Raph's POV
"ALEXIS!!!" Screaming her name, I jolt awake in my bed. It use to be Alexis'... She shared a room with me when we were younger... I use to sleep in my hammock and her in this bed. Sometimes I sleep in the bed... When I really miss her... I'll curl up in her blankets and fall asleep crying into her pillow... At first I just sat in my hammock and stared at the empty bed. But as the days passed, it only got worse. And I craved her smell, her feel, her love... The way she made me feel, her laughter chiming in my ears like angels singing... Her. I needed her. Beautiful. Amazing. Unmatchable... Alexis... I need Alexis!
"Raph?" A figure stands in my doorframe.
My chest heaves with rapid breaths, panic still alive in fear. Tears burn.
"Can't sleep either?" Alexis walks in the room. I relax.
"I ain't been able ta get any sleep in five years. I wouldn't call what I do, sleepin'." There's an unmistakable edge in my voice.
Without a word, super silent, Alexis climbs in the bed, taking my arm and draping it over her, letting me hold her close to me, and letting me know it's okay. She snuggles up against my plastron. Her chilly hands cooling my over heated body.
"I don't sleep either..." Her whisper finds its way into my ears. Her eyes are closed, I just gaze upon her. Laying like an angel in my arms. I move a strand of hair behind her ear and a smile tugs her lips back. I feel heat bubble to my cheeks. And find I'm smiling myself.
"What are your nightmares about?" She asks me quietly but in silence even the smallest sound is loud. Depending on the distance that is... Her eyes are still closed...
"You." Her eyes open. And she looks up at me.
"I dream about that night... I dream about losing you." Before I even realize I'm crying, she's wiping away my tears.
"I dream about you too... And what happened... In the Lab." She goes real distant, real distant...
"Alexis... What happened that night I found you?" Alexis breaks from her daze and looks at me momentarily before smiling.
"Get some sleep Raphael..." With a butterfly kiss on my nose, my eye lids are soon so heavy I can't keep them open, and before I can say another word, I've drifted back into slumber, with Alexis' whisper in my mind.
"Goodnight Raphael..."
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