8. Soul Mates
a/n: This chapter is following the storyline that I wrote before I accepted everyone's forms. So, I'm sorry in advance if your OC didn't show up in this chapter. But do have fun reading!
" How did someone like you come to me?
If only we could be together right now
How nice would it be... "
-Through The Night by IU
- Lee Keni
*later after school...*
I was wondering how I was going to tell my friends that I can't attend the girls' night that I planned. I suddenly felt worried and anxious as I started to walk back to the girls' dormitory. As I walked down the corridor, I saw Maya outside the door to our room and almost turned around and ran away, but my roommate had already seen me.
"Keni! There you are!" She called as I nervously smiled at her.
I continued to walk and when I got near Maya, I stopped. "Hey, M. Are you preparing the food for tonight's sleepover?" I asked while my insides were flipping all over the place from all of the worry and anxiety.
Then Maya pouted and answered, "Sungkyung unnie can't make it, Kei. She was assigned to give the new girl a tour around the other side of the academy and to help the new girl unpack. Then there's Leela and Hanuel. The latter one won't let Leela join since she's worried that another fight would happen with Yebin around. Noah can't attend as well since she's got detention."
A spark of hope suddenly appeared and then I asked, "How about Minjung unnie? Chaewon? Bora and Keira? Are they all not coming either?"
"Huh? You didn't get my text?" Maya asked in confusion. Then she added, "I texted you earlier in the afternoon during my PE class that Minjung will be busy helping Professor Min with the up-coming exams for the Guardians in the 5th Year. Chaewon had also decided to help Minjung unnie. Then there's Bora who didn't want to join and because she had other plans, Kiera decided not to join, too."
"So, it's cancelled?" I asked, even though the answer to my question was too obvious.
Then Maya frowned and gave me a hug. "Awe! Don't worry, Kei! I know that you've been planning this sleepover since earlier this morning, but we can have it tomorrow night. So, for now, I'm here! Let's have our own girls' night."
I patted Maya's back while thanking her. Then we both pulled away and I apologetically smiled at her. "Sorry, M... But I can't," I told her, making my girl best friend snort.
"I actually had a feeling that you'd back out," She said with a smirk plastered on her face.
My eyes went wide at what she said and I started to question how. So, I asked, "How? Was it because I was asking?"
Then Maya answered while shrugging her shoulders, "Well, that and because I saw you and Soobin earlier today before our first class started. You two looked like you were planning something together. So I put two and two together, and guessed that you'll be meeting him in the library again."
I clapped at her for guessing it all right. "Wow, you actually used your brain for once-" But I was cut off and earned a punch on the shoulder from the shorter girl. "Damn, you, Yoon Maya."
The 18-year-old Guardian laughed at me and then she smiled. "Go on then, bestie. Go meet your Romeo~!"
I blushed at her words and this time I slapped her shoulder. Maya yelped in pain and sent me daggers through her eyes.
"Can you not romanticize me and Soobin?" I asked as I started to turn around to walk back to the stairs.
Then I heard Maya's reply.
"But you two match each other so well!"
Again, I blushed at her words. But this time I couldn't help thinking about the connection I had with Soobin whenever I was in a weak or vulnerable state. Then I remembered that Soobin and I never got to finish talking about the connection we both have. I sighed at myself for not continuing that topic earlier in the garden. Looks like I need to ask him about it again. Let's just hope that I'd be prepared for whatever would happen once I start that topic.
I entered the library and the first thing that I see are the bread crumbs on the floor by the big windows. I sighed at the mess and just when I was about to call for Soobin, I saw Haruto passing by with a half-eaten chocolate chip cookie in his hand.
"How many times do I have to remind you kids that eating is prohibited inside the academy's library?" Librarian Seo exclaimed as she passed by and started to pull on Haruto's left ear.
I stifled my laugh at the scene as I watched the 42-year-old Guardian scold the young Vampire, who shoved the half-eaten chocolate chip cookie into his mouth.
"You're early," a voice spoke up from beside me.
I turned to look at who it was and saw Soobin smiling by himself as he saw his roommate apologizing to the librarian. Then he looked at me and smiled again as I replied back, "It's best to be early to a meeting."
Soobin chuckled. "Prompt as always," he said while we both walked inside and greeted Librarian Seo.
"Omo! Keni-ssi, good evening, sweetie!" the older woman greeted back with a happy smile. Then she looked over at Soobin and snarled at him. "You! You better not have brought any juice boxes like last night and the nights before!"
"My pockets are empty, ma'am. So no juice boxes tonight," Soobin said, reassuring Librarian Seo.
"You better keep it that way then, Mr. Park," She told him while looking back at Haruto who is now sweeping up his mess by the windows. Then she added when looking at Soobin, "Just because your mother is my best friend and Vampire, it doesn't mean that I will let you eat in my library. If I ever catch you and your friend eating or drinking in here again, I'll make sure to keep your hands away from those juice boxes until your graduate!"
I bit my bottom lip as I started to find this scene very cute between the two. Then Librarian Seo turned her head and faced me. Her once hard features went soft when seeing me. She soon went back to that kind and caring librarian that I've known for three years.
"I'm guessing that he dragged you here?" Librarian Seo asked with a worried look.
I giggled and shook my head. "Not the slightest, ma'am. We both planned to meet up here for... research about..." What should I say? Then it hit me. "Um, we are here to do a research paper about Soul Mates."
I could see from my side vision that both Soobin and Haruto were looking at me in surprise. Of course, Haruto wouldn't know about that connection Soobin and I share. But I didn't doubt that Soobin had mentioned a few things to his only friend.
Then Librarian Seo smiled and said, "Ooh! I've got some books about Soul Mates."
Then Soobin and I looked at her in shock. "Wait! You do?" I asked and Librarian Seo nodded her head.
Then she disappeared down into the dark parts of the library. That's when I noticed that the only light in here was the small chandelier above mine, Soobin and Haruto's head which didn't reach the other parts of the library, but was still bright enough to see that Haruto had finished cleaning up his mess.
"Here you go!" Librarian Seo called out as she walked back to us. I instantly saw about five books in her hands and Soobin had gone to help her carry the three ones on top while handing me another book. "Now, one book is just legends told by our ancestors, the First Guardians, the one that Keni is holding. Then the other two that Soobin has are theories and research from some Vampires back in the 1800's who said that Soul Mates only exist once or twice after 100 years."
Then Soobin nodded his head at the other one that Librarian Seo was carrying. "How about that one, Auntie?"
"Oh, this? Well, since there aren't that many books about Soul Mates, especially ones with actual facts or in a history book, I thought of giving the both of you something that many fictional writers would write. Because if you noticed, they've always had the same idea about Soul Mates."
Then she handed me the book and when I looked at it, my breathing hitched in my throat.
It was the book that I caught Soobin holding last night.
Beautiful Creatures.
Once Librarian Seo decided to call it a night, she handed me the key to the library and had left to return back to her room. 21 minutes later, Haruto was over by the windows looking at the starless sky while Soobin and I were still busy reading the books that his mother's guardian-slash-best friend had given to us.
"Hyung, Noona. Find anything, yet?" Haruto asked after yawning.
Soobin and I looked at each and I knew that we were thinking the same thing when we both looked over at the younger Vampire, who was trying to stay awake by walking back and forth by the windows.
"Sorry, Ruto, I've found nothing," Soobin replied back.
I heard Haruto sighing and yawning again. Then I joined in, "Ruto-ah? Why don't you go to sleep? Soobin and I will wake you up once we finish reading the books."
The 17-year-old looked at me and smiled. "That sounds nice." Then he walked over to an empty table and got on top of it. He soon lied down, leaving me in shock.
"He does that sometimes and surprisingly, Auntie allows him," Soobin spoke up softly, making me look back at him.
I can see that he clearly cares about his younger friend and wondered if the rumors about him from back when we were First Years were even true. I never believed in the rumors that the toxic students of V Academy would always spread every school year. Not even the ones about Park Soobin, the school's outcast and the only Fire Element Keeper. But sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me. Then I remembered that note that Soobin threw away.
"Soobin, we don't need to finish reading the books tonight," I told him while I shut the book of theories about Soul Mates and Soobin did the same thing with the research book.
* play Through The Night now. the vid above. *
We both sat down on the pillowed edge of the windows in the library. It was quiet, except for the snores coming from the tired Haruto. But for some odd reason that I don't know of, it sounded calming and for the first time in the last few weeks, I've never felt so at peace.
It must be because of the lonely crescent moon in the starless night sky, or the fact that the last piece I have left of Yeji was sitting across from me.
I looked away from the crescent moon and glanced at Soobin. I took this advantage of looking at his features with the help from the chandelier and moon's light. Earlier today when I caught him smiling, I noticed that he had these cute dimples that would appear when the sides of his mouth would go up. I had also noticed that when he is in the mood, his eyes would twinkle under whatever light was around us. And then now as we both quietly sat down by the windows, I've started to notice the other things that I haven't noticed these past few years.
He never once showed any expressions aside from the scowls or cold glares that he'd give to the students who would ruin his day and because of this I've always thought that he was just that type of person who hated to be around people. But I saw a side to him that I doubt anyone else has seen aside from Yeji, Haruto and his family.
He is that type of person who hides his true self and feelings from everyone who would mistreat him. He is that type of person who had built a wall of protection just to guard himself from all of the pain and misery. He is that type of person who is scared of the world and without his late Guardian by his side... he has turned into that little kid who now has to rely on himself to survive the world that Yeji had left him in.
"Soobin-ah," I whispered when I noticed that he had fallen asleep. But I hesitated from waking him up. I sighed and continued to watch as the 18-year-old Vampire peacefully sleep. "Just for tonight. I'll let you sleep. Then tomorrow I'll ask you... I'll ask you who Ruby is."
- Park Soobin
I felt it again.
That so-called tingling feeling.
I woke up from my sleep to see Keni sleeping in front of me and raindrops visible on the other side of the glassed window. Then I looked at my watch to see that it's already past 3 in the morning. Then I heard Keni whimpering in her sleep. Worry filled up inside of me when I started to see her sweating and murmuring words under her breathe. I quickly sat up from my sleeping position which left an aching pain at the back of my neck.
"No... No... Yeji unnie..." Keni muttered in between breaths.
I was surprised at what she muttered and then she continued on while whimpering again. "No... Don't go... anywhere near... her!" Then her eyes bolted open and she cried out in fear. "UNNIE! NO!"
My heart clenched in pain as I saw her waking up from a nightmare. Then I softly called out to her, "Keni...It's just a bad dream. Look at me."
The young Guardian, who was trying to calm herself down, looked at me and in less than a few seconds, she had wrapped her arms around my neck as her body trembled on mine. I can clearly hear her sobbing as I placed my left arm around her waist and my right arm around her shoulder. I started to pat her shoulder with my right hand to help her calm down.
"Shh... It's okay, I'm here," I whispered as Keni still continued to cry on my shoulder.
Then I gently added, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I... I want to but..." Keni was hesitating. Then she pulled away, but our arms were still around each other. "It's about Yeji unnie... I saw her die right in front of me..."
I gritted my teeth in anger towards the Heavens for giving Keni such dreams. She's already suffering just as much as I am, so why is God making her dream about Yeji's death. Then suddenly I felt that something didn't feel right.
"Keni, you dreamed about Yeji's death," I spoke up and then Keni stopped crying.
She caught on. She actually caught on and I wanted to smile at how proud I was for her, but I didn't do it since it wasn't a good time to smile.
Then Keni furrowed her eyebrows and said with a serious tone, "It's been awhile since I've had that bad dream."
I looked at her in surprise. "Wait, so you had the same dream before?" I asked as her hands placed themselves on my shoulders.
"I first had it after Yeji unnie's funeral. Then I had another one the night when I found the note that you threw away, and the last one a week ago."
"What happened in the dream, Keni? It might be a sign from the Heavens or something."
"I... I can't usually remember my dreams, Soobin," She whispered with an apologetic tone.
I sighed in disappointment and nodded my head. "Well, if you can't remember it... Then that's just it."
"I'm so sorry, Soobin," Keni whispered again with her eyes shut and eyebrows crossed.
I shook my head. "It's alright. Don't be sorry, Keni." Then I patted her head with my right hand and just when I was going to say something else. Someone faked a cough.
I looked over at an awake Haruto who was wiggling his eyebrows at me and Keni with a teasing smile. "If you were going to make out then make sure that I, a minor, is not around to witness it," he spoke up, making Keni open her eyes and look at Haruto in confusion.
Then we both looked at each other and realized the position we both were in. "Oh," I whispered as Keni squirmed on top of my lap. Then I looked over at Haruto and exclaimed, "It's not what it looks like, Haruto!"
Watanabe Haruto chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you two doing PDA in the library." Then the young Vampire sped out of the library using his enhanced speed.
The next thing that I know Keni was trying to get off of my lap, but because my arms were wrapped securely around her waist, she was stuck.
"F***, I'm sorry!" I gasped as I pulled my arms away from her.
Then Keni jumped off and stood up while faking a cough. "I-it's o-okay!" She stuttered while walking over to the table where the books about Soul Mates are still at.
Soul Mates... The connection between me and Keni... Does it really have something to do with Yeji noona, or... Is Keni my Soul Mate and I as hers?
I finally got my laptop back! T-T
I can now write the updates for this book lmao XD
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter~!
Five more chapters to go and PART 1 will end!
"Soobin, right?" Vivien asked as she picked up the book, Beautiful Creatures, from the floor after she and Soobin had bumped into each other in the hallway.
Soobin looked at her and nodded his head. "Hm, yeah." He then grabbed the book from the new girl and when he was about to walk away he heard something he didn't expect to hear.
"Ruby said hi, by the way."
"What did you say?" Soobin asked as he stood in front of Vivien, who gave him a confused look.
Then she answered back with a innocent smile, "Oh, I was asking if you're okay. You almost tripped when I bumped into you earlier."
The younger Vampire felt like something was wrong with the new girl. Like everything about her doens't feel... real.
Then he felt the connection between him and Keni and knew right away that she was in trouble. So he excused himself from the new girl and started to run where the connection was pulling him to.
"Pathetic," Viven whispered as she watched Park Soobin disappear in the crowd of students.
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