13. Locking Away The Memories
"Come home and lie in bed
Thinking if it was my fault?
Dizzy night, looking at the clock
Soon it will be midnight... "
- Zero O'clock (00:00) by BTS
— Author-nim's POV
It's been one week since Jisung had laid a trap for Soobin, so that Keni would stop seeing the younger Vampire. The 19-year-old was very much happy and relieved to see that the two weren't talking with each other, but he started to notice how pale Keni had looked and the migraines that she would get everyday and night. He didn't know what was going on, but all he cares about is having his Guardian by his side and not by a criminal's son.
Keni has been hanging out more with her group and was starting to notice how sweet and affectionate Jisung was when she was around him. She thought that it had something to do with their deal during their "friendly" date in town. But as days passed, she couldn't help but feel like there was more to Jisung's actions and words. Keni has been really busy studying for the upcoming tests for the Guardians and was worried that she wouldn't pass one of her classes. So she decided to get some tutoring lessons from Sungkyung, who gladly helped the younger girl.
Soobin has been sick for the whole week. All because he denied his feelings for Keni and for avoiding her. The Soulmate Connection is making both of them mentally sick and if this continues then it might kill them. But they didn't know that. All that Soobin can do is visit the clinic and ask for two pills of painkillers for the last six days. Of course, Vampires can also get headaches, but unlike Humans, their headaches would make them feel weak for a month if it doesn't end within nine days.
Haruto has been busy taking care of his new friend, Soya, who still wouldn't tell him who its owner is. But the 17-year-old didn't bother to know. He was having a fun time with Soya. Especially, when Soobin heads out to the library for research about something that Haruto isn't allowed to know. So for the last six days, the younger Vampire played chess with Soya, started to memorize the names of the former Headmasters and Headmistress of all the branches of Vladimir Academy, and explored the other areas of the school with Soya.
Bora was starting to spend most of her time in the shed with and without Jaehyuck. Her new secret place was becoming a huge comfort for her and reminded her a lot about her human life. Bora also thinks that she adn Jaehyuck were getting much more closer than before while Jaehyuck is still trying to hold himself back from showing his true self to her. But nonetheless these two find the other one's company a safe haven from all of the drama in the Academy.
Chaewon and Leela were busy training with their Bond as a Guardian and Vampire with help from Dakyung and Maya. Professor Min had requested for Dakyung and Maya to help the other two out since their Bond was the strongest out of the all the Bonds in the Academy. Of course, no one knew why. They all thought that Dakyung's bond with Maya was blessed by Mother Lilith. But it definitely wasn't. Sometimes love makes someone's bond with another person unbreakable.
Hanuel, Kiera and Noah were both helping VIvien adjust to the Academy life while Doyoung, Jaxon, and Hyosung were helping Sangmin in gathering up his courage to finally tell the girl of his dreams about his feelings. But Sangmin kept hesitating and backing out for one whole week. I mean, who wouldn't especially if the person you like is a telepathic.
Yebin had just returned back from the Roh Manor and her once long hair was cut short. Everyone was surprised to see the Vampire's new look, but what surprised them even more was seeing her wearing the old bracelet that she and Yeji made together. Leela saw this and thought about talking to her friend about the fight and the missed call they got from Yeji that night. But everytime Leela sees a chance to talk to Yebin, the latter would disappear in the crowd of students, leaving a hopeless Leela behind.
— Headmistress Lee's POV
"Are you sure that they've been visiting the clinic for more than 3 days now?"
I stared at Nurse Ko, who nodded her head gently. "It's been six days exactly and it's not just that. But they look awfully pale, Jieun. I've never seen anything like it before."
Worry fills up inside of me as I try to understand what was happening between Keni and Soobin. But nothing popped up in my head.
"Alright, thank you, Nurse Go. For telling me this," I spoke up and watched as the academy's nurse bowed her head and left my office.
I sighed in frustration as I stood up and walked to my bookshelves. I quickly looked at all of the books on the six shelves, but I didn't see anything that my predecessors had left for me and the Academy's future principals.
"What exactly is happening to the two of you?" I whispered as I looked outside the window behind my chair and desk.
Then my eyes went wide when I remembered what Keni had told me last week.
Then I finally asked while trying to stay calm, "Why the sudden want to know if Soulmates are real?"
Keni started to play around with her fingers before answering, "Because Soobin and I have been feeling these weird tingling feelings these past few weeks, and so we decided to read some books about Soulmates last night and Soobin must've found something because he just told me that we are Soulmates."
"Books... She must have gotten those books from the library," I spoke up as I hurriedly left my office and walked to the school's library.
"Jieun-ah? What are you doing here, my dear?" Librarian Seo spoke up after I entered the library.
A couple of the students from the 4th Year were still studying at this time and when seeing me they all stood up and bowed before going back to their work. Then I faced the older woman and asked, "Ms. Seo, do you have any books about Soul Mates?"
"Well, I only have the book of theories with me," Librarian Seo replied back with a warm smile.
Then I sternly spoke up, "I need those books today, Ms. Seo."
"Got it! I'll go get it now!" Librarian Seo said, but before walking to the back of the library she gave the Headmistress a curious look. "But why the sudden interest in Soul Mates, Jieun-ah? Don't tell me you've found one and wondering how the Connection works."
"The Connection?" I asked, tilting my head in surprise.
Then Keni's voice whispers in my head. Something about a tingling feeling.
"Actually, you know what, Ms. Seo. Why don't we have tea and talk about this Connection in my office. Are you free in an hour?"
"Ooh! I haven't had tea in awhile. I'd like that very much, and my time in the library ends in 30-minutes, Jieun-ah."
"So after 30-minutes, then?" I asked, hope evident in my tone of voice.
The librarian smiled at me and answered, "I'll be there on time."
Library Seo sat down on the chair across from me after her Spirit Animals, a white crane, placed the teacups and teapot on the table in between us. "So what would you like to know about the Soul Mates' Connection, Jieun-ah?" She asked when the white crane disappeared out of thin air.
I was still quite amazed at the fact that Guardians have their own Spirit Animals. The last time I saw one was with my cousin, Lee Kaeun. Her Spirit Animal was a white leopard which symbolizes the hue of the Earth Element and Kaeun's Gift of Divinity. My cousin's mother was a Rare Blood and because of the bloodline, Kaeun's mother's name was erased from their family tree. But that changed when Kaeun married Kim Jiwoo, a Royal Blood Vampire.
Many didn't agree with their relationship and marriage, but the Royal Council gave their blessings to the two lovers. They soon had a beautiful baby girl and that happened to be Song Yeji, whose name was Kim Yeji at the time before her father was anonymously killed. The Court didn't think that my cousin was the best choice for Yeji, so they had sent the little girl, who was 3 at the time, to stay with her father's younger sister, Kim Hyunji, who is the mother of Baek Rosie.
All went well for her, but a few years ago on Rosie's birthday, the old Kim Manor was burnt down along with Rosie's parents. After the incident, Rosie had to say goodbye to both of her parents and her twin sister, Ruth, who had to stay in the hospital for having half of her body and face burnt from the fire. So Rosie and Yeji moved in with Rosie's relative, Song Hyewoon and Baek Taemin. While Rosie was forced to use her father's cousin's last name, Yeji had to change her last name again to "Song", and that was how Song Yeji was made.
Who knew that my cousin, Kaeun, would lose so much?
I looked over at Ms. Seo and answered, "Everything, Ms. Seo. If you can tell me."
My eyes went wide at the information. "What? The Soulmates will die if they don't accept each other's feelings for the other one?" I asked as I placed my teacup back down on the table.
"That's what I've read in the research book, and we all know that some things in a research book are true," the school's librarian replied back before taking a sip of her tea.
Then I stood up as I let it all sink in and quickly excused myself out of my own office. I didn't realize that my Gift was getting out of control. Time was stopping and unstopping. Everyone around me was walking in between the past and future. Then I saw him.
Park Soobin had exited a classroom while holding onto one of the straps of his backpack. I watched from afar as he stumbled in the crowd of students with a very pale looking face. His skin no longer had any color in it. He looked just like a piece of paper from a printer. Then second later, I saw him faint in the middle of the corridor. Those around him gasped in shock and worry. Then I saw Jaehyuck running down from the other side of the corridor with my adopted daughter right on his tail.
"Bora?" I muttered under my breath as I walked to the middle of the corridor.
"Bora," I called out while Jaehyuck went to check on Soobin.
The 17-year-old looked up and saw me. Her eyes went wide and when she opened her mouth, she was stuttering. I looked at her in worry and curiosity.
"M-mother!" She spoke up, earning hushed whispers from the other students around us. Then she slapped her mouth when she realized her mistake.
I shook my head at her and said, "I'm not using my Gift to fix your mistake." I watched as Bora pouted and that made me smile for a second, but then I remembered Soobin was still lying on the floor unconscious.
"Jaehyuck-ssi, is Soobin okay?" I asked, worry filling up inside of me as I was able to see Soobin up close.
Not only does he look pale like paper, his lips were turning blue and there were black circles around his eyes. He looked like he didn't get enough sleep these past week. What has he been doing at night?
"He's still breathing, Headmistress Lee," Jaehyuck answered when he finished checking on his Vampire. "But..."
"But what?" Bora asked as she stood beside me.
Jaehyuck looked up at us with a worried look. "His pulse... His heartbeat isn't normal."
I looked back down at the unconscious Vampire and listened to his heartbeat. I took a shaky deep breath in when I heard the abnormality of Soobin's heartbeat. Then I looked at Jaehyuck and ordered him, "Take Mr. Park to the Infirmary right this instant!"
— Lee Keni
"That's absolute cheating, Maya!" I exclaimed when I noticed that the other girl across from me moved her game piece up the ladder on the board game of Snake & Ladders.
Then Maya gave me an exaggerating look and said, "I did what now? Nu-uh, missy! I didn't cheat! Jisung must be playing tricks in your head!"
"YAH! DON'T DRAG ME INTO YOUR PROBLEMS!" Jisung hollered from the other side of the Game Room.
Dakyung chuckled out loud at hearing his best friend and Guardian's bickering. Then Sangmin walked inside when I was about to stop the two. "Um, Kei," he called out to me, making everyone look at him with a small greeting from each one. Sangmin waved at our friends and looked back at me before saying, "Headmistress Lee is looking for you."
I crossed my eyebrows in confusion and asked, "Did she tell you why?"
Sangmin shook his head. "Not exactly. But she said that it has something to do with the tingling feeling?"
My eyes lit up at the two words and knew right away by what he meant. Then I stood up and patted Maya's shoulder. "Since you cheated, you lose!" And grabbed my blazer from the chair beside hers and walked out of the Game Room.
"Headmistress Lee? You called for me?" I said as I entered her office.
I saw a very worried looking Headmistress and Bora over by the big desk and wondered to myself what was happening. Then Bora turned her head to look at me. Once she saw me, she had used her enhanced speed to run across the room to where I'm at and gave me a bone-crushing hug.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Soobin are Soulmates?" She asked as she pulled away, her eyes getting all clouded by her own tears.
I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at her. "How... how did you know that?"
"I told her. I'm sorry," Headmistress Lee spoke up as she walked to the middle of her office.
I looked over at her and saw the look in her eyes. She looked scared, panicked and worried. "Headmistress Lee, what's going on?" Then she looked at me and shook her head. My heart clenched out of nowhere and my breathing started to become short. I suddenly felt the connection and then my heart started to ache. I had to grab onto Bora's arm for support as my legs almost gave away. Then my vision changed and I saw a memory.
Park Soobin had exited a classroom while holding onto one of the straps of his backpack. I watched from afar as he stumbled in the crowd of students with a very pale looking face. His skin no longer had any color in it. He looked just like a piece of paper from a printer. Then second later, I saw him faint in the middle of the corridor. Those around him gasped in shock and worry. Then I saw Jaehyuck running down from the other side of the corridor with my adopted daughter right on his tail.
My vision soon came back as I gasped for air. I knew right away that it was Headmistress Lee who showed that vision to me.
"Where is he now?" I asked as Bora helped me to stand up properly.
"In the Infirmary," Headmistress Lee answered right away, not hesitating like before. Then I turned around and was about to walk out of the office, but I heard her added in something else.
"He needs you, Keni. Tell him how you feel! He needs to know."
Then I gathered every strength that I had left in me and started to run.
— 3rd POV
Jisung couldn't believe what he was hearing in the office of the Academy's Headmistress. He couldn't believe that Headmistress Lee is allowing Keni and Soobin to be together. A Vampire and a Guardian.
Out of anger, jealousy and desperation, he used his enhanced speed to catch up to Keni. He saw her a few feet away from the Infirmary and caught up to her in less than 3 seconds. He pulled her to the side of the corridor and glared at her.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked with so much venom in his voice.
Keni was surprised at the different side of her guy best friend, but that didn't stop her from pulling her arm away and walking to the doors of the Infirmary.
"I asked you something, Lee Keni!" Jisung exclaimed out loud, making Keni jump.
"What do you want, Jisung?" Keni asked, totally annoyed. "Can't you see that I'm in a hurry?"
"In a hurry to what? To see Soobin? Have you forgotten what he did and said to you last week?!"
Keni bit her bottom lip and that made Jisung go crazy. Then he took a few steps towards her and said, "Don't go."
"What?" The Guardian asked in confusion. "What are you-"
But she was cut off when she felt his lips on hers. For a second, out of surprise and shock, Keni didn't do anything. Not until she felt the connection between her and Soobin. She pushed Jisung away with so much negative emotions in her.
"WHAT THE HELL, OH JISUNG?" She yelled while wiping her lips.
Jisung saw the small action that left a big effect on him. He really lost his chance with her.
But he didn't stop. He still didn't want Keni to enter the Infirmary.
"I'm sorry, Red," Jisung spoke up, using an old nickname that he used to call Keni by when they were youger. "But I can't let him have you."
Then he pushed Keni up to a wall and kissed her again, but this time, he used his Gift on her. He changed every part of Keni's memories of Soobin and her. He made her think that he was Soobin and when he saw her memories of the other Vampire, his heart clenched in agony and jealousy. He has always wanted to be close to Keni just like how Soobin was with her in the memories. Then at the end of the kiss, he pulled away and Keni's once chocolate brown eyes had a cloudy look in it.
Keni then glanced up at Jisung and suddenly smiled at him.
"Oppa, what's with the sudden kiss?" She asked, making Jisung feel relieved... but deep down a guilt from what he just did was starting to build up in him.
Morning came by really fast, but for Soobin it felt like an eternity had passed. He wakes up on a bed that he felt unfamiliar with and after a few seconds he realized that he was in the Infirmary. He tried to remember what had happened in the last few weeks, but nothing came to him. It was like someone had sucked his memories out of him. He felt like he was also missing something. Like a feeling. That weird kind that makes you want to smile and cry at the same time.
"Oh, you're up," a soft voice spoke up from beside his bed.
Soobin turned his head and saw a girl around his age. She had short black hair with brown eyes and a shy smile that would make you wonder what she was shy about.
"Soobin, are you okay?" She asked when the male Vampire didn't say anything. "Maybe I should get Jaehyuck sunbaenim, or one of the nurses-"
But she was cut off when Soobin sat up and asked, "Who are you?"
The unknown girl raised her eyebrow at him in shock. But then she tilted her head with another smile, but this time it wasn't a shy one.
"I'm new here. My name's Kang Vivien," she answered, calmly. "And we are also good friends, Binnie."
*hides behind Doyoung*
Or, else I'll make Doyoung bury you somwhere in Eart!
Anyhoes, what do y'all think so far?
Did anyone expect the plot twist? XD
SKSKSKSJSJSJ so Part 2... I still feel weird to say "Part 2" lmaooo
( someone give me some Ice Cream-- *blackpink and selena gomez barges in with their ice cream truck* oki, nevermind. )
don't hate on BP or S Gomez. :))
i swear the comments in their MV was just-
no one: ...
literally no one: ...
me: stfu. with the no one, literal no one cr**.
word count (excluding this a/n): 3333 <3
[ chapter not yet edited ]
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