Alixer Reves meets Jasper and Chalix
A/N This is another character that belongs to 1datgay1. Thank you soooo much for helping me make these characters I am so grateful for the help. Also make sure to check out their book!!
Also I haven't mentioned this yet but this is all after ToA, and they are still in high school for some of these. Jasper never broke up, and Jason never died.😭
Pipers POV:
"C'mon we gotta go! The car is leaving in 10 minutes with or without us!" I yell to Jason and Chalix putting a bit of charmspeak in there so they hurry up and get their soon to be sorry asses out here.
Let me catch you up. Ok so right now me and Jason are still at Camp J, because we needed to help Frank and Hazel with a mission to get a Greek demigod to CHB before a monster appears. After the whole Chalix likes Jason thing I went to go talk to him and now we're goode (A/N wink wink) friends. Jason still has no idea that Chalix liked him. So now we are going on a mission (A/N I wouldn't really call it a quest cause they ain't doin' shit for the gods. This is just to get a demigod from San Fran that a sayter found but couldn't bring back cause she got wounded) to find this demigod and take her to CHB and Chalix is helping because no one else wanted to.
I have a 3 step plan in my head already:
1. Find the demigod
2. Make friends with them (hopefully)
3. Explain the whole Greek god business and take her to CHB
I never said it was an Annabeth worthy plan but, it's better than anything Leo or Percy could come up with. Anyways me, Jason and Chalix are staying in an apartment complex right across the street from Golden Gate High (A/N not a real high school in San Fran, I checked) which is the school we will be going to for the next few months until we can take the new demigod to CHB.
"BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEP!" I made sure to do an extra long BEEEEEEEP at the end to let the boys know we have to leave.
_______________time skip because Im lazy as fuck and want some blue cookies______________________
We just got to the apartment and its really nice and homey I like it a lot and can't wait to stay here and have date nites with Jason while we stay here. Since it's only 10:00 in the morning and it's the beginning of the second semester (A/N Im in middle school so everything I know about high school is from friends and family, sorry if I get anything wrong!) we didn't have to go to school today so we spent the rest of the day unpacking.
I share a room with Jason because there is only two rooms, but I like it that way now I get to spend more time with him. By the time we were done unpacking and getting settled in 5 hours had already past so we put on a movie and I drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning I saw Jason looking down at me saying something but I couldn't quite hear him because I was still a little groggy. When the groggyness went away I noticed we were in out bedroom and I could understand what Jason was saying.
"Come one baby, we gotta get up so we can get ready" Jason said in a soothing voice that just made me want to kiss him and go back to sleep at the same time. "Mmmhhhhhhmmmmm uuuugggghhh *more gibberish noises*" I said to him. Even though I wasn't actually saying anything he understood me. I got up, took a shower and put on some baggy ripped jeans, a tight white tank top, a size large Giants jersey and some Nikes. (A/N I just put whatever I'd wear because I think Piper would wear something like that)
After getting dressed I went into the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, did my hair, put on some jewelry and then made sure the boys were ready. "Okay let's go" I said to them and they instantly listened. Oops sometimes my charmspeak just does that.
When we got to school we went straight to the main office. The principle introduced us to our guide. It was a girl around our age 17 with brown hair, steely grey eyes with little green specks in them. She has light skin with a bit of a tan and a beauty mark on her left cheek. She radiated natural beauty like a lot of Athena kids.
"Ms.Reves these are our new students, Ms.McLean, Mr.Grace and Mr.Orberen this is Alixer Reves she will be your tour guide." Said principle Ladiousin.
"Hi I'm Alixer but call me Ali. If you call em anything else I will kill you long and painfully" She said in an affirmative tone, then quickly smiled a genuinely friendly smile at us. I instantly knew she is the demigod we're looking for. I can tell she is a daughter of Athena because of her steely grey eyes that remind me of Annabeth, and the way she acts also reminds me of Annabeth. The affirmative tone and intelligent radiation I get from her make me think of Athena. I liked her already.
"Hi I'm Piper McLean, this is Jason Grace and Chalix Orberen" I tell her in a nice friendly voice.
"Nice. Fallow me and I can show you guys around." She said so we did.
Alixers POV:
Once I heard McLean I almost died. Not that I'm a crazy fan but I just think its's really cool that I got to meet a celebrities kid in my life. I could tell Piper and Jason were dating. Jason is cute but not my type really.
But that one guy Chalix he look kinda cute and really handsome. Hhhhmmmmm.....wonder if he has a partner. And the reason I saw partner is because I don't want to assume he's straight. Im bisexual and I would hate it if someone assumed that of me. Like the saying goes "If you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME".
*insert descriptions here 'cause I'm waaaaaaay too lazy*
As we're walking Piper asks me a question. " Do you mind reading out schedules we all have dyslexia so we can't read what it says." She asks. As I took the papers from them I read it out loud.
"We all have the same classes except for seventh only me and Piper have that class together and you two have it together, just not with us." I said after reading their schedules.
(The schedules)
Piper and Ali's:
1st period- Homeroom (A/N they do nothing just talk for like 10-20 mins)
2nd period- Math
3rd period- Language Arts
4th period- English
5th period- Greek/Roman/Regular History
6th period- Greek/Latin
7th period- Spanish
8th period- Gym
Jason and Chalix's:
1st period- Homeroom
2nd period- Math
3rd period- Language Arts
4th period- English
5th period- Greek/Roman/Regular History
6th period- Greek/Latin
7th period- Italian
8th period- Gym
(A/N Piper wants to learn Spanish for Leo, and Jason wants to learn Italian for Nico)
Once we get into homeroom we just sit there so that Mr.Bayne can take roll call.
—mini time skip to after roll call—
"Okay, you guys can just talk, do homework, sleep, or do something else just keep it down please!" Mr.Bayne said. He is everyones favorite teacher. Well other than Ms.Hailey, she doesn't let us use her last name and is always super understanding and sweet.
——Another time skip to the end of class——
"RRRRIIIIINNNNGGGGG" Thats the bell. Now it's time for another dreaded day of easy questions and trying to get caught off guard from the stuck up snobby teachers no one likes. Can't wait!!!(note the sarcasm).
Ok it's actually 1:07 rn and I'm tired so I'm just going to write a part two once I think of what to write.
Thank you for reading and remember to please comment, vote and all that fancy shit!
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