Take a bath of V-live?
It was late evening, after the exhausting concert when Taehyung drag himself to his hotel room. His blond hair was damped, from sweat and his limbs were heavy. He spend half and hour simply sitting in the chair and checking on his phone, before his food arrived. Panda Express never disappoints and Tae, after finishing with his food, was still sitting, too tired to take a very much needed shower. He finally rose up, taking off his clothes until he stood naked. Taehyung always loved to step out of his clothing confinement. He preferred to wear something light and comfortable. He despised shoes, but they were necessary, so he just roll with it, tossing it aside whenever chance occurred. Army knew about this thing he do and found it quirky and adorable.
Taehyung went to the bathroom, considering what to do. Should he just take a quick shower and go to bed, or take a long bath and relax his muscles in the tub with one of the bath bombs Yoongi gave him.
He decided to go with the bath. The smell of something sweet and herbal was the deciding factor, so he set the water temperature and corked the tub, letting it slowly filling in.
-Oh this will take time. – Taehyung thought and went to the room deciding of what to do next, while he waits. He drank some vitamins, sniffling loudly and cursing the slight cold he had, the compliments of Mr. Jeon Jungkook, who was first to catch it.
Taehyung felt weird. He was tired and the running nose wasn't helping, there's no doubt about that, the concert and rehearsals took a lot of his energy, but the adrenaline rush and love their fans gave to them that night was indescribable, it left him feeling energizing butterflies in his stomach and his brain was awake, but not his body.
Taehyung loved the Army. They were there because of them. Their success was not only for their 100% effort and talent, but because Army supported them all the way and fought their own battles to keep them on the throne they are now. Their bond was strong, they supported one another all the way and the members were eternally grateful. That's why all the members agreed to each do a Vlive and greet their fans that could not be there at the concert and see them. First it was Jin, then Jungkook, then Jimin. Namjoon did it before, talking about their new album, when they were back at home, but Taehyung knew that their leader is careful and loving and will always find a time to talk to their fans. Taehyung admired him very much.
Tonight however it's Hobi Hyung's turn. Tae wondered if he already started. The thing is, when they are touring, each of them get their own room, which is great for the piece and quiet if you want to work, or sleep or play a video games without anyone screaming at you to keep it down. The simple intimacy of the single room was something that they didn't get used to. Sometimes they miss the noise and other members coming in and out, but sometimes the silence was exactly what you need. Tonight however Taehyung wasn't sure what he wanted.
He picked up the phone and called Jungkook. An hour or two of video games with Kook would set his mind at ease and he always loved to cuddle next to the younger. Especially now when Jungkook became bigger, his skin was still soft and always smelled wonderfully clean. Tae loved to snuggle to it, to wrap his big arms around it and listen to the maknae's heartbeat. Over the years, the sound of his heart was always changeable, but still the same. It was Tae's doing though. He always loved to make the young man flustered and challenge him in many things. Taehyung feed from it and Jungkook never disappointed him.
Now however, Jungkook wasn't picking up. Taehyung wondered if the young man fell asleep or was in the shower. Deciding to call him again later, Taehyung went to his lap top and turn on the Vlive. J-Hope's live was on. He was eating and talking, wearing that small acorn hat Namjoon gave it to him, but what surprised Tae the most, however, was the fact that Hobi wasn't alone, Jungkook was with him.
-What the f... - Tae murmured. They were talking about "Idol challenge" and Tae couldn't stop looking at Jungkook. He looked so good with his dark hair. Tae loved his magenta hair as well, but dark Kookie was...uh... so masculine and sexy. Suddenly someone knock on Hobi's door and Jungkook went to open it. It was Namjoon.
Taehyung chuckled. It was normal for members to sometimes come to each other's live show. Well Jimin invited Jin to his live show yesterday and they ate and drink and kept on talking. Taehyung was laughing when Jin went to take a glass of Coca-Cola, when everyone knew it was alcohol. Jin's comment "The Cola is strong." sent Taehyung roaring with laughter. Out of all members, Jin and Jimin enjoyed drinking the most, although they were always careful.
Now, watching Hobi's live, he wondered what would be like if the dropped by too. He looked at his nakedness and remembered the running water, so he jumped up and ran to the bathroom. The tub was almost full. Cursing slightly, but quite relieved that it didn't overflowed Tae shut down the water, drain the excess and stood starring at it. The inner battle was raging in his head and he was momentarily at the loss. Should he stepped in the bathtub or should he join the others in Hobi's room?
It took him less than ten seconds to decide. He grabbed a bathrobe and his new red cap, before dashing out of his room, pocketing his key in the robe before finding himself knocking on the Hobi's door.
It was Namjoon who opened and let him in, looking at his attire and shaking his head, his dimple poking and chin protruding in a smile.
-Hey! – He yelled and he heard Hobi's laugh and Jungkooks voice. – Hey V!
The surprise and delight in Jungkook's eyes at seeing him entering the room, warmed Taehyung's heart as he stepped closer. Jungkook instinctively reaching to take his hand, but Tae slightly brushed off. They were live and they should be careful. Namjoon raised eyebrow was warning enough and Taehyung understood, even though it was excruciatingly difficult not to kiss that young obvious fool that sat in front of the camera and starred at him lovingly, right in front of everyone.
-Say hi. – Jungkook said and Tahyung did, showing off his new red cap. The chat quickly moved to that. Hobi was explaining how he and Taehyung went on shopping the other day when Tae saw the cap and fell in love with it, so he ended up buying it.
-I used to wear them when I was trainee. – Hobi said, while Tae posed with the cap that have LA letters on the front.
Jungkook kept watching Tae on the screen through the camera, pretending he was reading the comments. He licked his lips and admiring the fact that Taehyung could wear simple bathrobe and still look bloody amazing in it. The red cap on his blond hair was a loud statement, but that white bathrobe that was covering Taehyung's golden skin, made Jungkook gulped and breathe a bit faster. He knew that there was nothing more, but Tae's naked body under it. He felt himself getting aroused. He stood up, thankful for the loose pants he was wearing.
-I love this, baggy pants these days. – He said and went to stand next to Taehyung, but Tae took his seat in front of the camera instead. He will do his live soon, he promised to himself.
-Did you eat? – Hobi asked him and Tae said he did.
-Wasn't this supposed to be J-Hope live though? – Namjoon asked. At that Taehyung rose from the chair and went to stand in the back again.
-We should leave. – Jungkook said. – I just came here to smell the food.
-No, I'm having so much fun. – Hobi said to them and Jungkook sat at the chair once again. Hobi didn't mind his brothers with him, even though it was his live moment.
-Can I have some? – Tahyung asked. He was never able to resist trying food, even though he was stuffed. Hobi nodded and Tae took the bowl with noodles.
-It doesn't feel like we are on the show now. – He murmured, preparing to take a bite when suddenly Jungkook spoke.
-V, should we eat spicy noodles for breakfast tomorrow? – Taehyung's eyes gave him one of his deep, Hawk like stares. "We are live!" – The eyes shown. He murmured something to Jungkook and the latter quickly tried to change the conversation.
-We are out of spicy noodles right?
-No, there are some, but the spicy noodles and steak. – Hobi said mouth still full with food.
-Wrapping a morsel of steak with spicy noodles and eating them together. – Namjoon added. It was Jin's idea, to eat spicy noodles with steak and of course, every one had to try it.
-It's a kind of shocking combination. – Hoseok agreed.
Jungkook watched Taehyung acknowledge this information, taking it one bite of spicy noodles and going towards the steak. Taehyung loved food, but he was a picky eater and he wasn't much of a fan of spicy food as well, but the spicy noodles weren't as bad as some other dishes and he loved it.
-Eat this. Finish this. – Hoseok said and gave the fork with the last stake piece to Tae.
-Thank you bro. – Taehyung replied and first nimble at the meat, before putting it whole in his big mouth. Jungkook watched him, without blinking. Beside his goofy and sexy side that Jungkook knew far too well, there are this adorable childish Tae that made Jungkook's heart melt and giggle. The sight of munching Tae was always funny and adorable and even after all those years living and eating together, Jungkook still didn't get enough of everything that it's connected to Taehyung. He followed him with his eyes and smiled at the sight of stuffed food and pouty chewing mouth.
-By the way you room is very neat. – Namjoon commented to Hobi. – I tossed all my pillows on the sofa because there are too many of them.
-I'm neat. – Jungkook added. – My room is always neat before I go to sleep, but my bed is a huge mess when I wake up.
Their Hyungs laughed and asked why. Taehyung just leaned on the wall, with his hands on his hips, chewing slowly and seeming to not pay attention. The truth was that Taehyung always shared Jungkook's bed and whenever Jungkook was there for hug and cuddle, Taehyung didn't need the other pillows, so he just tosses them around the room each time. Jungkook complained, but he never means it. He loved having Tae close.
It was hard in the pass two years for them. There was a lot of pressure on them to hide their relationship. The managers and staff understood and were protecting them on every turn. Taehyung and Jungkook were always close, but only after they became something more did they tried to keep them apart. It didn't work though, since the other members complained about it, saying that they will all work together to be careful when on shows and in front of cameras, but that no one should forbid them to be together in their free time. Dorm was their sanctuary. They even broke up once, thinking it would be best for everybody, but both of them were too miserable to keep apart and it was shown. Jungkook became even more quiet and serious and Taehyung was moody and sometimes wouldn't utter a world during the entire interview, which was totally uncharacteristic for him. The other would usually step in to hide it.
At the end they were confronting five of their Hyungs. They all talked seriously and cry, when the emotions grew too deep. They all hugged and left Taehyung and Jungkook to talk alone. They made up that evening and weren't apart ever since. Their relationship grew even stronger, more serious after that. They became better in hiding it in front of the other people outside of their imminent circle. They hated it, the hiding and sneaking, but they understood why it's necessary. They knew that big part of Army would understand and support, but still there is the rest of the society that wouldn't. The society could be brutally cruel to anyone who is different, but not just on them, but on their families and closest friends as well. Neither Tae nor Kook could ever allow their families to suffer social disgrace because of their love, which is so bloody unfair.
Now, however, things changed. They are at the top of the game and they are finding more and more of the support world wide, but they are still very careful. Well, at least Taehyung is. Jungkook, well... Jungkook couldn't hide his emotions towards Tae if you threatened him with his own life. They both test the limits, daring the people with their closeness and "friendship". The small touch, look, smile, everything has meaning, everything is a secret message to the world to see, but still they are hidden, quiet.
The last thing they start doing of teasing their fans were during each "Anpanman" performance. At first Jungkook was crouching behind Tae, who was opening the song, shaking his t-shirt so it would look like he has a flying cape, but lately, Jungkook was starting to playfully punch Taehyung butt in a boxing manner, or would give it a massage, wiggle it playfully or some such thing. Each time it was different and Tae never new what to expect. Army loved it. They feed of it. They made them braver and more daring and "Vkook" as the Army call them, use every minute of it. The stages became their favorite place to challenge the cameras, because even if they edit or cut, there are still several thousands of fans who saw it and film it for the rest of the Army. They became their power. Their soldiers and they kept feeding them with moments they so much crave.
So after this latest concert, Jungkook was nicely fed from that energy and seeing Taehyung only in a bathrobe, set his desire burning. He wants to take him in his arms and kiss him, enjoying Taehyung's skin. They didn't have chance to be intimate lately, because they are often very exhausted, so they settle for sleeping and cuddling instead, but tonight it's different. Jungkook could see the gleam in Taehyung's eyes as the look at him quickly because of the cameras.
They were talking about humidifier and how it could help Tae sleep better at night when Namjoon stood up and said that he has to go. Both Taehyung and Jungkook understood and stood up as well, saying their goodbyes to the Army and leaving Hobi to continue with his live.
Namjoon put a hand on Taehyung shoulder and squeezed slightly, smiling for good night, and Tae returned the gesture. Namjoon left towards his room and Taehyung waited for Jungkook, who was still with Hobi. Since the latter was taking too long to come out, Tae decided to take small steps towards his room and was in the process of unlocking it when he heard quick footsteps behind him. He smiled to himself and entered, leaving his door opened. He barely got the chance to throw his cap on the table when the door shut and he was hugged from behind. Jungkook's lips were on his ear.
-You are so unfair Tae...so bloody unfair. – He murmured, his hands roamed Taehyung's chest, finding the ways inside to touch his skin. Tae shuddered pleasantly.
-I did nothing Kookie. I have no idea what you...ah....talking about. – Tae closed his eyes when Jungkook's lips latched himself on his golden neck, sucking gently, just like Tae loved it. Jungkook's arm slid down, pushing the belt open and reached Taehyung's member. Taehyung groaned when Jungkook fingers wrapped around his length.
-I knew it. I knew you had nothing under it. Fuck Tae. Fuck, you teaser.
-Jungkookie...it was not like it... I...oh fuck... I wanted to take a bath.
Jungkook was kissing Taehyungs neck, close to his ear.
-Then why didn't you take a bath Tae...hmm? Why did you come to the Hobi Hyung's room almost naked?
Tae whimpered when Jungkook tighten the pressure on his cock.
-Aaah...because... because...
-Why Tae? – Jungkook voice was deep, full of lust and burn of jealously in his chest was edging him on. He put a thumb in Taehyung's slit, making him moan loudly, leaning his head back on Jungkook's shoulder. Taehyung's deep voice never failed to mess up with Jungkook's mind, but add moans into equation and Jungkook was losing it.
-Why Tae? – He asked again and Taehyung had problem speaking at the moment, arching his back, nails digging in the table. They were standing in front of the mirror and Tae finally opened his eyes to see Jungkook's dark burning with desire ones, starring back at hm.
-Because you were there. – Tae answered, giving younger man the look full of lust and need that Jungkook almost choke.
-Damn you Tae. – He turned his body to face him and kissed him deep in the mouth, tasting him with his tongue. Taehyung moaned in his mouth, arms wrapping around Jungkook's neck, his hands groping his dark hair, while Jungkook's arms ripped the bathrobe open and gripped Taehyung's ass. Taehyung jumped and wrapped his legs around Jungkoo's waist, kissing him with such of passion that both of them started to heat up even more.
-I love your loose pants. – Taehyung murmured in the kiss. – I can feel you so nicely on my ass now.
Jungkook groaned weakly. If there is something else that could turn him on faster than Taehyung's voice, it was Taehyung's dirty talk. The combo was deadly for his already painful erection. Even though Jungkook was strong, Tae wasn't light and soon he felt his arms and legs falter from the weight. He pushed Tae's back on the near wall and locked him in with his hips. They kissed and sucked and it was messy, just like both of them like it. Taehyung ripped the shirt off of Jungkook's chest and was sucking on Kook's collarbones, when Jungkook finally managed to release his member out of the loose pants he was wearing. It rubbed against Taehyung's ass, making them both want more.
-Ah Kookie, I want more...fuck... I want more...please... - Tae grinded his ass on Jungkook's erection and Junkook nearly cum then and there. The thing about him and Tae is that they are both versatile. Sometimes Jungkook love to give in to Taehyung's dominance and enjoy, whimpering and begging for good dicking, but sometimes, like now, it was Tae who begs for Jungkook to fill him up and that's arousing, fuck it is.
-Please tell me you got the lube Tae. – Jungkook whispered and Taehyung nodded humming. Jungkook then, pilled him from the wall and tossed him on his bed. He got rid off his clothes and went towards Tae's suitcase in the closet.
-The inner pocket of my suitcase. – Taehyung said. – The smaller Gucci one.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and smiled. -They are all Gucci love.
-I have only one small Gucci one...the rest are big Gucci. There is a difference.
Jungkook laughed, shaking his head and reached for the suitcase. He finally found small bottle and condoms.
-Just lube, I want to feel you.
Jungkook gulped and left the condoms in the bag, squeezing the bottle in his fist as he hurried back.
-Oh fuck Tae. – He groaned at the sight. Tae was lying in the middle of the bed, naked, his blond hair tossed back, exposing his forehead. His lips were slightly opened as he craned his neck. Jungkook's eyes went down towards Taehyung's hands. One was wrapped around his length, while the other one was lower, his two long thin fingers knuckles deep into his ass.
-Kookie... hurry...take me...please... – Jungkook's eyes snapped up to look at Tae's needy ones.
-Tae you will be the death of me one day. – He said and went to him, placing himself between Taehyung's legs, opening the bottle and pouring generous mount on his fingers. Taehyung chuckled.
-One day, maybe...but not today. – He started humming the tune.
-No, Tae don't you dare... - Jungkook warned.
-Gyeonwo chong!
-For fuck sake Taehyung!!
Taehyung just laughed, arching his back as he brushed his prostate.
-You know I should just get up and leave to my room. – Jungkook said, glaring at Tae, but his fingers still kept warming up the lube that was already poured on his fingers.
-And miss all of this? – Taehyung pointed at himself with his other hand. – Only if you are insane and I know you aren't...not that much anyway.
-Taehyung... - Kookie said exasperated, but Taehyung pulled him in deep kiss, smiling and wrapping his legs around him. He pulled fingers from himself and wrapped them around Kook's length, stroking him. Jungkook groaned, trying to balance his lube coated fingers away from clean sheets.
-Stop being so careful, they will get dirty anyway. Now get in! – Taehyung growled in his mouth, sucking at Jungkook's lower lip harshly.
Jungkook reached to Taehyung's hole and rubbed in.
-Get in.... not fingers... you... - Tae kept murmuring.
-I'll hurt you Tae...
-Just get in and give me a minute or two.
Jungkook reached to lube up his cock and rub the rest on Taehyung's entrance before lining himself and pushed in. Taehyung gasped, arching his back and shutting his eyes. He hissed at the burn, but pushed Jungkook deep to the hilt with his heels on Jungkook's ass.
-Fuck Tae. – Jungkook breathed. Taehyung was so warm and tight it almost hurt. He needed to move, the pleasure was overwhelming, but he waited so he won't hurt him. He would never hurt Tae intentionally. He kissed him instead, gently, making him forget the pain, whispering sweet words Tae loved to hear and soon Tae started rocking his hips against Jungkook giving him the sign to start moving.
It was slow and gentle at first. Jungkook was always careful lover and Taehyung appreciated most of the time, but not now. Now he wanted him badly. He reached his long fingers to wrap Jungkook's neck and say.
There was that dangerous gleam in Taehyung's eyes. Junkook knew it well. It excited him and he felt his cock twitching inside. He pulled out and slammed in forcefully. Taehyung screamed.
-Yes! Yes!
The legs around Jungkook's waist tightened, pulling him in, controlling the depth, or better say, controlling the speed in which he would slam back. Taehyung loved deep and fast. His deep raspy voice echoed the room. His moans were wonderful and Jungkook felt sadness for needing to muffle them, but they weren't alone in the hotel. The other members wouldn't say anything, but still it's embarrassing for them to hear it, but the bigger concern was the others. Jungkook would have none of that, so he placed his mouth to drown Taehyung's moans, while he kept burying himself faster inside Taehyung.
Tae suddenly unwrapped his legs from Jungkook's waist and pull them higher, allowing better access to Jungkook. The latter reached and pulled Taehyungs hips on his thighs, placing one of Taehyung's legs on his shoulder and kissing the blond man's knee. He slammed back in, different angle made them both gasped, Taehyung especially because it hit right in his prostate.
-My God Kook! Fuck! There! Fuck, oh fuck...
Jungkook wanted to tell him to keep quiet, but the sound Taehyung made were so arousing and Jungkook groaned from the beauty of the sound.
-K...Kook...K-Kookie...I will... oh...I...
-Me too...do...do it! Do it Tae...Oh God, do it!
And Taehyung did, strongly, arching his back and spurting cum on his soft belly. Jungkook always loved his belly. He loved kissing it and rubbing his face in the gentle skin. He could feel the tight muscles underneath the sort skin, but that what's Taehyung was, gentle and gorgeous on the outside and strong and agile on the inside.
Seeing his lover completely undone, skin glistening with sweat, muscles twitching was too much for Jungkook so he pulled out and spread his seeds on Tae's stomach as well, mixing their fluids together.
-Eew why Jungkook? – Tae asked. – Now I'm dripping everywhere, mine were enough.
-I love your belly Tae. I love it very much. – Jungkook breathed and went down to kiss him deep. They just lay for a while, breathing heavily, when Jungkook rose groggily and moved to the bathroom. He was gone for a minute or two and Tae wondered what he was doing. He didn't hear water or any sounds. Just when he was about to doze off, Jungkook returned and placed one of his arms under Taehyung's back, while other under his knees. Taehyung yelped when Jungkook raised him in his arms.
-Jungkook what are you doing? – Taehyung asked, eyes wide and Jungkook just smiled.
-Bath time Tae. – And Taehyung saw it as soon as they enter bathroom. His water filled tub was still there, Taehyung completely forgot about it. There was something inside, creating all of the bubbles and sweet herby aroma filled their nostrils.
-Did you throw the bath bomb in it? – Taehyung asked incredulously. Jungkook smiled his bunny smile.
-But you don't like the sweet smells?
-But you like it Tae. And I like the way you smell, so...
Taehyung yelped again when his ass touched not so warm water anymore.
-Kook it's not warm enough.
-I know Tae, wait a second.
-We will freeze in five minutes. It's waist of bath bomb.
-Be patient Tae.
Jungkook got in and placed himself behind Tae, allowing the blond to lean back to his chest. Taehyung noticed that the water barely reached their chests.
-Did you drain some of the water?
-Mhm. – Jungkook answered.
The glint of realization filled Taehyung's eyes and he turned his head slightly to kiss Jungkook's lips.
-My baby bunny is so damn smart.
-Don't call me like that Tae please...
But Taehyung just giggled and reached to open a water tap. He set on the hot water and let it fill the tub, warming the water in the process.
-I am you TaeTaeTiger and you are my Baby bunny. – Taehyung teased and Jungkook groaned.
-Tae I love you, but I will drown you in this tub.
Taehyung body shook from laughter. He snuggled more into Jungkook's embrace, rubbing his stomach from their mixed fluids. Taehyung started giggling again and Jungkook raised an eyebrow watching him.
-You do realize now we will bathe in our own sperm, right? – Taehyung said, biting his lip. Jungkook was silent and Taehyung turn around to look at him and nearly burst out laughing. Jungkook had wide eyes and a look of utter shock spread on his face. He didn't thought about it, he wasn't thinking that far. Taehyung nearly choked, biting his lip harder so he would stop the laughter building in his chest. Shocked Jungkook was so adorable. He looked at water and then at Taehyung and just murmured.
-Well fuck...
I simply could not resist. That Vlive was so interesting, I just had to write about VKook. So I hope you enjoyed reading it. Take care everyone!
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