Feeding Time
Taking food to the prisoners was never fun. It was the base of the Purgaloids' which the Vocaloids' had taken over. There weren't many prisoners there, so 99% of the prisons were empty. Most of the Purgaloids had escaped, really, so only few were there. Most of the prisoners were not Purgaloids, but other sort of criminals. All this information was so easy to get!
'Feeding time, everyone!' Luka tried to be cheerful.
'Feed yourself!' a voice said savagely.
'Be nice, Leon!' Luka made a sour face. Turning her face cheerful again, she said, 'Pizza for everyone today! Aren't you excited?'
'In a cell?' Leon stood up.
Through the electric cells, Leon looked savage. He looked like a person would look after being marooned in an island for a century; messed up cobweb hair, dirty skin, ragged clothes. Compared to him, the other prisoners looked very normal- they were playing cards by themselves in good clothes and clean bodies.
'Well, we're treating you much better than you treated Gakupo.'
'Gakupo?' Leon snapped and laughed. A savage kind of laugh. 'He was HAPPY in his cell! He found his LOVE in that cell! Someone like him found LOVE!'
'Okay, shut up and stuff this pizza in your mouth!'
Luka threw pizzas to all the cells, and by some magic they penetrated the electric wall without getting burnt or anything. By some other miracle they landed right on the prisoners' hands or inside their mouth.
'Wow! My throw just keeps getting better!' Luka exclaimed. 'Anyway, I hope there wasn't any arguments or dirty business going around in the cells! As you know, all of you will be released in two months!'
When Luka exited the former Purgaloids' Inc, she ran straight into Kaito.
They were really close, once; Luka, Rin, Len and Kaito. They visited and consumed ice-cream together everyday.
Then, Miku came.
A sweet, sensitive, cute girl.
Not to Luka, at least.
Luka had a crush on Kaito for quite some time. She knew it was stupid; Kaito would never love her as long as ice-creams existed. But she couldn't stop dreaming that one day Kaito might like her. It was a very tiny bit of her which believed that, but it was there.
When Miku came, Kaito loved her- not as much as ice-cream- but equally, at least! He never said it aloud but he was an idiot and it was obvious.
After that, Luka thought she just thought she liked Kaito; she didn't really love him. She figured out how much of an idiot he was. Maybe he was kind of cute, but there is more to a person that meets the eye! Besides, Yuma looked much better. Luka didn't have any feelings for him, but she could judge appearance. Even his voice was better; everything about Yuma was better! Even her younger sister, Uni, had said the same thing. She hadn't fallen in love with him; only that idiot Kaito!
But when she saw Kaito again, on this highly romantic night when the moon was singing romance, she couldn't help but second-guess her previous hypothesis.
What if she really did like that idiot?
'Oh, hey Luka! Have you seen an ice-cream shop around here?' Kaito waved and looked around absent-mindedly.
'Uh, no Kaito!' Luka exclaimed, searching for a way out of this mess.
'Oh, okay!'
As Luka looked side from side searching a way out, Kaito walked to her.
'By the way, you seem...distant, nowadays,' Kaito's usually cheery eyes lost all of its glow. 'You never come at parties nowadays.'
'You joined the Vocaloids' Inc?'
'Well, it doesn't really have a name-'
'Well, you seem to like your new friends much more...' Kaito smiled sadly.
'That's not true! I still love my old friends!'
'Well, you don't seem like you do.'
'Maybe I'm just over-thinking, huh?'
'Probably! You usually do!'
'Yeah, maybe. By the way, I'm visiting Miku. Wanna join in the fun?'
Thank you for reading everyone! Sorry for the gap in between. Please shout out your feedback! I would love to hear it!
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