Chapter 9
Every Moment of My Free Time
I woke up that same night. I had only been unconscious—half sleeping—for several hours. I felt the top of my head and there was a painful bump covered in some sort of ointment there. My mouth felt dry and tasted disgusting. I must've gotten some mud to the mouth when I had fallen.
"You've woken up, it wasn't too serious then." A lady, around mid to late thirties with mesmerizing stone grey eyes pushed aside the curtain surrounding my bed. This revealed at least ten other beds, one occupied and the rest empty.
The room was big and spacious and looked just like a hospital room. Her hair was pale golden and loose, it looked soft to touch.
I looked up and met the stern eyes of who I assumed to be the doctor or nurse, maybe both.
"Let me just check that bump you've got there." She reached out a hand and felt the top of my head. It didn't hurt but I winced anyway, "Don't be such a baby, Nightingale. I can tell that this bump won't be permanent, so you can go back to your classes in the morning."
I looked down and wondered if Robin was in trouble for what he did. A small part of me hoped that he might have been expelled, but since he didn't cause any permanent damage he would most likely be let off with only a slight punishment.
Sighing, she sat down on the bed and took my hand. I wondered if this was normal behaviour for a doctor towards her patient.
"I can tell that you're worried about Robin. I too, didn't expect his hatred to be so abundant." She paused then, as though looking for something to say, "I just sincerely hope that, that although you have never met your parents, you would be able to believe that they would never do something against their best friends."
"Then who did?" I felt compelled to say something to this woman.
"Something that everybody thinks is gone forever... I need you to be careful of your friends, Nightingale; there is more to them than you think..." She touched my forehead once more and walked out, closing the curtain behind her.
My friends? Try as I might, but I couldn't imagine any of my friends as something that I needed to be careful around.
When I awoke in the morning a plump, sweet looking elderly woman was tidying the bed next to me.
She turned and smiled. "You're awake! That's great! Let me check that bump of yours." She inspected the bump and frowned, "Seems like it's gone. It was huge when you first came in and bumps like those don't tend to heal overnight."
"May I leave?" I asked.
"Well you weren't supposed to leave for a few days..." She trailed off thoughtfully. A few days? The other lady said in the morning. "But since you seem fine I don't see why not."
"Um, where's the other lady in the infirmary?" I had thought that she took care of patients during the night, as I couldn't see her around anywhere.
She looked at me, a frown marring her round face, "Why, dear, I am the only person managing this clinic." Seeing the confused look on my face, she smiled condescendingly, "You must have been dreaming."
She helped me out of the bed and ushered me out through the big doors. "You should be off to the headmistress's office first; she's called a meeting with the first years."
Before I could ask where that was she shut the doors. Slightly stunned, I began to walk. After a few disorientated moments, I found myself outside a grand wooden door. I was about to knock before the door swung inwards and revealed an office.
The headmistress sat behind an imposing desk, Robin in a chair opposite her and the rest of the year on the sofa to the side of the room.
"Nightingale, take a seat." The headmistress looked at me with piercing eyes.
I perched on the end of a sofa next to Amie and exchanged a concerned look with Meraella. The headmistress cleared her throat, bringing my attention to her.
"I have called this meeting to announce to you all, that I have decided the consequences of Robin's actions." I saw the back of Robin's head and could imagine his usual mask of boredom on his face.
"I have been just informed that the damage to Nightingale was not as severe as we had first thought, so Robin's punishment will not be as severe." Ms Golds paused, as though deep in thought.
"I have decided that Robin's free time during the weekends will be taken away and instead replaced with taking care of and working on the Academy's south garden. He will also have to attend to all of Nightingale's needs and must spend every free moment with her."
An uncomfortable silence filled the room and I could feel disbelief colour the air. The punishment paled in comparison to his actions. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Meraella shift uncomfortably in her seat.
"Why does Nightingale have to spend her free time with someone who wronged her?"
The small, uncertain voice spoke up above the silence. Everyone turned and pinned their eyes upon Meraella and a pink blush crept up her cheeks.
Ms Golds smiled mysteriously, "Every punishment is made to teach a lesson, Meraella, and what I have decided is final."
Meraella nodded uncertainly, unsure to as whether to reply.
"I will be making sure that this does not ever happen again- Nightingale will be perfectly safe." She reassured, gaze on Meraella.
"Yes, Headmistress."
"Any other objections?" She glanced around the room, making eye contact with everybody.
Receiving no answer, her eyes finally settled on me. "Nightingale, I would like you to stay behind. Everyone else, dismissed."
As everyone filed out of the room, Robin paused in front of the doorway and turned around as if to say something. His eyes met mine for a moment and I could have sworn he almost looked apologetic. But then I saw something pass over his eyes and that expression was gone, replaced by his usual smirk. He turned and disappeared through, letting the door slam shut.
I was alone with the headmistress.
She shuffled the papers on her desk before smiling comfortingly at me.
"The pairings of future Royals have always been set in stone... and rarely has anyone ever gone against it." She smiled grimly, "The ones who have have suffered dire consequences, enough to make them reconsider their decision... Fate has put you and Robin together even against the backdrop of your tragic pasts. No matter what he does, I want you to know that it is only his ignorance that makes him act this way."
I nodded in acknowledgement of her words and awkwardly sat in my chair, unsure of what else to say. The headmistress inclined her head at me when I didn't reply.
"You may leave now, enjoy the rest of your weekend."
I stood up and pushed the heavy doors open and nearly tripped when I saw Robin. He was leaning against the wall, his tall, lean frame stretched out against the beige. His pearly eyes were trained on the doorway as I made my hesitant way out. He smirked, eyes full of arrogance as he noted my presence. His lip was curled in disdain and scorn.
"Looks like I'm stuck with you, voiceless birdie."
Yes, stuck with him for every moment of my free time.
A/N: Thanks SpiderPrincess for helping me edit~ much appreciated desu ^^
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