14. Confusion and Suspicions
"Keni, are you sure you don't..."
best to be read in dark mode! any font size and style will do, and enjoy!
" Take my hands now,
You are the cause of my euphoria. "
- Euphoria by Jungkook (BTS)
- Lee Bora
I stared at the two people on the other side of the table and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I've been looking at Jisung and Keni for the past 20 minutes ever since they both walked inside the Dining Hall together. I even noticed that their friends were glancing at them too. Then Jisung broke eye contact with his Guardian and saw us looking at him and Keni. Dakyung and Sangmin had then faked a cough and looked away while Kaya and Kiera looked down at their half-eaten omelettes. Then he looked at me and raise dhis eyebrow in a questiong way. I did the same thing as well and asked, "What are you looking at?"
Jisung scoffed in surprised and said, "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?" Then he looked back at everyone else again and added, "What's with the sudden silence?"
"Oh? Um, nothing, man," Dakyung answered as he took a sip from his glass which was empty.
Maya shook her head at her Vampire and took the empty glass from him while using her other hand to slap the back of his head. Then Keni, who was busy eating her breakfast, looked at each one of us and asked with crossed eyebrows, "Where is Vivien, by the way?"
"I have no idea and I don't want to even know," Maya spoke up, earning an approving nod from Bora, who earned a pout from Kiera.
"Vivien isn't that bad, you know," Kiera joined in.
"Mhm, yeah right," Dakyung exclaimed with an eyeroll. "I feel like she's up to something bad. I mean, I've heard from Hyosung hyung that Jaehyuck's got no twice removed cousins by the name of Vivien Kang."
"Wait, what?" Keni asked as she placed her fork down. "What do you mean, Dakyung?"
Then Dakyung continued on, "Maya wanted to know more about the new girl after you got her to sit with us last week, and so we went to Hyosung hyung since Jaehyuck sunbae is scary to talk to-"
"He's not scary," Bora cuts in before sighing. "You all just misunderstood him."
"Not that I was asking, Bora," Dakyung teased. "But anyways. We asked Hyosung hyung if he knew anyone by the name of Vivien Kang and if she's related to Jaehyuck sunbae. But he said that he doesn't know anyone by that name and that he is sure that Vivien and Jaehyuck are not related."
Then Kiera asked, "What if she was adopted? I mean, she did say her parents were killed in a fire accident years ago. What if one of Jaehyuck's relatives adopted her?"
"Um, hello, Kiera," Sangmin called out while blushing after saying the girl's name. "Have you forgotten who the Kangs are? Them adopting someone who isn't from their blood line or related to one of them isn't their thing. They are not like Doyoung's or Jisung's family who willlingly takes in Vampire or Guardian orphans."
"Sangmin's got a point," Jisung spoke up while glancing at his Guardian.
Then Keni sighed. "Who is she then?"
— Author-nim's POV
All eyes were soon looking at two Vampires at the entrance of the Dining Hall. The student boy were once again whispering in hushed voices as they all watched Park Soobin and Vivien Kang walked inside together, side by side.
The group at the table where Vivien had always sat at had turned their heads to see what kind of drama was causing another commotion during their breakfast, and when they all saw Vivien with Soobin, their confusion grew more and suspicious thoughts were forming in their minds.
"What in Vladimir is happening?" Maya spoke up as they all watched Soobin pulling a chair out for Vivien at his table.
Even Haruto who was drinking a glass of lemonade was shocked to see his best friend with another girl who wasn't Keni. He almost choked on his drink if Hyosung and Jaxon hadn't help the younger Vampire. Then Soobin sat down beside Vivien and the whole cafeteria had gone nuts. The once hushed voices got became loud voices bouncing off the walls in the Dining Hall.
Then Jaehyuck showed up and sat down on his usual seat. He almost squeaked in surprise when seeing a new face at the table. He glared at her and Soobin and wondered why one of Keni's table buddies was at his table.
"Um, who are you?" Doyoung asked when Jaxon handed Haruto a glass of water.
Vivien shyly looked at thim and bowed her head. "Sorry, I wasn't able to introduced myself last week. My name's-" But she was cut off when Soobin growled out of nowhere.
"There is no need for you to introduce yourself to them," he spoke up before taking a bite from his omelette.
The older Vampires and Guardian gave Soobin a shocked and worried look. They all had no idea with what had happened to Soobin, well, except for Jaehyuck who was about to explain to the others about Soobin fainting yesterday right outside his classroom. But before that could happen, Soobin stood up and announced something that no one saw coming.
"I, Park Soobin, would like to announce that I've met my Soulmate," he said out loud, making everyone in the hall go quiet.
Bora froze on her chair and glanced at Keni right away, Jisung felt his heart thump faster than before, and Keni who was still being manipulated by Jisung's Gift felt something in her. It was a feeling of wanting and needing. but she had no idea what it had meant.
Then Soobin continued on, "Soulmates are real and Viven Kang so happens to be mine, and I hers."
Bora couldn't believe it. She was about to stand up but Kiera stopped her. The older Vampire saw Kiera's eyes had turned an amber yellow, meaning that her Gift was in control.
"Unnie, don't," Kiera's voice spoke up in Bora's mind. "It has to happen."
Then Bora joined in. "What are you talking about, Kie?"
"Soobin doesn't remember any of his memories in the last two weeks and... I should have believed you when you said that Vivien is a bad person. She must have manipulated Soobin's memories."
Then Soobin pulled Vivien up to stand beside him and had given her a kiss on the lips.
Keni soon started to feel a painful rip in her heart and soul. Something in her was forcing her to stand up and pull Vivien away from Soobin, but she held it back and leaned herself closer to Jisung, who wrapped his arm around her shoulder for support since he saw the look on her face when they all watched the scene in front of them.
Then Keni heard Yeji's voice.
She's here. Be careful. She wants him. She'll kill him. Then she'll kill everyone.
— Lee Keni's POV
I felt it again. That painful feeling that I've felt from earlier in the Dining Hall. I grabbed onto the sides of my chair as I tried not to make any sounds. But the pain was getting more and more intense with every passing minute. Then the bell rang and Professor Min's class ended.
Maya was calling out my name as I started to hear bells ringing in my ears. Then I stood up and I started to feel dizzy. I felt like my head was going to burst any second. I feel needles on my back and in my head. Then I felt my heart clenching in pain as the air in my lungs were being pulled out of me.
"Keni?" Maya called out in worry as she walked over to me from across the classroom.
"Ms. Lee? Is there something wrong?" Professor Min joined in.
Then before I fainted, I felt something familiar, a familiar kind of pull.
"KENI!" Maya shouted when I had hit the floor. "KENI!"
"Joseong, inform the Headmistress! NOW!" Professor Min ordered the young Guardian.
I felt someone pull me into their lap and felt the familiar pull disappear. But the pain was still there. I couldn't move, open my eyes or even speak. Then I heard my best friend whisper with sobs coming out of her mouth," Y-yah! Keni, d-don't do t-this to me. Please, w-wake up!"
"Keni, if you can hear me," Professor Min whispered from beside me. "You can fight whatever it is you're feeling. It's just a feeling. So fight it. You are stronger than you think."
Then something in my mind had snapped and memories flooded in. Memories of me and Soobin in the library, the greenhouse, dining hall, corridors, and the funeral. Most of them were all blurry and the voices weren't that clear. But I can see Soobin and the familiar feeling came back. It soothed the pain away and my eyes opened.
"OH M-MY G-GOD! K-KENI!" Maya shouted in relief as she hugged me. "DON'T Y-YOU FREAKING E-EVER D-DO THAT A-AGAIN!"
"Maya..." I whispered as I massaged the side of my head and patted her back with my other hand. "Sorry for scaring you like that. I didn't mean to do it. It just happened."
Then she pulled away and wiped her tears. "Next time, tell me if you feel like fainting again."
I softly chuckled and then Maya helped me stand back up on my feet. I had to lean on Maya for support since I still felt a littl dizzy. Then I looked over at Professor Min who had a weird expression on his face, like he wanted to see something happen. But then his epxression changed when we saw Headmistress Lee run inside the classroom with a worried and panic look on her face.
"Keni! What happened to you?!" She asked as she walked over to me.
Then another memory passed through my mind.
A memory that had something to do with...
"Soulmates?" I muttered under my breathe which caught Headmistress Lee's attention.
"Keni, are you sure you don't remember meeting me last night?" Headmistress Lee asked as we entered her office alone.
"Yes, I'm sure," I answered back. "Also when I fainted earlier, I couldn't move or say anything. Then Professor Min told me that whatever it was that I was feeling, I am stronger than it and just after he said that I felt a familiar kind of feeling and..."
"And? What happened?"
"Memories of Park Soobin flashes through my mind. But I don't know how he and I even became close."
Then Headmistress Lee sighed. "Keni, it looks like someone manipulated your memories."
I crossed my eyebrows in confusion and asked, "What? Who would do such a thing? And why?"
"I am not sure," the middle-aged woman answered. "But what I know is that you and Soobin are Soulmates. That would explain the feeling of pain and connection you've felt all throughout the day."
"Wait... Soobin and I are... Soulmates?" I gasped in shock as my breathing became heavy.
Then another memory that was blurred earlier came back to me.
Soobin and I were inside a classroom, our uniforms soaking wet due to the sprinklers. The Vampire with golden-red eyes held me in his arms. I couldn't hear the first few things that he said. But then his voice became clear when he said...
"I think we are Soulmates."
Then the memory ended when Soobin stared into my eyes with such strong emotions.
"Do you remember it now?" Headmistress Lee asked.
Then I nodded my head. "Just a few bits of my memories... But it was there. He said so himself."
But I sighed and shook my head. "Headmistress, if we are Soulmates, then why did Soobin announced to the whole student body that he and Vivien are Soulmates?"
"What are you talking about, Keni?"
"Huh? You didn't know?"
"Get to the point, Keni."
Then I repeated to myself. "Soobin and Vivien are Soulmates. He told everyone in the Academy during breakfast."
Headmistress Lee then started to shale her head. "But why would he–" she stopped in mid sentence and gave me a look.
That's when it hit me.
"I don't think I was the only one whose mind was manipulated," I spoke up as Headmistress Lee went to her desk and grabbed her phone.
Then she called someone.
"Hello, Professor Kwang, is Park Soobin in your class right now?" she asked as calmly as she coupd. "He is? Then do tell him that I would like to see him in my office within 10 minutes. Thank you, Professor Kwang."
Then Headmistress Lee looked at me after hanging up the phone. "Prepare yourself."
I took a shaky deep breath in but maybe I shouldn't have because my anxiety was getting to me.
Then Headmistress Lee and I heard a knock on her office's door after 6 minutes had passed, and when it opened, I felt the connection again.
This time I didn't keep it down. I let it take control me and then I found myself standing one feet away from Soobin. I soon noticed that his once black hair was changed into a purple dye and as I continued to look at him, I felt the pull getting stronger and stronger.
"Soobin," Headmistress Lee spoke. "Please take a seat and listen to what I have to say."
Soobin glanced at me for a second and then did what the Academy's principal had told him to do. Then Headmistress Lee continued on, "Mr. Park, have you ever felt a weird pull of emotions and force anytime today?"
Soobin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and nodded his head. "How do you know about that, Headmistress Lee?" He asked in curiosity.
Okay, Soobin. Whatever I will say next, please think about thoroughly. The pull of emotions and a force that you've been feeling today, well, Keni has also been feeling it."
Keni heard this and sighed after remembering the fact that she had almost locked herself inside locker a few months before for believing something someone so easily. But she knew that what Headmistress Lee is telling Soobin was for something no one should joke around with. Keni felt the feeling again and it felt warm. The warmth was familiar to her and she knew right then and there that it had something to do with Soobin.
"I'll, um, leave you two alone," Headmistress Lee spoke up as she walked out of her office.
Then Soobin stood up from his chair on the other side of the office. He hesitated for a few seconds before looking over at Keni, who had her chocolate brown eyes on him. Then he started to walk over to where she was at. But he stopped a few feet away from her, his eyes holding a cloudy filter. Then Keni decided to meet him halfway, breaking whatever invisible wall they both created in less than 24 hours.
Then the two stood in front of each other their eyes never leaving on the other's eyes.
"There's something about you..." he finally spoke up. He continued to stare at her face, trying to understand the pull of emotions in him. Then Keni gasped at his touch when his other hand laid itself on her cheek.
And then in less than two seconds, Soobin's eyes became clearer. "...Keni? Is that... Is that you?" He asked as his memories started to come back to him.
New book cover!! Made by your author-nim ✊😂
I also fell asleep at the ending parts– 😆😆😆 lol sowy u noticed that something was wrong in the last scene 😂
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