Listen to King of my Heart by Taylor Swift.
Brandy and I got comfortable in our favorite spot at the cafe across the street. I took a bite from my chocolate-glazed croissant as I watched people walk down the street in their different clothing that made the sidewalk look like a runway fashion show. I took a sip from my coffee and focused on Brandy who was engrossed in her phone. Her nose ring was different today, it looked smaller than the rest she wore every day.
"Like what you see? If you keep staring at me like that I will assume you're into me," she said, looking away from her phone to wink at me.
"You wish," I scoffed.
"Sorry babe, I'm taken," she said.
I shook my head at the smug look on her face and took a glance at the time on my phone screen. We still had fifteen minutes left before returning to work.
"Any news about lover boy?"
"Don't call him that," I groaned.
"Well, you won't tell me his name or who he is. I will call him whatever I want," she said casually.
"Did you take my advice?" she asked, observing me over the rim of her coffee cup.
"Maybe," I shrugged and she gasped. She sat up and leaned closer to the steel table between us like I just told her I had an affair with the Grinch.
"I want every detail," she said eagerly.
"I kissed him as you suggested and..."
"And what? Did he kiss you back?"
"Will you at least let me finish my sentence?"
"You are talking so slow like you have slime in your throat."
"Gross, thanks a lot, Brandy. Now I can't finish my croissant," I said with my nose scrunched up in disgust.
"I will help you with that," she said and tried to take my remaining croissant but I smacked her hand away.
"Ouch, you hit like my mama," she said massaging the spot I hit her.
"As I was saying, I kissed him and he responded instantly..."
"See I told you he feels the same. So, did you guys fuck?"
"Will you ever let me finish or just make assumptions?"
"Sorry, the floor is yours Diosa."
"Gracias," I smiled.
"It was going great and then suddenly he was sneaking away after we made out..."
"Maybe he was going to take a shit---sorry, continue." Brandy avoided my hot glare.
"No, he was running away and when I caught him, he had the same look on his face from last time. The same look I saw on his face when he told me everything that happened between us in New York was a mistake; like he regrets it. It was gut-wrenching experiencing it again and I tried to play it cool even if it was killing me inside."
"Yikes, what an asshole," Brandy sighed.
"I left his place very early to avoid an apology from him, I had a strong feeling he was going to apologize and say a lot of crap about not wanting a relationship or how he only wanted us to be friends," I took a sip from my coffee as if it could ease the pain in my chest just recalling what happened.
"Sorry, babe, he needs a good whipping for playing with your emotions like that."
"He came after me and brought up the kiss but I pretended I was too drunk to remember what happened," I admitted.
"I knew he was going to apologize and he friend-zoned me after, so yeah I think I douched a bullet."
"Jeez, you both need therapy. Trust me, he likes you and maybe he doesn't wanna lose you that was why he asked to be friends."
I hate being friend-zoned, would things have been different if I never denied kissing him? I recalled the night at the NBA playoffs, the way we interacted, and the sudden connection developing between us. Every cell in my body was bursting in happiness and when I snuggled closer to him, it felt like climbing into a warm bed on a cold night.
"I thought men like that were extinct," Brandy's voice caught my attention. It took me a minute to understand what she was saying, I followed her gaze and my heart did a double-take when I saw Adrian holding the door open for a lady in designer clothing that made her look like royalty. They smiled at each other as they walked to a black car packed outside a French restaurant.
Adrian opened the door for her, my heart clenched when she leaned closer and placed a kiss on his cheek. Adrian smiled and said something to her and she placed her hand on his arm while Adrian nodded and stepped back. Waves of unknown emotions surged through me. I tried not to care but it was painful to watch.
"For him, I might make an exception about dating a white guy," Brandy said.
We both watched as he waved at the car that drove off like it was a movie on display. I looked away and got my things ready to leave.
"You look pissed, everything okay?"
"Yeah, time to go." I flashed her a smile and stood up. She didn't look convinced as she picked up her purse. I was glad someone called her phone when we stepped out of the Cafe, Brandy would have tackled me down for answers.
Brandy was still on the phone when we reached the hospital, we waved goodbye at each other and separated. I walked down the hall to get update from one of the nurses about my patient. I grabbed a computer to look through my documentation, I couldn't focus. The image of Adrian smiling at that pretty lady kept appearing in my head.
Was he sleeping around again? Who was she? Were they dating?
"Belvina?" someone snapped a finger in front of my face.
"Huh? Oh, hey Jacob," I said and offered a small smile.
"Are you okay?" he asked taking the space next to me.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"I stopped by the Cafe to get you this," he said and gave me a small takeout bag.
"You didn't have to, I just ate," I said but collected the bag.
"Cinnamon rolls?" I gave him a suspicious look after looking at the label.
"I noticed how much you liked them at Diana's birthday party," he said and I looked away feeling embarrassed as I recalled how much I ate at that party we threw for our nurse manager. I can't believe he watched me stuff my mouth with donuts and cinnamon rolls.
"Hey, I don't want you to feel bad about it. I thought you looked adorable," he said and I laughed.
"Thanks, I will make sure to eat all of it," I said and he smiled.
"I will see you later?"
"We're stuck on this unit together, so why not?"
He shook his head smiling as she walked away.
Dr. Winn was a snob, no matter how hard I tried to work with him, he just kept treating me like I was a burden to him because I kept calling about a patient whose situation kept getting worse. I was relieved it was over and I could go home and punch my pillows till I was satisfied. It was almost 8 pm, the ER was busy today as I walked out of the building.
I entered my car and stretched my back before pulling the seat closer to the wheels since my short self could not see clearly over the wheels. I stopped using pillows and books to my advantage because it was starting to make my butt numb. I tried to start up the car but nothing was happening. I laughed at my situation after trying five more rounds but the engines only farted and stopped.
"Tu estas en serio Horita!" I said after I realized my situation was nothing to laugh about.
"Please don't add to my misery, " I said and tried to jumpstart the car again but it was fruitless.
I threw my head back and screamed, no one could hear me since the windows were up which made me scream louder. I found Jacob staring at me through the windshield when I opened my eyes, he looked horrified.
Why was everything going awful today?
I forced a smile as Jacob approached the car with a worried expression. I cursed before stepping out of the car to explain to him I wasn't crazy.
"Were you screaming or singing?"
"My car won't start," I said.
"I don't know shit about car engines, so I'm useless right now but if you want, I can drive you home."
I wanted to decline and call an Uber instead but I was becoming broke each day and I still had bills waiting for me at home.
"That will be great, thank you."
I grabbed my stuff and followed him to his black BMW. My phone vibrated as I entered the car, I took a glance at my phone screen and rolled my eyes when I saw a text from Adrian.
"How did it go with Dr. Winn? I heard he can be a jackass," he asked as he pulled out of the parking space.
"He hates me."
"He hates everyone."
We spent the rest of the ride talking about Dr. Winn and Jacob giving me tips on how to get Dr. Winn to like me. The conversation shifted to him and how he survived medical school. It was nice learning more about him and I wasn't surprised when he told me he was the only child.
"This is my stop," I said removing my seatbelt when I saw my apartment building.
"Thanks for the ride."
"Sorry about your car, I could pick you up tomorrow if you don't mind."
"No, but thanks for offering."
"You still wanna grab lunch together during the week?" he asked before I could step out of the car. I considered his question for a few seconds and I found myself saying yes. He was surprised by my answer.
How hard could it be to unlike someone? Besides Jacob was sweet, nice, and good-looking. If it doesn't work out, we can call it off. I can't be hung up on a childhood crush forever. Whoever said crushes faded away had not met me.
"Great, how about Saturday at 7 pm?"
"Works for me."
"Do you like Italian food?"
"Yes," I was suddenly craving some Italian food.
"I will pick you up at 6: 30," he said.
"Sounds good," I smiled.
"What is your favorite flower?"
"Blossom," I replied.
"Noted, I will see you on Saturday, Belle, have a lovely night."
"Goodnight, Jacob." I stepped out of the car and walked away without looking back, the weird feeling in my gut intensified but I fought it off.
It was almost 6: 30 and Jacob already texted me that he was close by. I ran around looking for what to wear, my room was littered with different clothes on the floor and bed. I went for a mint green silk short dress and a pair of stilettos. I did my make-up in a rush and put on my accessories. I brushed my fingers through my curls just when I heard a knock on the door.
I grabbed my purse and hurried to the door. I took a deep breath before opening the door.
"Sorry if I...Adrian?" I paused mid-sentence when I saw the face I had been trying to erase from my brain.
"Hey," he said with a small smile and I didn't miss the way his eyes swept over my body.
"You look gorgeous, going somewhere?"
"Yeah," I said as the hot anger I'd been avoiding the past few days coursed through me like hot magma. I put on a straight face to mask my anger.
"I have been texting and calling all week but got no reply. Is everything okay?"
"No, I have been very busy with work."
"I was hoping we could hang out tonight but I see you already have plans," he said showing me the takeout bag in his hand.
"Yeah, I do. My date will be here any second and you..."
"Date?" he cut in looking surprised.
"Yeah," I replied. He was quiet for a few seconds like he wasn't sure of the right words to say.
"That's...that's great," he finally said with a small smile.
"I know," I said.
"I guess you want me to leave before your date gets here?"
"Yes," I replied a bit harsher than I intended.
"You can keep this," he said extending the takeout bag to me.
"No, I'm going out for dinner."
"Okay, enjoy your date."
"I will," I said with a smile.
"Bye, Vixen."
I watched him as he walked away. I lied, unliking someone was the most difficult task in the world. It was like I was trapped in a bubble where all I could think about was Adrian and every time I was reminded I couldn't have him, I cried.
I shut the door and went to the kitchen for a bottle of water. There was a knock on the door before I could take a sip. I adjusted my dress and went to open the door. Jacob had a contagious smile on his face when I opened the door.
"Hey, you look really lovely. These are for you," he said and gave me a large bouquet of my favorite flowers.
"Thank you, they are beautiful," I stepped closer and we shared a hug.
"Shall we?" he asked after I pulled away from our brief hug.
"Yeah, let me put this in an empty vase first. You can come in," I said and walked away.
"Nice place," I heard him say.
I found a big bowl and made a home for the flowers. I placed them on the counter and we left. The restaurant was simple and they served the best food. Every flavor reminded me of home and I was suddenly craving my Abuela's food.
"I used to come here a lot with my parents when I returned home from medical school," Jacob told me.
"Do they live around here?"
"Used to, they got divorced when I was seven and lived separately. My mom used to live around here before she passed away three years ago."
"I'm so sorry about that. Are you close to your Dad?"
"Yeah, we spend the holidays and Thanksgiving together. Maybe you'll meet him next Thanksgiving."
His last sentence left me speechless. He already wanted me to meet his dad when I wasn't sure if there would be a second date. I didn't know what to say, so I just gave him an uneasy smile and gulped my water.
"Look Belle, I know you don't feel the same about me and I don't want you to feel forced to do anything with me. I understand it's gonna take a while before I win your heart but you're free to see other people till you're sure of what you want."
If Adrian wasn't stuck in my head, I believe things would have been different. Jacob was one of those rare antiques and deserved someone better than me.
"Thank you and I'm sorry if I..."
"Don't apologize, Belle, enjoy your food before it gets cold."
I smiled and nodded. I told him about my big sister and how different we were. We took a stroll down the street after dinner and just spoke about some childhood memories; the happy ones before I moved here with my parents.
By the time he drove me back to the apartment, it was almost midnight.
"Thanks for tonight, I had fun," he told me.
"Same here, I really enjoyed the food."
Jacob laughed and stared at my face for a long second. He made me nervous and I was worried I had something stuck in my teeth or did I smudge my lipstick?
"You are beautiful, Belle. I will be the luckiest man in the world if I succeed in winning your heart."
"Wow, thanks," I said and opened the door.
"So are we up for another date?"
Another date? As long as it wasn't some kinda commitment and he was a fun person. I wanted to know more about him and build a connection. At the same time, I was worried. What if I never forget Adrian? What if I can never move on from my feelings for him?
"Yes, another date will be perfect."
"I will pick a date and time; I will see you on Monday?"
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Goodnight Belle," he leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"Goodnight, Jacob."
The next few days went smoothly. Jacob made it obvious to everyone at work we were seeing each other. I wish I could share in his excitement but a part of me wasn't drawn to him as I wanted. We started going to lunch together, Brandy bailed on me because according to her she felt neglected like a third wheel.
Jacob took me out to one of his favorite restaurants on Friday and I was amazed at the culinary skill the chefs displayed. The place looked expensive and breathtaking. The pianist performing at a small corner made me move my head from side to side.
I should go on more dates if only all males had the talent Jacob had.
"I had so much fun tonight, thank you," I told Jacob when he stopped in front of my apartment building.
"Glad you enjoyed it, I will walk you to your apartment," he said removing his seatbelt.
"No, it's getting late and you said you have work tomorrow. Don't worry, I took self-defense lessons, I will be fine."
"I don't mind, Belle."
"I insist, " I said and he frowned.
"Fine, I'm not leaving here till I get a text from you telling me you got into your apartment safely," he said.
"Yes, Sir," I said and he laughed.
"Goodnight, Belle," he leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Jacob. Drive home safely."
I could feel his eyes on me as I walked into the building. I was happy to take the stairs alone because my feet were burning and I was relieved to take off my heels and walk barefoot but I wasn't happy when I found Adrian in front of my apartment.
"What is it you want this time, Parker? It's late." I asked crossing my arms.
"The truth," he said facing me. He didn't look like his normal merry self, it was like someone had cut off his light supply.
"What truth?"
"Why are you mad at me?"
"I told you, I'm not mad at you," I said and walked to my door, desperate to get away from his questioning.
"I know something is wrong, just tell me what it is."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"It's been three weeks Vixen and you've been avoiding me, no reply from all the texts I sent you and..."
"I told you I'm busy with work."
"Bullshit, just tell me what I did and I will apologize. This whole silent treatment is killing me and it's all I think about. I keep wondering what if I did something wrong."
"It's late and I'm exhausted, I need enough rest before Chloe returns tomorrow with Kayla. Goodnight, Adrian." I said and unlocked the door to my apartment.
"Belvina," he called in a soft tone that made me stop from opening the door.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way, I hope we're still friends?"
The word friend triggered something within me and I found myself getting upset at the word.
"No, I don't think we can be friends. It's just not working for me, sorry." I said and stepped into the apartment quickly. I shut the door and leaned on it, I fought the tears threatening to leave my eyes.
My phone vibrated in my purse, I looked through the peephole to see if Adrian was still around but he was gone. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Jacob asking if I was okay. I sent a quick reply and lay on the couch with a groan. I allowed myself to cry, the tears kept falling till I was sure there was none left.
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