Listen to Intimate Moments by Isaac Dunbar
I groaned into my pillow when the harsh buzzing of my alarm clock woke me up. I searched for the annoying device with my eyes still closed, my hand fumbling against random items on my bedside table. I hit the button a little harshly when I found it and sighed in relief. I wrestled with my heavy eyelids as I tried to open my eyes. When My lids refused to stay open, I gave up and decided to have twenty minutes of extra sleep. Right before I drifted off again my phone alarm went off.
I grumbled as I kicked my duvet off of my body. I remained in bed while I sluggishly brushed the hair that was covering my face back. I didn't trust myself to wake up in the morning, so I always set two alarms, one on my alarm clock and the other on my phone. I stared at the wall with hazy eyes, contemplating getting out of bed. My body refused to cooperate and move. I felt so tired like I didn't just wake up from a six-hour sleep.
I forced myself out of bed after saying a prayer. I changed into activewear and rolled out the yoga mat. After doing a few stretches and meditating, my muscles felt relaxed and the sleep in my system was gone. I entered the kitchen to make a smoothie. I raised my eyebrows in bewilderment when I saw a white box and a cup of coffee on the countertop in the kitchen.
I opened the box and was welcomed with doughnuts with different flavors glazed on each one. My stomach grumbled at the sight, I felt famished all of a sudden. I picked the card at the top of the cup of coffee.
"Thanks for last night, I hope you like doughnuts."
I read out loud, looking back at the couch where I had left Adrian last night. I forgot he was here, for a moment I thought it was a dream.
"Yes, I like doughnuts," I mumbled and picked the one with the chocolate dressing.
I threw the note into the trash can and opened the fridge to find something else to eat. I stared at the food, but I quickly discovered that I had no appetite for any of the food in my fridge. Thank God I was spending the weekend with my family.
I grabbed the coffee and took a sip, smiling at the taste. I transferred the coffee into a mug and put it in the microwave to heat it for a minute.
"Nice." I mentally applauded Adrian, nodding my head to the flavor.
I would usually go for an iced matcha coffee with almond milk but this one was still mouth-watering. I leaned on the countertop and scrolled through my phone with one hand while I used the other to eat the doughnut.
I frowned at the three missed calls from my mom and one from my Dad. She was probably wondering why I was taking forever to come. I smiled as I tapped on Chloe's name to give her a call but her line wouldn't go through. My eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
My mom glared at me when I came through the door. I gave her a wide smile and wrapped my arms around her, telling her I had to deal with schoolwork before coming. She mumbled something in Spanish and hit me playfully on the arm while I laughed and ran to my Dad.
I hugged him from behind. He embraced me back and dragged me down with his big arms calling me Mi hormiga soldado, which means my soldier ant.
I frowned when he told me I looked more skinny than the last time he saw me. My mom was quick to support him and went on to tell my Dad I was too lazy to cook.
I ignored their bickering and went to hug my little brother. "Where is Xiomara?" I asked looking around for my little sister.
"Pool," he pointed at the backyard.
I showered his face with kisses and he tried to push me away screaming Ewww, cooties. I sat next to him on the marble floor and poked him on the rib to annoy him more. He tried to push my hands away but failed.
Even if we were fourteen years apart, I still played with him like a baby. I have watched him struggle in making friends, the only friend he ever made moved to another state and since then he'd been a loner. I didn't want him to go through what I went through when I first got here. He looked bigger than his age and a few kids in his class called him Bigfoot. Xiomara has no issues making friends, she could win anyone's friendship with a smile and her soft voice but she was my twin when it came to defending herself. She became popular in her school for fighting a cheerleader who was a senior. Xiomara told me she tackled her to the ground after she kept making fun of her open teeth which she was insecure about.
"Let's play Roblox when I come back."
"Winner gets tacos!" Pedro said with a determined look.
"It's on, hermanito," I smirked and left to find my sister.
She was on Facetime with someone as I approached her, she was yet to notice me as she lay on a towel basking in the sun as if she wasn't tan enough already.
"Is that my bikini?" I asked as I got closer, she jumped at the sound of my voice ending the call quickly. I hope she wasn't face-timing a guy. The look on her face told me I caught her in something.
"What are you doing here?" she asked sitting up.
"It's Saturday, who was that on the phone?"
"A friend." She was looking so guilty right now.
"Who is he? Please tell me it's not Zyon?" I sighed.
She glared at me and stood up, wrapping the towel around her. She walked past me not saying anything. I didn't want to fight with her today but she was making it hard.
We had a family game night after dinner. Afterward, I spent the night in my old room, I was surprised my mom didn't touch a thing. It was exactly how I left it but I noticed a few stuff were missing, probably because of Xiomara.
I tried Chloe again after taking a shower but her line still won't go through. My concern morphed to worry. She should have answered me by now. I couldn't sleep, so I went to my sister's room and caught up on what had been going on in her life. We watched a movie and eventually fell asleep.
Sunday we had a barbecue in the backyard with some family friends. It was hot outside and the noise from all the talking was not helping. My skin tanned even further into its beautiful golden-brown state. My Tia kept yelling in Spanish at her six kids that kept running around causing havoc. My family was full of people who could make a career as chefs.
I was exhausted by the time I got to my apartment in the evening. I went straight to bed, not even bothering to change into my pajamas. I groaned out loud when I realized I had homework to submit due at nine in the morning.
After very little debate with myself, I convinced myself to wake up at 5 am to do it. I was a last-minute person and it always worked for me.
I dialed Chloe's number and got no response once again. Cuba must be one hell of a place. I sighed and went to sleep.
For some unknown reason, I woke up before 9 am. The first thing I did was to text Chloe since her line wasn't going through. I woke up feeling oddly motivated, I prepared my pre-workout drink and changed into a pair of matching activewear, and left for the gym.
I was sweating profusely when I returned to the apartment. I took my time in the shower, singing like I was performing at the Grammy Awards. I listened to my playlist as I rummaged through my closet for a nice outfit. I already knew it was going to be hot today, so I picked a floral two-piece set and pack my curls into a ponytail.
I stopped by Starbucks on my way to school to order an iced espresso coffee. I really needed the caffeine in my system right now.
I was twenty minutes early for class. I deserved the 'Student of the Year' award. I waited at the student lodge and checked my Snapchat notification. There wasn't much to see, I went on Instagram and was welcomed by twelve new followers.
"Wait a minute," I mumbled when I saw a verified account on one of my new followers.
"Adrian Parker?" I murmured and laughed.
Why would he follow me? He even liked my recent post and added a comment.
No photo credit? He added a broken heart emoji at the end. I was tempted to reply but stopped myself. Should I follow back?
I clicked on his profile icon which was his baby picture...I think. The smile and dimples gave it away. The last time I visited his account was last year, he had 7.2 million followers now. Must be all the girls he's been hooking up with.
No new post from him, he'd delete many of his posts after he quit swimming; all the posts connected to his swimming career were gone. Now he had only twenty posts, pictures of him shirtless while sprawled out in the sun on the sun lounge, pictures of him at a charity event wearing a nice suit and an enchanting smile, pictures of him at fancy restaurants and on a yacht. I noticed he doesn't post any pictures of himself with girls or his friends. It was just him, all by himself. Does Tristan even have an Instagram account? I doubt that. Chloe deleted her Instagram account after the whole incident.
I found myself going through Adrian's posts, scanning through every picture, and observing closely. There was just something about him, I believed behind that smile he wore like a crown, there was someone underneath screaming for help. I should have been a psychologist.
"Shit!" I exclaimed when my eyes caught the time.
I stood up and walked quickly down the large halls. The class was already full of my peers when I entered. I decided to sit at the back even though Janiya probably saved my seat right beside her. I had one more class today then my shift at the café.
I ran into Grey at the atrium. I stared at a petite girl with long brown hair that reached her butt next to Grey. My eyes widened as she kissed him, Grey wrapped his arm around her waist, returning the kiss.
"Vee, this is Gabby." Grey introduced.
"It's actually Gabriella but everyone calls me Gabby," her quiet voice informed me, and she giggled. She was cute, but was it just me, or did she look a bit like Chloe?
"Nice to meet you, Gabby," I said with my nicest smile.
"I will see you later, I need to find Janiya before she leaves," I said to Grey before walking away.
I was glad to see him moving on, I could not picture him and Chloe getting together after everything that happened.
I went to see my counselor for some advice on the courses to take next semester. It took longer than I expected, so I didn't have any time to relax before my shift began at work. Becca was already in the café, the first time she has shown up early. She looked away from her phone and in my direction.
"Hey, Becca." I smiled and walked to the changing room.
I changed into black pants and the café custom red t-shirt. I packed my hair back and wore the red baseball cap with the café logo engraved at the front. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself a thumbs-up with a smile plastered on my face.
I left the room and joined Becca behind the counter. I admired her expensive, large diamond hoop earrings.
"Mr. Seth said some bagels will be arriving in a minute. Can you be a sweetheart and get them?" Becca said with a wide smile as if she were begging me. I knew our manager told her to do it but she was just too lazy to take a step.
"You don't look crippled to me," I said smiling back.
"Please," she groaned.
"No, besides the delivery guy is cute," I said and winked at her.
"I have a boyfriend, Belv." I hate it when she calls me, Belv. What happened to Vina, Vee, or Belvina?
"Fine, I will pay you." She said with an eye roll.
I smirked, stepping closer. I was still wondering why she took this job, she made it clear every day that she hated working here. She was loaded anyway, she wore expensive jewelry, designer bags, and clothes every day.
"$50?" I said and she agreed not willing to make any type of bargain.
There were only five boxes of bagels for me to collect. The cute delivery guy tried to ask for my number, to which I said no, but he was persistent. When I was about to give in, I had a splendid idea and gave him my Abuela's number. My Abuela would be so grateful, she's been looking for a boyfriend.
I carried the boxes inside and arranged the bagels on the display rack just as a customer approached the counter.
"Hi, what can I get you today?" Becca asked in a sweet voice that didn't match the fake smile on her face.
"Hi, I will have caramel Frappuccino," The customer replied, already taking out her ATM card to pay. The lady looked like a professor from the University.
"I wish I could control time," Becca sighed after the lady left. "This is torture," she grumbled.
"Just quit," I said but she shot me a glare.
"My parents cut me off, why else would I get a job?" she said staring at her long nails embellished with crystals and shiny stones.
"Ohh," I mumbled. Why was I happy to hear that?
"Do they even love me? How am I supposed to live like a normal person? I am still a child."
"You're 22."
"I don't expect you to understand anyway," she hissed, flipping her silky hair over her shoulder as two guys walked in.
"Be cool," Becca whispered to me as they walked toward us. They both looked like athletes, the blonde guy gave me a lopsided grin as he stopped in front of me while the light skin guy who braided his hair focused on Becca.
I finally received a text from Chloe when I was on my way home, she promised to call me before I go to bed. I worked on three paragraphs for my essay before cuddling under the blanket to watch Grey's Anatomy. I waited for Chloe's call after watching five episodes. I stared at the phone, wishing she would call sooner. It was almost 10 pm and I was already yawning. I think I even dozed off and woke up to my ringtone. I packed my hair into a bun and answered the video call.
"Oh my God, were you sleeping?" Chloe asked, looking apologetic.
"Not really," I said smiling.
"Sorry, I forgot how adorable you look when you wake up," she said and chuckled.
"It's only been three days and you're already forgetting things about me?" I pouted.
"I just complimented you, idiot."
"What is the time over there?"
"Almost 6 am." There was a knock in the background.
"That should be room service with my food," she announced, jumping out of her bed.
My eyebrows knitted together, "Food? Isn't it too early?"
"Who cares? I'm just craving seafood this morning," she shrugged as she opened the hotel room door. I stared at her small feet since the camera was facing down.
"Craving seafood at 5 am?"
"Hola," I heard Chloe say and I tried to hold back my laughter. A deep voice said something about her food, the Cuban accent made me wish I could see his face.
"Chlo, I wanna see him," I said in a hushed tone, practically begging her. She raised the phone enough for me to see his face, he was far from what I imagined, in a good way. I watched as he pushed the food trolley into the room, those strong arms though.
"He is hot, like sexy model hot," I said to Chloe, not caring if he heard me. "You should totally hook up with him," I said and Chloe laughed.
"I didn't come here for that," she said in a hushed tone. "Gracias," she said to the guy as he walked to the door.
"Hola, ella piensa que eres caliente!" I yelled loud enough for the guy to hear.
"Gracias, tienes ojos bonitos," he said to Chloe with a smile and walked out of the door.
"Oh my God...he said your eyes are very pretty," I squealed.
"What did you say to him?"
"Figure that out yourself, but you should really hook up with him. I don't think you will be disappointed."
"No, thank you."
"Come on," I groaned.
"Ohh, Adrian is calling. I will add him to the call."
"No, please don't."
"Too late," she said tapping on her phone screen.
"Why can't you call him after we're done talking?" I whined.
"I promised to call him later today. He is probably calling because he wants to go to bed. Please be nice," she begged with a smile.
"Can I hang up and call back when you're..."
"Hey Chloe, " Adrian's voice shut me up.
"Vixen?" he smiled. I rolled my eyes at the name and said nothing.
"Vixen? Nice," Chloe laughed with a smug look plastered on her face.
"You look good, Chlo."
"Thanks," Chloe said laughing. I was relieved to see her happy and laughing again. She smiled at him and took a sip from the white mug in her hand, a look of disgust washed over her face. She dropped the cup back on the food trolley and ran to what I think was the bathroom.
"Chloe? Are you okay?" I asked sitting up on my bed. There was no reply but the sound of someone gagging and throwing up.
She returned a minute later smiling at us while we both stared at her with pure concern.
"Are you okay?" Adrian and I asked at the same time.
"Yes, I swallowed a bone," She laughed.
"You haven't even touched your food," I said with a frown.
"Well, you were too busy drooling over the waiter to notice," she said in a vengeful tone.
"Okay, I hope you got the bone out?" I said trying not to get upset over her outburst.
"I'm hanging up now. I will call you guys tomorrow, I promise," she said and ended the call before any of us could say anything.
I sighed and reached to hang up too.
"Wait," Adrian stopped me.
"My sleep is too precious to waste on you," I said and yawned.
"Why are you ignoring me?" he asked, resting his head on his left arm. My eyes caught the prominent veins on his arm and solid bicep. I just noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, I wish he'd move the camera lower for my dirty mind to explore. I noticed a tattoo but I must have imagined it because it was hardly noticeable.
"Was that a tattoo?" I asked squinting my eyes at my phone. My breath hooked when he adjusted on the bed, moving the phone lower to show me the small tattoo on his rib. My focus wasn't the tattoo anymore but his toned abs and v-lines. My eyes traced the v-lines to the inside of his pajama pants, I felt heat run through my body when I saw the bulge.
"Vixen?" Adrian's voice made me blink. He brought the camera to focus on his face. I ran my palm down my face to be sure I wasn't drooling.
"Where did you go?" he asked with a lop-sided grin.
"Excuse me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I asked for a photo credit and got no reply."
"Seriously? That is what this is about?"
"Would you like it to be something else?" he asked with a sly smile.
"I'm going to bed," I said, shaking my head at his question.
"Can you sing me that song before you hang up? It's stuck in my head."
"Please," he said with a pout.
"Stop, you look ridiculous," I laughed.
"Ridiculous or adorable? Too adorable you can't say no to?" He said blinking his eyes, I couldn't hold back the laughter. He looked like the Joker trying to be cute.
"Come on, Vixen," he adjusted on the bed and brushed his fingers through his hair.
"I will hum it for you," I gave in.
Adrian had a look of triumph on his face when I closed my eyes and began to hum the chorus. He said nothing the whole time, he just watched me.
"Goodnight, Adrian," I said and ended the call. I laughed again at the image of him pouting, that was comical.
My phone vibrated indicating a text, it was from an unknown number.
Goodnight, Vixen. It read.
Thanks a lot, Chloe, now the prick has my number.
I took a deep breath, squeezing my thighs to try and stop the wetness and heat from growing.
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