long since then, and I keep mentioning them to her.'s like they aren't a priority to her."
"I'm sure the Ministry can go looking for them."
"They don't know where they are, though."
"We're wizards, remember? We have ways of finding people." Harry smiled.
"I just want to see them, to make them remember us so we can be a real family again. But Hermione just has too much stuff going on to really focus on anything more." I hit my head against the couch.
"Why not go look for them yourself?"
"I would, but I don't know where Hermione sent them; I had been waiting outside for her at the time. I've asked but she's never answered me, and when she has, she says she can't remember." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry if I'm babbling rudely to you about this, it's just...nobody's been in contact with me for so long that I've got nobody to vent to but the house. It's ridiculous when you realize you're talking to something that can't talk back. It's a sign you're going mad."
"It's only because you're alone so much," Harry said carefully. I looked at him quizzically. "You say Hermione's barely at home anymore because of her busy schedule."
"You must be pretty busy yourself, with Auror training and all."
"How did you know?" I shot him a look. "Right, never mind, I already told you."
"There is something else she told me about you, Harry," I said carefully.
"What was that?"
"She's told me you've been...going a little rogue lately. Like...hmm, how do I put this?—like you're losing yourself. She thinks it's because of the war, that even now you're still trying to cope."
"It's been difficult to accept that it happened, yes." Harry wrung his hands. "I just wish I could forget it, Anna."
"Then why not use the Memory Charm on yourself?"
"I've never had the courage to do it. Besides, a Memory Charm erases all memories."
"Not true. Hermione modified our parents' so that they didn't know we existed." There was a pregnant pause. "I could do it for you, i-if you wanted."
Harry stared at me, looking a little startled. "You'd really do that for me?"
"Yeah. You're important to me, Harry." I wriggled out of the blanket to stand by the fireplace, looking into the dying flame. "If you don't feel comfortable with me doing it, I won't."
"I don't think I want to do that," he considered. "I've gone through a lot of bad things in my life already. The battle is just another one to tack onto the list. I need good things to help me forget about all those bad things."
I flinched when I felt his lips touch my exposed side of my neck. My eyes rolled back as I fluttered them shut. Harry's lips were very smooth, being extremely gentle against my skin. Butterflies banged around in my stomach. "What are you doing?" I giggled quietly.
"Forgetting all the bad things in my life by doing something that's good," he purred, his breath trickling onto my skin.
Harry grabbed my waist gently, slowly sinking me down to the floor with him. I stared into the flame as he kissed and licked my neck. I leaned into his affection, trying to help him search for the illusive soft spot I knew I had but never discovered.
I snorted a laugh when he found it, just under my jaw. Harry held me close, showering me with love. I didn't know he felt this way about me. Sometimes I had gone back and forth between figuring out what Harry was to me: just a friend or something more? It was always a constant battle.
"Wait, wait," I whimpered. Harry pulled away, slightly panting. I looked into his eyes. "I thought you were with Ginny?"
"Where did you hear that?"
"I didn't, I just assumed."
"You jump to the wrong conclusions, Anna."
"You aren't lying to me, are you?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"You don't keep secrets from me, so why should I keep any from you?"
"Some people are hard to trust nowadays," I protested.
"But you trust me." He suckled on the nook where my neck and shoulder met. A moan erupted in my throat.
I leapt into his lap, kissing him on the lips. My breath came off shaky as we pulled away centimeters before fighting each other for dominance. My fingers knotted into his messy hair while his fingers slithered under my shirt, raking my back. I arched my back, curving my body into Harry's.
Harry set me down on the floor, him above me, the fire crackling beside us. His body was pressed against mine, a hand of his on my thigh. He nipped and tugged on my ear, making me pant. Everywhere Harry kissed, everywhere he touched, my body heated up. The butterflies in my gut were running wild now.
I wiggled my hands under his sweater, feeling his lean body. He groaned at my feather-light touch. I smirked as he kissed me hotly. God, I just wanted to rip off Harry's shirt and tempt him into having his way with me right now.
I couldn't believe I was thinking these things. Intimacy was something I had long craved for, to have a guy hold me, kiss me, do what Harry was doing to me now. I found that with him, and it felt wonderful.
I nipped on Harry's lower lip, biting down until he let me slip my tongue in. I wormed my way to every nook and cranny that his mouth had. I wanted to find every one possible; I wanted to memorize his touch.
The thumping of shoes made me freeze. Harry tensed up too, sensing my instant stiffness. I knew I hadn't imagined shoe thumping.
"What—what's—please explain—!" Hermione's voice sputtered.
Harry looked up the same time I did. Hermione left the door open, I could feel the draft. Her bushy hair was snow-covered, her brown eyes narrowed and stern. She was going into aggressive sister/mother mode. Harry and I looked at each other, then back at Hermione.
"You!" Hermione pointed at Harry. "Get off my sister and out of this house right now before I hex you!"
Harry scrambled to his feet, fast-walked out the door into the cold, and Disapparated with a pop. I glared at Hermione.
"Don't you give me that look," she hissed as she slammed the door shut. I cringed at the loud noise. "You owe me an explanation since I just shooed Harry out."
"He stopped by, just for a visit," I said coldly, propping myself up by my elbows. "We got talking. I told him what was recent, and he did the same. Then he mentioned possibly erasing his memory of the recent battle, and then I told him that I would do it if he wanted. He was surprised I'd do it."
"Then after a little more chitchat you two go snogging each other to death on the floor near the fireplace?" Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping angrily.
"He started it, Hermione!" I pleaded. "It felt so weird, but so amazing at the same time. And I never told you this, but I had been debating on what Harry meant to me for a while when we were at Hogwarts—and tonight I know that answer. He loves me, Mione, otherwise why would he snog me?"
"Don't call me that nickname, you have no right," Hermione snapped. She sat on the arm of the couch. "You aren't to see him anymore, Annabelle."
"You aren't my mother, and use my nickname!"
"I don't have to use your nickname, I'm mad at you. True I may not be Mum"—she flinched at the mention of our mother—"but I am your older sister, therefore I am in charge of you! You will follow the rules I set in this house, whether I'm your mother or your sister!"
"What have you got against me and him being together, anyway?" I sat up now. I could feel the fire dying out even more; I could feel less heat kiss my clothing and my skin.
"He told you he didn't like Ginny, didn't he?" she asked softly. Her eyes were soft, sympathetic now. Sometimes Hermione was known for her quick mood swings. They scared me sometimes. "That they weren't together."
"Yes. Why?"
"He's still with her."
I went pale. "That's not true," I stammered.
"It is. Do you want to know how I know that's true?"
Hermione sucked in a breath. "When I was at the Burrow, Ginny kept wondering where Harry was. He had told her he was staying late because of work, and then he mentioned that there was a chance he'd stop by the Burrow. They've been together for a while, Anna."
I swallowed, my palms felt clammy. I didn't meet my sister's eye. Harry wasn't a cheater. He was always so nice; it wasn't in his character to do anything dark. But Hermione did say that he was a bit off the wall lately...
"He's not doing drugs or drinking, is he?" I asked cautiously.
"No." Hermione shook her head. "He's just...lost. He's not sure what he wants. The more lost he becomes, the more his life crashes and burns around him. Like what happened between you and him tonight."
"So...are you meaning to tell me that what he just did with me wasn't...wasn't real?" My voice trembled slightly.
"I'm not saying that!" Hermione said quickly. "I can't read Harry's mind, so I don't know if he loves you or not. If he does, he can't have you and Ginny both. He's got to choose one."
"Has he"—I cleared my throat—"has he done this before, with other girls?"
"He got caught flirting with another girl when he thought Ginny wasn't within earshot," Hermione confessed, fiddling with her fingers. "She caught him though, Ginny told us that. But unless you have Veritaserum to use on him, I can't tell you if he's been doing this with other girls. I want you to keep away from him for a while, only because I don't want you to get into trouble with Ginny."
"Does this mean we have to help Harry?"
"Yes, and soon, too. I can't imagine what he'll do next if we don't do something soon. For now, you keep out of our helping-Harry deal. If Harry wasn't with Ginny and going into a downward spiral, I wouldn't have objected to you two being together. But...given the circumstances, I had to take action."
"I understand." I rubbed just under my jaw, where a sore love mark was throbbing slightly. "All this time, I thought he was always a nice kid."
"Harry has had a troubling past, you and I both know that well," Hermione said gravely. "He has dealt with his experiences well, but lately—as I've told you—he hasn't. Now, I know I won't be able to help him out myself, so I'll get some help from the others. We'll all have a sit-down."
"Can I at least attend the intervention?"
"That's as much as I want you involved in this issue, though, nothing more. It's all about damage control, Anna. By keeping out of this, you won't get hurt anymore than you already are."
When the awkward silence fell between us, Hermione left the room. I didn't get up from the floor. I just stared at the fire, watching the embers try to fly up the chimney, but dying before they could get halfway there.
**Damn it, Harry. Just. Damn it.
Rereading this to put this in this collection kinda gave me shivers. And not in a good way.* Don't ask where this one-shot came from, because this was written so long ago...
I guess I was going through some sort of phase at the time.*
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