Was I That Shy?
Deep laughter sounded and I glanced behind me.
Both Remi and Robin were laughing at some inside joke. Amie, I think she was called, turned and threw them a flirtatious smile. Her curly strawberry blonde hair bounced on her shoulders and complimented her light green eyes prettily.
Spotting Meraella and I, she stalked over and gave a cheesy smile.
"Oh my god, I was stuck with tomato over there," She pointed haughtily at Primo, "in the carriage. He was so disgusting." As we walked after the Headmistress, Amie shoved herself in the middle and hung her arms around us both.
We walked through the ornate double doors that spanned the height of two men, its wood carved with intricate patterns. Arriving into the spacious inside of the castle, Amie looked around—as though checking to see if anyone would overhear her words—and lowered her voice.
"Robin is so hot," I instantly felt slightly angry but pushed the pointless feeling away—there was nothing to be angry about, "but... Remi is definitely more my type." She giggled and walked ahead, leaving us behind.
"That... felt like a warning." Meraella turned to me, "I already hate her."
I nodded—not really agreeing—as hate was a rather strong word for simple dislike, but I decided I was better off not talking at all. Before we could say anymore we had reached a spacious hallway. The Headmistress gestured at two rooms opposite each other, "Primo and Amie, you two are in those rooms—girls on the right, boys on the left."
She proceeded on with now only four of us behind her, leaving the fading sounds of Amie complaining at being on the same level as Primo. Walking up some stairs to another two rooms, the headmistress turned and gave us a warm smile.
"Meraella and Remi, you two on this level."
She pointed to a spiral staircase at the end of the hallway, "And you two up those stairs."
Meraella waved goodbye to me as she disappeared into her new room and I shyly acknowledged it. Uncertainly, I started up the stairs. I hated anything physical—even if it was walking up stairs—so I went up slowly.
There was no one behind me, so I could take my time... or at least that was what I had thought. When I had finally reached the top level, I realised that someone was behind me.
"Could you get any slower?" He looked at me in disgust, before disappearing into his assigned room.
"Yes, I could."
Obviously, he was out of earshot and didn't respond. Shrugging to myself, I went into the other room and looked around.
It was an understatement to call this a 'room'.
There was a kitchen, a giant living room complete with a TV and a lime green leather couch. There was a door that led to another room- I went in and my shock was even more so than before; a four poster bed with lime green covers sat in the corner adjacent to a large balcony. From there, I could see that I was on the highest tower of the palace and if I fell it would not be funny.
There were two other doors, one leading to a huge bathroom and the other to a walk-in wardrobe. Each wall in the wardrobe was covered in a spotless mirror and five pairs of five different Academy uniforms hung neatly in the corner, the rest of the shelf space was covered with bags, shoes, dresses and other kinds of clothes. I soon realised that every piece of clothing fitted me perfectly which was, in a way, a stalkerish sort of weird.
I quickly identified each piece of uniform, all of them had different uses, one was for sport, one for formal events, one for casual, another that was a full white body suit with a small skirt. I frowned slightly, wondering what it was for.
The last one was for nightwear and since there was only five of each I assumed it was for the weekdays so that we had the weekends off.
What was slightly weird about the uniform was that each of them- excluding the body suit- had at least a little bit of lime green, my favourite colour.
It was only after lunchtime and I had what the Academy put outside my door for lunch. I felt that they were giving us special treatment because we were new and that usually, we would have had to go to a dining room or something to eat.
I was bored, so the first thing I did after lunch was visit Meraella whose bedroom was slightly smaller than mine but wardrobe considerably bigger. I noticed that Meraella's uniform was silver in places that mine were green, it was pretty cool that the academy made the uniforms according to our favourite colours.
I especially thought that Meraella's uniform looked better than mine as silver, white and black went well together.
"So, what do you think? I especially liked our casual uniform! It has such a cute black dress and white blouse. Oh my gosh, and the black blazer and the silver tie looks so good together." Meraella chatted happily with me, especially about the uniforms, "I think the sport uniform is the cutest. I love the silver cap."
I smiled to show that I agreed with her and she smiled back at me. A loud knock sounded, and before we could react Amie came bursting through the doors, a scowl plastered on her face.
At least she had enough manners to knock on the door.
"I cannot believe that I am stuck on the same floor with Carrot!" Amie collapsed onto Meraella's bed without so much as a glance at her for permission.
"I mean, he is so gross! I can't believe they let these kind of people into the Academy, I bet he won't even survive first year."
Meraella looked slightly disgusted, but because of Amie on her bed rather than because of Primo.
Amie looked at Meraella's face and took it the wrong way, "I know! Carrot reeks of disgust."
Amie stayed almost the rest of the day talking, before she realised it was dark and reluctantly left. Meraella looked exhausted, "I'm surprised she managed to pry herself off my bed to go back to her room."
Something about her tone made me realise that Meraella didn't seem to like people she barely knew touch her things- oh wait- nobody did, "You can go back if you want, but I won't mind if you wanna talk."
I shook my head and left, I'd rather leave than listen awkwardly to a one-sided conversation.
Thinking about Meraella, I wondered if she liked Remi. She was in such a good mood when I went to visit her—either that or she just liked the uniforms.
I replayed Misty and Meraella both saying that I was shy and hardly talked.
Was I really that shy?
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