The Name of Sin
Wow. I really need to have a proper update schedule. I am so sorry you guys, but here. Take this not-even-thought-out story. Also, I am aware that the book has been Len x Miku heavy, so here is some variety.
-3rd person POV-
Humans, humans, humans. Megurine Luka absolutely hated humans. They seemed to have no compassion for one-another at all! Being a Goddess of Fate, she had no choice but to watch each and every one of these pathetic humans and give them life changing struggles from her little cloud. "Ugh, if only there was a way I could test them all properly." She mused. "All their complaining and turning on each other has grown quite old. Hmm? What is this? A new child. She is rather adorable. Now what is her name? Hatsune Miku. A fine name for a fine baby. What if I make HER the one?" Now things were getting interesting. She stood up on the puffy cloud, and raised her hands in the air. "For each blessing within thee, an ugly feature they will see. Wretched monster, terrible beast, these ugly features will not cease. But if someone can truly say 'I'll love you until the end of my days', it will destroy all the haze, and the curse won't see another day. There. That should do it." Luka sat back down. "Time to see how this will play out."
-Miku's POV-
"Oooh, Len! What a good idea to create those mud balls to throw at her!" One of the twins smiled maliciously as they stood before me. "Make more!" I was defenseless as each one seemed to pile, hitting me in the face. My arms were too frail to fight back at all. My eyes too cold to beg for forgiveness. My hair too tangled to clean out all of the mess it endures. "Hahah! Take that! Here Rin, have some more of these stones." This is normal for me, so I really don't care anymore. I waited for them to get bored and leave. I sighed, standing up. I gradually walked over to my favorite hill and lied down. I was already more relaxed with the wind against my face and no townspeople to bug me. Its not like I can avoid them all, because I need to go get food at the town. And they always seem to know where I'll be. And its not like I have any family to talk to about it. Even they managed to abandon me. After a while, I managed to fall asleep. If there is one thing I want in the whole wide world, I want a friend. Someone who won't throw rocks at me like Rin or Len. Someone who wont swear until their mouth falls off like Gakupo. Someone who won't punch or kick me like Meiko. Someone who won't call me a demon like Gumi. Someone who will actually be there. Someone who could call me beautiful. One day, maybe....
When my eyes opened, it was already the next day. Oh look. Time to go pick up people's dropped change and maybe buy a dollar pack of gum drops, but probably pick some fruit. I honestly despised this way of life, but its the only life I even have. I got up and ran towards the town. Maybe if I hurried, they wont- splat! Mud. At the back of my head. I could hear Rin laughing in the distance. But that wasn't where it ended. I was kicked to the floor. The whole gang was there. (AN: Im sorry, even though I am censoring it, I normally don't use much vulgar language above the word "bastard". Apologies in advance.) "Your such a motherf*cking piece of sh!t, Miku! Why don't you just run away like the whore you are?" I heard Gakupo scream behind me. "Yeah! Demon child! Why can't you stop haunting this place and go back to your realm?" Gumi continued. Right when Meiko was about to throw a punch, I heard a voice cry out. Soothing, yet unexpected. "My, my. I did not expect in coming here that I would hear something like this." I could vaguely see the boy who talked. He had ocean blue hair, and relatively decent clothes, but both his eyes were covered in bandages. "Tell me something. Why are rats always hated so much?" Everyone was put to silence, and Meiko answered. "Because they are so dirty. Duh, everyone knows that!" The boy's expression didn't change. "Oh really? Well, forgive blind old me for asking yet another question. Are the rats truly the dirty ones when people like you are full of vice and malice?" Everyone seemed to understand this boy meant no funny business, and started backing away. "I'd better not catch you doing this ever again!" With that moment, they all left, tails between legs. I propped myself up, after a minute. "T-thank you so much..." "Your welcome! My name's Kaito, an- ... are you crying?" I suddenly noticed the tears on my face. They weren't there when I was on the floor. I guess I was just so happy to finally have a friend.
We hung out for hours after that. I showed him the hill, and we talked and played. It was so fun, and it was beautiful. I found out Kaito was actually an orphan, and his eyes got somewhat destroyed in a shooting. Since then, he has been searching for somewhere he could stay. And I guess I kind of started venting about everything that happened. Pretending only goes so far. Kaito was really gentle and understanding. He even hugged me at one point, saying "If you have nowhere to go, maybe you can come with me!" He was probably the greatest person I could ever meet. It was then when he mentioned this. "You are such a kind person, yet you blame yourself for everything. I will have to stay here for a few days, but I want to give you something even though we are traveling together!" He picked up something next to him. A big, white lily. "Its beautiful!" I said! "I-I'm glad you like it..." Kaito said, blushing. He was about to hand it to me, and then.... everything stopped. The wind wasn't blowing. The leaves weren't rustling in trees nearby. Kaito wasn't moving an inch. I was the only one who could tell. "Such a blind boy. Er, literally. I wonder what would happen if he saw your face." Walking up to me was a beautiful woman. She seemed to have a dress of black feathers, and eyes like the sky them self. She had flowing, pink hair and striking black wings. "His face would be so priceless! Oh, I know a fun game we could play! How about a little decision?" Her hand stretched out to the lily that Kaito was giving, still unmoving. "No, STOP!" When her fist formed, you could hear the white of the petals crumble to black. The glorious white tulip was now an eerie black. "Your first friend giving you this kind of thing, how unthinkable! But it IS your first friend, and they want to run away with you, your planning to take it, right?" I stared at the flower, still held out kindly. "Yes. I am." "Hmm, I see? Well what if his vision was also on the bargain?" My eyes widened slightly. If I took it, he would be able to see things again. But then, he will see me as well. "What's your decision, dear lady?" I stared at the flower. Kaito might never get the chance to see again if I don't take it.
... I could let myself loose my only friend.
I grabbed the flower. Almost instantly, Luka disappeared, and time flowed normally. The bandages on Kaito's eyes glowed and tore off, as his vision returned. But I couldn't bear to watch. I was looking at the black lily, sobbing. "M-Miku?!" Kaito sounded more surprised than anything. "Wha-" "I KNOW I am super ugly! I know I'm a monster, and I know I'm a demon! I know the world is a better place without me, and you can walk away knowing all the others were right, and I'll be fine! I'll go back to stealing dropped money and picking berries and- mm?!" My rant was interrupted with Kaito's lips on mine. After a few seconds, he let go. "Miku, you aren't a monster. I don't care what you look like. Your beautiful on the inside. I still want to be with you. I'll love you until the end of my days." He hugged me, and as I returned it, I could almost hear the faint click of gears stopping their movement. I looked down, and the black that came to rest on the flower faded away and went back to white. Kaito let go of the hug, and his eyes, the same oceanic color of his hair, widened almost immediately. "Miku? Miku, you have to see this!" He immediately pulled me to my feet and raced me to the town. I glanced at the nearest shop window, and I was surprised. I was beautiful. Skin soft yet strong. Hair smooth and silky. Eyes full of life. I hugged Kaito tightly, and he quickly returned it. I'm sure that pink-haired winged creature found what she wanted in the end, whatever it was. I still remember Kaito's words to end the tale.
"You are now just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside."
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