Listen to issues by Julia Micheals.
I tried to forget all the moments I spent with Adrian as I moved on with my life. I found myself waiting for a text or phone call from him every moment. I was expecting him to show up at my door with an excuse but he never did. I grew restless every night, whenever I closed my eyes I hear his voice, whispering those filthy words. I got frustrated and mad at him for imprinting those images in my head. It was tough but I found out the easy way was to find a reason to hate him and I thought of the pain Chloe went through because of him. Hating him suppresses the unwanted feelings and kept my mind busy. I unfollowed him on social media but he never unfollowed me. I wanted to erase every memory of him and forget about every encounter we had. It worked for a while but I missed our moments together, the amused smile he always wore when I say something mean to him, and how he was so quick to come to my rescue. It scared me that I might never find someone like Adrian Parker again. But I convinced myself I didn't want him and I needed to let go and move on.
I had taken an extra job at the library and also tutored a few people in Spanish to make more money. I needed to start saving up for my summer vacation next year. Becca always invited Janiya and me to her apartment to hang out, she was starting to grow on me.
The days slowly turned to weeks and weeks to months and before I knew it, I was counting down to Chloe's return from Cuba. I couldn't wait to see her, she'd been avoiding Facetime and refused to tell me the day she was coming back. I was hoping to celebrate Christmas with her, but she was still in Cuba. I spent New Year with my family and a few family friends that came over.
There was a gift bag waiting for me outside when I got home from the New Year party. I looked around before picking it up. I unwrapped it once I got into my apartment. It was a golden necklace with a matching bracelet in a small velvet box. It was beautiful but also expensive considering the brand. I opened the other box and it was a small Dior handbag. I was shocked, wondering who would send me such expensive gifts. I picked up the last box inside and it was a pack of different flavors of chocolate. I smiled so hard I could feel my cheeks hurting. I looked for a note to check the sender but only found a happy new year card. I put the gifts aside and went for a shower. I slipped on a big t-shirt and wrapped my damped hair in a towel.
There was a knock on the door as soon as I relaxed on the couch to find something to watch as I ate the mint chocolate. I checked the time first, maybe it was whoever left those gifts at my door. What if they realized it was the wrong address?
I walked hesitantly to the door and opened it, my eyes widened, and I screamed.
"Surprise!" Chloe exclaimed with a big smile.
I stared at the person in front of me, she looked different. It would have been hard to recognize her if I wasn't used to the deep blue shade of her eyes. She looked better, stronger and I could feel the energy radiating from the wide smile on her face. She looked like she added some weight and her skin looked flawless. The golden tan looked good on her. I gasped in surprise when I noticed she cut her hair, her dark brown hair now stopped at her shoulders. It was going to take me a while to get used to the new look.
"Aren't you going to let me in or at least give me a hug? A warm welcome will be nice," Chloe said with a scowl. She opened her arms and waited for me to hug her.
"Can I have this coat?" I asked with a pout staring at the white coat she wore over her denim jeans, a burgundy top, and a pair of black knee-length boots.
"Seriously, Vee? If you leave me hanging for two more seconds, I will take the next flight back to Cuba. I'm missing the..." I jumped on her and wrapped my arms around her, cutting off her sentence.
"Jeez, what have you been eating?" Chloe asked stumbling back as she tried to get used to my weight.
"Stress," I said inhaling her flowery scent.
"Welcome back, mejor amiga," I whispered increasing my grip on her.
"Did you get a boob job, Chloe Simpson?" I asked loud enough for the person walking down the apartment hallway to hear. The old lady shook her head at us and I stuck out my tongue at her.
I looked down at Chloe's chest, her boobs looked two times bigger than the last time I saw her or was it late puberty?
"Just tell me the truth, I won't judge," I said smiling at her. She forced me down from her body, I almost fell on my butt. She laughed at my question and said nothing. She grabbed her suitcase and dragged it into the apartment.
"Well, that wasn't the welcome I was expecting," she mumbled.
"Sorry, I'm still in shock," I said following her inside.
"Is a padded bra, right?" I inquired still curious about the sudden increase of her boobs. The Chloe that left for Cuba was still wearing an AA bra size.
"I'm starving, what do you have in the fridge?" she asked avoiding my question. I decided not to ask again, maybe later.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked as I watched her rummage through the fridge like a thief.
"I wanted to surprise you but it turned out awful," she said picking out a bottle of apple juice.
"Why do you have an empty fridge? I thought your mom always cooks tasty food on New Year?" She asked leaning on the counter.
"I would have made you something or packed some of the food my mom prepared for the New Year party if you had told me you were coming, so don't blame me," I said in my defense.
I didn't even have the chance to pack some extra food for myself because my Tias didn't waste any second to package them to take home.
"Wow, you didn't change a thing," Chloe said looking around the room. "Adrian should be on his way here, I told him I was back. Could you please open the door for him when he gets here? I need to use the bathroom." Chloe said and gave me a smile.
"Seriously, you couldn't wait till tomorrow?" I frowned. She blew me a kiss and dragged her suitcase to her room.
There was a knock on the door immediately after she left.
My heart skipped, I felt my pulse increasing and my feet forgot what they were meant for. It's been almost a year since I saw him and judging from our last encounter, I wasn't sure how I felt about seeing him again.
"Be nice, Vee!" Chloe screamed from her room. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door. Something clicked in my head when I was about to open the door. I pulled my hand away and ran to the guest restroom in the living room to check my face. I removed the towel I wrapped around my head and brush my fingers through my wet curls.
"What are you doing?" I asked myself in the mirror. "estúpida," I facepalmed myself and walked to the door after he knocked again.
I kept a flat expression on my face as I opened the door. Adrian's contagious smile caught my eyes first. Damn! His hair looked longer and so good on him. It felt like a century since I last saw him, I couldn't deny how much I missed our time together.
"Hey," he said with both hands tucked in the pockets of his jacket.
"Hey," I said plainly.
"Happy New Year," he said, and I nodded.
"Are you letting me in or..." he asked, and I mentally slapped myself for staring too much and forgetting myself.
I moved aside for him to step inside the apartment. I locked the door and faced him.
"Has she arrived?" he asked, and I nodded.
He took a glance at the box of chocolate before sitting down and keeping himself busy with his phone while I stood close to the dining not sure of what to say to him. I waited for him to say something or ask me anything, but he ignored my presence in the room, his whole focus on his phone. We stayed in silence for a while before Chloe showed up.
"Adrian!" she exclaimed. Adrian stood up with a big smile, putting his phone away.
"Oh my God, I love the hair," he said as he approached her and pulled her into a big hug that swallowed her small frame like he was hugging a baby.
I wanna be hugged like that.
"I forgot how tall you were," Chloe laughed when she pulled away from the hug. "Wow, your hair looks longer," Chloe said jumping on her tiptoes to touch the tips of his dark hair.
"Yeah, I started growing it out a few months ago but I will cut it off soon, " he said.
No!!! I wanted to scream.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming, I would've picked you from the Airport?"
"I wanted to surprise everyone but I got the worse welcome," Chloe said and Adrian took a glance at me. He looked away in a millisecond before I could meet his eyes.
"Have you eaten?" he asked her.
"No, I'm so hungry," she grunted.
"Didn't you eat anything on the plane?" I asked.
"How considerate of you, Vee," she said and glared at me.
"I know a nice restaurant where they serve good food and give the best New Year experience," Adrian said.
"Great, let's go," Chloe said.
"Aren't you coming?" Chloe asked me when I didn't make a move to leave with them.
"No, I already ate enough at my family's New Year party."
"It's New Year and I haven't seen you in a long time. Let's just go, you don't have to eat anything," Chloe said.
I took a glance at Adrian, he was smiling at something on his phone. Why was I waiting for him to persuade me like he always did?
"Okay, let me change into something decent," I said and walked to my room. I picked out a red plaid mini skirt, black hose to wear underneath, a white long-sleeved top, and a beige coat to wear with it. I applied some oil to my hair and put it up in a sleek bun, I slipped on my knee-length boots after dressing up.
"I'm ready, " I announced when I entered the living room. Chloe smiled at my outfit and came to hook her arms with mine.
"Let's go then," Adrian said not sparing me a look.
Why do you care?
We stepped out of the apartment and Chloe said to Adrian, "You can take the elevator, Vina and I need to exercise a little and catch up, so we're taking the stairs. We'll meet you downstairs."
He nodded and walked to the elevator. Chloe and I took the stairs, I tried to tell her she didn't have to take the stairs with me but she told me to shut up. I knew Adrian had probably figured out my phobia of elevators but he never asked more questions. Chloe kept talking about how everywhere looked strange and dead and how she was already missing Cuba. We met Adrian downstairs; he held the door open for us. We got into Adrian's custom-made Range Over. I took the backseat while Chloe sat at the front with him.
The ride to the restaurant made me regret leaving the apartment, I felt like a third wheel as I listened to Chloe and Adrian talk and laugh about Cuba. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone, I went on Instagram and viewed stories, Janiya was in Miami having the time of her life. Becca was on her family estate basking in the sun at her large pool and by the end of her story she was on a cruise ship sipping margaritas with her boyfriend.
I met Adrian's eyes in the rearview mirror but he looked away quickly.
We arrived at the same restaurant he took me to that day we dropped Chloe off at the airport. Chloe held onto my arms as we followed Adrian behind, he opened the door for us and waited for us to walk inside.
"I made a reservation for a table upstairs," Adrian said to the hostess at the entrance dressed in a nice suit. She smiled at us and led the way, our coats were collected before we entered the large room upstairs. There was a talented pianist and an amazing violinist playing on the small stage at the front. I had no idea there had another room upstairs. It was enclosed in thick glass walls and large drapes. It looked like something out of an opera. We took a seat at the reserved table and waited for someone to come and take our order.
I looked around at the restaurant, the view from up here was breathtaking. I could see the Christmas decorations lighting up the city through the glass wall. It was a view that stirred the soul. I looked away from the view when a waiter arrived and to take our orders.
I was still feeling bloated from eating so much from my family's new year party, so I only ordered their eggnog. I sipped on a glass of raspberry lemonade as Chloe talked about her time in Cuba. Chloe's phone began to ring as she was talking about her cultural shock. The look on her face was hard to tell as she stared at her phone screen as if she was hesitating to answer the call.
"I will be right back," she said to us with a smile and stood up. I watched her as she walked away, feeling tempted to follow her.
I moved my gaze to the pianist and listened to the soft melody he created with his fingers. I took a glance at Adrian and found him smiling at his phone. Should I say something? He would have started a conversation with me by now but he was acting like nothing ever happened between us––like I was invisible.
Isn't this what you wanted?
I looked away and stared at the skyline again. The large chandeliers above each table caught my eye, I was bored so I just admired the crystals and gold chains on the chandelier. My eggnog arrived before Adrian and Chloe's meal. I felt Adrian's eyes on me as I took a sip, I looked up and raised my eyebrows in question. He smiled and looked away.
If he wanted to say something, just spit it out.
Chloe returned with an unusual look on her face. She took a look at my eggnog and asked me if she could taste it.
"Everything okay?" I asked her as she took a gulp from the drink.
"Uh-hmm," she hummed with a smile.
Chloe kept glancing at her phone once in a while as she ate her food. A few minutes later, her phone vibrated indicating a text.
"Sorry guys, I have to go. Thanks for the food, it was great," Chloe said standing up in a rush.
"Where are you going? You just got back," I said.
"There is something I forgot to do, I will meet you back at the apartment. Don't stay up waiting," she said and gave me a quick hug, she moved away before I could raise my arms to hug her back.
"Bye Adrian, please make sure she gets home safe." I scoffed at her request; did I look like a toddler?
"Sure," Adrian smiled at her.
I finished my remaining eggnog after she left, and I flushed it down with a glass of water.
"Ready to go?" Adrian asked immediately I put down the empty glass cup.
"I can find my way back home," I said picking up my phone to leave.
"Okay," I heard him say.
Okay? He is really not gonna try and change my mind?
I stood up with a strained smile and left the room. I collected my coat on my way out and slipped it on before stepping out to the chilly night.
"I already called you an Uber," I heard behind me. I looked back at Adrian.
"I was about to call one myself, you didn't have to."
"That should be your ride, goodnight Belvina." He said, glancing at his phone screen and looking up at the white car parked on the curb.
Adrian leaned down a little bit to look at the driver then told me, he was the one and I could get in. I watched him as he walked back to his car parked on the street. Why didn't he offer me a ride in his car? I looked away and entered the car feeling angry for no logical reason.
"Hi, Happy New Year," the driver said enthusiastically, and I hummed in response. I leaned back on the seat as the car moved.
Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back.
I couldn't resist it anymore, I sat up and looked back but Adrian was already gone. This was why I never got too attached to people, they leave you wanting more.
"Would you like some music?" The driver asked.
"Just take me home," I sighed.
"Bad night?" he asked.
"Trying to make a conversation with me will not get you five stars," I said and he chuckled lightheartedly.
"You know I just dropped a grumpy old lady and I succeeded in making her laugh before she got out of the car."
" Good luck with that," I said and he laughed.
I picked up my phone and went through my school email. The Cab guy kept talking but I wasn't paying attention to him. I sighed in relief immediately the car stopped in front of my apartment building.
I tried Chloe's line as I took the stairs to our apartment but she sent me to voicemail. I hope everything was okay. I changed back into my T-shirt when I entered the apartment. I grabbed a blanket and made myself comfortable on the couch to watch the black mirror series, but my mind drifted back and forth about what happened this evening.
This was what you wanted, so why are you mad?
"I'm not mad! And of course, it was what I wanted. It was the right thing to do," I responded out loud to my subconscious.
"I don't care, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm just angry my aunts stole all the pico de gallo and tortillas before I had the chance," I said and focused on the show, trying to ignore the foreign feeling in my chest.
My phone vibrated next to me, I looked down at it and read the message that popped on my screen.
"Thanks for making my New Year," I read out loud and checked the sender, it was from Adrian.
"Huh?" After reading the message again, I mumbled, trying to make sense of it, and then it hit me. The message was sent from Instagram, which meant he saw those cringy messages I sent when I was a Lovestruck fan.
"OH MY GOD," I gasped standing on my feet with my eyes glued to my phone. Was it possible he saw the messages? Maybe he didn't...no way...nooo.
I grabbed my phone and opened the Instagram app, I went straight to the messages. I pulled at my hair when I saw all the messages I sent to him were in seen.
"Estoy muerta," I mumbled tossing my phone away like it burned my hand. I pulled at my hair as I paced around the living room.
"No, no, no!!!" I screamed, falling to the floor.
"Nooo!!!" I kicked my feet in the air.
"This can't be happening, I can't be starting the New Year like this."
At this point, I would just dig my own grave and bury myself. Adrian Parker saw those messages, why was I too dumb to delete them? Because I never thought in a million years, he would even follow me back on Instagram.
I remembered how he kept smiling at his phone tonight and how he kept glancing at me once in a while. The thought of him reading it right in front of me made me scream into the pillow and punch it.
"Nooo," I cried.
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