11. No Need For Words
I need a break from writing #SooNi scenes- xD
So, who misses #MaKyung?
What you will see in the second to the last chapter of PART 1 are the two other future couples of V Academy....
Best to be read in black mode! Any font style or size will do!
E N J O Y !
"Imagine your face,
Say hello to me...
Then all the bad days,
They're nothing to me with you..."
-Winter Bear by BTS's V
Lee Bora had just finished answering the quiz for her Latin Class and was given permission by her Professor that she can leave the classroom and take her break. The 17-year-old New Blood Vampire bowed her head in respect to her Latin Teacher then she exited the classroom and started to walk down the corridor to the Cafeteria. But on her way she saw Doyoung and Joseong trying to catch up to Jaehyuck. She noticed how the three older Guardians were all soaking wet. Out of curiosity and a new set of boredom, Bora decided to follow the three.
"Hyung, wait for us!" Doyoung called out to the 5th Year Guardian.
"Just go back to the classroom, Doyoung!" Jaehyuck hollered as he took a sharp turn down the corridor.
Then Joseong grabbed his adopted brother's arm and said, "Let's just leave him alone for a bit, hyung. Have him cool down, then we can talk to him."
Doyoung looked back at his sunbaewho was already disappearing into the crowd of students. Then he sighed and turned away. "Alright then..." He muttered under his breath and the two brothers walked back to the classroom.
Bora was wondering what had happened to the three, but she continued to follow wherever Jaehyuck had gone to. The young Vampire soon ended up outside a shed at the back side of the Academy. She no longer felt bored, but her curiosity was killing her. Quietly, Bora slipped inside the shed through a broken window in the back. She then started to explore her new surroundings and was surprised that the shed was clean. There were no signs of dust or spider webs.
"Jaehyuck sunbaenim, must come here a lot and keep the place clean," she thought quietly as she entered another part of the shed. Then she stopped in her tracks when she saw Kang Jaehyuck sitting on an old armchair with his left arm over his face, covering his eyes. Just when Bora was about to retreat back to the broken window, Jaehyuck spoke up.
"Why did you follow me?" he asked while lifting his left arm off of his face.
Jaehyuck's electric blue eyes pierces into Bora's hazel brown eyes making her shift on her other foot uncomfortably. Then she answered, "I was, um, curious. I saw Doyoung and Joseong trying to catch up to you and the three of you were soaking wet. I thought something had happened-" But then Jaehyuck cut her off.
"Something did happen," he exclaimed while sitting up. "Our Guest Professor tried to kill Keni-"
This time it was Bora who cut him off.
"What?!" Her eyes went wide in shock and then in the next few seconds, anger was shown through her eyes. Jaehyuck stared at her like a puzzle missing its pieces. Then Bora asked, "Is Keni, okay?"
"She survived," Jaehyuck answered while rubbing his forehead. Silence was soon filled up inside of the shed.
Bora then faked a cough, breaking the silence, and said, "I should get going then... Um, goodbye then, sunbaenim..."
Then she started to walk back to the back of the shed to where she came in, but then she was pulled back inside the main room by Jaehyuck. She gasped in surprise at how fast he was.
"How... How did you get here from over there?" She asked while furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
"What? Vampires are not the only ones with enhanced speed." Was all that Jaehyuck said before letting go of Bora's arm.
The 17-year-old looked at him weirdly and then Jaehyuck added in, "Stay." And had walked back to the armchair.
Bora thought about it carefully, but she didn't see any signs that Jaehyuck would harm her. So, she stayed behind and sat on a nearby wooden chair, but when her butt met the seat, the wooden chair broke and Bora landed on the ground with a loud thump. Right away, Jaehyuck ran to her side in worry.
"Are you okay?" He asked while checking if she got scratched from the broken wooden chair.
Bora just stared at him curiously, wondering how the Academy's Bad Boy has a totally different side to him. Then she asked him, totally ignoring his question, "Why does everyone in the academy think that you're bad?"
The soon-to-be 20-year-old was a little taken back by her question and had raised his left eyebrow at her.
"Everyone has their own first impressions of me, either bad or good. So why don't you ask them your question?" He replied back while helping her to stand up.
Then he added in, "You can sit on the armchair. I'll just sit on the window's edge."
Bora mentally sighed, but nodded her head. She walked over to the armchair and sat down. When sitting down, she can feel the warmth that Jaehyuck left and it somehow made her feel calm. It was like taking a sip from a cup of coffee after a long, hard working day. It was like returning back home after school and getting warm hugs from your mother. It was like the warmth she feels when she's home.
"Bora? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jaehyuck's voice called out in a gentle way.
She looked back at him and came to a realization that she was crying. Memories from her time as a human had flashed through her mind when looking at a worried Jaehyuck. She can clearly remember the many times she had worried her older brother for coming home so late on school nights and would always end up getting scolded by him. But Bora had always known that he was just looking out for her since their parents never gave a care about her. She doesn't even know if her biological parents are looking for her after the Court had saved her from getting killed by the Hunters a few days after she got bitten by a Rogue Vampire. She sometimes had to stay away from her mobile phone and other gadgets at her adopted mother's house from calling her older brother. She has always wanted to at least call her older brother and tell him that she's alive and well. But she knew better than to do that.
After all, she is no longer a human and if a New Blood Vampire ever tries to contact their human family or friends, it wouldn't end too well for both parties.
"Sorry, I just... I just remembered my family when I was a human," Bora spoke up after wiping her tears.
Jaehyuck felt bad for her, but he didn't show it. He'd already shown too much of the side he has been trying to hide for the last 4 and half years, and he wouldn't let anyone, even Bora, to break his walls down.
Then he decided to change the topic by asking, "Want some coffee?"
Bora bit her bottom lip and then she smiled. "Sure, why not?"
Maya wanted to stay in the Infirmary but when she saw the look in Headmistress Lee's eyes, she knew not to act stubborn and to follow the Academy's principal. So, Maya had followed Soobin to the Dining Hall with Dakyung beside her and Minjung and Chaewon behind them. The three female Guardians were still shocked with what had happened back in the classroom and were still worried sick for Keni.
Chaewon couldn't believe that Keni had survived her near death experience, but the 17-year-old Guardian was grateful and relieved that Keni was alive and breathing again. Because if Keni really died on that metal chair, she doubts that she would be able to move on. "Yeji unnie just passed away. I don't want Keni unnie to leave, too," Chaewon thought quietly to herself.
Minjung felt like it was partially her fault for what had happened to Keni. She saw how suspicious Professor Nam had acted before Keni got on the metal chair. She should have done something before Keni had placed the helmet on. She could have saved her before the worst had happened. But she stood still with the other seven Guardians. Then Minjung quietly asked herself, "How can I protect Noah if I can't even protect my friends and fellow Guardians?"
Dakyung stayed quiet the whole time as they all walked to the Dining Hall. He wanted to talk and comfort Maya and the other two Guardians, but he doesn't know what to say. He watched as they all walked to the Dining Hall with blue expressions on their faces. Then Soobin turned around after stopping in the middle of the corridor. He looked at all four of them with a serious look.
"Maya, can you tell me what exactly happened back there?" He asked while his cold eyes glared at each one of the Guardians.
Then Maya spoke up after nodding her head, "Yes, I can. But maybe we should talk in the Dining Hall."
Soobin sighed, sounding a little impatient. But the younger Vampire nodded his head and continued to walk down the corridor.
The group all entered the Dining Hall and noticed that there weren't that many students around. They all then sat down at the table that Maya and Dakyung shared with Keni, Jisung, Sangmin, Bora and Kiera for two days. Once they all sat down, five glasses of water appeared in front of them on the table and then Maya started to explain what had happened back at their classroom during their Psychology Science class.
- Yoon Maya's POV
I knew how worried Soobin must be feeling right now after witnessing Keni's almost death. We all were feeling the same emotions, but something was telling me that Soobin had it worse than some of us. The way he ran inside the classroom earlier and how he used his Gift against Professor Nam, it didn't look like a typical rescue from a friend. I would really like to know from Keni if they're seeing each other because if they are...
"Maya, can you tell me what exactly happened back there?" Soobin's voice asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. I faced him and saw his cold eyes glaring at me, Chaewon and Minjung. Then I nodded my head and replied back, "Yes, I can. But maybe we should talk in the Dining Hall."
Then that's how we ended up in the Dining Hall with five glasses of water for each one of us. I started to explain the whole story from the very beginning. I told Soobin and also Dakyung about the girls and I met up with the boys before we all went to our classroom. Then I explained how the classroom was setted up for the new lesson with the Guest Professor. After that, I mentioned the metal chair and how it looked suspicious and mysterious at first. Soon after I ended up that part, the Kitchen staff passed by our tables and handed us some bread with jam. I noticed the change in Soobin's eyes when he saw the snack. I couldn't help but to smile at the small moment of his. Then I continued on and the next part started to make Chaewon tremble in fear. I explained to Soobin and Dakyung about how the Fear Simulator had worked and that Professor Nam wanted for us, Guardians, to learn how to overcome our fears by experiencing it through illusions that felt real. I told them about how it had all gone well for the first seven and that when it came to Keni's turn something started to not feel right. Then Minjung cutted in and mentioned that Professor Nam had pressed a button that the older woman didn't press when it was our turn. Minjung also added that she suspects that the button had something to do to get Keni to stop breathing. Then the rest was history.
"So, do any of you know the real reason why that Professor came to the academy?" Dakyung asked after taking a sip from his glass of water.
Minjung, Chaewon and I shook our heads as our answer to his question. Then Dakyung and Soobin both sighed at the same time which made the two look at each other and then back at us.
"Unnie, I'm just glad that Keni is still alive," Chaewon spoke up while grabbing a piece of bread and spreading some jam on one side of it. "As long as Keni is still here, I'm good."
"She has a point," Dakyung commented, making both Soobin and I nod our heads.
Then Minjung joined in, "We should have that Girls' Night tomorrow. I feel bad for not joining the one last night."
"Girls' Night?" Soobin asked after swallowing a bite of his bread. "Last night? Wait, Keni had plans last night?"
"Well, she was the one who planned the sleepover," Chaewon explained. "But most of the girls who were invited backed out at the last minute. If only Professor Min hadn't asked Miinjung's help with the 5th Years' exam papers, then maybe I would have joined."
"YAH! YOU WILLINGLY SAID THAT YOU'D HELP ME!" Minjung shouted, earning some glares from nearby students who were busy eating.
Then Chaewon shook her head at the older girl. "No, you made me help you because you didn't want to be in the same room as Professor Min."
I then started to laugh at the scene in front of me. "So, what exactly is the real story behind you two ditching me and Keni last night, huh?" I teased the two while earning a short chuckle from Dakyung.
Then Soobin stood up and excused himself from us. "I'm just going to check if Headmistress Lee had already left the Infirmary," he said and started to walk away.
"Dinner will start in less than three hours. I don't think Keni will make it," Minjung spoke up in worry.
Then I stood up and ran after Soobin. Once I caught up to him, I called his name and the Vampire turned around to face me.
"Yes, Maya?" He asked with a curious expression.
Then I answered, "Minjung thinks that Keni will wake up a little late and won't be able to eat dinner. So, I just wanted to tell you that if you're going to stay at the Infirmary, make sure to tell the Kitchen to save some leftovers for Keni."
The 18-year-old smiled at me and nodded his head. "Don't worry about that. I'll make sure that Keni won't skip tonight's dinner." Then he walked away down the corridor, back to the Infirmary on the second floor.
I was walking back to the Dining Hall and out of nowhere had started to sneeze. I groaned out loud when I realized that I just caught a cold after getting wet from the water sprinklers back in the classroom.
"Just great," I muttered under my breath as I tied my still damp hair in a ponytail.
Then a jacket appeared around me. I looked up to see Dakyung placing his thick, cotton jacket around me with a worried look plastered on his face.
"Maybe next time if you ever end up in a raining room, I should be there with you holding an umbrella above your head."
I looked at him weirdly and asked, "Are you joking right now?"
Dakyung placed his hands inside his pockets and stared at me while saying, "No. I actually mean it this time."
Then Dakyung sighed and pulled my hair tie. "The f! Dakyung, give me back my hair tie!" I exclaimed while trying to grab it from him, but he just had to be taller than me.
I groaned in defeat and then Dakyung told me, "You shouldn't tie your hair if it's wet. You out of all the people should know that rule."
I snorted at the second sentence and poked both of Dakyung's cheeks. "Rule? That's not a rule, but just superstitions from the ancestors."
Dakyung shook his head and then he grabbed my right hand and started to pull me down the corridor. I thought we were heading back to the Dining Hall but we passed by the entrance and then I asked him, "Aren't we going back in there?"
"Nope," Dakyung said, his playful side showing.
"But Minjung unnie and Chaewon are still in there," I pointed out.
"I know," he replied.
I crossed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at him. "Then why are we just leaving without telling them?"
Then Dakyung whistled and said, "Don't worry, Maya. I've already told them that I'd kidnap my Guardian for the rest of the afternoon."
I glared at the tall Vampire and used my left hand to hit the back of his neck, but Dakyung caught my hand just in time and chuckled while facing me. We both had stopped walking and were just standing in the middle of the corridor near the staircase that would bring us to the dormitories. The playful look in Dakyung's eyes were soon changed into a soft look. I suddenly had the urge to bite my bottom lip and almost jumped in surprise when Dakyung's eyes changed color.
Then he shut his eyes and whispered, "Don't do that..."
"Um, do what?" I asked, totally confused with Dakyung's different behavior.
"Don't bite your lip like that!" He exclaimed while opening his eyes which are now a deep green.
This wasn't the first time seeing his other eyes. Keepers and Users of the Seven Elements each had their own colors which represents their Gifts. Their colors usually show when they're either using their Gifts or when their emotions are at its highest peak.
For Earth, the Keeper's and User's eyes are usually a bright green with golden specks, while the User's eyes are a darker shade of green. Since Dakyung is a Healer, an Earth Element User who uses the Earth's energy to heal himself and other people, his other eyes are a dark shade of green, almost like forest green. Which I've learned to love ever since I was assigned to his Guardian back in my 1st Year.
"Why would you say that?" I asked him as I stopped biting my lip.
Then Dakyung sighed and brushed his free hand through his hair. I watched him do this so many times before, but this one seemed a little different.
"Dakyung, are you okay?" I asked ilas I started to get worried. "What's wrong, hm?"
Dakyung continued to stare at me for another few seconds before telling me.
"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I caught onto his lie. But I didn't push on. Instead, I hugged my Vampire and whispered, "You know that you can trust me, right?"
Dakyung's cold arms snaked their way around me and then I heard him whisper back, "I know... it's just that I can't trust myself."
- Park Soobin's POV
I mentally sighed as I looked at the now sleeping Keni. The girl had fallen asleep after another hour of the two of us talking in the Greenhouse. My right arm was placed around her shoulders as my left hand was holding onto her two hands that were on both of our laps. I smiled at how cute Keni looked and thought, "Who knew that I could be so lucky to have you by my side like this?"
But that thought was soon ruined when I heard a voice coming from the first floor of the Greenhouse.
"Keni? Are you in here?"
Headmistress Lee's voice echoed up to the second floor, making Keni move in her sleep. I held onto her a little tighter while hoping that Headmistress Lee won't find us. But a few minutes later the middle aged Vampire showed up a few feet away from the swing where Keni and I were sitting. Many emotions were shown in her face as I tried to calm down. I didn't want to wake Keni up, so I didn't dare to move too much.
"Mr. Park," Headmistress Lee called out as quietly as she could.
I nodded my head for her to continue. "Whatever you and Ms. Lee have, I do not wish for it to continue on. Do you hear me?" she whispered as my enhanced hearing caught on.
My heart shattered into pieces at what the Academy's principal just said.
Then Headmistress Lee added in, "But for tonight, I will let this one slide. Tomorrow... Well, I expect for you and Keni to no longer hang out or do things that a Guardian and Vampire should do. And I do not care if you're her Soulmate. Keni shouldn't have even found out about this."
"W-what?" I whispered back. "How do you know that Keni and I are Soulmates?"
Headmistress Lee sighed and answered, "I've known for awhile now and Keni had asked me earlier if Soulmates were real. I just didn't think that she would figure it out this year."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, getting angrier by the minute.
"Soobin... yours and Keni's destiny have already been written in the stars. But your story and her story will have a tragic ending, and I would hate to see it take a toll on both of you. So as early as of now, I beg of you to break whatever you and Keni have. This is for both for your safety and future. So trust me, please."
Then Headmistress Lee left in a blink of an eye. Like she was never there the whole time.
"Hmm... Binnie, who were you talking to?" a tired Keni asked as she started to wake up.
I looked at her and remembered what Headmistress Lee had just said earlier.
Our destiny has already been written in the stars a long time ago... but our story will have a tragic ending.
"No one, love. Just talking to myself since you fell asleep," I answered as I tried to make a joke.
Keni then softly laughed and then she snuggled closer into my chest. "Binnie... you feel warm..." She whispered before falling back to sleep.
I shut my eyes closed and took a shaky deep breath in as I tried to keep myself together.
"I'm sorry, Keni," I thought to myself as I held onto her. "But we might need to stop seeing each other..."
Then I opened my eyes and stared at the night sky. The moon that had been accompanied by a couple of stars was once again all alone. The clouds weren't even hugging the moon. I soon realized that I was just like the silver white circle up in the starless night sky.
Once again, I've been left all alone by myself.
Now... Who said I was just gonna let #SooNi be together in PART 1.
*literally no one*
What do y'all think happened between #MaKyung back there?
shipnames for Bora and Jaehyuck are...
(this one sounds nice)
(oooh i like this one too lol)
Whatever gets the most votes before I publish CH 12 later tonight will be the official shipname for the two! 😄✊
Now, Ima sleep lol. Because the sun is up 😂😅
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