Raph's POV
I watch from the rooftops. Scanning over the city, our city, my city. We split up to cover all four corners of it and we use our T-Phones to contact one another if needed. I'm soaring the skies as I sail across rooftops, when I notice this girl.
She's got this spiky wild black, blue and white hair. It's super hot! The blue seems to glow next to the white and the black just brings it out even more. Her face is so defined and a crystal pale. She's gorgeous... I wonder if this is what Donnie felt like when he saw April... She looks almost... Familiar.
Shaking my head I try snapping out of it. Noticing now how she trembles and how her chest rises and falls rapidly with her breaths. She cautiously advances like she's scared... What does she see that I don't? Her black bad ass leather boots only take a couple steps before they are sprinting. Dam she can run! It takes everything I got not ta lose her and I almost do a few times. Besides it doesn't help the fact that she wears all black leather with a white and blue stripe side by side going down the outside of her leg pants and the outside of her arms. Thus the only thing I can see most of the time is the seemingly glowing stripes and hair.
It's hard from my hight to see what's going on. All of a sudden she curls up in the ball when she reaches a dead end alley way. At first nothing seems to be going on, but as her body tenses I see her clothes rip and the red rain beginning to storm from her. Dazed I'm frozen a few moments, long enough for her to drop to her side in defeat. She took a beating and I didn't do anything about it... I just let her suffer. But it doesn't even make sense! No one was there! Nobody! Suddenly three big guys come chuckling and barking loudly into the alley. Their drunken faces pulled into a smirk. They stink so bad of alcohol I can practically smell them from here!
I only catch a part of what they say to her but whatever it is I hate it! Flipping down I spin my sais, "Ya wanna touch 'er? Go 'head! Means ya wanna die!" Growling I collide forth with the first man. Knocking him out with one punch. The other two get ahold of me and manage to get in a couple blows before they lie next to their friend on the ground as well.
I rush to the girls side as fast as I can and to my surprise, she speaks...
"Don't hurt me... Don't leave me alone..." Then her eyes roll back in her head as I lift her in my arms and I've never run faster. My legs seem to know better than my head where I'm going before I even get there. It seems only the blink of an eye has passed and I'm in the lair, screaming for my brothers and Sensei. Mainly Donnie cause he's the brains and doctor.
"You brought a girl?!!" Mikey exclaims excitedly jumping up and down in a circle with his hands clenched together.
"You brought a girl?!?" Leo asks the same question but completely different tone. A tone that says, "You moron what where you thinking?!?"
"She was bleedin' ta death Leo wha'd ya want me ta do?!? Leave 'er ta die?!?" Hotheadedly I turn away with a huff and Donnie tells me where to lay her in his lab on a sick bed. Putting her down gently, my hand rests behind her head a moment. Donnie takes off her jacket, it's in rags anyway. She wears a tight black top underneath. Just her appearance makes my insides funny and I'm really confused, I don't understand why. But I've felt this way before...
Shaking my head I try refocusing again. Watching as Donnie begins to clean her wounds. She has so many and when the blood clears away, you see they are finger nail marks. Four line finger streaks all over. We all gasp.
"What the hell happened?" Leo asks, still dazed. I shake my head.
"I don't know..." We all stair at her, "She looked real scared so I followed 'er ta an alley where she was beaten by nothin'. She seemed fully aware dat dere was somethin' dere but dere wasn't anythin'!" I try explaining but it sounds stupid even to me.
"So you're telling us she was beaten by air?" Leo gives me an 'honestly I couldn't not believe you less' look, making my fists clench.
"No! I'm tellin' ya that I don't know what happened okay?!? Dere was nothin' dere yet she was hurt by somethin'! It doesn't make sense but I'm tellin' ya what da hell happened Leo so would ya just shut ya trap and listen for once?!?" Heat rises to my face as I become more enraged, Leo's brows furrow.
"For once?!? For once?!? Really Raph?!? You are 'for oncing' me?!? For once maybe if you just shut up and actually listened to me your Leader, we wouldn't have this problem!!!" A growl vibrates my lips.
"Enough! Both of you!" Master Splinter shouts, calling us both back from our argument. I feel myself cool a little when I look at her. I feel strange and I've got this odd, weird, no... Different feeling. I'm not too sure what it means... Or what it is. Just I don't think it's bad, at least I hope not.
The girls head turns and she grimaces in her sleep. Gasping now and then... Almost like she's choking or something. I look at Donnie who's eyes widen as he studies her. I feel this hint of fear rise deep within. Why am I scared for her? I ain't scared for nobody! But that's not true... I fear for my brothers and Father. And for some odd reason I'm also fearing for this girl. Just like I've feared for another girl...
"What is it Donnie?" Mikey asks, inching closer.
"She..." Don still hasn't taken his eyes off her, "She's..."
"Oh spit it out already!" I blurt impatiently.
"Shut up Raph!" Leo sends me a death glare and I return the favour.
"She's like us..." Is all Donnie says before the girl jolts awake, sitting up and only then do I realize her wounds have been healed and are now only scars on her arms... I notice the list of many scars, perhaps that's why she covered them but I'm not so focussed on that... Her eyes capture us all... They are a glowing unnatural blue, just like her hair except more vibrant, more captivating, more... Alive.
She looks at all of us, inhales a shaky breath and seems to relax. She doesn't seem bothered by the fact that we are giant turtles at all, in fact she closes her eyes a moment, whispers something to herself and opens her eyes again.
"Who are you?" Her voice is soft but strong.
"My name is Hamato Yoshi. These are my four sons. They call me Master Splinter, Sensei, and Father." Sensei starts.
"I am Leonardo, you may call me Leo if you wish." Leo says, putting on his most 'wise' tone and bows down, making a low growl sound in my throat.
"Hi..." Donnie says shilly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm Donatello, you can call me Donnie though." She gives him a warm smile and a blush creeps across his face.
Mikey pops his head up from under the sick bed with the goofiest face he's ever put on, and that's saying a lot because it's Mikey. The girl laughs, and it sounds like a million angels singing at once. What the hell am I doing? What am I even thinking? I groan out loud but Mikey's got all the attention so no one notices.
Down on one knee, Mikey takes the girls hand in his and kisses it. After he's done it once, he then pecks it over and over again, an annoyance creeping up on me. Though I don't know why it bothers me so much. I don't even know her... The only other girl I know besides April and Karai, is long since gone...
"I am Sir Michelangelo, at your service my lady." He takes a big bow and the girl continues to giggle. So beautiful... Her voice is like magic...
"You can also call me Mikey!" He flashes a wink and another laugh bubbles from her throat.
We sit in silence for a few moments before I realize it's my turn.
"The names Raphael. Call me Raph." I say, arms crossing in their normal position, somehow though, I don't scare her or even make her tense or flinch or anything I'd suspect I'd do to a human. Or well someone that looks human or normal cause Donnie said she's like us. Whatever that means... But instead of being the least bit frightened she smiles. Actually smiles at me and I'm dazed, off guard.
The smile seems to capture her eyes in a twinkle. Magnificent... Beautiful...
I guess we lock eyes too long because Leo clears his throat in irritation and sends me a, 'if looks could kill' glare.
"My name is Alexis." She says and we gasp. It can't be. It's not possible...
We all exchange glances, Master Splinter though just stares, wide eyed at her...
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