NINE: Back in Action
The weekend passed by slower than I could have ever imagined. Yamada wouldn't take me to see Aizawa, insisting that our presence would bother him and hinder his recovery process, but I could tell he felt the same way I did.
After tying a string to my new glasses to keep them in place, I was rather enjoying being able to walk around without the crippling fear of having my quirk ruin somebody's day. I could make natural eye contact for the first time in forever, and I quickly discovered that it made me incredibly anxious.
"Miss (Y/N)! Are you okay?!" My little monkey man was the first to approach me when I entered the classroom Monday morning, his head down and tail standing to attention. "W..we weren't told anything other than that you were being treated in hospital, so I...we...were really worried!"
Can I legally adopt a kid who still has parents? Boy, I hope so.
Obviously Ojiro hadn't noticed I was looking right at him, but that was fine. I wasn't going to bring attention to it.
"You're such a sweetheart, Tails! I'm pretty much back in tip top shape! Well, my wrist is better, thanks to RG, but my ankle is still a little crunchy." I laughed, reaching out to scruff up his blond hair.
Scanning my eyes around the room, I met bright, curious brown, and there was a long pause before the anti-gravity girl leapt to her feet, her desk nearly toppling over.
"'re looking at me!" She squeaked in realisation, and that was that. I had a bit too much attention now.
"Wait, your glasses..? Did you get a support item made..?" Ojiro perked up beneath my hand, and I looked directly at him, smiling, though a little nervous as people began to hover.
"I guess I did, huh? Shota had them ready for me, and they really work. Just gotta be careful not to bump them off...Hizashi kinda copped that a lot the last few days..."
My heart nearly shot out of my asshole when the bespectacled robot boy popped up beside me, his hand chopping invisible blocks.
"I apologise for asking a question that is not quite my business, Ms. (Y/N), but do you know how Mr. Aizawa is?!"
Taking a step back, his stiff movements making me feel a little too uncomfortable, I shrugged my shoulders, looking back at him.
"I saw him before I was discharged, and he was doing a lot better than the doctors expected. I'd still say that he'll be out of commission for at least another few we-"
"Everybody sit down. Class has already started." My neck was lucky not to be broken with the speed I whipped around, and my jaw dropped when I saw the man in question standing in doorway, looking like he had just crawled out of an ancient crypt.
"Mr. Aizawa?!"
"You're back already?!"
"So many bandages!"
"I'm glad to see you're alright, Sir!"
Aizawa brushed off the comments with a slight nod, but when he looked to me, his gaze, from his one visible eye, softened.
"I thought I told you all to sit down." Instead of following his basic command, I rushed over to him, stuck in an awkward flutter as I tried to choose whether to embrace him or not.
"You're legally not allowed to get hurt like this ever again, y'hear me, Shota?! I forbid it!"
I was the only person in the class still standing, and Aizawa shuffled past me without so much as a blink directed at me.
"I have an announcement, so once everybody is where they're supposed to be, I'll continue."
You could just say my damn name, you coward...
Slouching, I slunk over to my designated seat, making a dramatic show about it. Once I was in place, the ravonet cleared his throat.
"The annual Yuuei Sport Festival." I personally had no idea what he was on about, but the rest of the class erupted into loud gasps and chatter.
"Woah, already?!" Kaminari turned to one of the girls to his left. "I thought that was later in the year?" The funky-lobed girl nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, and with what just happened? Wouldn't a villain attack be enough to shut it down?"
I zoned out after that. There was no point in me paying any real attention, seeing as I wasn't a legitimate student. So, there I sat, picking at my cuticles and most likely drooling until I glanced back up, realising that Midnight had joined in somewhere along the line.
"So grab a whiteboard and start thinking!" She announced, and I took that as my cue to stand up and wander over to Aizawa, who sat awkwardly at his desk, staring longingly at his sleeping bag.
"Uh, so, I didn't hear a word of anything. What are they doing?"
Ah, his sharp glare had been something I had missed over the weekend, and he rolled that visible solitary eye of his.
"Hero names, for scouting purposes, mostly. This is something you're included in, too, even though you won't be part of the festival."
Hearing that, it took a few moments to process, and I quickly crouched down to make our conversation seem at least somewhat private.
"Um, for what purpose? I'm just doing this whole school thing so I don't land my ass in prison." I explained, but was met by that steely eyeball again.
"Quit complaining. Besides, you already thought of one." My brain really wasn't in the fast lane today, that was for sure. After the longest time trying to figure out what he meant, it clicked, and nostalgia slapped me across the ugly mug.
"You remembered that..? Yeesh, that was...what? Fifteen, sixteen years ago?"
Even though I teased him, inside I was all warm and fuzzy. He'd recalled something that I had almost completely forgotten, and it meant a lot. It also reminded me of something.
"Oh, by the way..." I stood up, leaning in a little closer to whisper through the thick bandages covering the side of his head. "Thank you so much for the glasses, Sho. Like, seriously. I love them."
Hunching over a bit more, he waved me off, and I smiled happily to myself as I strolled off to collect a whiteboard of my own. Some of the names the students thought up were almost enough to make me gigglesnort an organ out of my nose, especially the Pomeranian knockoff's, but some were also really creative. It actually kind of rattled my confidence.
"Finally, (Y/N)! A little late to the hero game, but let's see what you have!" Midnight called me up to the front, and I groaned, purposely making my chair scrape along the floor when I stood. Once I was in front of everyone, my fingers nervously tapped the frame of the board, and I chose to stare at my feet. "Come on, girlfriend! I'm dying to know!"
I was fond of Midnight. Not just because I had been told all about her back in my teen years by the boys, but because we both had loud personalities. The only thing that made me just a touch uncomfortable was her raw sexuality. If I tried to be as openly sexual as her, I'd look like one of those horny birds doing a mating dance.
"So, uh, I came up with this when I was, like, thirteen? Not a lot of thought went into it, really, but back then, the thought of being a hero was kind of like a game to me. I was living on the streets, and didn't wanna steal, but I kind of had to to sometimes pretended that the people I borrowed from were villains, and I was the hero! Pretty lame, huh?"
Okay, wow, getting a little sentimental here...Reign it in.
"A..anyway! Ta-da!" Flipping the board over, my cheeks puffed out, and I focused on Midnight's boots. "Medusa, because of the whole shitty quirk thing..." It could pass as acceptable, right? Or would I be knocked back because it sounded too much like a villain?
"That's so cool! It's got meaning and it's flashy!" I almost jolted when one of the boys, the pointy redhead, voiced his approval, and the majority of the class followed suit, and I finally managed to look up when Midnight clapped her hands together.
"Classy and relevant! Ten out of ten!"
Why did I feel so excited about it? I couldn't become a real hero anyway, with my record, but it still felt so good. Instead of returning to my seat, I moved to perch myself on the edge of Aizawa's desk, and he gave me a short nod of approval for using the name, not so much for invading his desk.
After both teachers explained how the next couple of weeks would pan out, and new training schedules, the lunch bell rang, and the students began to file out of the classroom.
"Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" I glanced up from reading notes over the teacher's shoulder to find Sero standing before me, hands lost in his pockets. "You wanna come have lunch with us? I never see you down in the cafeteria, so I thought maybe you'd want to try it out?"
He sounds like he's trying to ask me out on a lunch date! He's so cute! Too bad he's a baby.
"Sure, I'll come down and check it out. Just gotta pack up my things and I'll meet you down there, Scotch." The boy flushed at my little nickname, and he nodded with a goofy grin before walking away, not even registering that I didn't have anything to pack up. Chuckling to myself, I turned back to Aizawa, who was obviously trying to ignore my existence. "You staying here, or heading to the staff room?"
Gently kicking back from his desk, he sat back in his seat, rolling his shoulders in a ginger manner.
"I have paperwork to finish, but I'll probably leave in a bit." He replied with a low sigh, and I felt bad for him. Being so banged up must have been hard on him, especially with no help. He looked a right mess. Yep, I definitely felt bad, but not bad enough for teasing to be off the cards.
"So...did you need any help going to the bathroom..?"
"You're sleeping in the gutter."
***Don't worry, I bet Aizawa has such good aim he could piddle right through the center of a cheerio.
Next Time: Sexy Nurse (minus the sexy)***
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