You Died
Alexis' POV
I wake with a jolt. Tears swell my eyes, I look around at the now older faces of my old friends. We were so young then... We couldn't have been more than 12. How had I forgotten? And why can't I remember anything else? They weren't dreams... They were memories. I remember now... Those parts but not all. I remember the feeling they gave me and how happy I was. I looked much different then. My hair was straight and long. It was brown and my eyes a gold brownish colour that made them seem almost unnatural at times. And they made the freckles on my face pop out even more. I wasn't as pale and I wore dresses. Not fancy ones but Over-Al dresses. Ones that I never saw anyone else wearing but I loved them.
"Alexis?" A whisper of my name snaps me back from remembrance.
"Splinter... The Bow and Arrows... Donnie... The bike... Mikey... Hacoona Matata... Leo... Stolen Katanas... Raph... Ginger Bread Man..." I'm not sure how crazy I sound, maybe not crazy at all or too crazy, I don't know. The look on their faces shows shock, but I know they know what I'm talking about.
"Why is that all I remember?" My voice trembles. Tears streaming down my face. I'm so shaken... And what happens next surprises me so much, I never saw it coming...
Raph holds me in his arms, hugging me... I'm shocked a moment, until I relax, hands pressed against his plastron and burry my face in the soft skin of his neck. I cry as silently as I can... Until I can get ahold of myself. But I notice everyone has tears too.
"What happened to me?" My own voice surprises me a little.
Master Splinter replies, with much hurt and sorrow in his voice, cold and sad, perhaps he is in shock, his tears find no end.
"You died."
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