♡Fill In Parents ~ Akikasa♡
Author's note: OK,it may be a little late to wish Chxcolate_Cake (the requester,their name is Luka/Amai) a happy birthday...
(Btw,there's a mention of Mizumafu since I know you like that ship :3)
Summary: Akito is asked to babysit Mizuki's little baby cousin. Sadly,he is not able to handle the chaos of an Akiyama by himself.
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Tsukasa had just woken up from a nap when he got a phone call from someone,it was his boyfriend. "AKITO!" The future star happily picked up his phone. Despite the fact that he was tired and about to die from exhaustion,he was ready to give out the TSUKASA TENMA STAR speech™ (albeit a shorter version) to whichever unfortunate soul decided to call him.
He put a smile,took his phone,and tapped the button.
He heard a familiar voice screamed,very loudly. Though Tsukasa seemed unphashed. It took him a hot second to recognise who it was, even though he's heard Akito multiple times and he was that Akito called him. They're both just a little silly. "AKITO!! Oh,hold on,the glass is broken?"
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"Lil'bro!" Akito was about to bash his head on the table and make sure it was cracked. Her turned his head to Mizuki slowly.
"What. And is that a baby?"
"I'm going on a date with Mafuyu!". "And?"
"My little cousin's here,and he needs a babysitter!" Mizuki had their little cousin over,but she didn't realise that she had already planned a date with Mafuyu. She didn't want to disappoint Mafuyu (they were too lazy to babysit their cousin),so why not Akito!
"Yes! :D"
"No." Mizuki slammed a bunch of stuff in Akito's hands. A list,some food, pyjamas,and of course the baby.
"I HATE YOU." Akito wasn't exactly sure what to do. He can't leave the child alone now... can he? No,Tsukasa,Ena,and Toya would lecture him to death. Might as well deal with this obnoxious little brat. How hard can he be? The child tugged at Akito's pants. "What." He may have come off a little too rude on accident. "Pancaekes." Akito groaned.
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"Hey,um..." Mizuki didn't give him the kid's name. "Brat? Where are you?" Did he just lose the child? Akito panicked. "OH MY FUCKING GOD. DON'T DIE." He ran around the house. "Mizuki's gonna fucking kill me." After walking around the house for ten minutes,he saw the "brat". "Oh. Okay." Seemed like his worry just vanished quickly. Only to be replaced by the worry of seeing a child holding a candle that was lit.
Akito looked at the child.
The child looked back.
"Hey. Put it down." He attempted to sound sweet. He failed.
The child put the candle next to one of Mizuki's dresses.
"Come here,kiddo."
The child put the candle down and crawled to Akito. "Okay,good." Akito felt a little proud until it pulled his hair.
End of flashback
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Tsukasa was driven by Saki. "Are you sure you have everything?" Saki was rather worried,but still cheery. "Don't worry,Saki! I,as the elder brother, always make sure to secure all my little siblings' needs!" Saki giggled. He was already planning to make him his younger brother. "So," Saki smirked. "You're the mom to Akito's dad?"
Tsukasa knocked on the door. Trying to calm himself from Saki's ridiculous claim. He waited for exactly 6 minutes until the worry got to him. Should he deliver his speech now? Maybe the baby would hear him from outside, too. "TSUKASA." The door swung open. "LOVE!" Tsukasa opened his arms,presumably for a hug.
"What are you doing with your arms? Get in here."
It's fine,he'll get a hug later.
"Where is the child?" Tsukasa's flamboyant movements don't stop at the most mundane of poses. "I don't know." Tsukasa looked at Akito.
"Well,I found him, and then I lost him!"
Tsukasa did a bunch of movements. "What's his name?" Akito didn't want to open his mouth. "I forgot." Usually, it was Akito having the headaches,but a nice change of pace is always welcome. The child suddenly came out of the shadow realm. "Hey,little baby!" The baby tried his best to stand up. Tsukasa picked him up. "AWWWW." Tsukasa adored the baby.
Akito felt weird. No. It can't be. He's not jealous of a baby!
"Would you like to hold him,Akito?"
Tsukasa looked sad. Akito stared at him and the baby for a solid 10 seconds before reaching out his arms to hold the brat. Tsukasa cheered. Akito held the baby barely. "I'll show you how to hold a baby,Akito!" Akito was about to give Tsukasa the baby back until he spoke.
Tsukasa and Akito looked at the baby intensely. Tsukasa put his hands on Akito's shoulders as they leaned in closer to the baby. The baby stuttered a couple of times before finally saying,
Their eyes widened.
"HE SAID YOUR NAME!" Tsukasa tried to lighten the mood. "Don't tell Mizuki or I'll kill you." Tsukasa frowned. Akito looked felt rather sad,so he gently pat Tsukasa on the head. Tsukasa's eyes lit up, and he puffed his chest out proudly.
"Sun! Akitoes!!" The baby grabbed Akito by the collar. Tsukasa let out a hearty laugh. Akito felt the world slow down. "Tsukasa..."
"Yes,Akito?" Akito stared at Tsukasa for a moment. He smiled and grabbed Tsukasa's hand.
"I grabbed his stuff. Let's go out."
Akito smiled.
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While they were walking in the park,they got a call from Mizuki and Mafuyu."Come on." As Akito was holding Tsukasa's hand,he led him and the baby to a park bench. "Akitoes!!" Akito sighed. Tsukasa shoved himself in the screen. "Mizuki! How is Mafuyu?" Mizuki turned their phone. "She's right here." Mafuyu made a nonchalant thumbs-up. "She's doing well!" Mizuki grinned as Mafuyu gave the smallest smile.
"How is Hiyuki doing?"
"Huh?" Mafuyu was confused. "Did you guys forget the baby's name?" Mizuki saw a chance to tease Tsukasa and Akito. "How dare you two!" Mizuki said teasingly. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL US HIS NAME." The two argued back and forth until Akito just hung up on Mizuki cause he was too tired of hearing Mizuki and Mafuyu cackle their asses off.
"Duckie! Duckie!"
"That is correct,Hiyuki! That's a mejastic duck!" Tsukasa continued to entertain the baby. "Akito! Come on,help me! I'm telling a story, and I need my love to be the other half!" Akito blushed. He decided to play along with Tsukasa's antics.
He blandly recitet the lines that Tsukasa quickly told him. "And then they kiss!" Tsukasa blushed. "We don't have to!" Akito gave him a peck on the lips and looked away. The baby clapped.
"Don't think.. Tsukasa..?" Tsukasa was very red. "Do you have a fever?" Akito stared at Tsukasa. "I've never noticed who short you are." Tsukasa shook his head. "I AM HERE. Now let's go!" He stood up quickly. He took Akito's hand and ran to a pond.
"Hey- the baby's gonna fall off!"
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Tsukasa sat next to Akito. "Haha!" The baby was in Akito's lap,desperately trying to stand up. Akito held his hand. Hiyuki managed to stand up. Akito's fingers softly touched Hiyuki's small waist. "Good job,Hiyuki." "Yes! Well done."
Hiyuki smiled cutely. Tsukasa leaned his head on Akito's shoulder. Hiyuki layed on Akito's lap.
Tsukasa closed his eyes,calm for once.
Akito put his arm around Tsukasa's waist.
"This isn't so bad."
He smiled.
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