TEN: Assistance
"If you ask me if I need your help to go to the bathroom one more time, I'm calling the special victims unit..."
Even with most of his person covered, Aizawa looked grumpier than ever. Having been away from him for a few days, I seemed to have stored up a little too much of my annoying energy, and he was really copping it.
"I mean, that offer's still on the table, but I was actually gonna ask if you needed any help changing the bandages? I noticed you didn't stop by RG's office before we left." I pointed out, laying upon my stomach on the floor with both cats curled up either side of me.
He went to tell me to shut up again, I was sure of it, but he ended up pausing, figure deflating.
"Actually, yes, I probably do..." Of course he didn't sound thrilled about it, but at least he wasn't going to pick pride over his health.
"Alrighty then, I'll grab the supplies." Grunting, I climbed to my feet, Sashimi flopping over onto her side once my back wasn't there to support her.
"Just the top half. I'm not letting you go any lower after so much talk about my crotch..." The ravonet grumbled, giving me the stink eye as I returned with what we needed. The fact that he had so much medical supplies on hand was kind of sad, but being a hero I supposed he needed it. "You still have a bit of a limp."
Humming, I perched myself on the edge of the coffee table, just off to his side, pulling out fresh gauze pads.
"Yeah, that Norman or Nemo, or whatever thing turned me into a glowstick." I chuckled, my tongue poking out from between my lips as I tried to open the childproof cap of the disinfectant. After no response, I glanced back over to him through my amber lenses, finding him, likely, scowling. "What?"
Breaking eye contact, Aizawa slowly shook his head, disappointment apparent.
"You could have died, yet you're joking about it. You're so irresponsible..." He muttered, and normally I would have nipped back with something I found funny, but this time I couldn't. We both knew why it wasn't something to jest about.
"Sorry...I just use humour as a coping mechanism, because, as you're already well aware, I'm an idiot." My tone softened and lowered, and I got back to my feet, carefully taking the hem of his shirt in each hand. "Raise your arms a little."
As he did what he was told, Aizawa released another sigh, and I carefully pulled the casual shirt Yamada had helped him into before coming home up and over his head.
"I guess you're not a total idiot. You wouldn't have lived this long if you were." He mumbled, lowering his arms again as I folded the shirt. "Even so, I don't want you rushing in like that again. Before you say I did too, remember that I'm an experienced professional."
Leaning over him, I popped my lips repeatedly as I searched for the end of one of the bandages, humming to myself once I finally found it and began the unravelling process.
"Sorry, but if you, Hizashi, or any of those little crotch goblins are in danger, nothing's gonna stop me. It's not like I haven't had my ass beat before, anyway. Only difference was that it wasn't a giant beefcake of a bird with an exterior brain."
For a while, neither of us spoke after that. It wasn't until I had removed the bandages covering his torso that he piped up.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but I just don't want to lose you." I had to pause and really think about what he had said, leaning back with my arms full of old bandages and lifting a brow.
"Uh, how could I take that the wrong way? It's pretty simple. You care about me." As I continued to reverse his exterior mummification, Aizawa clicked his tongue, wincing as one of the wraps caught in his hair.
"I can tell you've already taken it in the wrong way. It's purely nostalgic care, if it could even be called that..."
We got a tough guy over here, huh?
Sighing, I finally managed to get them all off, not wanting to focus on the deep, dark bruises and cuts all over his skin.
"Y'know, it's not illogical to care about people, Sho. I care about you. I care about Hizashi, too. Not just because we have history, but because you guys were, and still are, the only real friends I've ever had. You care a lot more than you admit, I know that, dummy."
His huffing and puffing was hilarious to me, but in an adorable way. I'd really called him out, but he'd never openly admit it with words.
"Just get this over and done with so I can sleep..." His disgruntled tone told me to cool it with the chatter, so I did just that, carefully disinfecting what I could before starting with the fresh bandages.
"Did you want me to make you something to eat before you go down for the night? Hizashi brought some groceries over before I went to stay with him." I asked, making sure to tuck each loose end in before sitting back on the dining table to pack up.
"No, I'm fine. If you want to get me anything, though, a jelly pouch wouldn't go astray."
That's it. This man is made of jelly and logic. That's all.
Despite wanting him to ingest a proper meal, I obliged, fetching him a mango jelly pouch from the refrigerator, returning to my spot in front of him to open it and hold it up against the slight slit in the bandages over his mouth. After a while of just listening to him slowly slurp it out, I had to break the silence.
"Can I ask you something..?" It probably wasn't the right time, but I had never been too great with social cues. He didn't stop what he was doing, but the eye contact was enough of a go ahead for me. "Do...you have any photographs of Oboro..? I..I totally understand if you wouldn't want to share them with me...but...I'd really like to take a look, if you do..."
He didn't answer me for the longest time, even though he had long since finished what he often called a meal. Finally, he closed his one visible eye and heaved a sigh.
"Not right now. When I'm back to my old self, then perhaps I'll find them for you..."
Smiling, and relieved that I hadn't further pissed him off, I nodded once in acceptance, standing and offering him help. Once he was on his feet, I lead him up the stairs, even though he had already insisted beforehand that he was more than capable, all the way to his door, which I opened before stepping back.
"I'll be real quiet, so don't worry about being woken up! If you need any help, just call out and I'll come a'running!" Giving him a salute, I grinned, waiting for either a disapproving grunt or a sharp tongue.
"Thanks for the help. I appreciate it." With that, the ravonet shuffled into his room, only waiting for Fuku to follow him inside before nudging the door shut behind him.
A little surprised, but happy that he'd acknowledged my assistance, I smiled, returning back downstairs and welcoming Sashimi into my lap, fingers brushing through her soft fur.
"Your daddy really is a bit of a handful, huh? Still...He's a really good guy..."
Of course she wanted to see photos of Shirakumo.
I had known the request would come about sooner or later, but it still made me feel strange. It wasn't quite jealousy, I knew that, and it wasn't anguish. It was more like pity. Yamada and I had dealt with the trauma of losing our best friend over half a lifetime, but (Y/N) had had to handle it head on, right out of nowhere, after having spent years believing he was safe and well.
Getting into bed was a chore, every bone and muscle in my body yelling out in angry complaint at so much movement. They had told me, both doctors and nurses, to not leave so soon, and especially not to return to work, but what choice did I have? The last thing those brats needed was any more stress.
She says his name so gently...
Of course, I didn't care. Why would I care about the way in which she spoke his name? She was mourning, it was only natural. Still, I couldn't help but think back on our times duking it out as teenagers. It hadn't changed since then. (Y/N) had addressed Shirakumo with such a soft, sugared tone, and Yamada with so much zeal. When it came to mine, though, all she did was put that teasing, sing-song pause between syllables.
Okay, maybe I'm a little jealous, too...
It was stupid. Stupid and downright illogical. She was an idiot, so it shouldn't have bothered me so much. She'd followed me out of the past to continue being a royal pain in my ass.
"Was it you who sent her here, Oboro?" I spoke out into the dark, Fuku stretching out against my side beneath my charcoal mink blanket.
"You and I both know that's a terrible idea..."
***I fell asleep using a bag full of hard things as a pillow on the lounge like 3 days ago and I haven't been able to move my neck since without wanting to cry.
Next Time: Flashback - Mutual***
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