16- Belvina
Listen to Kiss it Better by Rihanna.
I had never been put in a position where I had to avoid someone like I had been doing for the past three weeks. Ever since I discovered Adrian Parker read the most embarrassing text I had ever composed in my life, I was very cautious of everything around me.
I couldn't bring myself to imagine what would happen if I ever ran into him. I cringed and screamed every time I read those messages I sent. Adrian probably laughed at my messages, I wished I could wipe away his memories or turn back time.
It'd been a great success avoiding him. I made sure to check the peephole before opening the door for anyone. I also made sure Chloe told me if Adrian was coming over, so I could hide in my room till he was gone. I didn't know how long it was going to work.
I had not posted anything on my Instagram account and Adrian hadn't sent any more messages since New Year.
Maybe he didn't care, he probably deleted them after laughing at my dumbass messages. Was I overreacting? Anyone who sent such texts would feel worse, the number of hearts and drooling emojis I sent him made me want to throw up and go invisible instantly. I even told him I had a dream we got married and had a beautiful daughter with his eyes. I had thought of different excuses to give him in case we ever ran into each other and the perfect excuse was to deny everything and act like I knew nothing about it.
I couldn't wait for Monday to come, I had never anticipated school to resume like I was right now. I knew it was going to be a hectic semester, I will be very occupied and won't be constantly worried about Adrian confronting me about those messages. I had three shifts each week at the café, two people already asked me to tutor them in Spanish.
It was Sunday night and I was alone in the apartment. I returned from my family's weekend visits two hours ago and Chloe was still not home. She wasn't answering my calls either. She'd been a bit distant since she returned, she was rarely at the apartment. Last night she left the house at midnight and returned around 4 am. I pretended to be asleep while I just watched and waited. I wished she could tell me what was going on. No matter how happy she tried to appear, I could tell something was wrong. I didn't want to get too pushy or nosy, I wanted to give her some space till she was ready to talk.
I missed my best friend.
The sound of the door unlocking made me run quickly to my room. Chloe could be with Adrian, I couldn't take any chances.
A few minutes later, the door to my room opened. Chloe gave a broad smile as she entered the room.
"I brought takeout, Korean BBQ." She told me.
"Are you alone?" I asked.
"Yes?" She replied giving me a questioning look.
"Good, I thought you came with that asshole," I said and stood up from my bed, I walked past her with a small smile.
"Adrian is not an asshole," she said smacking me on the butt.
"Whatever, where is the takeout?" I asked looking around. "There you are, " I said grinning at the takeout bags in the living room.
We made ourselves comfortable on the floor and watched Ellen DeGeneres's show as we ate the food.
"Where have you been?" I asked her in the midst of the show.
"Job hunting, I never thought it will be this exhausting, " she said and chuckled.
"Well, did you find any?" I asked taking a glance at her.
"Not yet. I haven't heard from the five places I submitted my application. My resumé must suck, I have no job experience." she sighed.
"I can help you find a..."
"No, " she cut in quickly before I could finish my sentence. "It's fine. I'm not in a rush or anything."
"Are you sure?" I asked studying her nonverbal cues.
"Yes," she replied not looking at me.
"Do you have any plans about returning to school?" I asked.
"Yes, I plan on taking all my classes online."
"So, when are you starting?"
"After I get a job which will be soon, so don't worry about me." Her tone was defensive, I should probably stop with the questions.
"Okay but don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything, Chlo."
"Sure," she smiled.
"Adrian bought you some Tortilla chips, I put them in the cabinet. I don't how he knew it was your favorite," Chloe said.
"Adrian? When?" I looked around as if I would find him hiding somewhere.
"He was the one that drove me back here. We ran into each other at the mall where I was job hunting."
"So, he was the one that bought the takeout?" I asked.
"No, I bought it before we ran into each other," she said with a smile that told me she was lying.
"Okay," I said and returned my gaze to the screen.
"I really wish he will find someone to make him happy and love him unconditionally. He's obviously still hurting. I worry about how he sleeps around, whatever makes him feel better I guess."
"Sleep around?"
"We should probably not discuss that," she said, and I nodded.
I lost my appetite after hearing her last sentence. I stared absentmindedly at the tv screen, ignoring the tight feeling in my chest. I hated this feeling, it was hard to explain but it felt like anger. I knew I had no reason to feel that way and Adrian's lifestyle was none of my concern.
I stood up with my takeout bag to go and throw in the trash.
"Sorry, I know how much you hate hearing about Adrian but he is my friend and I'm concerned about him, I will shut up now." Chloe said as I picked up some crumbs in front of her.
"Whatever, you lost me at 'wish' anyway," I said and she laughed, telling me I was too mean.
It was a warm day. My favorite season of the year was here. Spring had set in with its refreshing and colorful ambiance. It was a season of rebirth, hope, and gentle beauty that felt magical. It swallowed the chilly winter and dry season, giving rise to fresh plants and rich bloom to flowers. I smiled at the warmth from the sun that caressed my face as I drove to school. The intense blue sky with its scattered clouds that spread like a puff of huge cotton balls made the scenery admirable.
I hated Mondays but today just felt special. I was in a good mood and sang along to Shawn Mendes's album as I drummed my fingers on the wheels. I turned down the volume as I pulled into my Campus, I found a good parking spot and touched my makeup a bit before stepping out of the car.
I adjusted the white floral dress I was wearing; it went with a black high-top Converse. I had my floral scrunchie around my right wrist and had straightened my curls today. I made my way to the South Wing for my first class. The faint sound of laughter, quick footsteps, voices from different corners, crowds in beautiful attire, and the cheerful color of the college banners felt like a welcome back.
"Earth to Vina!" someone yelled and hugged me from behind before I could raise my hand to open the door. I looked back at Zyon whose long hair was now neatly braided, he gave me a warm smile and pulled away.
"Give me a warning next time before you do that," I said with a frown.
"I can't believe I missed you," he said with an incredulous stare.
"Hey, Vee," Grey said, stopping in front of me with his girlfriend who gave me a soft smile.
"Hey," I said.
"I have to see my Advisor quickly before I get to class, I will see you guys later." Zyon said and walked away. Grey whispered something into his girlfriend's ear, she nodded and walked away.
"What's up?" he asked me.
"Nothing interesting," I said, looking down the hallway at the new posters.
"I heard Chloe is back, how is she?"
"Good, she's much better now."
"I'm glad to hear that, can I come over tonight?"
"I don't know, Grey but I will let you know if it's okay to come and visit."
"Thanks, Vee!" He said with a big smile and walked away.
I walked to my first class. I sat in the middle and watched as our Professor rummaged through her handbag. She flashed everyone a smile and continued her search, I could already tell she wasn't the organized type. It took her ten minutes before she started class.
She welcomed the whole class and introduced herself. She gave that 'it's an easy A class' speech and went about the classes she had taught. I brought out my planner and prepared a schedule for this week.
She dismissed us after we went through the course syllabus. My Nutrition class was interesting, Professor Graham was funny but he made it clear he took attendance seriously and was a tough grader. I knew that already from the reviews I saw on Rate My Professor. That website was a lifesaver.
I went to the Library for my first tutoring session after my last class for the day. I took a seat on the second floor of the library and waited for Melinda, the girl I was to tutor. I waited for twenty minutes and no one showed up. I received a text a minute later from Melinda, telling me she couldn't make it.
"Are you fucking kidding me!" I exclaimed, earning a few glares from the people around me. I flashed them a smile and looked back at the text. If it wasn't for the money, I would have canceled the whole tutoring session for the semester.
I sighed and packed my stuff to leave, I still had an hour before my shift at the café.
Since it was the first day of school, not many people showed up at the café. I got bored of standing behind the counter and staring at people walking past the café like it was invisible. The slow music playing in the background wasn't helping my situation either, I will probably take a nap in my car before driving home.
I missed having Becca around, her rambling and nonstop whining was a bit entertaining sometimes I must admit. She was back in the good graces of her parents and was having the time of her life again. She quit immediately her dad called her and apologized for cutting her off.
"How is your day going so far?" Karim asked, taking the space next to me. He was the new replacement for Becca and I was still trying to warm up to him. I only liked his accent so far.
He was lanky and tall, with dark curly hair and his round glasses he never took off.
"Boring, " I groaned.
The door burst open as Karim opened his mouth to say something. Janiya gave me a big smile as she walked toward us. She looked like she lost some weight, her shoulder-length wig fitted her small face. I hugged her over the counter as we exchanged pleasantries.
"I will have an iced vanilla latte, please." She said to Karim.
"Have you heard from Becca?" I asked.
"Yeah, she is spending a few days in Paris before returning to school. I wish we could swap lives."
"Careful what you wish for, " I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Is Chloe back?" She asked.
"Yeah, " I smiled.
"I knew it, I saw her on Christmas Eve at a hotel. She was with an old lady and a cute baby."
"Christmas Eve?" I inquired and she nodded not really paying attention to me as she scrolled through her phone.
Chloe returned on New Year's Day, how was that possible? "Are you sure?"
"Not really, I was a bit tipsy that night but it kinda looked like her."
"Was her hair short?" I asked leaning closer.
She looked away from her phone and looked up at the ceiling like it had the answer to my question.
"Hmm, I can't remember. I told you I was a bit wasted, " she said and returned to her phone.
I tried not to let my mind wander or create different theories of what I just heard. Janiya left after taking her coffee.
I observed Chloe when I got home. What was she hiding? Was she somehow still communicating with Tristan? Maybe I was taking Janiya's words seriously, besides she said she was drunk that night.
The days went by slowly and soon homework and tests were piling up.
Friday, I only had one class. Our Professor had to end the class early because a family emergency came up. I only thought of my bed as I drove home. I planned to sleep until tomorrow before leaving to spend the weekend with my family. I was reconsidering going this weekend.
I yawned as I parked my car in front of the tall apartment building. I grabbed my tote bag and stepped out, I frowned at the harsh sun and locked my car.
"Hey Vixen, " I heard Adrian's voice behind me.
I froze and cursed mentally. I shut my eyes and wished I could disappear or go invisible. Why today? I put on my bitch face and turned around.
"Get lost, " I sighed and tried to walk away but he got in the way.
He looked so good in his black suit, the white crisp button-up shirt was tucked into his tailored black pants, two buttons undone and his black tie loosened. His suit jacket was probably in his car because he wasn't wearing it. I restrained myself from staring too long at the way his shirt hugged his solid arms and broad chest. His sunglasses was pushed up to his head, clipping some dark hair back. He had a new haircut, and even if I wanted to enjoy his long hair for a while, he looked dashing with the new haircut and the stubble. He looked like someone off the front cover of Forbes magazine. His beauty was unreal.
"Why are you avoiding me, Vixen?" He asked.
"Avoiding you?" I snickered. "Why would I avoid you? We don't even talk."
"I don't know, Vixen, " he shrugged with a playful smile that told me he was referring to the messages.
"I'm exhausted, get out of my way, " I frowned.
"Are you free this weekend?"
"It's none of your business, " I said and sighed.
"Come to New York with me, " he said casually like asking people to go on a trip with him was a daily activity.
"What?" I laughed.
"I want you to come to New York with me this weekend."
"Why would I wanna follow you to New York? Why do you even want me to come with you?"
He bit on his bottom lip as if thinking of what to say. "I want us to work things out, I don't like holding grudges."
"You're obviously crazy, " I said and tried to take the other way.
"It's gonna be fun, it's only for two days." He insisted.
Was it because of the messages?
"No, find someone else."
"I promise it's just to win your friendship and show you I'm not an asshole."
"I don't care and I don't wanna be friends."
"Can you at least give it a chance?"
"You really think a trip to New York would make us friends?"
"Wanna bet on it?" He smirked.
"I have a lot to do this weekend."
"I figured, but you will have enough time to do your schoolwork. I'll be attending business meetings during the day and then you'll be all mine for the rest of the night."
I tried not to read too much into his last sentence. He said it was a friendly trip, just a nice friendly trip. It was a tempting offer, a weekend in New York City? Sign me up. Was I really considering going to New York with Adrian Parker to see if we could be friends and give him a chance to prove to me he was a good person?
"What about Chloe?"
"She told me she just found a job and might start tomorrow."
We should be celebrating and why did she tell him before me?
"Can I at least sleep over it?"
"I have a business meeting tomorrow morning, so we have to leave in an hour." He said taking a glance at his wristwatch.
I felt like I was about to make a stupid decision but as I stood there under the blistering sun and feeling Adrian watching me and waiting anxiously for a reply, I thought of what could possibly go wrong on the trip. I loved adventures and this would be an adventure. I looked at Adrian, he tried to appear calm but he kept glancing at his wristwatch, probably feeling like an idiot coming here and risking missing his flight.
"Fine, don't make me regret this," I sighed and he gave me a grin. "I will go up and grab some stuff. " I informed him.
"I don't think we have enough time for that, we'll grab everything you need when we get to New York. "Shall we?" He gestured to his car, I nodded and followed him.
I was having second thoughts as we drove to the airport. I texted my mom, telling her I was occupied with so much work this weekend and couldn't come over. I think I was still trying to process what was happening and couldn't say a word during the whole drive. Even if I felt like I just made a crazy decision and was questioning everything about this trip, I didn't feel scared or question Adrian's intentions. I think if Adrian grabbed my hand right now and told me to jump off a cliff with him, I would do it without questioning him. I wasn't scared about the trip, I was scared about the hold he had on me without even knowing.
Adrian drove through the back of the airport to where a private jet was waiting. An air hostess welcomed us with a big smile.
My two-piece sweatpants set made me feel odd inside the exquisite plane that had a gold coating and lustrous wood lining on almost every surface. I took a seat on the plush cream leather seat and almost moaned at the comfort it brought my body. I must be very tired.
Adrian spoke sweetly to the air hostess and even went to the front cabin to speak to the pilots. I texted Chloe before switching off my phone. Adrian came to sit next to me, I stared outside the window still silent.
I looked at the entrance when a lady in a nice rose gold suit arrived, her pale white skin and ginger hair reminded me of a Disney princess I couldn't place a name on the animation.
"Hey, Elise, " Adrian said.
"I'm so sorry, I lost track of time, " she apologized.
"It's fine." Adrian laughed.
She smiled and took a seat across from us, I took a glance at Adrian and found him staring at me.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?" He asked me.
"Water, " I said.
"Anna, " he called the air hostess. "She would like a bottle of water, please," he told her, she nodded and walked away.
"You are unusually quiet." He observed.
"I'm just tired." I sighed.
"You can get some sleep before we arrive," he whispered. I held his gaze, it'd been so long since I was this close to him. I missed his scent, his enchanting smile that showed off his dimples, and how his eyes always focused on me like I was his only view.
"I promise it'll be fun," he assured me, leaning closer.
I needed to shift the tension in the space around us, so I asked, "Do your fingers ever get tired?" I asked pointing at his large rings. He laughed and brought them closer for me to have a look.
I held his large hand, the callus texture of his fingers brushing against my soft palm as I stared at the different brands of rings. I removed one and slipped my finger through it.
"Looks cute on you, " Adrian said and I scoffed.
I removed the rest and put them on, they looked loosed and were about to fall off.
"I don't think I will be able to hold my pen if I wear these for one more minute," I said and took them off.
I put them back in his long fingers, taking longer than usual because I didn't feel like letting go. Anna returned with a bottle of water as the plane took off from the ground. I let go of his hand and thanked the hostess, my eyes caught Elise staring at us with curiosity written all over her face. I looked outside the window, ignoring everything around me.
It was a scary feeling during takeoff, but I didn't show it. I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes. I was drifting slowly to sleep when I felt someone cover me with a blanket.
"She looks like an angel asleep, but she is a spitfire when she is awake, " I heard Adrian say and I heard two people giggling.
I ignored them and drowned myself in the pool of darkness.
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